Virus vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast

If you don't take the mark of the beast you'll be killed. Nobody who refused the vaccine has been killed by any person

First published on the 13th of July 2021 — Last updated on the 13th of December 2024

Nothing physical is the mark of the beast

Conspiracy theories about vaccines are fake news if they link vaccines

to the mark of the beast.

MATTHEW 22:29   Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

If we do not know all the Scriptures that deal with a topic then we are going to make big mistakes.

UK  parliamentarian Richard Drax called  Michael Yeadon an “eminent” scientist, and cited his view “that the virus is both manageable and nearing its end.”

Michael Yeadon, while Britain was still in its first lockdown last spring in 2020, declared: “there is nothing especially virulent or frightening about COVID-19 … it’ll all fade away … Just a common & garden virus, to which the world overreacted.”

And he predicted in a subsequent tweet that it was “unlikely” the death toll in the UK would reach 40000.

However, the death toll reached 128000 in June 2021.

So the virus was far more dangerous than what this eminent scientist thought. Thus his informed opinion simply became fake news because of his one-sided interpretation of what turned out to be poor quality data. But being an anti-vaccinator enables one to acquire instant fame in today's troubled world. Anti-vaxxers guess about things that they have no proof for, namely what the future effects of the vaccines will be. They are entitled to their views but nobody can accurately predict in advance what the effects of vaccines are going to be.

Humans are illogical.

Having said at first that the virus would not be very harmful (but it turned out to be very harmful) people then attacked the anti-virus vaccines as being far more harmful than the deadly virus infection itself.

They claimed that the vaccines would depopulate the earth.

The world's population increases by 1 billion (1000 million) every 15 years.

This represents about 1 million extra people every week.

So, to stop the earth's numbers from increasing you would have to kill one million people per week.

Then, to depopulate the earth you would have to kill at least an extra one million each week, which means that at least two million must be killed every week. This has not happened. The death rate from the COVID-19 infections actually dropped after 10 billion doses of vaccines were administered in 2021. Infected patients no longer needed intensive care hospitalization. That was a positive benefit of the vaccines.

However, claims that the vaccines would stop the spread of the virus were wrong.

The virus became milder, but even that did not eliminate the virus. The virus is still around in 2025 and will survive for much longer.

The anti-virus vaccines lowered the death rate. It has not increased the death rate.

The anti-virus vaccines were developed to solve the initial crisis whereby COVID-19 was overwhelming the intensive care wards and causing many deaths.

The vaccines succeeded in doing this but were not effective in stopping the spread of the virus.

The long term medical effects of the vaccines will only be known around 2030.

Anti-vaxxers stressed terrible auto immune changes to the DNA in both the short term just after vaxxination as well as the long term after 4 to 5 years. Towards the end of 2024 was four years after the vaccines. There was no signs of depopulation and no evidence of massive auto immune diseases. But there are certain problems with the vaccines. Unusually long blood clots have formed in some people.

Auto immune changes did not happen in the short term from 2021 - 2022. But there were problems with blood clotting in some vaccinated people. The anti-vaxxers did not predict this.

Concerns have been raised about the rare occurrence of myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly in young males. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that while the risk is low, taking the vaccine warrants careful consideration, especially for individuals not at high risk from COVID-19.

Transparency about these risks is essential for maintaining public trust. By acknowledging the risks alongside the benefits, we can foster informed decision-making and preserve the integrity of public health programs.

R F Kennedy emphasizes the importance of individuals having access to complete information about the benefits and risks of vaccines before making a decision.

The mark of the beast is controversial.

Confusion and contradictory messages about the mark of the beast lead to concern.

Conspiracy theories have reached a fever pitch as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Social media are a ripe venue for misinformation. Especially since the governments  restricted individual freedoms. So, people were angered justifiably by the negative effects of the lockdown, and thus wanted to believe that these vaccinations are bad and will accept any criticism of the vaccines.

The lockdowns had bad consequences for many but the vaccines must not be blamed for that.

