Revelation 18 Churches are Judged Part 2
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Great Tribulation will be a brutal lesson as to how much God hates our man-made unscriptural church errors.
- Judgement falls on the church systems
- Each church thinks that it is wonderful
- Churches allow people to live in sin
- But reality will hit in the form of a nuclear bomb
- The evil of the past Gentile kingdoms lives on
- Unscriptural is cheating your way to an empty victory
- The failure of great wealth
- A nuclear bomb turns Vatican City into radioactive dust
- Hollywood and Los Angeles are doomed
The King James Bible must be absolutely true. God never gives us a partially true Bible. But church-goers love their church beliefs more than they love the King James Bible which gives us the thoughts of Jesus, because He is the Word. Churches are full of self-admiration but do not see how demonology has invaded the churches. Symbolized by Russia invading Ukraine.
A beast is a power. The American money-power beast will make a confederation of non-Catholic churches to be in the image of the great Catholic church beast-organization.
Putting a Pastor as the head of a church is a copy of the Catholic spirit whereby a Priest is the head of a Catholic church. This error enables each person to have their unscriptural “personal truth”.
Pastors hugging their sterile profits from their submissive churches.
Pastors protect their church group but not the individual.
Churchgoers seek compromise and comfort in their pursuit of wealth and health which is the main focus that they strive for.
But Jesus whipped the money-makers out of their Temple. The modern church needs a lot of whipping.
But a Russian nuclear bomb will eliminate the Vatican (religious Babylon) as the final Pope moves to Jerusalem. This demonstrates the failure of great wealth.
Hollywood (entertainment Babylon) and Los Angeles are doomed to sink violently into the sea from a massive earthquake.
Judgement falls on the church systems
REVELATION 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Now, there is nothing in the Bible that would type our modern organizations, except Babylon. That’s the only type in the Bible of our modern organization, organized religion, because it was founded by Nimrod and a forced unity amongst religious people. And that’s what the creeds and our denominations do today, force unity,
“You either belong to this or you’re out!”
Iniquity is doing and believing wrong when you know you are wrong.
People love their church more than they love the Scriptures, which are the thoughts of Jesus. They obey their church leader more than they obey the Scriptures. They become echo chambers of their pastor’s opinions and are too scared to disagree with him. But they also claim that the King James Bible is a flawed translation and that it is not possible to have a perfect Bible. In other words, they are happy to find fault with the Word of God but not with their church and pastor. Placing man above God is iniquity. They cannot see that the Word of God, that tells us the thoughts of God, is God. You cannot separate a Person from that Person’s thoughts.
JOHN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
JOHN 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
Jesus is the Word. The Word is God. Thus, Jesus is God.
REVELATION 18:6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
Rome’s cup represents her doctrine which is given out to make church people spiritually drunk. Drunk people think irrationally. Church-goers believe some Scriptures but then very irrationally ignore, change, remove, and contradict other Scriptures. You must be hot or cold. Believe all of the King James Version of the Bible as the Absolute and infallible truth or else reject It all. You cannot pick and choose and leave out bits that do not appeal to you. You cannot modify bits of the Bible in order to serve God in a way that suits you.
The King James Bible is either all true or else it is not true at all.
God will never produce a partially true Bible.
DANIEL 11:26 Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him
Only believing certain portions of the Bible is a recipe for disaster.
ISAIAH 24:20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,
and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
“Reel to and fro” means staggering around as you believe some bits and reject other bits of the Bible. Spiritually drunk, they cannot even remember the name of God because they cannot find one name for three Persons.
The Roman Catholic church rejected the true Word of God and made her own corrupted Latin version in AD 405. Thus they could believe their own ideas and ignore God’s Word which led their people to their spiritual death. Then, in the Dark Ages they killed tens of millions who disagreed with them. Now God is going to reject them and kill them in their multi-millions. They will be punished double. First, for their own people that they led astray and secondly, for the non-Catholics that they either killed or led astray with their denominational errors like Trinity, Christmas, Good Friday, and elevating a priest or pastor to be the head of the church.
The Roman Catholic church will be brutally punished in great Tribulation. The final Pope, the man of sin, will use the Catholic church to rise to world power and will then destroy the Vatican as he moves to Jerusalem.
