Ten Commandments tell of God and the 7 church ages

The first three Commandments tell us about God. The last 7 commandments tell us about the history of the Gentile church

First published on the 22nd of May 2024 — Last updated on the 30th of May 2024

The first 3 Commandments stress one God and His name

The first three commandments tell us about God and how useless it is for man to think about how the supernatural God looks. The name of God is especially important.

1.   There is only one God.

A one-God-in-three-Persons comes from Greek philosophy, not from the Bible.

I JOHN 5:7   For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The “three are one”. The Bible never says “three-in-one”.

The word Trinity is not in the Bible.

2.   Do not make any man-made image or idea of God, as God dwells outside that image.                                   God made an image of Himself in the form of the Man Jesus Christ. But the Man Jesus is not God.

NUMBERS 23:19   God is not a man

COLOSSIANS 2:9   For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

The fulness of the supernatural Spirit of God dwelled inside the body of Jesus. That is what makes Jesus God. You are everything that is inside you.

But the words and deeds of the Man Jesus on the outside make the nature of the invisible God within Him visible to us

3.    Do not take God’s name in vain. Do not misuse the name of God in any way. Treat God’s name with the highest respect. Never swear in His name.

But the churches have lost the name of their Trinity God. They cannot find one name for three People.

They say, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" but they have no clue what that name is.

In the Old Testament, God’s name is a mystery. The Jews never actually knew God’s name. They had various names. El. Elah. Elohim. Adonai. Jehovah. JHVH. Yahweh. YHWH. Jealous. The Lord. I AM.

EXODUS 34:14   for the LORD, whose name is Jealous

“Jealous” is not a name, it is a characteristic.

EXODUS 15:3   the LORD is his name.

“The Lord” is not a name, it is a title.

All these names hid a mystery. Why was there not just one name for God?

Another mystery is that none of these names of God appear in the New Testament. Why have God’s Hebrew names disappeared for 2000 years?

As soon as the name of Jesus is mentioned in the first verse of the New Testament, none of the Old Testament names of God are mentioned.

MATTHEW 1:1   The book of the generation of Jesus Christ,

Jacob wrestled with God and asked for His name. God replied that it was not the right question to ask.

GENESIS 32:29   And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

:30     And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

They never had one name for God. God’s one name was a secret.

Samson’s father asked for the name of God but found that it was a secret.

JUDGES 13:18   And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

JUDGES 13:22   And Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God.

The Jehovah of the Old Testament became the Jesus of the New Testament.

The human name of the Lord God Almighty is the Lord Jesus Christ

The last 7 Commandments describe the 7 church ages

The last 7 commandments tell us about the seven church ages that have covered the last 2000 years.

4.   Church age 1  (AD 33 - 170)  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Sabbath means rest. Not just rest from your own work. Sabbath really means rest from your own works of sin.

This started with the Holy Ghost baptism on the Day of Pentecost when they spoke with other tongues that people from different countries were able to understand.

ISAIAH 28:11   For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

:12     To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

JOHN 16:13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

The Holy Ghost-filled apostolic fathers wrote the New Testament which guided the church into all truth.

Every born-again Christian was part of the royal Priesthood.

Thus it was a brotherhood of equality because no priest is above another priest. Only the High Priest is above a priest. Jesus is our High Priest.

I PETER 2:9   But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,

The Aaronic Priesthood had ended when Caiaphas tore his robe. All Christians were equal as a brotherhood.

God set up the church at the beginning the way He wanted it. The first church age was the only true church.

5.   (Church age 2   AD 170 - 312)   Honour your father and mother.

The Christians in the second church age were supposed to copy what the first church age had believed and written as the New Testament. God did not want the church to change as years went by. The apostles who wrote the New Testament were the fathers of the church.

The portion of the Holy Ghost which gave birth to the first church on the Day of Pentecost is the mother of the church.

All the second church age had to do was to be the same as the first church age. But they made the big mistake of elevating a holy man as the head of each church, calling him a Priest.

This was the spirit of the Nicolaitans. Then a Bishop was elevated to be in charge of the Priests in a City. A man-made church Priesthood now was elevated to stand between the people and God. God hated this idea.

6.   (Church age 3   AD 312 - 606)   Do not kill.

With the emphasis on elevated human leadership, the church now allowed a brutal politician Constantine, who was Roman Emperor, to force the church to accept the Trinity doctrine at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. Any dissenters were persecuted or exiled. (Which is how pastors treat people who disagree with them today. Character assassination and expulsion).

The unscriptural word “Trinity” began the process that would kill the Bible’s truth.

More and more unscriptural expressions followed.

God the Son. Eternal Sonship. Father and Son are of the same essence (whatever that means) or substance. Jesus is in the Godhead. Second Person of the Godhead. First Person of the Godhead. God the Holy Ghost. Christmas. Good Friday. Hot cross buns. Easter eggs. Easter rabbits. Christmas tree. 25 December. Lent. Rosary. Pope. Cardinals. Archbishops.

