What the Message is all about

The teachings of William Branham are known as the Message. It restores us back to the teachings of Paul and the apostles

First published on the 16th of October 2023 — Last updated on the 18th of October 2023

The Christian church is built out of living stones who have have come down through seven different stages or ages during the last 2000 years of history.

Four key events gave birth to the church. Jesus was born and thus God became flesh with us. He became our High Priest when John the Baptist washed Him and the Holy Spirit anointed Him on the banks of the Jordan River. He became our Saviour when He died on the cross and then resurrected back to life.

The fourth event was when Jesus returned as the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost so that He could be God in us. The church was born, and despite human errors, was the exact church that God wanted. The first lampstand was lit supernaturally with cloven tongues like as of fire on their heads.

Only the first church age is guaranteed as John saw Jesus in the midst or middle of the candlesticks. All other church ages should be like the first age.

REVELATION 1:13   And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man,

But Jesus looked angry as He knew the church would fall away from the apostolic church.

The second church age allowed a priest to become the head of each church instead of a group of elders. Human opinions spread. A Bishop became the head of a group of priests.


“But I believe in the supreme authority of the local assembly.

Show me by the Bible what's greater, in the Bible, than A LOCAL ELDER to a local church?”

I PETER 5:1   “The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

:2     Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

:3     Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”

The third church age saw the unscriptural Trinity enter at the AD 325 Council of Nicaea. Truth died. By AD 350 it was the unscriptural Christmas and 25 December. Error kept flooding in with Good Friday, Easter Monday, Easter bunnies and eggs, Lent, Archbishops, Pope, Mass, Confirmation, Sunday Sabbath, holy water, salvation by good works, prayers for the dead, rosary, sign of the cross, etc.

The fourth church age saw Bible truth buried in the dirt and violence of the Dark Ages. EVIL was the church moving away from the first church age.

Martin Luther in Germany restored salvation by grace through faith. Green leaves of Reformation began to germinate in the church age 5. The holy King James Bible was translated into English.

In church age 6, Englishman John Wesley restored holiness and evangelical outreach which led to the great missionary age based on the holy King James Bible.

In church age 7, the Pentecostal gifts were restored at the Azusa Street revival in 1906 at Los Angeles.

Between 1947 and 1965 William Branham in America revealed the mysteries of God in the Bible so that the Bride or wise virgins could be restored back to the first church age beliefs. LIVE is EVIL turned around. The church was moving back towards the first church age.

This is what happens to the wise virgins because they understand the mysteries of God (plural).

DANIEL 12:10   But the wise shall understand.

However, in Revelation Chapter 3, the church of the Laodiceans (they make up their own church beliefs which cannot be proven just by using the holy King James Bible) is described as being completely apostate. Something has gone seriously wrong.

Each church has a pastor in charge which the first church age never had.

Then, instead of using brother Branham’s quotes to reveal the mysteries of Scripture, most Message people spent their time trying to interpret selected quotes into unscriptural doctrines that the first church never believed.

They use a quote to justify divorce and remarriage for men. But a legal marriage is until death.

MARK 10:11   “And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.”

The only cancellation of a marriage vow is when the woman is not a virgin and she does not confess that before they are married. Then she takes a false vow so that the marriage vow is not legal.

Polygamy is not allowed.


"And yet, polygamy's wrong; we know."

Thus, today, there is no real return to the beliefs of the first church age. Understanding the Bible is not stressed and the Scriptural light is fading in the churches who just repeat certain quotes and ignore the quotes and Scriptures that contradict them.

The Deity doctrine has elevated brother Branham into the Godhead as the Voice of God. The New Testament never promised us the Voice of God. So that belief is a journey to nowhere.


“We know the Bible is right;

that's not my voice; that's God's voice, speaking”


“But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness,

not me preaching It, because It's the Bible says so.”

Being restored to the first church age is the real focus of the Message.

The Eagle-beast must guide us back to the written New Testament of the Lion-beast of the apostles.

That is the mystery of God (singular).


“And I remember in my vision when I seen the Presence of the Lord, or His people in that glorious Land yonder, I looked around, I told them... And they told me He would judge me first by the Gospel that I preach.

I said, Just exactly the way Paul preached It!

And them millions of people screamed out, We're resting on that! See? See

The harvest is when the last seed is the same as the seed that was planted at the beginning. Then the seed is reaped or pulled off the dead plant.

The Bride will be pulled off the earth up to Heaven.

1947 was a key year.

The transistor was invented by three Americans. That led to computers and the internet which is the only way that the Bible truth can reach all the world. English occupies 60% of the internet. Then comes Russian with 10%. All other languages are less than that.

MATTHEW 24:14   And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

In 1947, Israel was given permission to fight for a small portion of their Promised Land by the United Nations.

In 1947, an Angel came to brother Branham to give him his incredible healing and discernment ministry to the Gentile church. The tape recorder had just been invented and brother Branham began recording his sermons in 1947. The “voice” of the seventh angel. We are able to read or listen to his sermons during the 60 years that he has been off the earth. In the days of the “voice” of the seventh angel.

His teachings formed the former rain, the teaching rain.


The harvest rain will start after the resurrection of the New Testament saints. That is our only definite starting point.

At His First Coming, Jesus ascended to Heaven 40 days after His resurrection.

This pattern will repeat. The Bride will ascend to Heaven 40 days after the New Testament resurrection.

During those 40 days will be the latter rain or harvest rain when the seven Thunders reveal to the Bride how to change their bodies into immortal bodies. You cannot be raptured in this sinful body. Thus, rapturing faith has to change our bodies in order for us to be raptured.

Then the seven Thunders utter to the two Jewish prophets Moses and Elijah in order to give them their enormous supernatural power over Nature.


"Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand it there. It'll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens; they can shut this or do that, whatever they want to. Glory."

They then pull out the 144000 Jews during the 3½ years of great Tribulation.

Christ is the Head of the church.

The head is connected to the body by the backbone or spine. You have to have backbone to stand up for truth.

The backbone has 7 vertebrae in the neck representing the seven church ages. Then there are 12 chest vertebrae for the ribs. This represents the 12 tribes of Israel that God will return to after he has taken the church to Heaven.









“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23