What Water Baptism Means Part 1

Water baptism should be a simple issue but it has so many church variations that it is seldom done correctly.

First published on the 8th of February 2025 — Last updated on the 9th of February 2025

God has a deep plan that He sticks to. God brings earth-life out of the water that fully covered the life.

Fish, totally immersed in water, are pulled out of the water. They were not affected by the Judgement of the Flood of Noah.

Modern churches have degenerated into accepting gay rights and same-sex marriage.

Jordan means descending. Babel was an ascending tower to take human ideas to Heaven. Jesus descended to bring Heaven's truth down to earth.

Jesus had no sin. He was washed as the Sacrifice and the High Priest of the order of Melchizedek.

Melchizedek, with bread and wine which are the elements of the Last Supper, dealt with the resurrection that the Law of Moses could not produce.

Acts 2:38, which says Repent and get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, starts the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David.

The Bride takes on the name of her Husband, Jesus Christ, in water baptism.

The Father is God manifest above us. The Son is God manifest with us. The Holy Ghost is God manifest in us.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three manifestations of God, not three separate Persons.

“Lord Jesus” or “Jesus Christ” or “Lord Jesus Christ”. These all mean the same name. Lord and Christ are Titles.

Jesus is the human name of God.

The Earth was baptized at Creation

When God created the Earth, it was initially covered in water.

GENESIS 1:7   “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

The firmament is what we call the atmosphere.

GENESIS 1:9  “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.”

God made the land rise up out of the water so that the land could bring forth life.

God’s pattern is for life to be covered by water and then to emerge from that water.

Natural birth follows the same pattern.

A baby in the mother’s womb is completely covered in water in its amniotic sac, a kind of water bag. The wall of the sac must tear or rupture. We say the water breaks. The baby then emerges from the water in order to be born.

In effect, the body of a baby is just a handful of earth that God has breathed life into.

That teaches us that God has a deep plan that He sticks to. God brings earth-life out of the water that fully covered the life.

So, when we contemplate receiving eternal Life, which is the Spirit of God, we should also expect to be fully covered in water at our water baptism.

Initially, men lived around 900 years but wasted their long and easy lives by indulging in violence and immorality.

God then began his long-range Plan to finally have a reasonably sin-free Kingdom for 1000 years. This can be called the Millennium which will probably be starting reasonably soon, when the battle of Armageddon is over.

God’s fight against sin involved a terrible Flood that eliminated everyone except eight members of Noah’s family. The highest mountains were covered in water.

GENESIS 7:19  “And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.”

God had effectively baptized the earth. Totally immersing the earth in water to kill off sinful human life.

Water baptism thus symbolizes that we have died to self and been cleansed from sin by the blood of the Lord.  We have handed over our lives to Jesus.

Water is symbolic of God’s Word. We bury ourselves in God’s Word to get His forgiveness, guidance, and protection.

Our minds must be washed in the water of the Word.

We believe that every word in the King James Bible is the Perfect and Absolute Truth.

EPHESIANS 5:26   “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,”

Fish became an important symbol

Some creatures, the fish life, survived the Flood well. Because they live in water.

As far as the fish were concerned, the Flood did not really affect them.

So, the fish became a symbol of those that God saves.

We learn a lesson. If we are continually washed in the water of the Word by endlessly wanting to obey God’s Word, then the floods of distress that sweep over our lives will not destroy us.

Jesus wanted His disciples, who became the apostles, to be fishers of men.

The three main apostles of the original twelve apostles were fishermen, Peter, James, and John.

Remember, the fish were spared the Judgement of the great Flood.

Those people who are pulled into a spiritual relationship with Jesus by the beliefs of the apostles in the New Testament, will be spared the Judgement of Fire that hits the world during great Tribulation.

Fish became an important symbol in the Lord’s ministry.

Fish, totally immersed in water, are pulled out of the water.

Already, by mentioning fish, there is a symbolism of a future water baptism that is involved.

Most people are unaware that only one miracle, that was performed by Jesus before His death, is mentioned in all four Gospels.

That miracle was the feeding of the five thousand with bread and fish.

And 12 baskets of rejected scraps were collected.