Each church thinks that it is wonderful
REVELATION 18:7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
Churches preen themselves before the mirrors of self-admiration.
Vatican City is the world’s wealthiest organization and with 1.4 billion members is the world’s biggest church.
That is huge grounds for egotism and self-satisfaction.
But their inner corruption comes from their forsaking of Scripture.
“Oh, my, talk about the lid off of the kettle:
demons going around, powers of the devil under the name of Christianity,
teaching for doctrine the commandments of men,
theological seminary doctrines,
leaving the Bible alone.
Hallelujah. Who's able to... Who's strong enough, who's wise enough? Who's powerful enough to tame this legion stripping the clothes off of our women in the name of preachers, Methodist, Baptist, and even Pentecostal? Painting their faces like Jezebel, and bobbing their hair, and wearing pants just like men, our preachers, not enough get up about them to tell them about it: devil-possessed... It was the legion that tore his clothes off of him. Who is this roaring devil?”
The new understanding of the Bible that developed when the Seven Seals were revealed was too revolutionary. It could no longer be handled by the framework of old ideas like a know-it-all pastor or Pope who is the dominating head of the church and who silences opposition while the church turns a blind eye and lets it happen. The Catholic church thinks she is the Queen so nobody can tell her what to do. But power corrupts her. Then she set off deliberately to deceive the Protestant churches.
The Roman Catholics are the mother church who have craftily infiltrated the non-Catholic churches with their man-made schemes of centralized church organization with a Pastor in charge, political involvement, and successful church growth with their shrewd money-making abilities. Churches flourish as this approach increases their numbers and their wealth. Churches take these two points to be proof of God blessing them.
Each church is so self-satisfied as they are totally convinced that they are right with God. They live well as the churches have generated much wealth and each church believes that they are the queen, the Bride of Christ.
Each church refuses to believe that they are a widow as they have allowed the understanding of the Bible mysteries to die in their midst.
Not understanding much of the Bible in the days when the mysteries are revealed, does not worry them.
Their faith is in their bank balance.
REVELATION 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
The oncoming 3½ years of great Tribulation will have the effect of exposing bad church leadership in the most unforgiving manner.
The strongest fiery judgement today is the explosion of a nuclear bomb or missile.
The Vatican is going to be utterly burned with nuclear fire and its awful lingering but deadly radiation.
JOHN 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day:
the night cometh, when no man can work.
When these terrible judgements strike the world during the 3½ years of great tribulation, no Gentile will be able to get saved.
JOHN 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Christ leaves the world when He catches up the Bride to Heaven. Only Christ can save a Gentile, so when Christ is no longer on earth, no Gentile can get saved. Then it is just a vicious time of judgement as the 7 Judgement Vials are poured out on the Earth.
All the foolish virgins who were saved before Christ leaves the Mercy Seat, will miss the Rapture when the wise virgins are caught up to Heaven and will be killed. Because they will wake up too late but they had learned enough to make sure that they would not take on the mark of the beast.
REVELATION 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
This is the American beast or power that arose from the empty land as smallpox had decimated the Native Americans. This American money-power will make a confederation of non-Catholic churches to be in the image of the great Catholic church beast-organization. America is the world’s wealthiest nation. American money, scientific expertise, and military power are so dominant that they have unofficially established the biggest “empire” in history. Although they deny such a thing.
Money is the life-blood of an organization. American money has the power to give life to the confederation of non-Catholic churches. The Roman Catholic church arose as the beast from the sea (the restless, crowded nations of Europe) and she will finally rule America and use America’s military might to force people into the confederation of non-Catholic churches that will form the image of the beast. Otherwise, people will not be able to buy and sell or be part of the world economy that will then be controlled by Rome.
Satan will use the last Pope to rise to world power in the Vatican. Then he will allow Russia to destroy the Vatican as he moves his seat to Jerusalem. Satan will move to Jerusalem in imitation of God’s return to Jerusalem. But the last Pope will finally be destroyed at Armageddon.
Churches allow people to live in sin
REVELATION 18:9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
The Pope is involved with world leaders. The biggest gathering of world leaders was when Pope John Paul II was buried in 2005.
