Columba o shwele pele mongwaha wa kereke ya 4 eqala. Leha hole jwalo ene ele lenqosa la ona.
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Paulose o rutile Timothea ho hlahisa Nnete. Re batla ho hlahisa thuto ena ka nepo.
2 TIMOTHEA 2:24 Mohlanka waa Morena aseke a sokola, empa abe mosa ho bohle, a dule dithutong, ka mamello.
Columba, lenqosa la mongwaha wa bone wa kereke, oshwele ka lemo sa 597 AD. Empa mongwaha wa bone oqadile ka 606 AD. Ha ekaba lenqosa la nako etlang?
Ho bolelwa ka kereke tse 7 ho Tshenolo Kgaolo 1 – 3. Ho jane hone ho bolelwa ka kereke tsa motse tse 7 ene etlaba ntho entle le diphoso tseo tse nang le tsona. Lekajeno re ntse re nale bothata boo. Leha hole jwalo, hola kereke tsena tse 7 tsa mongwaha dine disa sheba maloko feela, le dintho tseo eleng diphoso le dintlha tse itseng, re kabe re bolelletswe ka nako. Hoka holela ka hare ho mokgatlo ho nale mathata kgahlano le nnete ya Bibele. Hantle feela semakatsang. Mongwaha ona wa bone, Thyatira (lebitso le bolelang "mosadi ya laolang") ke mongwaha o mahareng wa kereke. Mengwaha emahareng ke Mengwaha e Lefifi. Nakong ena kereke ya Roman Catholic elaola Europe. Ona ene ele Mongwaha wa kereke ho hloka Lesedi la Evangedi le timmeng. Why?
Modimo O hloile monna ya nkang sebaka sa Hae, leha ekaba o lokile hakae, hore ebe moetapele wa kereke Ha batle seo.
Ka tsela ejwalo batho, puso, batho eba makgoba amotho enwa. Jesus Kreste Ke Yena feela Hlooho ya Kereke. Ha nako entse etsamaya batho bafetoha makgoba a batho bana. Mangolo a latelang ahlalosa seo bakeng sa kereke ya mongwaha.
MOEKELESIA 7:26 Ke fumane ya fetang mosadi wa boiphetetsa, (mosadi ke kereke) eo pelo ya hae etletseng maraba, ka matsoho a tletseng boikgabiso (kereke etshepisang tokoloho ka mehopolo ya batho): ya thabisang Modimo otla moqoba (Columba le balatedi ba hae); empa baetsadibe batla molatela (Pope Gregory ya Moholo le balatedi ba Roman Catholic).
Kereke ya Roman Catholic enale leano laho kena jwalo ka noha, ka mehopolo ya batho. Ba ile bakgona ho hlahisa moetapele ya matla, Pope Gregory I, ya neng akgona ho batla tlhompho ka kgang, ka tlala leka lenyora.
Ho tloha ka 590 – 604 AD Pope Gregory ya Moholo o ile a hlahisa kereke ya Roman Catholic ekgonang ho pholoha maemong afeng kapa afeng a ditjhelete. Ene ele monna ya bohlale ya mano. Naha kaofela ene elokela hoka nehela ho Maroman (ho nale hore babuswe ke Dibarbariane) dine dikopane mmoho. Sena se ile sa pholosa Roma mme balefa melato ya bona. Metswalle ene etletse tlhompho ekgolo. One a bonwa jwalo ka mohale ke Maroma le Europe hoka kena ka hare ho mengwaha e lefifi. O shwele pele mongwaha wa bone oqala. Hone hole bobebe hoka latela moetapele eo ya sa inahaneleng.
Empa, hang feela hao latela motho, leha ale moholo hakae, tshebetso ya hao kea lefeela. Hobaneng? Hobane o tlositse mahlo a hao ho Jesu Kreste le ya Hae Bibele.
MAREKA 7:7 Ba Ntshebeletsa lefeela, haba rutana thuto tsa batho.
Phoso ekgolo ya batho keho tlosa mahlo a bona ho Jesu. Hare lokele hoetsa seo, mme takatso ya rona keho modumela.
TSHENOLO 2:6 Empa o itse, o hloile thuto ya Banikola, eo Ke ehloileng.
TSHENOLO 2:15 Ohloile le bao baratang thuto ya Banikola, eleng seo Kese hloileng.
Hose tsebe ha kereke elatela moetapele ho tloha mongwaheng wa boraro wa kereke. Ka nako eo batho bane batshaba hoka hanyetsana le baetapele, mme ba bie batshaba ho fana leka bopaki. Bane batshepa baeta pele ka hare ho kereke. Ka tsela ejwalo badula baikokobeditse kamehla, eba makgoba a mehoplo ya motho.
Niko ebolela ho hapa. Ho hapa puso. Batho ba ikokobeletsa batho.