This event has a much deeper meaning that needs to be understood.

MATTHEW 16:9   “Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?”

Loaves of bread represent the Word of God.

JOHN 6:48  “I am that bread of life.”

Jesus puts the emphasis on the Word of God that tells us God’s Plan with humanity. The Word tells us how God’s Plan has unfolded.

But Jesus also created fish for this amazing meal. Fish represents life that has to be pulled out of the water. Again, we get the idea of a future water baptism.

God worked with the 12 tribes of Israel for the roughly 2000 years since Abram was called, until they killed Christ.

Feeding the 5000 involved 5 loaves and two fish, from a schoolboy’s lunch.

MATTHEW 14:17   “And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.”

Bread and meat both represent doctrine.

MATTHEW 14:20   “And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.”

MATTHEW 14:21   “And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.”

The rejected fragments or scraps represent the rejected bread and fish that the Jews did not eat and just threw away.

This symbolizes the Jews rejecting the Bread of Life, the Word of God, that Jesus preached.

They ate what suited them and threw the rest away.

Jesus then made the disciples gather up the rejected Gospel and this was then written down as the New Testament.

God would turn away from the Jews at Calvary when they killed Messiah.

When God worked with the Jews, then He rejected the Gentiles.

Thus, when God rejected the Jews for killing Messiah, God then turned to the Gentiles.

When God cuts off the Gentile church for rejecting the revelation of the mysteries of the Bible, then God will turn back to the 12 tribes of Israel again.

The Gospel they rejected in the days of Jesus is now written for them as the New Testament.

The two prophets Moses and Elijah will use this information, symbolized by the 12 baskets of rejected scraps, to guide the 144000 from the 12 tribes of Israel, to Christ during the 3½ years of great Tribulation.

But this has a great warning for the Gentile church.

The Roman Catholic church destroyed the truth in the Dark Ages.

The Reformation that started in 1520 in Germany and the Missionary age of the 1800s saw God starting to reveal the doctrines of salvation by faith and holiness and outreach.

The King James Bible was translated into English and checked for about 160 years before being published in 1769 as the infallible and Absolute Word of God.

Pentecostal power was restored in America in 1906 in Los Angeles. The City of the Angels.

God moved powerfully in people’s lives in those days.

2025 saw devastating fires burn large portions of Los Angeles. This is an obvious warning from God against people who prefer the godless filth of Hollywood to the revelation of the mysteries of Scripture. Hollywood is in Los Angeles.

Today’s Churches make up their own ideas of worship

Modern churches have degenerated into accepting gay rights and same-sex marriage.

That was the sin of Sodom when God destroyed it with fire from the sky.

There is no king of the West in Daniel’s prophecies.

Thus, America is doomed to be destroyed with Russian nuclear missiles.

The corruption of the church world since those early days of Pentecostal power in America is a clear-cut sign that the Gentile church has rejected Jesus as the revealed Word of God.

REVELATION 3:14  “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;”

Look what Jesus says to the last church, “the church of the Laodiceans”.

They make up their own style of worship and just cherry-pick a few Scriptures that suit them. They ignore all the Scriptures that contradict them as they make up their own doctrines.

Drums are never mentioned in the Bible. But drum-beat music has become the basis of praise and worship.

A Pastor was never elevated to be the head of a New Testament church. Today, it is hard to find a church that has not got a Pastor in charge. Or, worse still, Pastor and Son, as that keeps the money in the family. Remember, Jesus threw the religious money-makers out of the Temple.

Jesus now stands outside the church door and knocks.

REVELATION 3:20   “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

The church, having rejected Jesus as the revealed Word now suffers from Bible-illiteracy.

We are also very good at ignoring evidence that our beliefs are wrong, once those beliefs become part of one’s cultural or church identity.

Thus, God is turning away from the King James-rejecting church that remains increasingly ignorant of the revealed Bible mysteries so that He can turn to Israel.

DANIEL 12:10   “but the wise shall understand”.

Only the wise virgins who understand the mysteries will be ready for the Second Coming.

Jordan means descending

Babylon tried to build a tower to ascend up to heaven. They wanted human ideas to be established as truth in heaven.

They were operating in the wrong direction. Heavenly truth has to descend to earth.