Constantine gave the Pope the beautiful Lateran Palace and huge amounts of money to ensure that the Pope would always be loyal to him. Being the head of the church became a well-paid job. Ambitious men were desperate to become Pope. In AD 366, Damasus won the election as Bishop of Rome after his thugs murdered more than 300 followers of his rival Ursinus. Around AD 382 his nephew, Emperor Theodosius, gave the title of Pontiff (High Priest of the Babylonian Mysteries) to Damasus. Thus, the Mysteries of Babylon from the days of Nimrod entered the Roman Catholic church, which became Mystery Babylon. Bible Truth was killed as Satan infiltrated the Roman Catholic church with pagan ideas and man-made traditions as he took over the leadership of the church.

7.   (Church age 4   AD 606 - 1520)  Do not commit adultery

The evil woman Jezebel ruled Israel in their “Dark Age” as the wife of the wicked king Ahab. She symbolized the evil Roman Catholic church that ruled Europe in the Dark Ages and forced the kings and emperors to accept her unscriptural doctrines as they committed spiritual adultery with the Roman Church whore which banned the Bible.

Jezebel killed Naboth to get his vineyard. The Roman Church killed tens of millions of dissenters to establish their rule over Europe.

8.   (Church age 5   1520 - 1750)   Do not steal

Germany’s heroic Martin Luther restored salvation by grace through faith. He opposed the Pope and split a huge portion of the Roman Church away from the Pope as they formed Protestant churches. He attacked and corrected many of the Roman Catholic errors.

When Jacob and Rachel left her father Laban, they stole some of his idols which gave him the excuse to pursue them.

Luther’s big mistake was to steal certain Roman Catholic errors as he tried to leave the Roman Catholic Church.

He stole the unscriptural Trinity and the unscriptural idea of a man being the head of a church. This man was now called a pastor, despite the word “pastors” only being mentioned once in the New Testament and being condemned six times in the Old Testament. Luther also stole the church-State plan of the Catholics whereby the State politicians supported the church. For the church to keep in with the modern politicians today, the churches have to condone gay rights and same-sex marriage. By believing in Trinity and having a human head, Protestant churches cannot be fully restored to the beliefs of the first church age. Saved Protestants of today thus become part of the foolish virgins who will miss the Coming of the Lord because they were fooled by the unscriptural church traditions of their charismatic preachers.

9.   (Church age 6   1750 - 1906)  Do not lie or bear false witness

John Wesley in England restored holiness and outreach and this led to the golden missionary age. Their good works were so impressive that it gave rise to a big lie. Many began to believe that salvation depended on grace as well as on good works. We also tend to think that grace alone was not enough to save us, as we also have to go to church every Sunday and never argue with the pastor who rules the church. It was difficult for them to separate their good works from their faith for salvation. Saved people also had to go to church on 25 December for a Christmas (unscriptural word on an unscriptural pagan date) sermon on 25 December. This was an essential requirement. Missing a Christmas service was a major offence. Even though the Bible never asks us to remember Christ’s birth. People also must do the good work of paying money if they expect to be prayed for.

Today we have a better understanding. By grace through faith we are saved from hell. That applies to both the wise and the foolish virgins. Virgins are clean women, representing saved people in the churches.

But our good works and obedience to the restored mysteries of the Bible enable us to be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. This is the only way whereby we can be saved from the awful horror of the oncoming great Tribulation.

DANIEL 12:10   the wise shall understand.

The wise virgins will understand the revealed mysteries of Scripture and be caught up by the Lord and taken to Heaven.

The foolish virgins are saved from hell but they wake up too late from all the errors that their unscriptural pastors-in-charge-of-a-church have taught them. They are saved people who have been fooled by clever preachers. So, they miss the Lord’s Coming and perish horribly in great Tribulation.

10.   (Church age 7   1906 - today)   Do not covet

Bible teachers have to search the revealed mysteries to find out how to restore the Bride back to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles.

The Pastors who usurped the unscriptural position of being the one-man head of the church are dependent on this position for allowing them to take the tithes. They covet the headship of the church in order to secure the tithes as their income.

Pastors covet the ministry that will enable them to teach the deeper revealed mysteries, as they want to be in charge. But they do not have the insight to understand the deeper Bible mysteries, so they regard the Bible teachers, who have this insight, as enemies. Pastors cannot teach just from the King James Bible. So, they lure the people away from the Bible by inventing doctrines that are based on certain very carefully selected quotes. The message-churches become bound to a specific interpretation of certain quotes and thus become increasingly Bible-illiterate.

Pastors bind their people to certain quotes. They are not interested in the deeper mysteries as they cannot prove them from Scripture. They prefer to prove their doctrine from quotes. Then they intensely oppose the Bible teachers who prove their beliefs from Scripture.

Christ, Who is the Word, is the Head of the church. As soon as a Pastor declares himself to be the head of the church, Christ has to move outside the church.

Christ stands knocking outside the church. But He only appeals to individuals, not to the whole church who have been fooled by the Pastor.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23