The Real Truth about the 1963 Cloud
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This topic has generated many different beliefs. But the Cloud was not an event, it was a sign of an impending event
- In 1894 an optical illusion showed life on Mars
- The Cloud was not an event, it was the sign of an event
- The Revelation of the 7 Seals was the Great Event
- Flagstaff had a second big astronomy illusion
- A Bible verse also promises a high-altitude smoke cloud
- Two clouds were seen at this exceptional height
- There are no great men today, just a great Bible
- The Shout is not bro Branham teaching from Scripture
- The illusion of importance of a Pastoral Priesthood
- Brother Branham is not Infallible
- Brother Branham got the date of the Cloud wrong
- Confusing and Contradicting Cloud Quotes
Astronomers at Flagstaff City saw the illusion of water canals on Mars and the illusion that the dwarf planet Pluto was a real planet.
Brother Branham had the illusion that the supernatural Cloud just North of Flagstaff was actually over Sunset Peak.
Brother Branham had the illusion that the Cloud of 28 February near a City happened on 8 March in the desert.
Jesus does not come in the desert. Sunset Peak is in the Sonoran Desert.
The Cloud had no face but a photostat or duotone facsimile of the Cloud leaked in light to create an illusion of a face.
The Cloud was not an event, it was the sign of a future event, the Revealing of the Seven Seals as the Son of Man is revealed so that the Bible mysteries can be understood.
On the Day of Pentecost, Peter prophesied of a high-altitude smoke cloud.
A high-altitude smoke cloud and a high-altitude supernatural Cloud meant there had to be two clouds.
A Cloud from the West was prophesied for a deeper shower of rain, the former rain or teaching rain.
Brother Branham is not infallible and he makes mistakes.
The illusion of a Pastoral Priesthood who try to interpret quotes is an illusion as they are unscriptural.
There are contradicting quotes on the 1963 Cloud which have spread confusion.
In 1894 an optical illusion showed life on Mars
A Flagstaff astronomer, Percival Lowell, was fooled by optical illusions of straight lines on Mars.
He guessed that they were water canals that indicated life on Mars. He guessed wrong, but many were fooled, worldwide, by his wrong guess.
An exceptionally high Cloud was photographed by Dr James McDonald at about 42 kilometres or 27 miles high, just North of the City of Flagstaff in Arizona, on 28 February 1963.
God chose Flagstaff to show this supernatural sign as many people would again be fooled by an optical illusion of a face in the Cloud. And a wrong guess about where the Cloud was.
This original photograph of the supernatural Cloud in heaven does not show a face.
But we must investigate how the illusion of a face got into the Cloud. An illusion that has fooled many. A face that was made by modifying the evidence down on earth.
Flagstaff, where sincere guesses were made but their “facts” were illusions.
The rich and self-satisfied church of the Laodiceans, who make up their own beliefs and their own unscriptural church structure with a Pastor as the head of a church, is blind.
Faith is blind if it is not based on Scripture. Faith is also blind if it is based on financial success.
REVELATION 3:14 “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;”
REVELATION 3:17 “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:”
Message-people who follow William Branham rushed to interpret the supernatural Cloud as a fantastic event. Dramatic sensationalism ran wild, producing fanaticism. Guesses and delusions mutated like a virus.
Some called it the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Some said it was the coming down of the mighty Angel of Revelation 10.
Some said Mercy was over because Jesus had left the Mercy Seat.
Some said it was the appearance of Jesus as the great Judge in the heaven with His Judge’s wig.
Just because they lacked the wisdom to place the Cloud as a fulfilment of Scripture verses.
The Cloud was not an event, it was the sign of an impending event.
Faith can only be built on Scripture, not on clever and sincere guesses.
Flagstaff is a city in North Arizona in America.
But two clouds moved towards Winslow. That is what Dr James McDonald could not explain.
Flagstaff is a City where clever astronomers had made two major mistakes due to illusions.
The straight lines on Mars, sadly, were an optical illusion as they changed over the years.
But illusions look real. Especially if you want to believe the illusion.
Notice how many different guesses or illusions were developed to explain the Cloud.
Close up observation by the spacecraft Mariner IV found no canals on Mars in 1965, when the truth of Mars was made known. The guesses and illusions could not stand up to a genuine examination of the facts.
This was a warning to us.
Brother Branham made a big mistake when he thought that the Flagstaff Cloud was formed by the 7 angels when they visited him at Sunset Peak on 8 March 1963. This was a wrong guess.
This was an accidental geographic illusion, a wrong description of reality.
He was almost 200 miles (about 320 kilometres) south of Flagstaff and it was 8 days after the Cloud was seen.
He was hunting Javelina pigs, but the hunting season only opened on 1 March. If he was there on 28 February, he was hunting illegally.
Brother Branham never saw the Cloud. He only heard of it about 3 months later when he was shown a flawed duotone facsimile or photostat of that Cloud, where sunlight had leaked in, creating an unintended optical illusion of a face.
Brother Branham guessed wrong about the Cloud being above him at Sunset Peak, but nobody checked the facts.
Then he guessed wrong about the face which he thought indicated that Jesus as the great Judge had appeared over Sunset Peak.
There was no face in the original Cloud.
He never stood under the Cloud.
“… but cameras from all over the country was taking the picture of That, as the white Cloud settled down, went on the Associated Press. I think your Chicago paper packed it, all around. Life magazine packed it. How many has seen it in there. That, see, that was it right there, just exactly the way it said it,
standing right under It when It come down and formed.”
The Cloud never came down. It stayed at the same height.
The angels came to him in the morning of 8 March but the Cloud was photographed after sunset on 28 February.
Brother Branham simply guessed wrong, like Percival Lowell also guessed wrong.
Thus, God chose Flagstaff to warn us about making wrong guesses.
His wrong quotes about the Cloud led to many wrong beliefs from Branham-followers.
Proving brother Branham's quotes from the Scripture places you in the Bride.
Using brother Branham's quotes to replace Scripture places you into the foolish virgins.
If you can claim that Jesus had come or that the Angel of Revelation 10 had come then it is a small step into deeper error to claim that brother Branham is the son of man.
Or that brother Branham is infallible, as you claim that he is Jesus Christ in the flesh.
This sensationalism gripped the imagination of the Message-believers.
They took their eyes off Scripture to focus on some wrong quotes.
Fanaticism flourished.
They put more emphasis on a wrong quote than on a written Scripture.
They believed all the Seals had opened and many now believe that we are living in the Millennium.
The Cloud was not an event, it was the sign of an event
In 1965, brother Branham finally revealed the truth of the supernatural Cloud.
Jesus would not be revealed as a Man on earth.