Governments faced a new and dangerous pandemic and they can be criticized for over-reacting or reacting wrongly.

Governments had to find quick answers and lockdowns seemed to work before the vaccines appeared. But lockdowns forced governments to act very dictatorially. Many people naturally opposed this dictatorship as it had severe repercussions on the economy. Staying at home cost many people their income.

In those  hard times, people were very susceptible to thinking that this was the final disaster that would produce the beast or "the Antichrist" and his mark.

But, by the end of 2022 this pandemic was mainly over and evangelicals and conspiracy theorists will soon be looking for a different "mark of the beast". Some future disaster that will eclipse the damage done by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mark-of-the-beast theories develop and mutate in the church world just like a dangerous virus. Dangerous to the soul. If you believe in error then you put your soul in danger.

MATTHEW 24:7   For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Jesus warned in Matthew 24 that there would be pestilences (the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 that killed about 70 million people) and the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic of 2020 - 2022 killed about 7 million. The the vaccinations did play a part in reducing the total deaths. But side effects are also associated with the vaccines.

People had to choose. Is less chance of dying due to vaccination, a better risk than an unknown future chance of guessed-about side effects?

What was the main function of the pestilence?

It severely disrupted business supply chains and drove up national debt and fueled inflation producing a cost-of-living crisis.

Then Jesus said that there would be earthquakes. So, bigger problems are on the horizon.

So far, it is only the antivirus vaccines that lower the deadliness of the virus and thus decrease the number of serious hospital cases. Which also lowers the number of deaths.

Unvaccinated people have produced a number of dangerous variants which cause a new wave of infections. So the scientists and the medical world are fighting a vicious enemy that we do not fully understand. It is just sad that evangelicals and conspiracy theorists condemn the anti-virus vaccines. The antivirus vaccines are far from perfect but they are a weapon we have thus far developed against a virus that originally, and very rapidly, threatened the whole world.

Especially, since the churches were helpless in the face of the pandemic and got closed down. Certain church leaders disregarded safety rules and died from the virus. Medical science slowly made progress while church leaders retreated and huddled safely at home. The churches were closed down and the brave medical staff fought the virus and gave us grounds for hope.

Evangelicals, having failed to stop the virus themselves, now attack the antivirus vaccines that are gaining ground against this brutal coronavirus that damaged both our health and our economic welfare.

There is not a single prophecy or parable in the Bible that says anything good about the end-time church.

The shocking attack by evangelicals and church people against these vaccines makes one realize why the Bible speaks so badly about end-time church-goers. Evangelicals could not stop the virus so they condemn the weapon that lowered the death rate. Are we dumb enough to believe them?

Nobody claims that the antivirus vaccines are perfect but it is the best protection that we have against the very real damage that the virus caused before vaccines were developed.

We had to lower the seriousness of the infection so that people could get back to work before the economies were too badly damaged. We do not have many options on that score because lockdowns that stop people working really damage the economy.

We also have to lower the rate of severe infections as our hospitals were getting overwhelmed.

Many medical people, doctors and nurses, died from the virus as they bravely tried to fight against it.

But, obviously, people are entitled to be worried about unknown long-term effects from the vaccines.

There is much about the virus that we still do not understand.

However, previous experience with vaccines has indicated that if there are severe side-effects these usually show themselves within the first two or three months.

Consider a survey by a medical insurance group of just over 1,200,000 South Africans that were vaccinated. They were compared to a similar unvaccinated group. The results were as follows.

In summary: relative to members fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, the unvaccinated member population has a five times higher risk of COVID-19 infection; and 20 times the risk of dying from the complications of a COVID-19 infection. Importantly, there have been zero vaccine-related deaths recorded amongst any of our scheme members or clients.

So the rumours that the vaccines were a depopulation conspiracy are total nonsense.

Vaccine-related deaths are low.

Any vaccine can cause harm. But people have to choose between a high death rate from the virus or some level of protection from the vaccine.