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. He descended from Heaven to Earth to save us.

The only One Who can teach us is the Holy Ghost descending from Heaven to fill our hearts.

We depend on an understanding of God’s Word coming down from Heaven.

That was symbolized by the Holy Ghost descending as a Dove to rest on Jesus, the Word of God, as He emerged out of the water of baptism.

For us, after we have repented, we have to be immersed in water at our water baptism and then we rise up out of the water. After that, we are ready to receive the Holy Ghost baptism, whereby Eternal Life takes full control of our lives. God coming down to seal us into His Kingdom.

EPHESIANS 4:30  “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

The Old Testament established an outline that the New Testament has to fulfil.

A strange incident took place in the Jordan River that concerned a Syrian Gentile called Namaan.

He was a Gentile person. Thus, he was not a Jew (belonging to the tribes of Judah or Benjamin shown in green) or an Israelite (belonging to the other ten tribes. Some of these tribes between Ephraim and Dan are shown).

The River Jordan (the blue line) runs through Dan, the Sea of Galilee, and into the Dead Sea.

Namaan wanted to be healed of the dreaded disease of leprosy.

II KINGS 5:10  “And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.”

Washing in Jordan’s water seven times cured Namaan. Leprosy can appear anywhere on the body. Namaan wanted a total cure for this awful disease. So, he dipped himself into the water by total immersion.

II KINGS 5:14  “Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”

Namaan was completely cured. This was a preview of the Gentile seven church ages. As Gentiles, we have to totally immerse ourselves into the Word of God by believing everything in Scripture that God has revealed for our day.

The River Jordan is very significant as this is the river where Jesus Himself would be fully immersed in baptism at the start of His ministry, not just to heal our diseases but also to forgive our sins. Total immersion signifies a complete commitment to obey and believe all the revealed Bible truths for our day.

Naaman was an important preview for us Gentiles (non-Jews).

The Jordan River is important.

Jordan is the river where Jesus would be baptized.

Jesus had no sin. Thus, His baptism was not to remove sin from Him as He has none.

Why then was He immersed in water?

In order to fulfill a deeper Old Testament pattern.

First, He had to be washed in order to be the Sacrifice for sin.

Jesus was our burnt offering as He took on our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane and then paid the price for them on the cross.

In the Old Testament, when the spirit left a man as he died, it was called a ghost.

The Holy Spirit in Christ became the Holy Ghost as He carried our sins down to hell to dump them on the Devil. As He walked over those burning fires He was our burnt Offering. But being sinless, He could not burn. Thus, He defeated Satan.

II CHRONICLES 4:6  “He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in.”

REVELATION 1:15  “And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace;”

Hell fire was hot. Jesus fought Satan in a tough battle, and won. His feet showed evidence of being in a very hot place but sinless feet cannot burn.

Secondly, He had to be washed to be the High Priest of the order of Melchizedek.

In order to establish Aaron as the High Priest, Aaron first had to be washed. The same applied to his sons as they would become High Priest when the previous High Priest died.

LEVITICUS 8:6  “And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water.”

After being washed in water the High Priest had to be anointed. The anointing oil was a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

LEVITICUS 8:12  “And he poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, to sanctify him.”

When Jesus emerged out of the water of the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended like a Dove on Him, to anoint Him as the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek.

MARK 1:10  “And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:”

At first, John the Baptist felt too inferior to baptize or wash Jesus.

Then Jesus had to remind him that both the Sacrifice and the High Priest had to be washed.

John, as a prophet, then obeyed the pattern of Scripture.

MATTHEW 3:15   “And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.”

The Levitical Priesthood ended when Caiaphas tore his garments.

MATTHEW 26:65  “Then the high priest rent his clothes,”

LEVITICUS 10:6  “And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads,

neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people:”

The Levitical Priesthood had the Law but it could not produce the resurrection from the dead. Thus, the Levitical Priesthood was a failure.

Therefore, the Old Testament never had a baptism. Because the water baptism would symbolize someone being buried and then rising up out of their grave.

Jesus, however, began His ministry by being washed in a water baptism.

His entire focus was on His future death, burial, and resurrection. He alone could achieve this.

