Revelation 18   Flee from Babylon Part 1

Thousands of denominations and churches all disagreeing. Over 100 versions of the English Bible. Real confusion 

First published on the 15th of September 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025

Brother Branham from America introduced Christ as the revealed Word that can be understood.

A Deity-spirit swept the Message churches when many thought brother Branham was God in the flesh. They called him the Voice of God and used his quotes to replace the infallible King James Bible.

Never call him infallible as certain quotes are contradicted by other quotes.

He revealed what the seven Thunders do, but not what the seven Thunders are nor what they say.

Wrong spirits have entered the denominational churches and control the leadership. Hence there are thousands of different opinions that entangle truth and error.

The churches have elevated a pastoral priesthood (that is doomed to fail) to replace the Aaronic priesthood that failed.

The “shout” will happen when the Bride becomes Scriptural and quotes the King James Bible.

Modern Babylon is the confusion of Denominations

64-0318 — Sir, We Would See Jesus

We got a Babylon church, you know that, the denominations. They’re in Babylon.

We need supernatural help if we are to find the truth.

A supernatural angel comes down to teach us and help us.

REVELATION 18:1   And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

The apostle John, who was also a prophet, needed the help of an angel to write down the mysteries in the Book of Revelation,

The apostle Paul, who was also a prophet, was the first angel or messenger to establish the truth for the Gentile church. He needed the help of an angel at a crucial time.


And in a vision, standing by his side, he [Saint Paul] saw an Angel which brought him the message, the Angel of the Lord. And he come up and he said, “Wherefore, sir, be of a good cheer: for the Angel of God, Whose servant I am, stood by me last night and said,…

If these great men, who were apostles and prophets, needed the help of an angel to set up the New Testament church with its mysteries, how much more do we need the help of a powerful supernatural angel who can illuminate the Scriptures so that we can understand what we read.

We have a promise that God will move supernaturally and the mysteries will be unsealed and made known at the end time.

DANIEL 12:4   But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

“To and fro” speaks of uncertainty. In one direction and then in the opposite direction. This uncertainty describes our modern world.

We describe rocking a baby “to and fro” to put the baby to sleep. So, church leaders rock their congregations to and fro, in order to keep them complacently asleep. Pastors preach to their own choirs and say only what their fans want to hear. The congregation becomes an echo chamber of the pastor’s opinions.

A parable in Matthew Chapter 25 represents the final saved church as ten virgins (clean women), but they are ALL fast asleep.

MATTHEW 25:5   While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

“Slumbered” and “slept”. Emphasis, two words for sleeping in one sentence. That indicates that the churches are all fast asleep.

“Going to and fro” is a characteristic of Satan.

Think of the Trinity, which makes people’s minds run to and fro between one and three. Is God one or three? Now they see one, then they see three, until top preachers like Billy Graham admit that they do not understand the mystery of the Trinity.

But the Bible says that the mystery of God should be finished.

REVELATION 10:7   But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished.

We should be able to understand the Bible at the end time.

JOB 1:7   And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said,

From going to and fro in the earth,

and from walking up and down in it.

Satan's tactics. Reversing himself when it suits him. Sowing confusion to achieve deception.

ISAIAH 24:20   The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,

and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

Drunkards think irrationally. Churches believe some Scriptures but ignore, contradict, change, and remove other Scriptures. Believing some Scriptures but not others is very irrational.

EPHESIANS 4:14   That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

If God is three Persons then there is no single name for God. Thus, the name of God, Jesus Christ, is cunningly replaced with three titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as if that is a name. Saved church-goers are easily deceived and thus join the ranks of the foolish virgins.

But in 1947, in the middle of a brief post-war recession, three great things happened as an incredible supernatural move of God began with this powerful angel giving the Jews a fulfillment of Scripture. The United Nations, who hated the Jews, briefly felt sorry for them after the 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler. Of all people, the vicious dictator Stalin was inspired to push the United Nations to give the Jews the right to fight for a portion of their ancient homeland, Israel. They were supernaturally given the incredible power and courage they needed to overcome the five Arab armies that they knew would attack them in 1948 when they declared independence. They won this war of independence against all odds, as well as the next three Arab wars.

Three great events that had deep spiritual implications.