Many Message-believers claim that brother Branham was Jesus Christ. The dismal false fruit of sensationalism.
Jesus would be revealed as He walked through the Bible verses so that Jesus as the Word of God could be seen and understood.
“And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they’re still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. “What is it?” They still put in the paper, “Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?” There is no fog up there, there’s no air, there’s no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
“There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places,
then shall appear the SIGN in the heaven, of the Son of man.”
“That day,” in Luke, “the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself.”
MATTHEW 24:30 “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:”
…"the seventh angel's Message, opening up the Seals."
“What is it?
Not the angel is the Son of man; but the messenger is revealing the Son of man.
Can you get it separated now?”
The angel-messenger William Branham is not the Son of man. Jesus is the Son of man.
When the mysteries of the Word are revealed, then Jesus Who is the Word, is revealed as the Son of man.
A prophet can only be a son of man.
Jesus is not revealed as a Man today. He is revealed as the Word of God that can be understood.
“My mission, I believe, to the earth, is (what?) is to forerun the coming Word,
see, the coming Word which is Christ.”
Christ is coming today in the form of His Word being understood.
But Message-believers build enthusiastically on wrong quotes and misinterpreted quotes. A spirit of extremism has been unleashed.
The supernatural cloud just North of Flagstaff never appeared over Sunset Peak when brother Branham was there on 8 March to get his commission from 7 unseen angels.
He alone saw these 7 angels. Yet brother Branham was convinced the Cloud was photographed over Sunset Peak and that he stood below the Cloud.
He was mistaken. By making his quotes infallible, Message believers build his mistakes into an artificial structure. The Cloud stayed at 42 kilometres height. It never went down or up.
Brother Branham never saw the Cloud photograph, with no face, on the back cover of Life Magazine. He saw a flawed duotone facsimile or photostat that allowed some light to leak in and produce two dark eyes and a nose. But this was an optical illusion due to stray light leaking in and changing the original photograph.
This became Jesus as the Judge.
A man-made narrative thus took over, based on the flawed facsimile or photostat.
Message-believers moved away from written Scripture. Quotes replaced the Word.
Dr James McDonald, the astronomer, reminded a Message-believer that the Cloud had no face. But nobody was listening. Nobody was checking the facts. Extremism ignores inconvenient facts. The church of the Laodiceans ignores what they do not want to believe. Ignorance and error run rampant.
The flawed facsimile or photostat had to be further modified.
The ground had to be cut off as the picture had to be rotated to get the face upright.
This was simply manipulating the evidence, it was not God’s sign in the heaven.
Quotes that were wrong and a facsimile or photostat that was modified led to many very wrong beliefs.
Their basic mistake was to regard the Cloud as a momentous event because it could be physically seen.
But the Cloud was just a SIGN that a momentous event was to occur.
64-0112 SHALOM
“There it hangs now in the Life Magazine, still a mystery to them. But He declares it in the heavens before He does it on earth. He always does that.
He shows His SIGNS in the heavens first.”
The Revelation of the 7 Seals was the Great Event
The great event was actually the Revelation of the Six Seals in Revelation Chapter 6.
The Seventh Seal is separate in Chapter 8 as it was revealed to be a total mystery, as it refers to the Coming of the Lord.
But once the mysteries of the Seven Seals have been revealed, it enabled the deepest shower of the former rain (moreh or teaching rain) to get going as it was now possible to start properly understanding the written King James Bible.
LUKE 12:54 “And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.”
The supernatural Cloud was seen near Flagstaff in the arid Western State of Arizona. Arid regions need a shower of rain.
The incredible depths of the Revelation of the Seven Seals unzipped the hidden mysteries of God. The former or teaching rain grew deeper so that the wise virgins could understand the King James Bible mysteries.
MATTHEW 25:1 “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.”
MATTHEW 25:2 “And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.”
DANIEL 12:10 …”but the wise shall understand.”
We cannot claim to be wise virgins unless we can understand the mysteries written in God’s Word.
The illusion of a face in the Cloud of the flawed photostat or facsimile fooled brother Branham and thus his followers. The following is a poster that was distributed.
Fake news. The Cloud was never at Sunset Peak. The Cloud had no face.
To get this picture you must cut off the land and rotate the picture through ninety degrees.
In addition, you must work from a flawed facsimile or photostat that let some light in to create a face that was never in the Cloud. Thus, this modified picture was never seen in the sky.
Manipulating the evidence this way is not a very convincing idea.
A flawed facsimile or photostat is no basis for faith.
Flagstaff had a second big astronomy illusion
Our Sun is surrounded by the Earth and seven other planets. These 7 planets, that shine like stars to most of us, represent the 7 church-age messengers who guided the church through 2000 years of church history.
In 1930, Lowell Observatory near Flagstaff claimed to have discovered a new planet, Pluto. An eighth planet.
This would represent an eighth messenger.
Prominent Message-believers have risen up by claiming to be this eighth messenger to follow brother Branham. Especially for those ambitious men who claimed to reveal what the 7 Thunders are and what they say. They were desperate to be regarded as clever.
In the holiness 6th church age of John Wesley, Christians were keen to prove that they were “holier than thou”.
In the 7th church age when the mysteries are revealed, quote-based Pastors are anxious to prove that they are “cleverer than thou”.
Brother Branham never said that the Seven Thunders had uttered.
His followers corrupted his Message by claiming that the Seven Thunders had uttered (or are uttering).
Nothing of great spiritual value has happened since his death about 60 years ago. So, if the Thunders are uttering, their voices are very quiet and unobtrusive.
As Message-followers drew away from what brother Branham said, so they compensated by idolizing him as the infallible son of man, the Voice of God. (They now write Voice of God instead of voice of God). The New Testament never refers to the voice of God.
Brother Branham called the Bible the Voice of God.
“A Voice, of course, is His Word, when He is speaking.”
64-0419 — THE TRIAL
“But that didn’t stop me,
because the Voice that sent me was a Scriptural Voice,
and I stayed with it. It was the Word of God.”
“ Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God calling to you in this day.”
For many years everyone believed the illusion that Pluto was the 8th planet but more accurate research has seen Pluto demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006 as it is too small.
Similarly, now that it is 60 years after brother Branham’s death and many of the self-proclaimed 8th messengers have either died or faded off the scene. The self-invented 7 Thunders doctrines appear to be less and less significant as they have not produced anything spectacular. They have produced no great results or revelations that can be proven from Scripture.
The 8th messengers have become dwarf messengers.
There is no place for an eighth angel in Scripture as the seventh angel will restore all things.
He will teach us how to interpret the written Bible so that it can be understood.