Motho a bua ka kereke. Emong le emong a latela mohopolo wa yona. Sena sefosahetse.
BAEFESE 5:23 Hobane monna ke hlooho ya mosadi, jwalo kaha Kreste ele hlooho ya kereke: mme ke Mopholosi wa mmele.
Kereke ya sebele enale Hlooho ele nngwe, eleng Jesu Kreste. Haho motho ya lokelang ho ema mahareng a Modimo. Ke Kreste Jesu Monna Eo. Moreri ya iketsang Pope ya monyane.
Enwa ene ele phoso ya pele ekgolo ya Pope Gregory. One a hatella seo, monna, ene ele hlooho ya kereke.
Phoso ena e ile ya bonahala Mongwaheng o Lefifi. Gregory ene ele moetapele ya bohlale haholo, leha hole jwalo o ile a toma Kganya ya Evangedi mme Europe ewela lefifing, hobane boetapele ba batho boile baqala fatshe. Ka tsela ejwalo kereke ya hola, empa ka tsela eseng yona. Leha ene enyoloha ka dipalo, thuto ene ese ya Bibele. Ka tsela ejwalo yaba ke tahleho ya semoya.
Ka kopanelo one ale jwalo, one arata ho busa hobane ene ele Pope, ahlahisa meetlo emengata ya BoPope baneng ba ikgapela seo, ka botho. Ba bang babo Pope ene ele dinokwane. Leha hole jwalo bane ba batla ho laola jwalo a Pope Gregory. Lefifi la tswella kamora lefu la Gregory, hobane one anle mohlahlami wadi Pope.
Ho tloha ka lemosa 590 hopisa 604 AD tsena ene ele lemo tse matla tsadi Pope, Gregory I, ebile mohale ka seo. Hosa natse mesebetsi ya hae ya ho kgannela batho ho kereke ya Roman Catholic mme yaeba sekolo se seholo lefatsheng, mme le Pope yaeba hlooho ale mong. Dipoloti tsa kgukgunela ka hare ho kereke.
Lesedi la Kereke la kena ka hare ho lefifi.
Nicholas I, monna ya matlahadi, ebile Pope hotloha ka 858 – 867 AD. Ebile wa pele haradi Pope wa ho rwala moqaka jwalo ka marena. Hamorao yaeba korone tse pedi kabo 1300 hoka bontsha hore Pope one a busa Lehodimong, Lefatshe le Purgatory.
TSHENOLO 6:2 Mme ka bona, pere etshweu: mme ya ekalletse a tshwere seqha; mme a fuwa moqhaka: mme atswella ho hapa, leho hapa.
Pere etshweu ebontsha thetso ya bodumedi, hobane monna wa seqha ha ana metsu (one a thetsa). Mesebetsi ya hae “ene ele setshosa feela” tsela ya puso ya baetapele kaho tshosa maloko, mme ona ke moya wa antikreste o busang ka tshoso, hofihlela maemo a Pope.
III JOHANNE 1:9 Ke ngolla kereke: empa Diotrephes, ya neng aba kgelosa, ha aka are amohela.
Baetapele ba dikereke haba amohele baapostola.
Kamora moo, ke moruti ofeng ya batlang hoka tseba hore lentswe “moruti” lehlaha hang feela Selekaneng Sesetjha? Hore moruti ha ana maikemelo ka hare ho Mangolo. Haho Lengolo le bolelang moruti ke modisa. Ka tsela ejwalo kereke tsa sejwale jwale dilahlehile.
Bathabiswa ke mehopolo ya batho, empa haba sebeletse Modimo.
III JOHANNE 1:10 Eleng moo, haketla, ketla hopola mesebetsi eo a entseng, ha ane a bua le rona ka mantswe a thata: ntle ho mabaka, mme asaka a amohela baena, mme abile aba hanetse, aba leleka ka hare ho kereke.
Sena hase makatse ha batho batshaba ho phehisana le moruti. Aka baleleka. Kereke ya Catholic ebolela haele tlhabollo.
Ese ekare kereke tsa rona dinkile seo ho kereke ya Catholic Mengwaheng e Lefifi. Na Lenglo ha lere kereke ya Laodisea efoufetse? Bofofu keho bolela hore habana Lesedi la Mangolo.
TSHENOLO 3:14 Mme ho kereke ya Laodisea ngola ore;
17 Ka hobane ore, ke morui, mme ke atetswe ke dintho, mme hao hloke letho; athe hao tsebe hore o madimabe, osoto, o mofutsana, mme o sefofu, mme ofeela:
Phoso ya bobedi ekgolo ya Pope Gregory keha ane a batla ho thabisa dikereke tsa Catholic tse neng diikokobetsa tlasa hae.