  1. The United Nations permitted the Jews to fight the Arabs for a portion of their Promised Land in 1947.

This was a sign that God was returning to the Jews. The fulfillment of prophecy is a special sign of God’s power.

God is preparing to meet the 144,000 Jews in Israel during the 3.5 years of great Tribulation.

  1. In 1947 an angel came to give William Branham, in America, a commission to manifest the most powerful Pentecostal healing and discernment ministry.

In 1963, seven angels then gave him a commission to reveal the six Seals of Revelation Chapter 6. This opened the revelation of the mysteries of God. That Light illuminated the mysteries of Scripture so that the Bride could finally understand the written Word and return to the beliefs of the New Testament church that was established by the apostles.

  1. The angel also had great power in terms of illuminating and understanding the laws of Physics and scientific research. Three American scientists were given the inspiration they needed to invent the transistor in 1947, which became the basis of computers, rockets, satellites, and the internet. The seventh and last parable of the kingdom of heaven in Matthew 25 speaks of a net sweeping through the sea. In the seventh and last church age the revealed Bible truth will sweep through the restless sea of nations via the internet. In 1947, at the beginning of brother Branham's great ministry, God was preparing the transister foundation that the entire internet would depend on.

By the year 2000, the internet allowed websites to publish the truth of the revealed Word to all the world. Thus, the Light of the revealed mysteries of Scripture now reaches all nations.

ZOOM is a computer program that was developed during the shutdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021 which allows individuals from different countries to gather together, though separated physically by big distances.

MATTHEW 24:14   And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The scene is now set for the Second Coming of Jesus which will end the seven church ages and begin the final 3½ years of great tribulation judgement.

Brother Branham is not the Son of man

Jesus is the Son of man. A prophet is a son of man.

In 1947 the Holy Spirit, as a mighty angel, launched a great Pentecostal revival of supernatural power. But in the 1950s and 1960s God needed the voice of the seventh angel to speak to the people as He revealed the mysteries of Scripture to the seventh angel. This produced the Light for the Bride to walk in.

Brother Branham had the most powerful discernment ministry. God would take over his mind and then use his voice to reveal a total stranger’s name and address and ailment as well as certain events in that person’s life. Discernment is when God uses a person’s voice to reveal things that the person who is speaking knows nothing about.


“I’m just His Voice. He is a supernatural Person, I’m natural.

He can bring supernatural to the natural man, He glorifies, speaks His Voice. He uses my hands, He uses my eyes to see visions, He uses my ears. Just as the Holy Spirit uses you.

When you’re a praising God, it’s your voice, when you’re lost in the Spirit praising God. See what I mean?

And if I should try to use one speck of my own thoughts, it’d be wrong. I must depend fully upon the Holy Spirit, on the Angel of God.

Therefore, I only can speak as He speaks."

God used this gift of discernment to attract the attention of people so that they would realize that God was using brother Branham.

But that does not mean that brother Branham was Jesus Christ.


To make me the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, would be an antichrist.


We know the Bible is right;

that's not my voice; that's God's voice, speaking.

“Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.
I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared.

I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew.

It's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through.

It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man.

It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God.

The [seventh] angel was not the Son of man; he was the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ;

He is the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.”

The Angel revealed great spiritual power through brother Branham’s ministry.

But then God began to use brother Branham to start revealing the truth of the mysteries of Scripture.

JOHN 4:24   God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

To unleash the Light of the revealed mysteries, brother Branham had to reveal the six Seals of Revelation Chapter 6. The truth of the revealed Seals produced enough Light so that the Bride could understand the mysteries of Scripture. The revealed mysteries of God (plural) enable the Bride to be restored back to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles.

The great “mystery of God” (singular) is that the end time Bride must be restored back to the beginning, the New Testament church that the apostles established.

REVELATION 10:7   But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God [singular] should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

Brother Branham left the scene in 1965.

From 1966 has been the days of his recorded voice whereby he urges us to be Scriptural.


But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness,

not me preaching It, because It’s the Bible says so.

Those who accept that is free, because they…the Word’s already been judged.

You must never believe that brother Branham is infallible.

63 0318   THE FIRST SEAL   Now, he said, "There is a white horse rider." But what the mystery of it is, there's a mystery that goes with that rider. Now, what it was, they didn't know; but it's to be revealed.