Fornication is sex before marriage. This means that Christ was never married to the Roman Catholic church. She has pretended to be the Bride of Christ for 2000 years. Now she is exposed as a fraudulent church, full of pretence and deception.
The church has modified the Bible’s teachings to make it suit the way that people want to serve God. The church approved of smoking, drinking, gambling, swearing, and despising those who try to be Scriptural. Women are allowed to cut their hair, wear jewellery and makeup, wear sleeveless dresses with slits, wear pants, bikinis, and high heels. All this worldly behaviour and dressing created a delicious lifestyle that the churches condoned as also being godly.
Without having the church to justify their sinful behaviour, it is no wonder that church-goers will mourn and lament. Church-goers are wanting to fight the battle within the boundaries of their choosing only. They desperately pay and listen to pastors who tell them only what they want to hear. Only what they expect to hear, as that lulls them to sleep.
But reality will hit in the form of a nuclear bomb
REVELATION 18:10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
You do not get close to a nuclear explosion site because of the deadly radiation that contaminates the soil and debris. The inner voice of the Holy Spirit told people to get out of the church systems at the beginning of this Chapter. But they would not listen. Now they are forced to keep a big distance from the ruins of Vatican City.
They thought that Vatican City was the City of God. Eternal. But one missile, in a very short time, has eliminated this great church.
Shock and horror. They thought that Vatican City was God’s dwelling place on Earth but it is Vatican City that is being judged for sin. Imagine the shock to the disciples when it was discovered that Satan entered Judas, a fellow apostle and church leader, to betray Christ. The betrayal of truth in the church system comes right from the top.
REVELATION 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Merchandise. The motive of people in the churches is to make money. Churches reduced Christianity, a personal experience with God where there was nobody between you and God, to religion that had a Pastor or a Priest telling you what God wanted.
The destruction of the Vatican destroys the nerve centre of the Roman Catholic church which is the wealthiest organization on earth. This will grievously affect the big money-making businesses. The Catholics even fooled the Protestants into accepting the pagan mid-winter sun god’s birthday on 25 December, and called it Christ’s Mass or Christmas. It has now been developed into the biggest money-making racket of the year. Imagine the lamentation of businesspeople if Christmas has to be closed down.
ISAIAH 54:15 Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
I CORINTHIANS 11:17 Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse.
Gathering together in a church is nor necessarily beneficial nor safe. People gather together in the churches because they desire a prosperity gospel of self-gain. They do not want to learn from you, they want you to be an echo chamber for their ideas.
I will pay my tithes here in order to buy a place in Heaven, so they think.
The evil of the past Gentile kingdoms lives on
REVELATION 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
Gold, silver, brass, and iron were used to describe the terrible image of the pagan Gentiles in the Book of Daniel. All their awful influences are now in the end-time church system.
DANIEL 2:31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
The legs of iron represent the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.
PSALM 147:10 He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.
A horse reminds God of that spirit of antichrist riding through the church in the first four Seals in Revelation Chapter 6.
The legs of a man remind God of the iron Roman legs of Daniel's Gentile image. That is when pagan Rome was converted into the Roman Catholic church when Pope Damasus, in AD 382, took over the title of Pontiff from the Roman Emperor Theodosius. Pontiff was the High Priest of the Babylonian Mysteries, the Successor of Nimrod who was the first rebel against God. This gave the Pope great influence over the pagan tribes, especially since the pagan trinity of Babylon and Egypt and India plus the 25 December birthday of the pagan sun god were adopted into the church. The pagans felt right at home in the church.
Babylonian trinity had three mysterious heads (Anu, Enlil, and Ea) plus a Dove in their godhead.
The Egyptians had three persons in their godhead (represented by a throne). One was a woman, Isis.
The Hindus in India had one-in-three. One person with three faces. But they were all men.
The Roman Catholic Trinity was a merger of Egypt and India, the limits of the Empire of Alexander the Great, which allowed Egypt and India to influence Greek thought and philosophy. The three persons of Egypt became three men.
God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost.
But "God the Son" and "God the Holy Ghost" are never found in the Bible. "Who cares?" says the church.