MATTHEW 17:11 “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.”
Any man thinking that he is an 8th messenger, just has an illusion of self-importance.
The City of Flagstaff became the world’s first Dark Sky city by minimizing man-made artificial lights. Man-made lights stop us from seeing the heavens clearly.
Spiritually, artificial lights represent man-made opinions. We do not need those as they just take us away from the written Scriptures.
The good example we learn from Flagstaff is that we must not have man-made lights or opinions in our search for truth. We must just be Scriptural and not try to modify the evidence that God provided in the heaven.
Flagstaff city is on a high plateau so the air is thin. Thus, it is an ideal place to view the heavens with less air turbulence. Eagles have powerful big wings which fly high in thin air which enables them to see more. Spiritually, that means people seeing and understanding the deeper mysteries of God. God was trying to tell us something, because God’s thinking is much higher than our thinking.
The supernatural Cloud was a sign that the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation would be revealed.
Thus, Jesus could be revealed as He is seen walking through the pages of the Bible.
A Bible verse also promises a high-altitude smoke cloud
ACTS 2:19 “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire,
and vapour of smoke:”
Water vapour makes a rain cloud. Smoke vapour makes a smoke cloud.
A high-altitude smoke cloud is prophesied and this was fulfilled in 1963 by a high altitude rocket explosion above Vandenberg Airforce Base on the coast of California on 28 February.
“Blood”. American President Kennedy was shot in 1963.
His blood on his wife’s pink dress was televised to a shocked world.
“Blood and fire”. Symbols of war.
By 1963, Kennedy had increased the number of military advisers in Vietnam from 1000 to 15000.
In 1965, President Johnson foolishly escalated the Vietnam war and 58000 Americans died. The war was lost.
By 1967, American cities were burning due to the violent race riots.
Two clouds were seen at this exceptional height
Two clouds were prophesied.
Both clouds were seen together, the supernatural Cloud and the natural smoke cloud.
The smaller smoke cloud was about 20 miles behind the much bigger supernatural Cloud.
This photograph of the two clouds was taken from Winslow which was in the path of the clouds.
Moses in the First Exodus saw a natural bush burn with a supernatural fire. The Jews left Egypt.
Jesus in the Second Exodus was born as a natural Baby from a supernatural virgin conception.
The church left the Jews.
A natural smoke cloud and a supernatural Cloud of angels’ wings speak of a Third Exodus. The Bride leaving the churches.
Where do we go?
Not to another church of the Laodiceans. They have thousands of different churches, all claiming to be right.
We must be restored back to the beliefs of the New Testament first church age that was established by the apostles.
The great height symbolized that God was about to reveal something of great significance.
The bigger Cloud was supernatural, formed from angels’ wings. The smaller cloud was a smoke cloud from an exploded rocket, also at a height of about 42 kilometres, that was intended to launch a spy satellite from Vandenberg Airforce Base.
The explosion occurred 3 hours 48 minutes before the two clouds were photographed from Tucson Observatory at 1840, just after sunset.
The smoke cloud travelled from West to East.
The dotted line shows the path of the invisible smoke cloud during daylight.
At a height of about 42 kilometres or 27 miles, the air molecules are so far apart, that this smoke cloud is invisible against the glare of the blue sky.
As the Sun sinks below the horizon, the 42 km or 43 km high clouds become briefly visible for about 28 minutes in the dark sky. This was when the clouds were just North of Flagstaff.
The following is not a photograph but a picture to show how the setting sun made the two clouds briefly visible at nighttime (noctilucent clouds). The two clouds were moving away from the setting Sun in the West.
Doctrinal illusions. Seeing what people wanted to see produced fake news.
Message people see what they have been programmed to see by their Pastors.
They do not see two clouds as that would ruin their narrative.
They want to see the supernatural Cloud as the very dramatic Coming of the Lord or the incredible coming of the mighty Angel in Revelation 10. (They can get a little confused on this point).
Brother Branham mistakenly thought that the Cloud was over Sunset Peak which is in the Sonoran Desert.
But the Lord does not come in a desert.
MATTHEW 24:26 “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”
Never look for the Coming of the Lord in a desert.
The 7 angels just came invisibly to brother Branham to give him the commission to reveal the Seven Seals. He alone saw them. They then left equally invisibly. It was not a public show.
“I throwed this little bull-header down, forgetting about That. And started across the hill real easy and looked back, they didn’t see me, and run down and hit this deer trail. I had a great big black hat on. I started running up through this canyon real fast, and it happened.
The whole earth shook, everywhere. Rocks that size rolled down, dust flying like that. And I looked,
and standing before me stood seven Angels; just exactly the way it was.
I felt like I was standing way up off the ground. First, I thought somebody had shot me, you know, with that black hat on; looked like a javelina hog, anyhow, you know they’re dark. I thought somebody had shot me, such a... right close. And I seen then what it was. Well, as soon as...
I got my commission, and the Scripture, “The Seven Seals which is the seven mysteries.”
In 1930 an astronomer made a fake claim to find an extra planet Pluto from the Lowell Telescope in Flagstaff. But it is smaller than they thought so it is no longer considered to be a planet.
A warning to us.
Illusions can fool top astronomers. An exciting new planet turns out to be less impressive than was first claimed.
The Cloud was also not the great event that it was supposedly claimed to be.
It stayed at that great height. It never came down. It never interacted with anything on Earth.
It just briefly appeared for 28 minutes.
All attempts to make the Cloud into a great event have been an illusion. Nothing significant has happened in the 62 years that followed the Cloud. (By the year 2025).
Please note: The Cloud was a sign of a future event, God revealing the mysteries so that the Bride could return to the beliefs of the first church age.
There are no great men today, just a great Bible
Brother Branham was not in Flagstaff when the Cloud appeared overhead.
Nobody saw the 7 angels going to him or leaving him at Sunset Peak.
God was leaving man out of the picture and just putting the emphasis on the revealed Word.
“There’s no great man among us.
We’re not great men, not great women—we’re all brothers and sisters, all the same in the same bracket. We’re no great.
One don’t make one greater than the other one—not a thing at all to do.
No, sir. But we’re just all human beings.
…. We don’t want never put a man in it.
You forget anything about me. I am your brother, a sinner saved by grace, not fit to live;
that’s exactly the truth; and I ain’t saying that to be humble; that’s facts.
There’s nothing in me, not one sound thing at all.
But the grace of God has let my poor dimming eyes look beyond the curtain of time and see those things yonder, and I come back.”
Elevating brother Branham will not get you into Heaven.
You have to be able to understand the written Bible for yourself if you want to be part of the wise virgins.
William Branham did not claim to be a great man.