But it is to be revealed AFTER the Lamb leaves the Father's throne of His intercessory as Kinsman Redeemer.?????????

This quote means that the First Seal will only be revealed after the Lamb leaves the throne of mercy. Since brother Branham did reveal the First Seal, that means that mercy is over. So, this quote launched the wrong doctrine that “mercy is over.”

But this wrong quote is contradicted by another quote in the same sermon, proving that brother Branham is not infallible.                                                                                                                                                                                                      63 0318   THE FIRST SEAL   Now, reveals all the mysteries that's gone on in the past. Now, the thought is here at the end time that the mysteries that begin way back long ago and has come down through the church ages is to be revealed here at the breaking of the Seals here at the last days,

after the time of intercession is just about finished at that time.??????????

Here he says that the First Seal is revealed when the time of intercession or mercy is just about finished. So, mercy is still available.

In the last year of his life brother Branham still spoke of God being rich in mercy.


“But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and is right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because God is rich in His mercy! Amen. Now that’s the One, that’s the Person, It’s that Lord Jesus. He is not dead, but He has risen from the dead, and He is alive for evermore.

He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, still just as rich in His mercy as He was to the woman that had a blood issue.”

Thus, the six Seals of Revelation Chapter 6 were revealed before the Lamb leaves the mercy seat.

Fanciful and mediocre interpretations of the quotes that cannot be proven from Scripture, like mercy is over and brother Branham is infallible, are just a big bloated cloud of useless rhetoric floating around in the media space.

Intellectually lazy, church-goers believe their church propaganda without a second thought. That makes them foolish virgins, saved but easily fooled and thus not ready for the Lord’s return.

A dictator dominates leaving no room for dissent. Thus a pastor creates organized religion.

Elders have to prove their point from Scripture. Then you obey because the Scripture says so, not because the elder says so.

The Seven Thunders have not Uttered

Message preachers distort the seven Thunders as they interpret the seven Thunders into a haphazard, homemade non-Message. This is the result of their desperate claim to be regarded as clever.

Brother Branham never said that “the seven Thunders had uttered”.

He did say that the seven Thunders were a total mystery.


Then the seven thunders utter their strange voices, and John was going to write. John knew what it was, but he didn't write it, 'cause he was forbidden to write it.

That's absolutely and altogether a mystery. It's not even in symbol or nothing. We just know it thundered; that's all.


TWO QUESTIONS.  “Have the Seven Thunders which equals seven mysteries already been revealed?

Were they revealed in the Seven Seals, but are yet not known to us as the Thunders yet?


They were revealed in the Seven Seals; that’s what the Thunders was about."

Notice! Have the 7 Thunders been revealed? No.

What the 7 Seals revealed about the Thunders was their function or purpose, what the Thunders were about.

But if you read the Seven Seals, the Thunders were revealed in the Seven Seals to be a total mystery.

He could only tell us what the Thunders are about, their function, what they have to do.

For example, they will wake up the Bride and give her a revival. They will give the Bride rapturing faith by changing our bodies into eternal bodies. We cannot be raptured in these sinful bodies. They will ALSO utter to the two Jewish prophets to give them great supernatural power over nature during the 3.5 years of great Tribulation.

The Seven Seals never revealed what the Thunders say nor what the Thunders are.

That remains a total mystery.


One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason it wasn't revealed, it was seven thunders that uttered their voices, and there it is perfectly, because nothing knows anything about it; wasn't even written.


And now, these Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and those Seven Seals.

And then after these Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious thunders

that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write those.

And at the time of those thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down

with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and swore that time had run out at that time.

Notice! The seven Thunders only utter their 7 voices once the Seven Seals are completed.

But the Seventh Seal was never revealed.


The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming.

The Seventh Seal has not opened, so the Thunders, that utter after the Seven Seals are completed, have not yet uttered.

Brother Branham is the forerunner of Christ as the revealed Word of God.


Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word

has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good.

Brother Branham proved his beliefs from Scripture.

Now we must follow his example and make sure that we can prove his beliefs from Scripture for ourselves.


My mission, I believe, that God has called me for. I have to say some personal things today, because that's what I told you I'd do, see, and tell the world.