Everyone has to make a personal choice. There is the definite damage that has been done to many people's health and the hospitals that could not cope properly with the flood of serious cases. On the other hand, there are the possible future long-term personal problems that may be caused by the vaccines.

People who are scared of the medical aspects of the vaccines are entitled to their choice of not being vaccinated.

But to refuse vaccinations because you think that the vaccines are the mark of the beast is totally wrong. Then you have been fooled by Bible-illiterate church-goers and evangelicals.

Especially, since modern-day evangelicals who tend to make this claim are actually guilty of making a real mess with their wrong interpretations of the prophetic Scriptures.

Ask them to explain who the "little horn" is and how it comes out from one of the four Greek horns but also grows amongst the ten horns on the single head of the Roman beast. Then three of these Roman horns are destroyed. And then the little horn changes times and laws.

The "little horn" refers to the Vatican as it is the smallest country on earth, but is the headquarters of the world's biggest church.

Changing times. The Roman Catholic Pope Julius I changed the bithday of Jesus from an unknown date to 25 December around the year AD 350. Popes changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

Other changes by the Catholic church:

Easter was changed from the 14th day of the month to being held on a Friday. Even though that meant Jesus was only in the tomb for two nights, not three nights, if He rose on Sunday morning.

The Lord's Supper, often called the Communion, was changed from Night time to morning, the Lord's breakfast.

The Day of the Lord is the 3.5 years of great Tribulation. The Pope changed the Day of the Lord to mean Sunday.


The Greek empire of Alexander the Great broke into 4 parts under his four generals. One portion included the city of Pergamos where the Pontiff or High Priest of the Babylonian mysteries lived with his priests. The king of the kingdom of Pergamum was offered the position of Pontiff. This kingdom was given to Rome in 133 BC and Julius Caesar bribed his way to became the Pontiff in 63 BC. After his death he was worshiped as a god. The pagan influences of Babylon like trinity, 25 December, Lent, eating fish on Friday, etc. developed in the Greek city of Pergamos and then entered the Roman Empire. From there these Babylonian mysteries entered the Roman Catholic church as they loved Greek philosophy with its pagan ideas.

"One God in 3 Persons" and "Father and Son are of the same essence" and "Eternal Sonship" are ideas from Greek philosophy as they are unscriptural ideas.

The pagan Roman Empire was destroyed by many barbarian tribes. But ten of these tribes also played an important role in building up the influence of the Roman Catholic church. Especially those that were converted to the Trinity belief.

But three barbarian tribes, the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths were Arian tribes that did not believe in the Trinity. All three were destroyed to protect the Pope as the church leader in Italy. The Pope then rose to dominate Europe in the Dark Ages. These were the three horns that were plucked up by the roots. As a result there was no opposition to the Trinity beliefs for almost 1000 years. So, when the Protestant Reformation started, they just took believing in the Trinity for granted.

That way this major doctrine of the beast (the Roman Catholic church) infiltrated the daughter Protestant churches.

REVELATION 17:8   ...when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Roman Catholics claim Peter was the first Pope. The Pope is the only dictator in Europe. He is the supreme head of the church.

As the figurehead of the church, this last verse refers to the succession of Popes.

The beast "was" because the Popes go all the way back to Peter, according to the Catholics.

"And is not". The Pope dies.

"And yet  is". A new Pope is elected.

The Popes are the longest line of rulers in the Western world.

The beast is that awful spirit that dominated the pagan Roman Empire and then, when the Roman Empire lost power, resurrected up to life as the Roman Catholic church. The spirit never dies, it just jumps onto the next person when the last person dies.

The image of the beast refers to the confederation of Protestant churches that believe many of the Roman Catholic doctrines like Trinity, Good Friday, Christmas, 25 December, Easter eggs, Christmas trees, and elevating one man to be the head of a church. Replacing the written Word of God with the quotes of a man.

The mark of the beast in the forehead is church brainwashing. Dumbing people down to believe all these unscriptural ideas because churchgoers are no longer referring just to the King James Bible. Now they regard the King James Bible as full of mistakes.

