Woman has a head covering but a man does not

Hair on a woman is long if it is uncut. It means submission. Long hair on a man that is cut short is a sign of authority

First published on the 9th of October 2023 — Last updated on the 16th of October 2023

I CORINTHIANS 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

Covering the head symbolizes submission. A man is the visible head of a woman so the woman must have a visible covering on her head, which is her uncut hair.

I CORINTHIANS 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

A woman must never cut her hair. God will then determine how long her hair grows when it is not cut.

The man-woman marriage represents the marriage of Christ and his church.

In marriage, a woman thus symbolizes the church. The man symbolizes Christ.

Her uncut physical hair is symbolic of her submission to a physical man, her husband.

Short hair on a man means the man is not in submission to any man. The invisible Jesus, as the Word of God, is the Head of the man and thus the man must have no visible covering on his head, no long hair. That means that there is no visible pastor as the head of the church. A group of elders runs the church, not one man.

The word “pastors” only appears once in the New Testament and thus has no Scriptural authority to be the head of the church. No Scripture says that the pastor is the shepherd.

Born-again people form a priesthood of Melchizedek. No priest is above another priest. Only the High Priest, Jesus Christ, is above a priest.

But Jesus is the Word of God. Thus, only the Scripture is above every man.

If brother Branham says something unscriptural, then you ignore what he says.

For example, he says “Good Friday” some 31 times. But, there is no “Good Friday” in the Bible. Jesus had to be in the tomb for three nights. Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night. So, Jesus had to die on a Thursday.

The Passover lamb was chosen on the 10th day (Jesus was publicly acclaimed on Palm Sunday) and killed on the 14th day.

Sunday was day 10. Monday, day 11. Tuesday, day 12. Wednesday, day 13. Thursday, day 14.

Once again, the Bible shows that he died on Thursday.

If a man puts a physical covering over his head then he implies that he has a physical person as his head. The New Testament never placed a pastor as the head of the church. That idea was copied from the pagan temples which always had a priest in charge of the temple. It was a good money-making business model. The priest got a salary from the people’s contributions and he told them what to believe so that they did not have to think for themselves.

So, if a man prays to God with a hat on, then he implies that he has a physical head. Some other man or some church.

Revelation 3 tells us that the Word stands outside the church door knocking. Jesus speaks only to the individual “If any man hear My voice (the Bible)”, not to the whole church.

No end-time prophecy or parable says any good thing about the end-time church.

The woman was put in a physical feminine body on the second day. Her body was made from a rib. So, there was a man between the woman and God.

When the woman symbolizes a church, there is a Man, Jesus, as the Mediator between her and God.

When the woman speaks of an individual woman, then she has a physical head, her father or her husband, between her and God.

Her long hair (uncut hair) is given to her for a covering. If she rejects her husband as her head then she might as well shave her head. That will look strange. So, not regarding her husband as her head makes her look strange in God’s eyes.

Pagan Roman women regarded their fathers as their head, not their husbands. This spirit is still around today.

Augustus was the first Emperor or Absolute Dictator of the pagan Roman Empire.

As such he was the Pontiff of the Babylonian mysteries.

Being mysteries, they did not really know who God was. God was obviously the Head. Thus, the High Priest or Pontiff had to cover his head so that the full head could not be seen. God was a mystery. His name was a mystery. They believed in a trinity so obviously could not find one name for God.



A statue of Augustus as Pontiff had to have his head covered as he was head of the mysteries of Babylon. He had to wear a robe to be High Priest. He was the supreme Dictator.

Look at the modern Pope, Francis. The Pope is the only Dictator in Europe. He always has something on his head as Pontiff or High Priest and he has to wear a robe as the High Priest. The Pontiff from the days of pagan Rome is still alive and well in the modern church. What is scary is that he is the head of the church. But only Christ can be the Head of the church.

In AD 382 the Roman Emperor Theodosius refused to be Pontiff and passed the title onto his uncle Damasus, the Bishop of Rome. The Babylonian Priesthood then gained high places in the Roman Catholic church which thereby became Mystery Babylon.

The Seat of Satan had moved from Babylon to Pergamos and then to the city of Rome.



Today, the Seat of Satan is Vatican City in Rome. Less than one square kilometer, it is the smallest country on earth yet it has much power both in politics and as the centre of the 1.4 billion Roman Catholics. Daniel saw it as the “little horn”. There are less than 1000 Vatican passport holders but the Pope has much influence and authority around the world.

If a man cannot have his head covered, then the whole Roman Catholic leadership is wrong.

By making men uncover their heads, Paul was aiming a direct blow at the future Popes who wore a triple crown from 1315 to 1963.

But the Popes still wear their skullcap coverings on their heads. Which is unscriptural.



“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23