Rona batho kamehla re nale seo "Kereke yaka enepile". Empa ho nale dipotso tse ngata, hokeke ha kgonahala hore dikereke kaofela ebe dinepile.
Re leboha Gregory, batho bane ba bona pholoso ese letho mme baiphapanya Bibele, empa bafumana tsela ebobebe ya ho mamela moetapele. Yaba ho hlokahala hore ba mamele moetapele, ya tlang hoba isa Lehodimong. Jwalo le kajeno, moo re phehisanang le baetapele. Haeba re molatela, otla re bona. Ka hotla tshebeletsong “hantle” kereke efetoha lehae “ka hare ho nnete”. Pholoso ke tsela eo re ithetsang ka yona.
Filosofi ya Mengwaha e Lefifi ya qala jwalo ka “Haho pholoso ka ntle ho kereke ya Roma." Ha bobebe jwalo feela, bona ke bokgoba ba semoya. Batho bas tsebeng Bibele haba hlokomele hore sena hase ka hare ho yona. Sefofu se etella se seng pele. Haho bonang moo kereke eba isang teng.
Pope ene ele hlooho ya kereke, anka sebaka sa Kreste. Ene ele Mmusi wa hoqetela, anka sebaka sa Bibele.
Kereke ya Catholic e ile ya hola haholo Mengwaheng e Lefifi ka baka la Pope Gregory I ha ane a kenya bohlale ba hae, empa ele thuto efosahetseng.
Jesu O ile A neha Peterose dinotlolo tsa ho bula Lehodimo. Peterose o ile a sebedisa sena ho bula kolobetso.
DIKETSO 2:38 Yaba Peterose ore ho bona, Bakang, mme le kolobetswe Lebitsong la Jesu Kreste tshwarelong ya dibe, mme letla newa Moya o Halalelang jwalo ka mpho.
Pope o bolela hore Peterose aka bula Monyako wa Lehodimo hore ho kene ya ratwang ke Peterose. Haele hantle, Peterose onka qeto hore ke mang ya kenang Lehodimong. Hape Pope aqala leshano la hore Peterose one a dula Roma mme ene ele Moapostola emoholo hape ele Bishopo wa Roma. Haho moo ho fumanehang hore Peterose o kile aba Roma. Hape, Pope, jwalo ka Bishopo wa Roma, ene ele mohlahlami wa Peterose ene ele yena feela mohlahlamo wa Peterose hoka nka dinotlolo. Hao latela Pope o fana ka tjhelete kapa naha ho lebotho le sireletsang kereke ya Roman Catholic, ebe Peterose otla o bulela monyako wa Lehodimo. DIbarbariane diile tsa dumela - batshwaseha, bateba. Ke lona feela lebaka leo dibarbariane diile tsa inehela ho Pope. Hoka ba busa, Pope Gregory I, ashwa ka 604 AD o ile a siya lefa ka sena. Empa Dipope tse eneng dimolatela dine dile fatshe hofeta moo, mme jwalo kaha bane bale ka hodima kereke (ka tsela eo okeke wa phehisana le bona) baetapele ba batho, basentswe ke matla, baetella pele kereke ya the Roman Catholic hose dumeleng sena hofihlela lefu la Gregory.
Boniface III o ile a kgethwa ele Pope ka 606 AD. Ashwa 607 AD. Empa nakong eo ekgutshwane, a ahaile hodima maemo a Pope Gregory ya Moholo, o ile alokisa hore Pope yena " Bishopo ya Okametseng". Monna ale mong ya laolang kereke kaofela. Bonikola (monna ya halalelang hodima ba bang) boile baqala. Sena ene ele mongwaha wa bone wa kereke, Mongwaha o Lefifi.
TSHENOLO 2:24 Empa ho lona kere, ho Thiatire kaofela, jwalo kaha bongata bo sena thuto ena, eo eleng ya botebo ba Satane, jwalo kaha ba bolela; hake nobeha morwalo ho lona.
“Botebo ba Satane” — Kereke ya Roman Catholic esiile kantle Bibele, ya latela taelo tsa batho. Pope Gregory I ebile monko wa pele wa hoba Pope. Sena saetsa hore batho batlohe ho Bibele. O ile aba kgothaletsa ho hasa evangedi ena ya bona. Taolo ya dimonasteri e ile ya qalwa ke monko Benedict lemong tsabo 530 hoisa 543 AD. Monastri bane balokela hoka jala thuto ya Catholic hoya ka Leboya la Europe.
Lemo tse mashome abmabedi a sehloho 535 – 554 AD mane Leboya la Afrika le Italy ba sentse naha tsena ka bobedi. Lebotho la Constantinople la senya barbariane tsa Vandal le merabe wa Ostrogoth. Dikotlo le bofutsana tsa bolaya dimilione. Karolo ya boraro boneng ya shwa Europe ha ntwa eqala mane Europe ele ho leba Mongwaheng o Lefifi.