Conspiracy theorists scare people with unproven claims

Endless speculations and fears drive people backward and forwards into a confused state of mind.

Because antivirus vaccines have been developed so quickly, people think that there must be something wrong. But, scientists have been working on a vaccine for this family of viruses for the last 15 to 20 years.

The pandemic produced unprecedented international collaboration as the world’s brightest scientists began sharing ideas. They were able to move faster because many people were involved and other projects were put aside. In addition, there was a massive investment in vaccine projects. Having more money to throw at a problem does speed up the process.

Conspiracy theorists say that the vaccination will produce gene-altering as the DNA in our cells gets changed. This is a possibility but it lacks clear cut evidence.

Their mistake was to claim that severe auto immune diseases will develop that will kill the people and depopulate the earth. Some said it would happen the same day as the vaccination. Or after 42 days or after one year. Those time periods have been proven false. Then they claimed that it would take four to five years. They have no proof for those allegations. But by the end of 2024 and the end of 2025 we will know for sure.

Until then those claims are just speculation.

By the end of 2024 there was no noticeable depopulation due to awful auto immune diseases, as predicted by the antivaxxers.

Amongst vaccinated people, there has been a noticeable drop in very severe cases and a big decrease in death rates. That is a positive aspect of the vaccines.

However, the cell with the protein spike may interact with the body and do something wrong.

That is an unknown hazard that only time will tell. It may or may not happen. And we do not know for how long we have to sit around waiting to see if any damage is done. But in the meanwhile, the virus will take its toll on people's health and the economy while we are sitting around waiting for something that may or may not happen.

While we are waiting, people will be getting seriously sick and dying. That is a definite and known hazard.

But each person has to make their own choice about the vaccines.


Variants are occurring and are problematic. Nobody has all the answers at this stage. Blood clotting has occured in a few cases. New antivirus vaccines will probably be needed.

REVELATION 13:15     And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Since you are free to reject the vaccine then it cannot be the mark of the beast because all those who do not obey and oppose the image of the beast are killed.

By July 2021, there were about 20 approved vaccines in use, and around 200 new vaccines were being developed and tested.

So which of these vaccines is the mark of the beast?

You are free to reject the vaccination if you feel that the unknown future side effects are too dangerous and risky. But we will only know for sure about that in future years.

But you must not reject the vaccination because you think that it is the mark of the beast.

Then you have a belief that is very wrong.

WO2020060606A1  is not 666

Is Microsoft patent number WO2020060606A1  the real 666?

Patent number  060606 is not the number 666. It is sixty thousand six hundred and six. Not six hundred and sixty six.

The actual patent number is WO2020060606A1 which is very different from 666.

The WO stands for World Organization. A shortened form of WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization.

In 2019 Microsoft applied for a patent for a device (a wristband or smartphone, etc.) that records a person’s activities in return for payments.

There is no mention of a microchip,

certainly not of a microchip that is implanted under the skin in a person. The patent refers to a device like a smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, wristband, etc.

The patent being referred to is WO2020060606A1 and can be found on the Google Patents database. It was filed in 2019 and published in March 2021.

The patented device is basically to check that a person is doing the work and not a computer program (called a bot).

A company sends the person a task, like commenting on adverts, and then tracks their response to see if they are doing it or if they have a bot (a software program pretending to be a human).

The patent describes this data as being tracked through some kind of device like a smartphone or wristband.

There is no mention anywhere in the patent of a microchip or a digital certificate.

Digital certificates simply refer to data stored online and accessible through electronics like smartphones or smart devices. Digital certificates do not rely on implanted microchips.

People can be suspicious of Bill Gates, Microsoft, and their vaccine. That is everyone's freedom of belief.

Their vaccine has led to a civil claim in a Dutch court, in October 2024, by 7 Dutch citizens who claim that the vaccine caused them harm.

But to claim that the Patent is 666 is wrong.