You can only use his quotes if you can prove his quotes from Scripture.
There is no great man to follow William Branham.
No man is infallible. Check and question everything.
“If I make mistakes, you pray for me. I’m not infallible. I’m your brother.”
“… and that I am perfectly infallible. That there’s nothing…And, oh, some of the awfulest things you ever heard”.
Never call brother Branham infallible. Only the Pope gets that so-called position.
65-0829 SATAN’S EDEN
“The thing of it is, is, today we don’t try to establish the Word of God in the people’s hearts.
We are trying to establish ourselves.”
Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church,
in a person’s heart.”
Do not promote William Branham to the Godhead so that His quotes can replace the Scriptures.
Worse still do not replace Jesus with William Branham.
“To make me the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, would be an antichrist”.
Please remember this.
Elevating a man is a very dangerous game to play.
“Now, we’re promised a church age through reformers, and we’ve had them. But He promised, in Malachi 4, He’d keep His pattern in the last days, what would take place,
‘To turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic father.’
For that very purpose! And the church is so broke up in denominations and isms, it’s so tore to pieces till it’s dead; it’s been a carrier. And then He promised, in the hour of the seventh angel’s Message, the Seven Seals would be revealed; and the mysteries of God would be declared (Revelation 10)
when the seventh angel begins to sound his Message, not the healing service, the Message that follows the healing service.”
The church systems are dead as they are run by man-made rules and traditions.
Understanding the Scripture is more important than performing the supernatural.
JEREMIAH 18:10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.
God’s voice is His Word. We must obey Scripture. Otherwise, we are in deep trouble.
“Oh, my, talk about the lid off of the kettle:
demons going around,
powers of the devil under the name of Christianity,
teaching for doctrine the commandments of men,
theological seminary doctrines,
leaving the Bible alone.”
The only way to leave the Bible alone is to focus on quotes.
“And a trumpet means war. If it don’t give a Scriptural sound, what about it?”
You have to have Scripture for what you believe.
“But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness,
not me preaching It, because It’s the Bible says so.
Those who accept that is free, because they—the Word’s already been judged.”
“Believe all the Message. Believe That.
If it isn’t written in the Bible, then don’t you believe it.”
“We know the Bible is right; that’s not my voice; that’s God’s voice, speaking.”
“… hope He will crown my ministry of this, of
letting me take the clothes of the Word, and dress His Bride in the clothes of the Word”
Fanciful and mediocre interpretations of the quotes that cannot be proven from Scripture are just a big, bloated cloud of useless rhetoric floating around in the Message-churches and Internet.
The Church claims to be exclusive bridge or mediator between God and the people.
The church then exploits and dominates the people.
Their power to control and shape people to their beliefs is greater than their desire to be Scriptural.
Scripture is stressed to establish truth, not to win an argument.
Churches have become generators of empty ideas that are nothing-burgers.
“The Thunders have uttered or are uttering” simply opens a deep pit of conflicting opinions and confused thinking.
The Shout is not bro Branham teaching from Scripture
I THESSALONIANS 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”
“Dear God, in this solemn moment, it’s going to be a time like this when
there really WILL be a clap of thunder someday,
and the Son of God SHALL descend from the heavens with a shout,
with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ SHALL rise.”
One month before he died and brother Branham was still waiting for the “Shout”.
Thus the “Shout” is still to happen in the future.
The word “trump” is used instead of trumpet. Why?
That seems to make President Trump a sign of the times that the resurrection is getting near. God is leaving the church and turning back to Israel, so God is using President Trump to protect Israel.
Trump won the presidency in 2016 when all the Message Pastors displayed their ignorance by claiming Hillary Clinton would win. She lost even though she got more votes than Trump. God works in strange ways and Message Pastors cannot understand God’s thinking as they misinterpreted a quote by brother Branham.
He said a beautiful woman would rule America. Hillary is beautiful?
The Catholic church is very attractive as it has attracted 1.4 billion converts. Thus, the Catholic church is symbolized by a beautiful woman.
Message Pastors made the same mistake with Kamala Harris in 2024. It is obvious that Jesus is not in the Message churches.
Trump reminds us of trumpet.
The trumpet-voice at the time of the Resurrection and the Rapture. God is giving us a hint of where we are in time.
We cannot predict from Scripture what effect President Trump will have on America and world politics. But God is using him to protect Israel.
President Trump in 2018 recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
JerUSAlem. Three thousand years ago God was already writing USA into the name of Jerusalem.
God’s Plan is on track.
God knows exactly what He is doing.
“We want to receive rapturing grace. We want to be able, when that mysterious Thunder thunders out yonder, and the Church is taken up, we want to be ready to receive It. Lord, grant it.”
Again, he refers to the mysterious single Thunder that has to happen in the future. We know nothing about this single Thunder that is linked to rapturing grace when the Bride is caught up or taken up to Heaven.
But the rapture only happens after the resurrection of the New Testament saints.
There has to be a single Thunder when the First Seal opens.
This single Thunder is still in the future.
Thus the First Seal has never opened yet.
65-1204 — THE RAPTURE
“Three things happen: A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen
before Jesus appears”.
The “shout” has to happen before Jesus appears.
If the shout was brother Branham preaching, as Message-pastors wrongly claim, then Jesus could not appear while he was preaching on earth. Brother Branham has to finish preaching before Jesus can appear.
65-1204 — THE RAPTURE
“Shout: a messenger getting the people ready”.
A teacher prepares the students for an examination. The teacher knows the work but the examination will test the students, not the teacher.
Brother Branham proved his doctrines from Scripture.
Can you prove his doctrines from Scripture or are you just a parrot repeating a quote without any understanding of Scripture?
The Bible never mentions parrots.
“Watch what? After what? After the Message of ‘Come out of her!’”
“After these things,” watch,
“is the shout of the Bride saints, with the Bridegroom,
going to the Marriage of the Lamb.”
The “shout” is made by the Bride understanding the Bible mysteries.
Why has Jesus not come back? He is waiting for us to understand the Bible mysteries.
DANIEL 12:10 “but the wise shall understand”.
The SHOUT will only be made when the Bride has become strictly Scriptural.
The illusion of importance of a Pastoral Priesthood
Is elevating a Pastor to be the head of the church a good idea?
Flagstaff had an observatory to give astronomers an elevated view of the heavens.
When we get an elevated insight into the Bible we discover that no man is fit to be elevated, only Jesus.
JOHN 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
Jesus alone must be uplifted if we are to successfully serve Him.
Elevate a church or a Pastor or a prophet and you are of no use to God’s end-time Plan.