My mission, I believe, to the earth, is (what?) is to forerun the coming Word,

see, the coming Word which is Christ.

This revealed Word lightens up the spiritual world so that the Bride, the wise virgins, can understand the Scripture.


A messenger was sent from Heaven, to call God’s people out of Babylon.

And his Light lighted the earth, great Holy Spirit.


“That’s some of the mysteries that this angel is supposed to wind up, all ‘the mystery,’ all the mysteries of God.

And the other, and may I say this with reverence,

and not referring to myself, but referring to the Angel of God:”

God sends His Spirit in the form of an Angel because then it is not the Coming of the Lord in the human Body of Jesus Christ.

EXODUS 23:20   Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.


Seeing that Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same One that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus! And the same One coming, with the same Power, doing the same things,

and revealing the same Word, staying Word-by-Word with the Bible!

The Pillar of Fire was photographed over brother Branham’s head in Houston, Texas in 1950.

His ministry was to reveal the Son of man as the revealed Word of God that can be understood.


And I say to you in His Name that

that same Angel ain't standing two feet from where I am right now.

The fullness of God stood next to him, not in him.

The fullness of God can never be in one man today as the Spirit of God is poured out over the entire church, as it was on the Day of Pentecost.


… together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people,

Brother Branham understanding the truth from Scripture was just the opening of the door so that God could get His Bride to understand the truth from Scripture.

Brother Branham was sent to teach the Bride the Bible truth.

His ministry will only be a success when the Bride is able to prove their beliefs from Scripture.

God wants to be IN His church.


And we see all these great signs upon the earth, that's appearing;

and the identification of the Son of God, dealing in the flesh of His Church, to carry on His work.

God, may human hearts quiver. May sinners quake. And may there be a repentance, and may there be such a healing, tonight, of both soul and body, that men and women, everywhere, will come out from unbelief, separate themselves and believe on the living God.

I commit myself to You, Lord, as Your servant. I commit this church to You.

I realize, Lord, no matter how much You would anoint me, if the people does not believe it, then it cannot be done.

We both must work together as a unit of belief of God, and of the honor of the Word of Jesus Christ, to see these things happen.

Brother Branham speaks to a man after discderning his thoughts.

53-1213  FAITH

And he's Catholic. That's left (the disease).

Is that right what I told you there?

What that... You heard my voice, but it wasn't me;

it was someone else talking. See?

[unquote: Brother Branham did not know what he had said when he was anointed for the discernment. God just used his voice but his human mind had been switched off as he did not know what God was saying through him]

What is it?

Not the [seventh] angel is the Son of man; but the messenger is revealing the Son of man.

Can you get it separated now? That’s where it seems to be so hard for you, you see. Not the Son of man, Himself; but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man,

58-0109 — THE CALLED-OUT

Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, so will it be in the days that the Son of man is revealed from heaven.”

You see the message? “When the Son of man is revealed from heaven…”

LUKE 17:30   Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

“The latter rain, then, is the HARVEST rain. How could this be the real thing when the Teaching Rain had not come? The Prophet-Messenger who was to be sent to TEACH the people and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal fathers had not yet come.”
The Teaching Rain or Former Rain lightened the world with the Light of the revealed mysteries of God which enabled us to understand the Scriptures.

After watching the Roman Catholic church corrupt the other churches in Revelation Chapter 17, God sends a mighty supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit with a rousing call. His presence reveals true glory as the heavenly messenger shines the light of revealed Scripture upon the false and superficial glitz and glamour of the worldly splendour of Babylon, the uniting church systems.

The light of revealed Scripture shows that human grandeur and glory is not to be admired as it has no real value because it is based on worldliness, self-promotion, and pagan beliefs like Trinity and Christmas. Humans want to be accepted by the system and train themselves only to see what they want to see. They look only for the data that confirms their biased viewpoint.

As long as we stay in the system we are pressured to conform to its dictates and traditions.

Foolish virgins are saved church-goers who are fooled by unscriptural church traditions.

They are big with inertia, complacent and asleep, to maintain the comfortable status quo. They keep people preoccupied as their unscriptural life goes on amongst the ruins of Scriptural truth.

They produce a smooth entanglement of fact and fiction, creating distorted knowledge.