Their patent is WO2020060606A1.

The image of the beast kills you if you reject it

If you don't worship the image of the beast you will be killed

Consider the Scripture:

REVELATION 13:15     And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

It is the image of the beast that will kill all those who do not want to worship the image of the beast.

So, it is not enough to find the beast.

There is an even bigger danger called the “image of the beast”.

Who or what is that? You need to find out.

That is the really deadly deceiver that has slipped by under the radar because nobody knows who the image of the beast is.

This is not a vaccination that you can accept or reject. This is the worship of a false church because only churches are involved in worship.

If you refused to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, you were not killed.

But Scripture says if you refuse to worship the image of the beast then you will be killed.

Thus, the antivirus vaccination has nothing to do with the image of the beast.

(If the antivirus vaccination is the image of the beast, then what on earth is the beast?)

REVELATION 13:16   And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Everyone gets this mark.

But there is no single source of antivirus vaccine. At least 34 different vaccines have been approved by the World Health Organization by 2022.

It is impossible for everyone to get the same vaccination. By 2022 over 5 billion people had been vaccinated by one of these different vaccines.

But everybody has to get this mark. So the mark is not a vaccination.

The antivirus vaccine is administered in the shoulder, which is midway between the forehead and the hand.

So, the injection has nothing to do with either the forehead or the hand.

MATTHEW 10:28   And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Nothing physical can destroy your soul.

Even if the virus vaccine ended up killing your body, it cannot harm your soul. The only thing that harms your soul is unbelief in the Word of God.

Church-goers claim that the mark of the beast is linked to the coming of “the antichrist”.

This is enough to scare anyone. But the Bible never says “The Antichrist”.

Antichrist is a spirit. There are many antichrists and they have been in the church world for 2000 years.

I JOHN 2:18   Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

I JOHN 4:3   … and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

The antichrist spirit has been around throughout the 2000 years of church history. So, antichrist is not something new in our days.

Antichrist is a spirit whose influence has had a long history.


People die. But spirits do not.

So, the antichrist spirit leaves a man when he dies and simply jumps onto the next man in order to use him.

Christ is the Word.

Antichrist is anti or against the Word and always seeks to change the Scripture into something else.

Many antichrist spirits in the churches have led people away from Bible truth over the last 2000 years.

We now have over 100 different English Bibles, over 450 different English New Testaments, and thousands of different types of denominations and churches. So, an awful lot of error has crept into the church which includes religious deception, political involvement, and Big Business demonology with its insatiable love of money.

The churches unfortunately deny that the mark of the beast is brainwashing or mental conditioning in our minds to make us believe unscriptural things.

The specific errors you believe are not the key issue, just as long as they are unscriptural.

With thousands of different types of denominations and churches, there is obviously a huge flood tide of unscriptural errors that swirl as deceptive undercurrents through the churches.

We easily believe what we want to believe especially when a frightening disaster hits the world. Humans are easily fooled by conspiracy theories that make us feel that we are very clever.

In the last century, the mark of the beast kept changing to keep up with the current temporary world leaders.

In his day, Hitler hit the world like a sledgehammer and was regarded as the beast. Now he is forgotten. Then people guessed it was Stalin, then Kissinger, then Saddam Hussein, then Obama, who was supposed to be the beast. Now they are off the scene and people keep guessing new ideas. Church-goers have no idea of church history and keep looking for the latest crisis to suddenly produce the beast. But then things subside and they frantically look for a new beast to match the next crisis. The coronavirus pandemic was devastating and thus a fertile ground to generate “mark of the beast” conspiracies. But the health problems caused by Covid-19 are no longer as deadly as they were.

Recent false conspiracy theories from mass media

People love conspiracy theories. There are still many people who do not believe that the Americans ever got to the moon. They believe the moon race was a big hoax.

Despite NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) rocket that photographed the Challenger lunar lander of Apollo 17 and the parallel wheel tracks of the moon buggy (or LRV, the lunar reconnaissance vehicle ) and the astronaut’s single-line footprints in the moon’s dust. You have to look carefully to see the parallel wheel tracks.

