Revelation 10 is badly misunderstood, part 2
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The coming down of the mighty Angel has to be a future event as it involves the resurrection from the dead.
- The 1963 cloud is not the Angel of Revelation 10
- The Angel comes down after the Book is opened
- Zodiac prophesies the first and second Comings of Jesus
- The seven Thunders have not yet uttered
- The disciples never asked when He was Coming
- Time no longer means the end of time so we do not age
- First the mysteries come down before the Angel comes
- The Angel and the 7 Thunders are also for the Jews
- The coming and the appearing of Christ
- The seventh angel is not the Son of man
- A few facts about noctilucent clouds
The 1963 cloud is not the Angel of Revelation 10
REVELATION 10: 1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
What does this look like?
The supernatural 42 kilometre-high Cloud photographed just north of Flagstaff on 28 February 1963 simply does not fulfill this verse. This is the picture from the 17 May 1963 back cover of Life magazine.
The Cloud could represent a head, if you used the specific Photostat that was showed to brother Branham that had allowed some light to leak in at the top left, as shown below. But it had no body and thus no clothes.
The ground has been cut off this photograph because it had to be rotated to make the head look vertical.
The Cloud had no obvious rainbow and no face. The Photostat revealed some dark features of a face. But that dark face does not shine like the sun so it cannot be the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Two pillars of fire represented His feet. The original Cloud photograph had no feet and has no bright Pillar of fire. Again we revert, very artificially, to the Photostat. There is a bright light in front of the face. Perhaps this is the Pillar of Fire. But one bright Light in front of the face does not fulfill the prophecy of two bright Lights down where His (missing) feet should be.
What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more? The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out."
When the Angel comes in the future,
He will have feet.
The rainbow is even more artificially contrived. A rainbow from the other side of the back cover had some of its ink seep through to create a rainbow over the Cloud. But the original photo of the Cloud on the back cover has no face. So, from that original photo, you cannot determine that the Cloud represents a head.
This rainbow ink that seeped through the back cover from the inside is over the side of the head, not over the top of the head.
If you imagine a head in the Cloud that had no face.
To claim that the Cloud is a head, you have to refer to the photostat that shows a face. But the photostat is just different shades of one colour and shows no rainbow. So, this is not very convincing as a fulfillment of prophecy. Unless you are determined to be convinced by it.
Who is this Angel with a rainbow upon His head?
The Angel of the covenant. He is the only Angel linked to the rainbow.
GENESIS 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of
a covenant between me and the earth.
A rainbow of seven dominant colours represents God's promise not to drown the earth underwater.
This rainbow symbolizes God's promise that His chosen people, each of whom are made from a handful of earth, would not be drowned out by the flood of evil people and wrong doctrines that would flow over the earth during each of the seven church ages.
Then at the end of the seventh church age, this Angel of the covenant comes down to raise the dead from all seven church ages.
What special Angel is there in Heaven?
There is only one Archangel. His name is Michael. This is Jesus when He takes on an angelic body.
"And at that time Michael shall stand, the great prince." Michael was Christ, of course,
DANIEL 9:25 Messiah the Prince
DANIEL 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:
JUDE 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel,
when contending with the devil
he disputed about the body of Moses,
Jesus, the Man, is Messiah. He is the Prince because He is the Son of God and God is the King.
When Jesus takes on the form of an Angel, He then is the Archangel Who is the top Angel. So, Michael is the name that Jesus takes when He appears as the Archangel, the chief Angel. His ministry as Archangel involved raising the dead body of Moses so that Moses could appear hundreds of years later on Mount Transfiguration.
I THESSALONIANS 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel,
and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
A number of angels formed this supernatural Cloud of 1963. It was not a single Angel, the Archangel.
The Cloud never came down, it stayed at 42 kilometers for the 28 minutes that it was visible.
This "shout" is actually not brother Branham revealing the truth from Scripture, because look what he said one month before he died.
He was still waiting for the "shout".
Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.