The Old Testament had an elevated Priesthood of Priests who collected the tithes but they failed dismally in the end to accept the revealed Word of God when Jesus appeared in their midst.
The Old Testament can be represented by a baby in the womb.
The umbilical cord represents the blood sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood.
What kept the Jews alive was the blood sacrifices in Jerusalem and the Levitical priesthood that stood above the Jews.
They needed someone above them. So, they had a priest who was above them.
And this priest mediated the blood sacrifices. And that's what saved the Jews.
Thus, they needed that Levitical priesthood.
The Levitical Priesthood ended when the High Priest Caiaphas tore his clothes. That broke the Law. This was the cutting off of the umbilical cord.
MATTHEW 26:65 “Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy.”
Moses told the High Priest Aaron and his sons, the future High Priests, that they would cause burning if they tore their clothes.
LEVITICUS 10:6 “And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled.”
God then tore up the Temple Veil to end the Levitical Priesthood.
MATTHEW 27:51 “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;”
Thirty-seven years later pagan Romans burned down the Temple in AD 70.
Only when the umbilical cord of the Levitical Priesthood was cut off at Calvary was the resurrection of the dead Old Testament saints possible after the resurrection of Jesus.
If you want life as an individual outside the womb you must cut the umbilical cord.
MATTHEW 25:5 “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.”
All the saved wise and foolish virgins (clean women) are fast asleep, including saved Message-churches.
Then comes the brutal midnight cry of distress that exposes the inadequacy of pastors being the head of the church. Imagine when Los Angeles and Silicon Valley sink into the sea and the world’s banking system is wrecked.
The cry that wakes them all up also tells them to get out of their churches.
This completes the Third Exodus as it cuts the man-made umbilical cord of the Pastoral Priesthood of modern churches that is copied from the Roman Catholics.
Only then can the resurrection of the New Testament saints happen.
MATTHEW 25:6 “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh;
go ye out to meet him.”
In the New Testament, the apostles established local churches to be run by local elders. They met in houses. The first church building was only established around the year AD 220. Thus, there were no church buildings during the first church age that ended around AD 170.
The apostles never established a Pastor in charge of a New Testament church.
The early church built on brotherhood as equals, not the elevation of a one-man-
head of a church.
But later, the church made a big mistake.
The church could not accept that there is no Priesthood anymore. Traditions die hard.
The Roman Catholics re-created an elevated Priesthood of Priests between the people and God.
The Protestants left the Roman Catholics but stole the idea of a elevated Priesthood from the Catholics.
Protestants just changed the name to Pastors and created an elevated Pastoral Priesthood.
But, with our eyes on man, we lose sight of God.
God in the New Testament didn't want a Priesthood of men, of Pastors, between the people and himself.
Men easily become ambitious and greedy when power and money are involved.
Especially when they have the power to take your money.
God wants you to think for yourself, not to be told what to think by someone who claims to be above you.
So, the New Testament put the stress on brotherhood and brothers are all equal.
One brother knows more than another and has a different gift and ministry, but they're all equal.
No brother is above another brother. Brothers advise each other, they do not command.
Only the Bible can command us. If somebody tells you what is in the Bible then you are obeying the Bible, not the person.
So please don't look for people above you to guide you to God.
You have to find your own way to God by puzzling out the meaning of the Bible mysteries.
Someone elevated between you and God is not God's plan.
In a Pastor-run church you have to be subject to the opinions of the Pastor. You're not allowed to be Scriptural in the Message anymore. You must focus on quotes.
There's a new Pastoral Priesthood that has taken over from the Levitical Priesthood that everyone's dead scared of.
Nobody is allowed to argue with them.
They've got all the money, they've got all the say.
And if you're not in with them, you're doomed.
They do not want us to question their story. They do not want us to think for ourselves.
They tell us what to think.
They do not tell us HOW to think, by proving our ideas from Scripture.
But the biggest deception is that the New Testament never placed a Pastor in charge of a church.
Thus, Message churches are not returning to the beliefs of the New Testament first church age. As a result, they are no longer part of the Third Exodus that takes us out of the church traditions and beliefs.
Message churches with a Pastor in charge are a comfortable illusion.
That means they are not what the Message people think they are.
Meanwhile, both foolish and wise virgins are complacently fast asleep.
That means all the churches, including Message churches, are fast asleep.
MATTHEW 25:2 “And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.”
MATTHEW 25:5 “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.”
But a brutal wake-up call is coming that will totally disillusion church-goers with their church leadership. Fear and panic will make church-goers demand the Bible-answers that Pastors do not have the competence to give.
You only listen to God when you obey the Bible.
Man-made church rules do not bring you closer to God.
Jesus and the Bible are the Absolute authority. Jesus speaks to us through the Bible verses.
“Question : If time ceased when the Seals were opened, then the Millennium is also finished, is it not?
Answer : No, no.
Time didn’t cease when the Seals were opened.
Misunderstood it.
What happened, the mysteries was revealed, not time ceased.
….Because see? We got a thousand years after the church has gone home and comes back upon the earth.
Then time ceases in the new heavens and new earth.”
“They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to Heaven. That’s wrong. To believe that, is antichrist. I’ll say this: if you believe such a spirit, you’re lost. That’s a good sign you are lost, because it’s taking away from what God did. God never put His Name in any church. He put It in His Son, Christ Jesus, when He and His Son became One. That’s the genuine place of worship. No other foundations was laid, no other rock.”
That’s what the Angel told me, “Get the people to believe you.”
And if I tell the Word of God, it ain’t “believe me,” it’s “believe the Word.”
“… for they can hear plainly the God’s Voice, calling, through His Word
... Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God
calling to you in this day.”
64-0119 SHALOM
“When that Angel, of Revelation the 10th chapter, puts one foot on land and one on the sea, and a rainbow over His head, He swore, “time shall be no more.”
When that time comes, you’ll rise up from among the dead.
While the rest of them lay there, you’ll go in.”
When the Angel of Revelation 10 comes down then all the dead saints from the 2000 years of the 7 church ages will resurrect up in their glorified bodies.
62 – 12 30 ABSOLUTE
“And we know, Lord, that we are finite.
No matter who we are, we’re still mortal. But, not the messenger, but the Message.
Grant it, Lord.
That’s where we point, to Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Grant that He will be so real to every one here today, even to the little children,
that He will become the absolute of the entire congregation.”
Jesus Christ is the Absolute.
The messenger as a man is not important.
The Message that he preached was most important as he taught us to get back to the New Testament teachings of Paul and the apostles.
The apostles never believed that Jesus would come in a desert.
They believed that high in the heaven would be the SIGN of the Son of man, Who is the revealed Word of God.