The left photograph was taken from the Lunar Lander window as the last two astronauts left the moon in 1972. The right hand photo was taken recently in 2011 by a moon-orbiting satellite.

The Apollo 12 landing site had no moon buggy (no parallel tracks) and the astronauts walked to the previous landing site of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft, as shown on the next photo.

These photographs from the moon exactly proved that what the Americans had announced in the 1970s, is what they had done. But silly people, including many message-people, who had been educated above their intelligence, kept insisting that the Americans had never made it to the moon.

People are happy to do a flight from reason, rather than change their thinking.

Many people became convinced that the new 5G communication technology antennae caused the coronavirus with the energy of its radiation. This confused-concern spread rapidly on social media which is the main platform for fake news. But Portugal had no 5G antennae and had coronavirus.

By April 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic was really hitting the world hard, the virus was confirmed in 181 countries but only 34 of those countries had installed the 5G networks.

Mark of the Beast items in previous years were guessed to be Credit cards, or American Social Security numbers, or  Barcodes.

These all had their time as being the mark of the beast, especially in evangelical circles. But they have lost their importance due to the havoc that was caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus. In time, if you are patient, a future bigger disaster will eclipse the coronavirus pandemic, and evangelicals and conspiracy theorists will have to come up with a new beast and a new mark of the beast. This process seems to keep evolving with each new technology change if it is big enough to grab everyone’s attention as the anti-virus vaccines have.

4 types of vaccine and 34 manufacturers (2022)

The problem with an antivirus injection is that there are four different types of vaccines that operate in four completely different ways by using a dead virus, or a weakened virus, or a bit of a virus, or even the modified virus from a common cold.

The World Health Organization has authorized 34 different vaccines that each uses one of those four methods. Then there are about 200 different companies that are developing and testing new antivirus vaccines.

So, there is no single vaccine method and no single vaccine that will inject everyone

By 2022 already 5 billion of the world’s 8 billion people had been vaccinated.

Now the Bible-illiterate have taken a sudden worldwide crisis and twisted the antivirus vaccine by injection in the upper arm or shoulder to be the mark of the beast that is supposed to be in the hand or the forehead.

That is simply not true as it does not fulfill the Scripture.

Evangelicals are very good at getting people saved and living clean and helpful lives.

But as soon as they dabble in prophecy, Evangelicals are dismal in their Bible-ignorance.

They can only impress you if you are in the sad state of knowing even less about Bible prophecy than what they know.

Jews get a name written in their foreheads

HOSEA 4:6   My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,

You need to learn how to be Scriptural in order to protect yourself. In order not to be fooled and become part of the foolish virgins. They are saved (clean women) but are doomed to die in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation because they never understood the revealed mysteries of Scripture. But they did much charity and good works. They gave out Bibles but never spent time explaining the mysteries to the people that they gave the Bibles to. The Bible is the truth. But we need an understanding of the truth.

DANIEL 12:10   Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;

but the wise shall understand.

The wise virgins have enough oil that they can ignite and create enough light in order to read the Bible verses and understand the truth that is contained in them.

JOHN 16:13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

Church-goers still want to claim that the mark is something written on the forehead or a tattoo on the forehead. Or a microchip just under the skin. But none of these have yet appeared.

But they just add more candidates to the confusing list of “mark of the beast candidates”.

Talk about looking through a glass darkly.

I CORINTHIANS 13:12   For now we see through a glass, darkly;

144000 Jews have their Father's name written in their foreheads.

But all these theories of the mark of the beast break down when we consider the Jews in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation.

Revelation 14:1  states that his Father’s name is written in their foreheads.

God is certainly not in the business of implanting microchips in people’s foreheads.

And Satan is always copying God’s ideas because the Devil is a copy-cat since he is not an original thinker.

REVELATION 14:1   And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name

written in their foreheads.