Ebe ka 568 AD tshenyeho ya merabe ya barbariane wa bitsa Lombards hoka kena ka Leboya la Italy mme bahlola hape moferefere. Dimonastri ba bolokeha ka baka la ho pholosa maphelo a bona. Dimonastri tsa hasa Catholicism hobane dimonko tsona feela dinale monyetla wa Bibele. Batho kantle ho dimonasteri bane basa ruteha ele balemi feela, mme baitshetlehile hodima dimonko bakeng sa Modimo. Kereke ya Catholic ya hlahisa pono ya Latin ya Bibele eneng e utlwisiswa ke dimonko le baprista feela. Batho bane basa kgone bona. Bane balaolwa ke dimonasteri, Pope ale mong a kgona ho laola batho thuto tsa Catholic tse leng siko Mangolong. Haele hantle, jwalo kaha batho ba nahana, Lesidi la Lentswe la Modimo latima. Bible ka nngwe ya Latin ene engolwa ka letsoho ke dimonko. Ka tsela eo dibile mmalwa Dibibele, mme tseo tse mmalwa ebile tsa dimonko. Sena sepatswe batho ba bang ke lona lebaka leo engotsweng ka Latin. Ho iphapanya Mangolo hoetsa hore Mongwaha ona wa Bone obe mathateng.
Leha o kena Mongwaheng o Lefifi.
Ho tloka ka 632 AD Kganye ya Evangedi ya nna ya tima hotloha bohare ho leba Leboya la Afrika (Jerusalem, Antioch, Egypeta j.j) jwalo kaha Mamosleme a fiela baka tseo. MaVisigoths aneng ale Spain yaeba Roman Catholic mane kabo 600 AD ka tsela ejwalo kaofela Spain ya wela tlasa Pope le meetlo yahae ya Roman Catholic.
Jwale Modimo One A etsang jwalo kaha kereke ya Roma eisa Europe lefifing?
Ho tloha ka 563 – 597 AD mishinari wa Irish eleng Columba a itlhahisa ka hlakoreng bophirima ba Sehleke hleke sa Scottish hola Iona kapa Hy. Abula tshebeletso ematlahadi bakeng sa batho. O ile a fumana kereke tse 300 ka hare ho Scotland moo batho baneng ba nale lerato la Modimo.
Haho mongwaha okabang lefifi ha feela nnetse tsa Bibele dile temh. Thero tsa hae dine dithothometse dikereke. Jwalo kaha a ile a rera morao moo lefifimg pele mongwaha wa kereke oqala. Columba o ile a Kgantsha Lebone la Lentswe la Modimo. Kganya ekeke ya tuka ya tima ka nako ele nngwe. Kamora hore ashwe kereke ya Catholic ya tima lebone.
Thuto tsa hae tsa tlala Scotland, Ireland, bophirima ba Europe mme kamora hore a shwelle mane England (sebakeng sebitswang Mercia). Hwa sala masalla amanyane. Aqoswa leho hlokofatswa, bane basa kgathalle nnete ya hae. Empa baitshwarella ka nnete eo Martin Luther, ya ileng a qala Mongwaha wa Kereke wa bohlano a tsamaya moo. Monna ale mong ya ileng ankana le kereke ya Roman Catholic eneng ebusa Europe ka qoqotho.
Mongwaha wa kereke wa bone, ha Kganya eya efela. Mongwaha wa Kereke wa bone one okeke wa qala ntle Columba ka botebo ba Bibele a ile a bolawa.
Ka 597 AD, lemo seo Columba ashweleng ka sona, Pope Gregory I a romela dimishinare tsa Catholic mane England tlasa monko Augustine. Bafihlela Kent moo mofumahadi Bertha, mofumahatsana wa Catholic wa Mofranks, a bolella monna wa hae hore abanehe Cantebury ebe sebaka seo batlang ho qala ho sona. Yaba dimonko tsa Catholic diqeta lemo tse 66 baleka kahohle honyatsa mosebetsi wa Columba. Ka 664 AD, mane lekgotleng la Whitby leneng le tsamaiswa ke mosadi Abbess, ya bitswang Hilda, baqetella ba hapile morena wa Northumbria h motlosa thutong tsa Columba hobane ba ile ba mmolella hore Mohalaledi Peterose o nale notlolo tsa Lehodimo, eseng Columba. Mangesemane a dumela sena sena ene ekaba kamora lemo tse mashome kereke ya Roma eleka ho fiela mosebetsi wa Columba. Ka 700 AD Kganya ya tima England. England ya romela dimishinare tsa Roman Catholic mane Holland le Germany hoqala dimonasteri, mme ba boloke Leboya la Europe lefifing babe tlasa Pope.