There was no other way to defeat sin and establish His true New Testament church.

Bread and wine indicate death, burial, and resurrection

A human body is basically a handful of earth with life breathed into it.

Jesus was the first perfect Man, since the fall of Adam, and he arose out of the water as the first handful of perfect earth. The start of a new perfection. Eternal Life with the power to fully defeat Death and raise the dead in new, immortal bodies.

Only Melchizedek could produce the resurrection from the dead.

GENESIS 14:18   “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.”

A Priest. Not the High Priest. The High Priest could only be appointed once He had been washed and anointed.

Melchizedek was God in a body of flesh that He had made from a handful of earth.

Bread and wine were the items that Jesus used at the Last Supper as He prepared for His ordeal to suffer and pay for our sins.

Bread is broken into small pieces to be eaten. His Body broken in death for us.

Wine has a spirit of life in it, symbolizing the Holy Spirit that cannot abide in the regions of the dead. A seed is completely buried in the ground and dies but the life in the seed overcomes death and germinates into a new plant. This is a miracle that Science cannot copy. If you want a harvest of maize seed, then you have no option, you must plant maize seeds.

Melchizedek dealt with the resurrection that the Law of Moses could not produce.

When He finished with His visit, God returned to Heaven and His body returned to being earth.

The resurrection is the only triumph of Life over Death.

The New Testament saints will resurrect in immortal, sinless bodies that can never be touched again by Death. They will be caught up to Heaven for the amazing 3½ year Wedding Feast.

Down below on earth there will be a feast of Death as the saved foolish virgins are destroyed in the 3½ years of great Tribulation.

They will pay a terrible price when the false leadership of their church pastors is brutally exposed. There are over two thousand different kinds of churches and denominations. All different, and all claiming to be right.

The presently living Bride have to make sure that they believe the same as the first church age that was established and planted by the apostles.

The seed that is harvested or reaped (pulled off the earth to meet the Lord in the air) has to be identical to the seed that was planted in the beginning by the New Testament apostles.

To achieve that, we have to do a Third Exodus by leaving the seventh church age and returning to the first church age that was established by the apostles.

We need to compare our water baptism very carefully with the water baptism of the New Testament apostles who laid the only true foundation for the church.

EPHESIANS 2:20  “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;”

Zechariah dealt with the restoration of the Temple that had been destroyed by the Babylonians.

He made an amazing prophecy for that Temple which also applies to the New Testament Temple that Christ has built over 2000 years, using His saints as living stones.

The hands that laid the foundation, will be the same hands that finish the restored Temple.

ZECHARIAH 4:9   “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.”

When the living Bride gets back to being Scriptural, like the first church age, that will be the voice of the Bride that brings down the Capstone of the Second Coming of the Lord, to complete the Temple of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

The Aaronic Priesthood or the Levitical Priesthood ended when their High Priest sinned and rejected Jesus. Their money-making Temple was destroyed by the pagan Romans.

Rebuild the Tabernacle of David

The New Testament church is the true Temple of God because we are the Body and Christ is the Head.

I CORINTHIANS 3:17  “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”

Each born-again Christian is a stone that is shaped to fit somewhere in the spiritual Temple.

II CORINTHIANS 6:16  “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?

for ye are the temple of the living God;

as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

I PETER 2:5  “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”

Every born-again Christian is a Priest.

There is no elevated Priesthood of Pastors in the New Testament.

Every born-again Christian is a living stone, personally shaped and carved out by Jesus.

Do not copy another Christian.

Each Christian is shaped as a stone to fit into a special place in the spiritual Temple.

If you are a duplicate of another person, there will be no place for you once that person is in his or her place.

The Tabernacle was an Old Testament outline of a New Testament deeper pattern.

The Altar for burning the Sacrifice symbolizes Repentance.

The Laver for washing the Sacrifice symbolizes water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.

The horizontal part is a tent, the Holy Place, for the 7 church ages (the 7 lamps on the candlestick) and also for the 144000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel in great Tribulation.

The Holy Place symbolizes the Holy Ghost Who guides us into the truth so that we can understand the written Word of God.