But what about the Dove?
There is no picture of the Holy Ghost in the Bible as a Man, but He is manifest as a Dove annointing Jesus on the banks of the Jordan River. "Christ" means anointed One.
So the Catholic church developed a second picture of the Godhead.
These pictures are copied by the Protestants. Three men on a throne or two men and a dove.
( Is it one throne or three thrones? The jury is still out)
But in this process God lost His name. You cannot find one name for three Persons.
These pictures leave a fuzzy impression as to Who God is. Drunk people see the world as a fuzzy place. No clear vision. Drunk people easily lose things.
Pagan Gentiles have always had an awful religious influence.
The pagans were awaiting a Grand Interpreter, Petr Roma, to reveal the will of the gods. The Roman Pope claimed that he was Peter of Rome and spread the rumour that Peter had been in Rome and died there. Thus the Pope could claim to be a Successor of Peter who was now called the First Pope. (Peter never was in Rome).
So, men should wear long pants to hide their legs. The Gentile image looks like a man wearing shorts which are really a woman's underclothes.
The focus of the church is now on material things that generate wealth.
Our self-effort is mainly directed to produce self-indulgence.
All right. And remember, Judas took the place as treasurer and fell by money. So does the church of this day. The Catholic church (as we noticed last night) charging for novenas, charging them for prayers, and charging them for everything. It's almost the same thing to the daughters of the Catholic church, which the Protestants... The whole thing's wrapped up in money. There's where Judas fell, and here's where he fell, and there's where the Protestants fall.
REVELATION 18:13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
Church members are impressed with the possession of material goods that generate wealth.
Wine is the stimulation of your perceived revelation that your church is the best and your priest or pastor always has your full obedience and admiration.
Church slaves give their souls to church obedience and serve with unthinking complacency. Lip service is paid to the Bible that they ignore whenever it does not suit them. They have no inner revelation of Scriptural truth as they march to the majority drumbeat. The rule number one to thrive in church systems is to always bow down to the figure of authority, be he Pope or Pastor, and support blindly, mindlessly, and sincerely whatever ideology he adheres to.
To thrive in a church system you should never have your own independent opinion about anything, no matter what. You don’t even need to accept the official viewpoint, because if you fake it with pretended lip service, that will suffice.
Anything less than total subservience to the church head is seen as an act of defiance.
You must regard the authorities as all-knowing and perfect and you must think that their point of view is objective and the only truth. Even if their truth changes every year. Or every day. You have got to realign yours accordingly as you must be servile and obey. The church has now come up with the idea of "your personal truth", whatever that means. Because what you believe can only be the truth if you can prove it from Scripture.
You either play their game and prosper or you can be free from them but then you will be a loser for the rest of your life as the church will not want you. One act of defiance can plunge you from hero to zero.
It is difficult to change a person's way of thinking. It is more effective to offer them what they want.
So, people look for an organization that offers them a place in Heaven if they submit without questioning like spiritual slaves in bondage to the Pastor’s opinions and dictates.
Those in subjection must pay tribute to their master, their tithes.
Behind the superficial smiles and fake warmth, people are messy, complicated, ugly, and dark. Insecurity drives them.
Pastors hugging their sterile profits from their submissive churches.
Pastors protect their group but not an individual.
Individuals who understand the written mysteries of Scripture are rejected as enemies.
Pastors, the caretakers of this brutal system, are a hereditary caste, as their power to take people’s money moves from father to son so that the money can stay in the family. That is a successful business plan but leaves the people as puppets who are further removed from Scripture as the Pastor creates his own kingdom and dynasty.
Unscriptural is cheating your way to an empty victory
REVELATION 18:14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
Church leaders have much capacity for conceit and deception, but not for understanding the written King James Bible.
Churchgoers seek compromise and comfort in their pursuit of wealth and health which is the main focus that they strive for.
Dainty means good to eat. Churches offer the people what they want. People want to be told what they want to hear.
Foolish virgins praise the mediocre and avoid real competition from Bible teachers. They are content when the Pastor dishes out second-rate stuff.
Their illusions will crumble under the weight of reality when the midnight cry, a massive financial disaster, wakes everyone up.