“That’s the reason, this morning, I did not want to place that time before the Message,
and I never got through talking about my Absolute,
and I don’t think I ever will. I hope I never do. He is so wonderful!”
Brother Branham says, “My Absolute….. He is so wonderful.” That is Jesus.
“Kind heavenly Father, we approach Thee to thank Thee for this written Word. To realize what a supreme sacrifice has been paid that we could have this Word tonight... It’s the most persecuted Book in all the world and yet the greatest seller of all literature that was ever written.
It’s the absolute one Book that every Word is infallible.”
Brother Branham is not Infallible
Brother Branham revealed many wonderfully inspired Bible-truths. However, he was also human and as such he made mistakes at times.
Even John the Baptist, the first forerunner of Jesus, made the huge mistake of doubting that Jesus was the Messiah.
Jesus is Perfect, no other human being is perfect today.
“And now, in the Message that I have, I will try to make it just as simple as possible, because being the first time that you... Maybe people has been in the meetings. And it may seem a little strange to you at first. And if it does, I just ask you if you’ll bear with me a little,
and always search out what I say. If it isn’t exactly with the Scripture, don’t believe it”
He tells us to check what he said.
The people in Berea were more noble because they checked what the first church age messenger said.
ACTS 17:10 “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.”
:11 “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,
and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
The Bereans did not want to believe anything that was not Scriptural.
Anything that is not Scriptural is simply a deception.
“I stood right there in the Vatican City and verified it with the Bible.
The pope wearing a triple crown, Vicarius Filii Dei, all those things which I’ve heard and so forth, it’s absolutely the truth. A religious group that governs every nation under the heavens, and it does.”
Vicarius Filii Dei was never written on a Triple Crown of the Pope.
This lie was spread by a Seventh-Day Adventist preacher and is commonly believed by many people. But this crown with the writing on it has never been found. Brother Branham was also fooled.
“Watch, it’s the number of a man.
And up over the pope of Rome, it’s wrote, ‘VICARIUS FILII DEI.’ It’s wrote in Roman letters.”
Here he claims it is written on the throne that the Pope sits on. No such writing on a throne has ever been found.
No such writing on a Triple Crown has ever been found.
“The Latin words isn’t over the Vatican City;
it’s over the throne of the pope where he sets on his throne.
It’s wrote up there, VICARIUS FILII DEI.”
This statement is not true. Vicarius Filii Dei was never written on a throne.
“Now, now, Jesus, Messiah, rode into the city of Jerusalem, triumph, on the back of a white mule on Palm Sunday, April the 2nd, A.D. 30. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, A.D. 30.”
Notice the 3 mistakes:
Jesus rode in on a donkey, not a mule.
White? There is no mention of the colour of the donkey.
AD 30 is the wrong date.
“From the time God made the promise to Abraham (Don’t miss this.)—
… . Or when they rejected Christ and killed Him in A.D. 33 from the time God made the promise to Abraham, Genesis 12:3,
to the time of Christ being rejected in A.D. 33, by the Jews,”
Notice the contradiction in this same study as he says AD 33 and AD 30.
Brother Branham cannot be infallible if he contradicts himself.
“A striking statement: From the time God made the promise to Abraham (Don’t miss this.)—from the time God made the promise to Abraham, Genesis 12:3, to the time of Christ being rejected in A.D. 33, by the Jews, according to Galatians 3:16 and 17, and according to Usher’s (U-s-h-e-r-s) Usher’s Chronology of the Hebrews, the power of God was with the Jews exactly 1954 years.
God dealt with the Jews 1954 years according to the chronology of the Jews
and according to Galatians 3:16 and 17.
I got many more Scriptures, but just give that. Then after they rejected Christ, He turned to the Gentiles to take a people for His Name. You want a Scripture on that, the place? Acts 15:14.”
[Unquote: Irish Archbishop Ussher’s date for the call of Abraham (then known as Abram) was 1921 BC.
1921 BC to AD 33 = 1921 + 33 = 1954 years.]
“Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly seventeen years left, and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit since A.D. 33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years. God deals with us the same as He did with the Jews. See? How about that?”
But here brother Branham makes a basic arithmetic mistake.
And Message-pastors were too scared or too careless and lazy to check. Or they were too fooled by the drama of a dramatic impending date to try to correct him.
Message Pastors claim that it is a sin to correct brother Branham.
33 + 1954 = 1987 NOT 1977.
So, the date of 1977 was a miscalculation that nobody checked.
1977 was an illusion. The date was not accurate.
And nothing happened in 1977 in terms of America being destroyed (vision 7) or a cruel woman ruling America (Vision 6).
Thus, the stigma of a wrong prediction has many consequences as critics of brother Branham were now given reasons to attack him.
Worse than that is Message-believers thinking that they must defend his errors and condemn those who correct his errors.
Condemning the truth is worse than believing an error.
If you believe an error, God can still send someone with the truth to correct you.
But if you condemn truth, then God cannot help you.
“The Laodicean Age began around the turn of the Twentieth Century, perhaps 1906. How long will it last? As a servant of God who has had multitudes of visions, of which NONE has ever failed, let me predict (I did not say prophesy, but predict) that this age will end around 1977.”
Brother Branham has 7 prophetic visions in 1933. But nothing ended in 1977 which was a prediction based on an arithmetic mistake.
Almost 50 years have passed since 1977, and America is still the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world.
1977 was simply a disastrous arithmetic mistake. That date was an illusion. Nothing happened.
His date for the call of Abraham is open to question since this prediction has missed by more than 50 years. (Writing in 2025).
Brother Branham’s ministry was to reveal the mysteries of Scripture. He was never called to predict dates.
This huge mistake means that you cannot just trust a quote that he made. You must check it carefully.
Another mistake was putting the Jew Herod into the family lineage of the Roman, Julius Caesar.
Six generations of Julius Caesar’s family ruled Rome.
The last ruler or Emperor of his family was Nero. Then the 7th was a military general Galba who usurped the position of Emperor briefly for 7 months before being killed.
Seven speaks of completion. Seven days completes a week.
This family of Dictators had the first seven one-man-rulers of pagan Rome. Those 7 gave us the complete overall 2000-year history of the evil of the Roman Catholic denominational system where one man is the head of the church.
This represented the succession of Popes who would rule the Roman Catholic church. They are the longest line of one-man-rulers-who-are-dictators in the Western world. But the last Pope, the man of sin, will usurp the position of Pope by using the military power of ten dictators.
Protestant churches copied this example by having a one-man-dictator as the head of the church who can destroy all opposition to his ideas. They just called him a Pastor.
DANIEL 11:21 “And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.”