JOHN 16:13  “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:”

The evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism is our ability to understand the mysteries of Scripture.

ACTS 2:38 says Repent.  Repent for the remission of sin as it is only the blood of Jesus that washes us from sin.

MATTHEW 26:28  “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

Water baptism cannot provide remission of sin today.

Water baptism could remit sin in John the Baptist’s day because the blood had not been shed and the resurrection had not happened. So that was the best that they could do until Jesus died. Then Peter stopped John’s baptism of remission on the Day of Pentecost.

MARK 1:4  “John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.”

For John the Baptist, there was no shed blood to remit sin yet.

So, as a temporary measure, God accepted their water baptism as a repentance and remission of sin.

MATTHEW 3:11  “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:”

John’s baptism unto repentance would cover their sins until Jesus died and shed His blood.

The shedding of blood is the only real remission of sin.

We believe that by faith when we repent.

REVELATION 4:1  “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.

Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,”

LUKE 24:47  “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

First, we must repent for the remission of sin because Jesus shed His blood.

In the Old Testament, there was no real remission of sin. The blood of animals only covered sin until the real Sacrifice occurred at Calvary.

Then we must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ to take on His name as a member of His Bride.

Then you receive the Holy Ghost which reveals the deeper mysteries of God’s Word.

Understanding the revealed Word is the real evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism.

Understanding the revealed Word is what makes us the wise virgins who will meet the Bridegroom.

The Holy of Holies contained the Word. But the Word is God, as It tells us the thoughts of God.

When you understand the Word of God as it is written, then you know that you are in the Holiest of Holies.

David was the last king to use the Old Testament Tabernacle.

His Son Solomon built the Temple and then the Tabernacle fell into disuse.

But, when we understand the Bible mysteries, that is evidence that, spiritually speaking, we have listened to Peter and rebuilt the Tabernacle of David.

ACTS 15:16   “After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:”

Simply by being Scriptural and obeying ACTS 2:38 we have unknowingly been spiritual enough to start rebuilding the Tabernacle of David. We have unknowingly fulfilled a prophecy from Amos. Because we have obeyed the apostle’s doctrine.

ACTS 2:38  “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

AMOS 9:11  “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:”

The true church followed this same pattern.

Repent. Means we focus on Calvary. The Altar of Sacrifice.

The Laver of water represents the water baptism.

The tent, with the 7 candlesticks of the 7 church ages and 12 loaves of shewbread representing the 144000 from the 12 tribes of Israel, represents the deeper mysteries of the Holy Ghost baptism.


In the Dark Ages  the Roman Catholic Church reduced the Gospel truth to man-made ruins. Then Martin Luther in 1520 restored salvation by faith in the Reformation. Holiness and outreach built up the Missionary age of the 1800s. Pentecostal power revived in Los Angeles in America in 1906. Now we have to believe the revealed truth of the apostles who established the first church age.

We have to serve God in Spirit and in Truth.

JOHN 4:24  “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

God says, “and I will build it as in the days of old:”

We must be just like the New Testament church that the apostles established.

But the Bride or true church is His Body.

Thus, in Christ, we have built the spiritual Temple and rebuilt the Tabernacle when we understand His Word.

We have to be identified with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

That is the only way that the Bride has to take on the name of her Husband.

The only woman that Jesus can catch up to meet Him in the air, so that He can take her to Heaven to live with Him, is the Bride that has taken on His name.

Jesus will change His name when He comes back in His glorified Body.

REVELATION 19:12  “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns;

and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.”

The Bride, who are the Body of Christ, will then have to take on His new name.

If we were so fooled that we could not even take on the name of Jesus Christ in water baptism, then we will never be able to take on His new name.

Not being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ automatically disqualifies us from being ready for His Second Coming.  

You cannot cherry-pick what suits you.

Churches think they can erase the facts, just by not talking about it.

None of us had the courage to stand up and reveal the depths of our ignorance.

Church-goers live in a state of denial by not daring to admit that they do not have a name for their Trinity God.

But they compensate by taking on the name of their church, which never happened in the New Testament.

“ I am a Methodist”. “I am a Roman Catholic”. “I am in the Message”.

These are all unscriptural statements that put the emphasis on humans and human systems.