Goodly means substantial and attractive as big churches try to dazzle with impressive décor and fine appearance. But what the churches will lose in great Tribulation will be lost for good.
REVELATION 18:15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
Notice that the merchants (money-makers) who dealt with the church did so in order to be made rich by their religious activities. The spirit of Judas who was an apostle, a church leader. His basic motive was not the love of God, but rather the love of money. Some things never change.
The only time Jesus got angry was with the money-makers in the Temple. He whipped them out three times. That is why they killed Him. He whipped them out in John 2:15 at the start of His ministry.
JOHN 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;
Matthew 21:12 deals with Palm Sunday and He did the same thing.
MATTHEW 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves
Mark 11:1 - 11 deals with Palm Sunday.
MARK 11:12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:
"The morrow" or tomorrow after Palm Sunday will be Monday.
MARK 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
Jesus threw out the money-makers on Palm Sunday and the next Monday. They killed Him that week.
Never threaten a Pastor's income.
What is it?
The mind is the womb for the spirit,
(What?) to take in or let out. That's how they commit adultery, is taking, let some Satan,
devil spirit put in them something against the Word of God. Then she's committed adultery.
Eve received... Listen to this. Wrong seed-word, Satan's lie against Jehovah's Word, results was death.
The churches served God in order to get rich. When they lose their wealth they will be heartbroken. Wealth means more to them than truth.
The Pastors have to uphold the church traditions because their salaries depend on that.
REVELATION 18:16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
The Roman Catholic church has the greatest outward show of wealth and religion. They have the most costly and impressive buildings and ceremonies. Their appearance is designed to dazzle and inspire.
The failure of great wealth
REVELATION 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
In a very brief time a nuclear missile will be fired, probably from Russia, and will explode about 600 metres above Vatican City which has an area of less than one square kilometer. At that height you get the maximum destructive power from the blast.
All the churches and businesses that make money out of the Roman Catholic church and her religious superstitions will be devastated. They will stand afar off because nobody can survive the deadly radiation that lingers for a few days over the explosion site.
Ships sail over the sea to sell people the goods that they want.
Church Pastors, preachers, and small groups move around amongst the church people to tell them what they want to hear so that they contribute willingly to the preacher’s collections.
A nuclear bomb turns Vatican City into radioactive dust
REVELATION 18:18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
Few things are worse than seeing the awful mushroom-shaped cloud of a nuclear explosion.
Great wealth cannot survive a nuclear explosion.
It will be impossible to grasp that Vatican City, the head of 1.4 billion Catholics, has disappeared in a mess of radioactive rubble.
The sea represents the restless nations that are swept to and fro by invisible currents of religious beliefs, selfishness, pride, greed, crime, corruption, the latest fashions, and cruelty. But there is much money to be made by those who can successfully navigate these tricky undercurrents and make people feel good about their greed and unscriptural lifestyles.
People are easily fooled if you manipulate their religious beliefs to your own advantage.
The Roman Catholics and other churches are very good at that. The Pastor or Priest easily convinces you that God speaks through him to you, so you must elevate the Pastor or Priest above yourself. A Nicolaitan spirit that God hates.
PSALM 107:23 They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters.
Rome offers people a chance to buy their place in Heaven, for which they willingly pay big money. People are easily swayed by their religious beliefs. They are too busy earning a living to study the Bible for themselves, so they are happy to look up to the Pastor to do the thinking and studying for them. This is called Religion-lite.
REVELATION 18:19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
We come from dust and we return to dust. When they realize that they are lost, they throw dust on their heads, where their brains are. They are doomed to die and the thoughts of their so-called clever minds are just useless dust that cannot sustain them. All the churches have built up their own structures and beliefs by copying the Roman Catholic system. They have a man as the head of a church, they confuse the people with an unscriptural Trinity, Christmas, and Good Friday. But they reject Bible truth and will not baptize in the name of Jesus Christ. They refuse to return to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles.
Religious error has made many preachers rich. TV evangelists and TV Pastors cannot speak for half an hour without bringing up a request for money.