The name of the Father is revealed in their minds. The brain or mind is IN the forehead.

God's seal is to write a revelation of His truth into our minds.

So Satan's seal or mark is to convince us to believe an unscriptural belief in our minds.

Churches today are very confused about the name of the Father.

Is it JHVH? YHWH? Jehovah? Yahweh? El? Elah? Elohim? Adonai?

Jehovah and Yahweh are contentious names because vowels have been added in.

But none of the above names for the Father appear in the New Testament.

Why is the name of the Father never mentioned in the New Testament?

This is a question that Trinitarians cannot answer.

They also cannot explain why "God the Father" is only in the New Testament and never in the Old Testament.

They also cannot explain why "God the Son" is never written in the Bible.

"God the Holy Ghost" is also never written in the Bible.

We need a revelation in our minds (that are behind our foreheads or in our foreheads) if we are to understand the name of the Father.

Adonai means Lord.

Elohim means God.

These are not names, these are titles

“I AM” is not a name, it is a statement of eternal self-existence.

The new translations change "in their foreheads" to being "on their foreheads".

As if it is written on the skin rather than being understood in the mind.

Revelation 14:1  NIV  and  NASB   "His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads".

(New International Version and New American Standard Bible).

Church-goers cannot claim that the Father’s name is a revelation in their minds because they have no clue what the Father’s name is.

Notice this big change.

Suddenly they pretend that there are two names.

"His name and the name of His Father".

They have changed the Scripture, "Having His Father's name ..."

It is just a deliberate attempt to try to illustrate the Trinity. Not very successful, because even if it were true, it only indicates two Persons, which is what the Jehovah's Witnesses claim.

Nowhere in Scripture is the Holy Ghost given a name. The Trinity is problematic as it has three People, but they only claim that two have names.

There is no name for the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

But even claiming two names for the Trinity is wrong.

Samson’s parents asked God, who created a temporary angelic body for Himself, what His name was.

They asked for the one name of God.

JUDGES 13:18   And the angel of the LORD said unto him,

Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

JUDGES 13:22   And Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God.

There is only one God. There must also be one name for God.

The Word became flesh.  He was called Emmanuel which means God with us.

COLOSSIANS 2:9   For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

All of God lives inside Jesus. That is why Jesus is God.

The name Jesus is never mentioned in the Old Testament.

The name Jehovah is never mentioned in the New Testament.

So, the Jehovah of the Old Testament became the Jesus of the New Testament.

Trinitarians cannot explain why Jehovah is never mentioned in the New Testament.

Thus, Jesus is the true name of God.

The Father is the fullness of the supernatural Spirit of God that dwelled bodily in Jesus. (Colossians 2:9).

The Son is the Man that the Father dwelled in.

God became a Man and His name is Jesus.

Trinitarians cannot explain why their Triune God has got no single name.

They believe He is three Persons and then they say Jehovah is the Father and Jesus is the Son but they have no Bible name for the Holy Spirit. Two names for three People. Very unconvincing.

But they certainly have no one name for all three people.

Thus, they have no single name for their Triune God. That is very wrong.

Churches serve a nameless Trinity God.

But the third Commandment tells us to honour the name of God.

The beast has 7 heads and one was killed and recovered

Let us take a brief look at the beast and you will see that the beast has nothing to do with antivirus vaccinations.

REVELATION 13:1    And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Seven heads. This is not some man.

REVELATION 13:3  And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

The seven heads represented the seven hills of the original city of Rome.


One head was killed and then somehow recovered. Again, this is not some man. It is the pagan Roman Empire of the Caesars that was destroyed by the barbarians in the year AD 476. The main head or seat of government was the Capitoline hill, one of the original 7 hills of Rome..

Then the Pope, living in the Lateran Palace on the Caelian Hill (also one of the original 7 hills of Rome) re-gained all the power that the Roman Caesar's lost. The deadly wound recovered as pagan Rome resurrected on the seven hills of Rome as the Roman Catholic church.