Andrew was the only member of the 12 disciples who had been a disciple of John the Baptist, the forerunner of the First Coming.

JOHN 1:35   “Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples;”

:36  “And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!”

:37  “And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.”

JOHN 1:40  “One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.”

Then Andrew followed the Word, Jesus, after John had revealed the Word to him.

Reconcile conflicting Scriptures

Scriptures only seem to conflict with each other because we misunderstand something.

All Scriptures dovetail seamlessly once we understand the Truth.

PROVERBS 30:5   “Every word of God is pure:

If you have to ignore a Scripture or change a Scripture or add in an unscriptural word to prove your point, then you know you are wrong.

Pastors are telling church-goers what to think instead of how to think.

Here is a big problem.

What is the correct way to baptize? Is it Matthew 28:19 or Acts 2:38?

MATTHEW 28:19  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”

No name is mentioned.

ACTS 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

The name Jesus is mentioned.

The two verses must agree with each other, not contradict each other.

We must be baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

That means we must be baptized in the name of God.

As a Spirit, God was Father to the Jews as He ruled them from above as their Lord.

Then God became flesh. Colossians 2:9 says the fulness of the Godhead dwelled in Jesus bodily. So, the Man Jesus was the Son of God. The supernatural Spirit within Him was the Father. Thus, Jesus was the human name of God.

Jesus was called Emmanuel which means God with us.

God above the Jews as the Father. God was with us as the Son. Then God in us as the Holy Ghost.

We are anointed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the anointed One, the Christ.

So, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost represent the three manifestations of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus, Jesus Christ is the human name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

If you believe in a Trinity of three separate Persons then you cannot find one name for three People. So, God loses His name.

Then they say in the name (singular) of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost but cannot tell you what that singular name is.

Thus, the Trinity belief means that God loses His name.

That is what upset Muhammed. He then turned the Arabic word for God, which is Allah, into the name of God.

This did not really solve the problem because if Allah means God, then God cannot be the name of God. So, the Muslims also do not know the name of God.

AMOS 6:10   “Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of the LORD.”

Christians and Muslims share this age-old problem. They have two different viewpoints but they share a common problem. Neither viewpoint permits them to give one name to their God.

Muslims claim that God is the name of God. That is not true.

Christians claim that the three titles, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are somehow a name. That is also not true.

Their religious doctrine, that there are 3 Persons in the Godhead, which they must adhere to in order to belong to their church, forbids them to give God a single name.

They are more interested in belonging to their church than belonging to God.

They turn the name of God into a confusing and meaningless word salad. But they emphatically deny that Jesus is the name of God.

They insist that God the Father is above Jesus, but there is no name in the New Testament that is linked to God the Father.

Strangely enough, “God the Father” is never mentioned in the Old Testament but does appear in the New Testament. Trinity cannot explain that.

However, “God the Son” is unscriptural.

“God the Holy Spirit” is unscriptural.

“One God in three Persons” is unscriptural.

“Three-in-one” is unscriptural.

“Of one essence” is unscriptural.

“First Person of the Godhead” is unscriptural.

“Second Person of the Godhead” is unscriptural.

“Third Person of the Godhead” is unscriptural.

“Jesus is in the Godhead” is unscriptural.

“Eternal Sonship” is unscriptural.

The word “Trinity” is unscriptural.

So, by going with the Trinity belief, you get entangled in a lot of unscriptural statements.

But church-goers are used to being unscriptural as they also accept the unscriptural “Christmas”, “25 December”,  “Good Friday”, and “Pastor is the head of the church”.

COLOSSIANS 3:7  “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

Everything we do, including water baptism, must be done in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Please notice, there is a difference between “God and the Father”. Trinity cannot explain this.

We will consider this issue later.

“Lord” is not a name, it is a title.

MATTHEW 1:21  “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”

His human name is Jesus.

“Christ” is not a name, it is a title meaning “The Anointed One”.

Portuguese and Spanish men are sometimes called Jesus.

To be sure Who we are referring to, we add one or two titles to His name Jesus.

“Lord Jesus” or “Jesus Christ” or “Lord Jesus Christ”. These all mean the same thing.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23