They focus on their immediate physical needs of health and wealth as if those are the important issues. They do not regard the revelation of the Bible mysteries as important. They think that their regular church attendance, and never arguing with the pastor, are the key issues.

The church systems have fallen

REVELATION 18:2   And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

After World War 2, in 1947, a strong supernatural revival spread through the Pentecostal movement. This supernatural outpouring reached its effective peak in 1963 with the prophetic revelation of six of the Seven Seals from Revelation Chapter 12. Then there was enough light on the Scriptures so that we could begin to understand the revealed King James Bible. The revelation of the six Seals was a mighty revelation that exposed the great errors in our modern churches. The revealed Bible verses fitted perfectly together with church history to inform us in a strong and very convincing manner, that antichrist spirits have ridden roughshod through the churches. These unscriptural spirits opposed and corrupted God’s attempts to get reformers to correct the worst errors of their day.

Then the supernatural revival moved from the power of Pentecost to the understanding of Scripture. It revealed that the organized church systems and the denominational stranglehold that priests and pastors have on their churches, is just a morass of error. The amount of error in the church systems is simply frightening as they become more and more unscriptural. Forsaking Scripture opens the door to demonology.

“Babylon is fallen, is fallen.” Her falling is repeated twice, both spiritually and physically. Babylon, the church systems, have fallen spiritually from the truth of Scripture as they make up their own beliefs and fallen physically into all manner of sinfulness. The number of pastors and priests involved in sexual sins is scary. Accepting gay rights and same sex marriage is just the sin of Sodom in our churches.


Churches caught in her cage with her, with her dogmas, denying the Word and accepting dogmas.

Out there in Tucson, is listening in this morning, I once wondered…I’ve always constraining people, “Go to church, no matter where you go.” And I seen the people kind of pulling back, and going this way. And I thought, “What’s the matter?”

I went to some of them, “The first day you’re there, they’ll approach you,

‘Join our church.’ If you don’t do it, you’re not welcome.”

See? See? It’s a forced thing, it’s forced upon you, see, and that’s Babylon. But in Christ, you come in by election; not by force, your heart pulls you in.

God did not put His Name then in Babylon. Closely now. He cannot put His Name in Babylon, the churches. Oh, they, they put His Name in there, but He never. No.
Churches force people to believe their doctrines. If you disagree, you are no longer welcome.


...that God is calling an exodus,

to come from behind the fleshly curtain who tries to impersonate, who tries to join church;

not Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, altogether, but Pentecostal churches.

It is an individual affair. It's you and God. You have to go in, not your group, not your church, not your pastor, but it's you who has to go in.

The church is drunk on intoxicating errors

We humans love error. We easily eat junk food but struggle to stick to a healthy diet.

REVELATION 18:3   For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

Roman Catholics have rewritten the Scriptures to suit themselves so that they can worship God their own way. They love pagan traditions as that makes pagans feel at home in the church. We are never asked to celebrate Christ’s birth. Christmas comes from the Roman Catholic Christ’s Mass. Decorated Christmas trees are a pagan idea (read Jeremiah Chapter 10). Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, hot-cross buns, Good Friday, and Lent are unscriptural but deliciously popular.

They produce a smooth entanglement of truth and error.

Christ is our Husband. He is the Word. Doing anything outside of Scripture is being unfaithful to the Word. So, all these unscriptural church traditions are spiritual fornication. By using the word fornication, Christ is blatantly saying to the Roman Catholic church that she has never been His wife. He has never been married to her.


“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,... to blaspheme his name,... (give him a title)... his tabernacle... (which is the Holy Spirit's dwelling place, to make it a place in Rome, a Vatican city; you can just go on down)... and them that dwell in heaven. (blasphemed them by saying they were intercessors)

… It never did become that way in Rome until pagan Rome was converted into papal Rome and the Catholic power spread the world; made the universal Catholic church

… And we find that she's committing fornication; and she's causing the kings to the earth to commit fornication, and all the rich men, and great men; the whole earth went after her. See? And then we find out that she produced some daughters, and they were harlots.”

Rome is the mother harlot. The Protestants are her daughter harlots as they came out of Rome.


Brother Branham describes Mary the mother of Jesus as being bewildered after the resurrection and thinking that people had taken away her Lord.