This "shout" is when the Bride can reveal the truths that brother Branham taught from Scripture for themselves.
The voice of the archangel will then raise the dead as the harvest rain from all seven church ages.
The harvest only comes right at the end, not around 60 years ago, way back in 1963.
REVELATION 10:2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth.
When the Angel comes down, the Book is already open.
The sea and the earth are where the dead saints are buried.
Once the mysteries (plural) of God have completely come down from God as the revealed Word, then the individuals in the Bride could open the Bible and understand what they were reading. The opened and revealed Word would restore them back to the apostolic church of the New Testament. That restoration back to the first church age of the apostles is the mystery (singular) of God.
Then it will be time for the Archangel to descend to raise the dead.
The Cloud had no feet. Flagstaff is on the land, about 500 miles from the coast. Trying to visualize a being with a height of 43 km and with (missing) feet that are about 500 miles apart is very unconvincing as a fulfillment of this prophecy.
Now we come to one of the biggest mistakes made by Message believers.
They are convinced
that the Angel, in the form of the Cloud, came down in order to open the Book’s mysteries
to brother Branham.
But the Cloud never came down and brother Branham was about 200 miles away in Tucson. The Cloud never came down anywhere as it stayed at 43 kilometers height until the darkness obscured it after its brief 28 minutes of visibility after sunset near Flagstaff. The 7 angels that made the cloud on 28 February 1963 only invisibly visited brother Branham eight days later at Sunset Peak on 8 March 1963.
The Angel comes down after the Book is opened
Brother Branham never says “the Angel came down to open the Book”.
That is made up by Message preachers.
Then, by analogy, we are back in Rattlesnake mesa which is next to Sunset Peak. Injecting poison in the form of human opinion and speculation.
The 1963 cloud was never at Sunset Peak.
Brother Branham said that the Angel only comes down after the Book has been opened by the seventh angel.
But, this One didn't come from the earth.
He come down from Heaven, because the mystery is all finished.
And when the mystery is finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and Seven Thunders throwed their voices out.
"BECAUSE the mystery is all finished". It was only in December 1965 that the mysteries were finally revealed because that was when brother Branham died.
The mysteries come down as the Word of God to enable the seventh angel to reveal the hidden mysteries that will prepare us for the coming down of the Angel when He comes to resurrect the dead. Once we can discern the deep mysteries we should be able to open the Book and read with understanding what is written in the Bible.
God always reveals an event so that we can be prepared before He actually does it.
... the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God
and reveals the entire revelation of God. Then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries: serpent's seed and whatevermore is to be revealed.
AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud:.....
....And he had in his hand a little book opened
(Now, the Seals had done been broke here. We're breaking them now; but this, the thing's opened.)
... and he set his right foot on the sea, and his left on the earth,
Brother Branham saw the future breaking of the Seals in visions, guided by the 7 angels, and thus he was able to reveal them in March 1963. When the Angel comes down the Seals have already been revealed. The Angel will only come down when the Seals have been revealed and we know what they are referring to.
…the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding.
Then after it's revealed,
the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ (Now remember, this angel and is on earth, a messenger). Down comes Christ (You see Him in the 10th chapter of Revelations.), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea…
The Angel only comes down after all the mysteries are revealed.
The mysteries are to prepare us for the important coming of the Angel.
If he came down first, we would be totally unprepared and His visit would be wasted on us as we would not be ready.
A similar problem is to say that the Cloud came down to hand over the Book. It would have been a waste as there was no one spiritual enough below it in Flagstaff who could have received the Book. The prophet was 200 miles away.
And here He returns back in the 10th chapter
after the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished,
and the Seals are to be broke, and proclaiming that its time is no more. And he said, "When the seventh angel has begin to sound,
then the mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear.
We're close, somewhere. That's right.
The Cloud APPEARED 17 days before and he says that we are close to the time for the Angel to appear.
That means the Angel has not yet appeared. But first, before the Angel can appear, the seventh angel must finish revealing the mysteries. That process was complete in December 1965 when he died.