The cruel pagan spirit of Rome rose from the dead to infiltrate the Roman Catholic church. The Pope picked up the power that the Roman Emperor or Caesar had lost.

The pagan spirit with its Pontiff, Lent, 25 December birthday of the sun god that became the Son of God, the Babylonian trinity spirit, Ishtar rabbits and eggs that became Easter bunnies and Easter eggs, Worship of Norse goddess Freya, goddess of fertility, whose symbol is a fish as a fish has more young than any other species. Friday was named after Freya, so they ate fish on Friday. This custom still continues as it moved from the Catholics to the Protestants. The crucifixion was moved to Friday to boost this woman-worship of Freya, which continues today with their praying to Mary. Jesus was three nights in the tomb and rose on Sunday. So, He had to die on Thursday. Catholics put one man as the head of a church, called a Priest. That never happened in the New Testament church. Protestants followed that idea but called the man-in-charge a Vicar, Bishop, Reverend, or Pastor.

But the merging Protestant churches, the image to the beast, have absorbed most of these Catholic ideas that came from the pagan Roman Empire.

We are influenced by the Protestant preachers into accepting all these unscriptural beliefs.

That is the hidden threat we face today.

The unscriptural Catholic ideas that Protestants believe.

The unscriptural error of Trinity that entered the church has dominated most of the church history.

Trinity marks people’s minds because they become unable to believe Scriptural truth.

Thus, they are unable to combine these next two Scriptures to establish that "the name of the Father,  and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" is Jesus Christ.

MATTHEW 28:19   Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

ACTS 2:38   Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Very glibly they tell us that Peter made a mistake.

But they cannot tell us what the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is.

As the Father, God was above the Jews.

As the Son, God was with the Jews.

Emmanuel, God with us.


As the Holy Spirit, God is in His church.


Father. Son. Holy Spirit.  God above, with, and in His people.

The Roman Catholic Trinity which emerged from the pagan trinities has infiltrated the Protestant churches and makes it impossible for church-goers to baptize like the early apostles did.

Protestants are happy to accept the Roman Catholic Trinity and thus refuse to get baptized like Peter and Paul baptized.

ACTS 19:4   Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

:5    When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Christ is a title meaning "Anointed One".

Lord is a title.

The name is "Jesus" but it needs at least one title, Lord or Christ, so that you know which Jesus you are talking about. Many men today have the name Jesus.

But there is only one Lord Jesus Who is also called Jesus Christ because the name is Jesus.

Paul warned us never to disagree with him.

He repeated this warning twice as an emphasis.

GALATIANS 1:8   But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

:9   As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Paul baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

He knew that the name of God was Jesus.

To disagree with Paul is to be accursed. Then you are great Tribulation fodder.

The Protestant preachers have fallen under the Roman Catholic influence in many of their doctrines, especially the Trinity.

Slowly but surely, Catholic beliefs are marking our minds.

The rise of Roman Catholic Joe Biden to be America’s President is a sign of a soon-coming disaster that will allow the Roman Catholic church to rule America and ruin America. Then the Roman Catholic church will dominate the world's economy. The Protestant churches will have to force the people to accept the Pope’s domination as the final Pope rises to world power as the man of sin and the son of perdition.

II THESSALONIANS 2:3   Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The first great falling away from Bible truth happened in the Dark Ages before Martin Luther exposed the Pope as the man of sin.

The only person to be called the "son of perdition" was Judas Iscariot who was an apostle and thus a church leader.

Jesus mentioned Judas in His prayer as the only apostle to betray Him (Jesus is the Word) and go lost.

JOHN 17:12   While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost,

but the son of perdition;

that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Thus the last Pope, the man of sin will be found in the church system.

Politicians do not talk about "sin" and "perdition".

So the final man of evil will be a church leader.

So the real evil is the betrayal of being strictly Scriptural which is being done by church leaders.

That will be where the real mark of the beast happens in church-goers' minds as their thinking is forced, by the church leaders, into certain elements of the Roman Catholic system of belief.







“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23