"They've took away my Lord." Why? They have to.

If you can't believe in the physical resurrection,

then you cannot preach a Christ that's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You can't take His Word, then what about it? We make ourselves unbelievers and infidels. No wonder the little church cries, "Where is my Lord? Where is the God of history? Where is Jesus that was, that said He would be with us, always He'd go before us, and He'd be in us to the end of the world, the works that He did?"

And when the church sees that come to pass, they're so busy with making organizations. And that didn't come out of their organization, they class it the devil,

and throw it away just exactly the way they did then. So it's still a bewildered.”

People are so church-bound that any move of God that does not come out of their church gets rejected as a move of the Devil. That is a fatal mistake.

Another voice is the inner conviction of the Spirit

REVELATION 18:4    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Error makes a church materialistic, arrogant, and corrupt. More conceit than capacity for truth.

We must burst the chains under which monks, priests, and pastors have taught us ignorance and superstition so as to bind ourselves to pagan errors like Trinity and Christmas and a pastor is the one-man head of a church.


Notice the Holy Spirit, “Come out of her, that you be not partakers.”

Sadly, the churches can no longer reform themselves. They are too addicted to their pastor's opinions.

“The Holy Spirit today, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is that angel trying to get the people back to the Word,"

God's final supernatural move is His attyempts to make us Scriptural.


“And the world today is dedicating themselves to the knowledge which came by Satan.

And man's day is glorified, not by the Word of God, but by the knowledge that he has.

This messenger on the earth was so inclined with God until, when he spoke it on the earth, God echoed the same thing out of Heaven.”

The churches today love the opinions and quotes of their church leaders more than they love the Written Word of God.

I THESSALONIANS 4:16   For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Did you notice here in the 19th chapter, “After these things”? Watch what? After what? After the Message of “Come out of her!” “After these things,” watch,

“is the shout of the Bride saints, with the Bridegroom, going to the Marriage of the Lamb.”

How close are we then, brother? What’s the last call? “Come out of Babylon!”

Now, my brethren, that’s the reason I’m against it. It’s unscriptural. It’s unorthodox. It’s been proven to be false. God is not in it, He never was, He never will be. Now, I ain’t saying there’s not people in these organizations, that’s where the church was made up of.

But, as long as you stay into that system, you are part of it.”

Notice, it is the shout of the Bride, not the shout of the prophet

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

A shout, what is the shout? It’s the Message going forth, first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.

… Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.

The “shout” is not brother Branham proving his doctrines from Scripture in order to make us believe like the early New Testament church of the apostles.

The “shout” is when the Bride individuals in the last church age are able to prove for themselves what the early apostles believed in the first church age.

MATTHEW 20:16   So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

The first and the last church age believers are so similar that one cannot tell the difference between them.

One month before he died, brother Branham was still waiting for the single Thunder when the First Seal opens and for the SHOUT.


Dear God, in this solemn moment, it’s going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.
Thus, the Shout was not him preaching the truth.

The “shout” is when the Bride can prove the truth from Scripture.

LUKE 17:30   Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Christ revealed in His Word as the mysteries of Scripture are made known so that we can read the Bible with understanding.

DANIEL 12:10   but the wise shall understand.

MATTHEW 25:13   Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

The Son of man is when Jesus comes as the revealed Word that can be understood.

When Bride individuals are restored back to the beliefs of the New Testament church that was established in the first church age by the apostles, then the resurrection of the New Testament saints will occur.

Then the Second Coming will happen after the living Bride has their bodies changed into immortal bodies.

Jesus comes in two stages.

First, He comes as the revealed Word in order to see who is prepared to love Him enough in order to do the hard work of puzzling out the Bible mysteries.

The second stage is when He appears in a Body of flesh in the air in order to call us up to Him.

58-0109 — THE CALLED-OUT

Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, so will it be in the days that the Son of man is revealed from heaven.” You see the message? “When the Son of man is revealed from heaven…”

The churches have now condoned gay rights and same-sex marriage.


But you want your dignified ways. You want to stay in Babylon and still enjoy the blessings of Heaven. You have to make your choice. You can’t stay out there in the world and serve God at the same time. Jesus said you couldn’t serve God and mammon.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23