What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more?
The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him,
with feet,
and say, "Time's run out."
And besides that, He raised up His hand and swore that time would be no more when this happened.
The Cloud had no feet, just a head. The Cloud appeared 18 days before he made this quote.
Here brother Branham says
the Angel is ready to come down.
That means the Angel had not yet come down. When the Angel comes down
He will have feet,
unlike the Cloud which had no feet.
Why is it essential for the Angel to have feet? Because He comes down to perform the resurrection of the dead saints from the seven church ages. Those saints are either buried on land or at sea. For example, many of the Pilgrim Fathers died on the sea voyage to America and were buried at sea.
The two feet of the Angel also represent that He is coming down for the Gentile Bride from the 7 church ages and for the 144000 Jews. God's Big Plan always involves both Jews and Gentiles.
64-0119 SHALOM
But, remember, if it goes plumb into the shadows of death,
"I am the resurrection and Life;
I'll raise him up again." And when the great Director comes down and bears that stick down, then, "time shall be no more."
When that Angel, of Revelation the 10th chapter, puts one foot on land and one on the sea,
and a rainbow over His head, He swore, "time shall be no more."
When that time comes, you will rise up from among the dead.
While the rest of them lay there, you'll go in.
The time for the Angel is still to come. So this is a future event.
But most significant, brother Branham links this future event of the Angel to what Jesus said in the past at the resurrection of Lazarus.
JOHN 11:25 Jesus said unto her,
I am the resurrection, and the life:
So, this mighty Angel is coming down to perform the resurrection. This is a revolutionary thought.
I have never heard anyone else say that.
Is there any Scriptural justification for such a statement?
REVELATION 10: 3And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried,
seven thunders uttered their voices.
Both expressions “cried with a loud voice” and “when he had cried” can be associated with death and resurrection.
JOHN 11:43And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice,
Lazarus, come forth.
Lazarus rose from the dead.
MATTHEW 27:50Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
:52 And the graves were opened;
and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection,
“When He had cried” is then linked to the resurrection of the Old Testament saints which took place just after His resurrection.
The loud cry of this mighty Angel is the voice of the Archangel that produces the resurrection of the dead believers from 2000 years of church history.
First, there is a “shout”. This takes two steps. The mysteries come down from God to reveal the Word of God to the seventh angel for the former or teaching rain to prepare us for the descent of the Archangel, that mighty Angel Who raises the dead.
First, we have to go back to the original Bible teachings of the first church age. Only then will the "shout" occur.
The "shout" was not brother Branham learning the truth. The "shout" is when the Bride has learned the truth and can prove it from Scripture.
After that, there is the “voice of the Archangel” to raise the dead.
Corn seed or maize is planted under the ground. Then it rises above the ground and keeps growing until it becomes identical to the original seed. At that stage, it is harvested or pulled off the plant. So, God’s harvest or latter rain starts when the dead saints all pulled up from their graves and appear above the ground again. Here we must be careful that the living church must be identical in belief to the resurrected first church age saints.
Then the harvest rain is completed when the entire Bride is pulled off the earth to meet the Lord in the air.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel,
and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
We've all got a victory. We've fought through many victories. And a great victory is coming just soon, right around the corner. Our complete V-day will be soon, when the Son of God shall break the skies,
and scream with the Voice of the Archangel, and He shall come again. And the graves shall open,
and the dead shall walk out.
April 1963, two months after the cloud, and brother Branham says that the Archangel shall come, sometime in the future, for the resurrection when the graves open. So, the Cloud was not the Archangel.
Zodiac prophesies the first and second Comings of Jesus
If we say this resurrection has happened we are in trouble. Then we are guilty of vain babblings. This is equivalent to junk food.
II TIMOTHY 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
:17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
Cancer is the dread disease of our age. Cancer the crab is the second to last zodiac sign, just before Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah returns. Thus cancer represents the end-time conditions.