REVELATION 17:12 “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”
:13 “These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”
“And here the seven kings: five are fallen (which was at that time), and one is (That’s the one that come now, which was Caesar.), and another is yet to come (which was Herod, which was wicked”.
“One is” means the Emperor Nero. The Emperors were called Caesar.
“And another is yet to come” was the Roman general Galba who usurped the position of Roman Emperor for 7 months. His strict financial controls enabled him to limit corruption and wasteful spending. But it made him many enemies, who killed him after this short space of 7 months.
“... and when he cometh, he must continue for a short space.”
Note: In a way history repeats itself as President Trump and Elon Musk try to eliminate all the wasteful spending done by the American government. Their actions have provoked huge resentment and opposition.
Now, look how brother Branham gets it wrong.
Does anybody know how long Herod reigned? Six months. Pulled his mother through the street on a single tree of a horse, and burnt the city, and laid it onto the Christians, and fiddled on the hillside while they were burning the city. Six months. And see, ‘And the beast...’ Now watch, look what a rascal that he was.”
More mistakes. Herod ruled the Jews for 33 years.
Here brother Branham accuses Herod of the crimes that Nero committed. Nero ruled 14 years.
It was Nero that pulled his mother on a horse and burned the city of Rome while he fiddled.
Brother Branham at times made careless historical mistakes.
Look how he got dates muddled up.
When did the Roman General Titus destroy the Temple and Jerusalem? AD 96 or AD 70?
You cannot tell from the quotes.
You will have to look it up in a history reference.
The answer is AD 70.
So, do not be scared to check and alter the historical mistakes that brother Branham makes.
“Not exactly two thousand, ’cause the Romans kept on going, Titus in A.D. 96, and on down like that, kill the Jews. The Romans! Who was it killed the Jews? Who was Titus? A Roman general. The blood rolled out the gates down there, …oh, and slaughter them, the women, children, and everything.”
“The whole nation had to be brought into judgment. Because, it happened about A.D. 70, when the great Roman general, Titus, besieged Jerusalem, about A.D. 70, with his army from Rome, and there they paid the price for rejecting Him.”
Notice the contradicting dates in the quotes.
You cannot just base your belief on a quote.
Brother Branham got the date of the Cloud wrong
Nobody thought to check the details of the Cloud photograph with the scientist Dr James McDonald who took the photograph. A strange spirit took over Message-people. Run with a dramatic idea. Too lazy or careless to check out the facts. Then to avoid doing any research or checking, just call brother Branham infallible.
Three times brother Branham gets the Cloud of 28 February on the wrong date by trying to make it fit with his hunting trip to Sunset Peak that happened between 6 March and 8 March.
That was the illusion that he had. (Flagstaff had unfortunate illusions).
“Notice, there’s witnesses of three setting in here,
that a week ago (a little over a week ago)
I was up way back into the mountains, nearly to Mexico, with two brethren that’s setting here, picking cocklebur—or sand burrs off of my trouser leg, and a blast went off that almost, looked like, shook the mountains down.”
This was preached on the 24 March.
“A little over a week” before the 24th March would be about 10 days earlier on 14 March. But the hunting season closed on 10 March.
“A little over a week ago” would be wrong.
This is obviously not an accurate date but places the angel’s visit long after 28 February.
The angels were certainly not on the 28th of February as that would be a little over three weeks ago from when he was preaching on 24 March.
“And just as I looked, right there was them Angels just as plain as They could be, setting right there in that picture. See? I looked to see when it was, and it was time, same,
about day or two before, or day or two after I was up there.”
The Cloud was seen on 28 February.
A day or two before was 26 February, but the hunting season only started on 1 March, so that is very wrong. He was not hunting illegally before 1 March.
A day or two after 28 February would be 2 March. But he preached the sermon "An Absolute" in Houston, Texas which is 1000 miles from Sunset Peak, on 4 March.
He drove from Houston back to Tucson on 5 March, and thus, he only got to Sunset Mountain on 6 March and the 7 angels came to him on 8 March, according to his daughter Becky in her article “Return to Sunset”.
He obviously got confused over the date of the Cloud and the angels’ visit that was 8 days after the Cloud was formed by angels’ wings.
Getting dates muddled up does not make him a false prophet. It just makes him human. But it proves that he was not infallible.
He knew nothing about the cloud when it happened.
The cloud was not an event.
The cloud was a sign pointing to a great event.
The great event was the Revelation of the Seven Seals, that was soon to happen.
The Revelation of the Seven Seals would make it possible for us to understand the written Bible.
The importance was not on the man, William Branham, but on his revelation of the mysteries of God.
Understanding the mysteries is what turns us into the wise virgins.
DANIEL 12:10 … but the wise shall understand.
64-0419 THE TRIAL
One day at the river, I was baptizing five hundred people at the river, when, all of a sudden, this same Light that come in when I was a little boy. And I had told the people I had been seeing It. They said I was dreaming and it was some kind of a mental conception that I had. But before better than five thousand people, at two o’clock in the afternoon, in 1933, out of the skies come this Cloud coming down, speaking these Words, “As John the Baptist was commissioned to forerun the first coming of Christ,
your ministry will forerun the second coming of “ Christ,"
The emphasis was on John the Baptist as a man to forerun Christ as a Man. John pointed out Jesus as a Man walking amongst men.
But, the emphasis today is not on William Branham as a man, but rather on the mysteries he revealed in the King James Bible.
That way Jesus is revealed as the Word of God that can be understood because the mysteries reveal Jesus walking through the pages of the Bible.
REVELATION 10:7 “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery (singular) of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”
The secret mystery (singular) of Revelation 10:7 was not brother Branham preaching the mysteries (plural). Part of the mystery (singular) is when the Bride individuals are able to prove what they believe just from the King James Bible.
Once we understand the revealed mysteries (plural) of God, only then we can return to the beliefs of the early apostles who wrote the New Testament. That return to the beliefs of the first church age is part of the great mystery (singular) of God.
That is why brother Branham was not involved when the supernatural cloud was seen. The emphasis was not on him as a man, the emphasis is on the ability of the Bride individuals to understand the written mysteries that he revealed and return back or be restored to the beliefs of the early apostolic fathers.
MATTHEW 17:11 “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.”
Has his Message restored us to the apostolic New Testament?
The harvest only happens when the last seed is the same as the first seed that was planted by the apostles.
We are supposed to use his quotes to understand the Bible.
We must not try to interpret his quotes into unscriptural ideas.
“I don’t care what you believe; it’s what the Bible says.”
“Where is He crucified at? From the pastors. You hypocrites.”
Nobody should preach any doctrine unless they are Scripturally accurate.
Be careful.