REVELATION 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
The righteous suffered under the evil system of organized denominations that rose to power when the Pope was given the Lateran Palace in Rome around AD 313. Then the unscriptural word "Trinity" was forced onto the church at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 by the Roman Emperor Constantine. Unscriptural beliefs took over the church as it sought political influence and huge wealth. By AD 350 Pope Julius I had hijacked the sun god's birthday on 25 December to be the Son of God's birthday. Very clever, but very wrong. He still fools church-goers to this day.
The apostles and prophets who had produced the Scriptures were ignored because man-made traditions and human wisdom took over the church. But finally, their true Word will triumph in great Tribulation as all the man-made church errors and customs are destroyed.
God’s revenge on the apostate church will be devastating.
Hollywood and Los Angeles are doomed
REVELATION 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
A massive earthquake will throw Los Angeles and Hollywood into the sea.
Revelation 13 shows the rise of the Roman Catholic church (the beast from the sea) as it corrupts the American beast from the land in order to use American military strength and money power to rise to world domination. America now has the biggest empire that has ever existed in history, although they deny having an empire. The American dollar dominates the world economy.
Thus, the scene now moves from the destruction of the Vatican as punishment for its worldwide spiritual corruption that stopped the churches from believing the King James Bible. The target of God’s wrath now moves to America which has corrupted the morals and ethics of the world through the distribution of godless and immoral films that were made in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
Hollywood wants a well-dressed preacher to be conspicuous as it glitters with worldliness but the Gospel glows with humility. The churches bring in Hollywood glitz and glamour and drum music. Drums are never mentioned in the Bible.
56-0815 — FAITH
Where did it come from? Where do you get it from? America. Where does America get it? From Hollywood. Where did Hollywood get it? From hell. That’s exactly where it’s at.
Why, here’s what has stripped our women. It’s made immoral everywhere.
Look at the earthquakes over here in California. I predict, before the coming of the Lord Jesus, that God will sink that place. I believe that Hollywood and Los Angeles, and them filthy places over there, that God Almighty will sink them. They’ll go beneath the bottom of the sea. And it’s so much sin, you see, it’s the barrier.
Notice, in France, they started all their rottenness, and going on the way they lived over there. And then God sent Germany in to them, to beat them up a little bit. Then we went over there to save their hide. And as soon as we done that, and won the war, sent the Germans back, had peace with France, did they turn to God? No, sir. Women, wine, debauchery, sin, and filth to the gills.
Then what did they do? What happened? Here is where he started. The devil set up his headquarters there. There is where he started, right there, to demoralize the world, from Paris, France.
Then, if you notice, he couldn’t get in here through the ministry, so the thing he done was come into Hollywood out here.
He set up his headquarters over here in Hollywood.
The devil landed back here, a few years ago, fifteen or twenty years ago, with his great army, and went, hid in Hollywood, California. And he has invaded the United States with his demon powers. Right. All of our fashions come from Paris. They get it in Hollywood, onto the screens. These little girls and little boys, and things, get out here, they watch them screen plays.
In 2024 at the Paris Olympics they displayed a blasphemous mockery of the Last Supper. That ungodly evil is still in France as well as in Hollywood.
How about the Alaskan earthquake?
Watch Hollywood fall into the sea! Watch and see if it doesn't. He's never told me anything wrong yet, it'll do it.
See? And just watch and see if we're not living in the closing hours of history. No man knows what hour He's coming. But I know one thing: I believe, in my present condition, if I'm in my right mind, and if I wasn't a Christian,
I'd sure want to be a real Bible Christian, not a denominational. Don't rely upon 'cause you've shouted. We heard that this morning, proved it by the Word of God; it's altogether out of the will of God, didn't do a thing but cause death. Don't be in the stalk, be in the Life. See? Have faith in God.
There is an earthquake fault line that runs down the west coast of America and cuts off Los Angeles. Scientists have predicted a massive earthquake there for many years that will sink part of the city into the sea and produce a massive tidal wave to flood the city.
REVELATION 18:22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Hollywood has led the world in beat music that glorifies sex, violence, drugs, and homosexuality.
California is America’s richest state. When Los Angeles sinks California will be crippled. That will destroy America’s deeply indebted economy. The Roman Catholic church (the beast from the sea) is the only organization with enough money to take over America and rule America. The confederation of Protestant churches (the image of the beast) will be in submission to Rome because Rome has the money. The Protestant image will have the power to force everyone to belong to their church system.
55-0220 — Contend For The Faith
If there ever was a place that’s really has become a modern Babylon, it’s America. I hope that it never touches the shores of Africa or any of those heathen countries. I hope that real hard Gospel teachers get in there for those people.
Africa needs Bible teachers who can be strictly Scriptural.
58-0128 — The Oneness Of Unity
And this Babylon, which was the beginning of…In the creation, in the Genesis, we find out that it’s plumb over in Revelation, and it speaks of its ecclesiastical world
in the last days, which is now, will finally unite under the antichrist, a man-made religion.
REVELATION 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
No more light. No more Scripture. Church deception on a massive scale as Hollywood publishes filth and error. The Bridegroom Christ will call His Bride to Heaven and the left-behind people will have to belong to the Catholic-Protestant one-world church in order to buy or sell. Those who refuse will be killed.
Hollywood has long been recognized as the entertainment capital of the world, producing films and television shows that captivate audiences globally. However, its influence extends far beyond mere entertainment. Movies and TV have a profound impact on pop culture, shaping society and influencing trends in various aspects of our lives. Hollywood impacts pop culture, exploring its power to shape attitudes, beliefs, and even fashion choices. The immorality of their films has spread the filth of demonology. Especially when young people spend hours watching Hollywood movies with their evil influence.
Movies and TV shows have the ability to influence and shape public opinion on a wide range of social and cultural issues. They push gay rights and same-sex marriage with the aim of driving social change. What is seen on screens does influence the behaviour of a lot of people.
Hollywood films based on rock-n-roll, drugs, bad language, and sex destroyed morality but made a lot of money. Judas also betrayed the truth for money but then he paid a price. Such is the influence of the Devil on people.
REVELATION 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Evil Hollywood films have sent many souls to hell. Thus, Hollywood must be thrown down to hell too. We reap what we sow.
Nimrod began the idea of a man-made pagan religion after the Flood. Then he started his Gentile kingdom that spread. Force and violence are the best way to spread a religious kingdom, as can be seen by the endless violence in today’s Muslim followers.
So, Babylon was the beginning of religious violence and bloodshed.
The Pontiff and the Babylonian Priesthood finally moved into the Roman Catholic church when Roman Emperor Theodosius gave the title of Pontiff to the Bishop of Rome, Damasus, in AD 382. Then the Roman Catholic church encouraged the persecution of pagans. By AD 450, Pope Leo I claimed that the church could kill Christians who disagreed with the Roman Catholic church. In the Dark Ages and the Counter Reformation, that tried to kill Luther’s Protestants, the Roman Catholic church was responsible for the murder of tens of millions.
Thus, Rome sowed the spirit of hatred, violence, and death on a world-wide scale.
The Spanish conquered South America for the Pope by killing millions, both with the sword and with smallpox.
The cruel Crusades, organized by the Pope, saw Crusaders stealing, raping, and butchering Muslims on a massive scale. This laid the foundation for the current hatred of the West that is still in the minds of many Muslims.
Babylon began unleashing the spirit of religious violence and bloodshed that finally even led to the killing of prophets and saints. Nothing could stop this evil spirit that is still manifest today.
This is the terrible Babylonian Priesthood spirit that entered pagan Rome and then the Roman Catholic church.
It will be unleashed in a frightening massacre of two billion church-goers, and saved foolish virgins when great Tribulation starts just after Jesus calls His Bride up to Heaven.
REVELATION 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
There are 8 billion people on Earth. One quarter is 2 billion that are killed.
"Violence". Violence tends to spread.
REVELATION 18:21 Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down,
Consider if the dormant Yellowstone National Park volcano, the world’s biggest, exploded.
We are talking about the largest and the most powerful super volcano in the world.
30 kilometers long and 70 kilometers wide.
Volcanic Explosisivity Index runs from 0 to 8. This volcano will score 8, the biggest ever explosion on Earth.
It would instantly obliterate a large portion of America and cover a huge area with volcanic ash.