Moreh, the former or teaching rain, has to teach us how to put scattered Bible verses together in order to form a pattern that runs through the entire Bible.
To combat this, the antichrist spirit elevates a Quote-based Pastorhood to replace the Levitical Priesthood. But Pastors cannot teach their made-up doctrines from the Scriptures. Because their doctrines were made up by manipulating quotes.
They actually condemn Bible teachers as the enemy.
Pastors limit their churches to their own Bible-ignorance.
Thus, the former or teaching rain has little effect on the Message-churches because they are becoming increasingly Bible-illiterate.
Thus, sadly, they cannot understand much of the Bible. As a result, they do not qualify as the wise virgins and remain among the foolish virgins who, though saved, are doomed to enter great tribulation.
DANIEL 12:10 “…but the wise shall understand”.
Brother Branham had much to teach us which should make us highly respect him, but we also need to check everything with Scripture because he did make mistakes at times.
The early church checked what Saint Paul said.
ACTS 17:10 “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,
and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
We must check brother Branham with Scripture.
If you do not prove his quotes from Scripture then you are not noble.
If we do not dwell on any one topic long enough to refine and prove the ideas from Scripture; we become a conqueror of the church by subduing them with certain quotes. Conquering people does not benefit them. Only when people can prove their ideas from Scripture, have we benefitted them.
Confusing and Contradicting Cloud Quotes
Brother Branham said the Cloud was hanging in the air. That is correct. It stayed at that vast height.
But he was at Sunset Peak. The Cloud was 200 miles North and 8 days previously.
This was a hopelessly wrong guess about the Cloud that he never saw.
“Go to Tucson; foretell it before it happened. Stand north of Tucson, witnesses standing here with it, when a blast come, that shook the mountains off the ground, almost.
And at the same time, a circle of Light hanging yonder in the air, when the science took the pictures now.“
“Twenty-six miles high,” about five times the distance of fog or anything could be. And they can’t even find what did it.”
Here he has the Cloud hanging in the air. Which is correct.
“Now science took the picture of It, you seen It, went on Associated Press. They didn’t know what It was.
There is a Cloud hanging, twenty-six miles high”.
He repeats that quote about the Cloud hanging in the sky in 1965.
“So high they can’t be fog, mist, or nothing up there. “What did it? Where is it at?” They’re just as puzzled of that supernatural Halo hanging yonder in the sky”
Again he has the Cloud hanging in the air.
But now he guesses that it hung there all day. That was a very wrong guess.
The Cloud appeared briefly after sunset for 28 minutes just North of Flagstaff and then the 7 angels appeared briefly 8 days later to brother Branham at Sunset Peak.
“And say, let’s say, maybe it’s fifteen miles till you can’t get no more vapor.
But this is twenty-six miles, and she hung there all day.
See? They don’t know what It is. But, thank the Lord, we do.”
All day? No. The Cloud was only visible for 28 minutes.
Here he has the Cloud ascending upwards.
Now, some sister here, Billy just showed me, was nice enough to go get this Life magazine, this picture, and blow it up, of that of the seven Angels, and have it taken and sent to me.
That is the picture. And now if you’ll notice here, as it was leaving, ascending back,
when the Angels had brought Their Message, it was in the form of a pyramid;”
In the above quote, he thought the angels were photographed as they ascended after speaking to him.
“… and I and Brother Gene Norman, standing right there present when it went up. They took the picture, still they don’t know what about it.”
The Cloud never went up. It hung at the same height.
Brother Branham was never below the Cloud.
Then more conflict arises.
Because in the next quote says the angels were photographed as they descended towards him.
Brother Fred Sothmann, I know he’s here. And I’m pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. [This was 4 March 1963].
And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren [On 6 March 1963].
And that morning [8 March], I was standing there picking cockleburs, or what they call goatheads there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said it. Is that right, Brother Fred? And I must have jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent Message back, for me to come here to break these Seals.
And, now, I didn’t know at the time, that they were taking pictures of that, scientists was, as the Angels lowered themselves from Heaven, to bring the Message.”
This was the mistake. No photograph was taken on 8 March at Sunset Peak.
The cloud was 42 kilometres high. Brother Branham thought that the angels were lowering themselves down to him when they were photographed.
Thus we have four quotes.
The Cloud came down. The Cloud went up. The Cloud hung in the sky all day. The Cloud hung in the sky.
Obviously, brother Branham was confused.
We cannot build a doctrine based on quotes that contradict each other.
That is not a sure foundation.
… so that the peoples that has believed the Message that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what’s taking place, and placing it in the Scripture.
We must only believe the quotes that we can prove from Scripture.
Message people then came up with a further illusion of knowledge, claiming that the Seven Seals have been opened.
But they have to be revealed before they can be opened.
AMOS 3:7 “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”
Nobody had ever revealed the Seven Seals in the past.
Thus, it was impossible for brother Branham to OPEN the UNREVEALED Seven Seals.
John was caught up to Heaven, symbolizing an individual Bride member, in Revelation Chapter 4.
There will be 24 elders around the Throne.
So, 12 Old Testament Elders have to be present from the 12 tribes of Israel as well as 12 Elders who are the New Testament apostles. (Notice: no mention of Pastors).
REVELATION 4:1 Come up hither,
REVELATION 4:4 “And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders..."
Pastors are mentioned once in the New Testament and are thus rather unimportant as a Scriptural ministry. Pastoral care is helping people with their personal problems. Pastors were never used to unfold deep Bible mysteries.
Only after we see the Jewish elders in Heaven can the Seals OPEN in Chapter 6.
Brother Branham went beyond the curtain of time to see visions of the Opening of the Seals.
When he said the Seals were Opened, he meant they had opened in the form of a future vision, not in reality.
He was very clear that the Seventh Seal had never OPENED because he never even got a REVELATION of it. Other than to say it refers to the Coming of the Lord which is the biggest mystery in the Universe.
“The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming.”
Jesus will open the Seven Seals in Heaven while the Earth is going through great Tribulation.
63-0323 — THE SIXTH SEAL
“It’s Moses and Elijah, ’cause there is their ministry re-impersonated again, it’s both men.
… Oh, my! Do you see it now? See what the Sixth Seal is? It’s those prophets. Now notice. Don’t let it choke you.
But, watch what opened that Seal, prophets!”
Moses and Elijah will be in great tribulation, so they can open the Sixth Seal then.
Revealing the Seals just gave us the broad outline of Satan’s plans.
Only when the Seven Seals are opened in Heaven will you receive all the dark and devious complex details.
But then you will have a changed body with a much cleverer brain that will enable you to process that flood of high-level information that we cannot properly grasp now.