What is spiritual cancer? Claiming that the resurrection is past. This is a deadly doctrine.
When the dead rise they will have no blood in their bodies. They will only speak New Testament truths, not our modern-day fables and traditions.
Caution: historians claim that the early church never celebrated birthdays which were regarded as a pagan celebration. The first mention of Christmas in history only appears around AD 350 as Christ's mass.
A Catholic celebration that only started in the third church age. Are we ready to face the resurrected early church?
Strangely enough, the zodiac tells us the history of Christ and the church from His First Coming to His Second Coming.
50-0815 WHO IS GOD
What's He doing? Writing His first Bible. Notice, the human beings once looked towards the heavens. And He puts all the stars in the heavens, the zodiac, starting off with the Virgin, ending up with Leo the Lion. First coming of Christ, the second coming. Came by the Virgin, come again as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. There He puts the first Bible.
The zodiac signs start with virgo, the virgin birth. The scales were when the Jews weighed up Jesus against the murderer Barabbas. Scorpio was the sting of death that Christ conquered on the cross. Then the antichrist bowman, as the white horse rider of religious deception as he has no arrow, began his ride in the first church age. The goat represented the human leaders who became head of the church as bishops by the second church age. The water carrier, aquarius, is seen as pouring out the water of God's Word in the third church age at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. That is when the unscriptural Trinity was introduced to the church. The Roman church moved away from Scripture in the Dark Ages of the fourth church age. They focused on killing their opponents. True believers had to go underground like fishes under the water.
The brave Martin Luther butted heads like a ram with the Catholic church as he restored salvation by grace through faith.
John Wesley restored holiness and outreach which led to the great missionary age of Philadelphia (brotherly love). Like a strong bull, this was the strength of Christianity.
Laodicea produced twins. The Pentecostal revival of Spiritual gifts and the William Branham revealing the deep mysteries of Scripture. The crab has strong pincers to hold onto the Spirit and the Truth. It lives on land and water where the Angel of Revelation Chapter 10 stands to raise the dead. The crab moves sideways to get through the closing door to escape from the approaching 3.5 years of great Tribulation. Then comes the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Second Coming of Jesus.
The dead have to resurrect in bloodless bodies.
I CORINTHIANS 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
Now the Angel stands on land and sea as the mighty Conqueror to raise the dead saints up. He is the Lion of Judah, the King. The triumphant roar as He finally rescues His Bride from the grave.
The Lion beast preached the truth in the days of the apostles and we, at the end time, must go back to those same beliefs.
The seven Thunders have not yet uttered
REVELATION 10:3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth:
and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
"And cried with a loud voice" like a lion. This refers to the resurrection.
“When He had cried” refers to AFTER the resurrection.
So, when the resurrection is over, and the first church age saints are back on earth, then the seven Thunders will utter.
We will hear the Thunders with them. That way we will learn new doctrines with them as we must be restored to them. If we already know the seven Thunders, we will be way ahead of them.
If the seven Thunders have uttered, the resurrected saints will be left behind because the seven Thunders will not be able to utter to them to give them rapturing faith.
REVELATION 10: 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
We can only understand the written Word if we can correctly interpret the symbols in which it is written. So anything that is not written has no symbols to interpret and thus we have absolutely no clue about what the content was of what they uttered.
But after the resurrection, our bodies will be changed. You will then have a new body and a new brain. You will be far, far more clever than Einstein ever was.
With that incredibly clever new brain, you will be able to understand hidden clues that you could never understand now.
That is why these unwritten mysteries must be left until then. If you guess at them now, you can only be wrong. We simply do not have the brainpower to unravel what is not written.
Message preachers could not predict who would win the American election in 2016. They thought that the seven angels left brother Branham on 28 February to make the Cloud, even though the hunting season only opened the next day. Just because brother Branham got the date wrong, all they could do was follow his error. What makes you think they can interpret unwritten mysteries correctly?
These next quotes make it clear that brother Branham never understood what the seventh Seal was, nor what the seven Thunders uttered.
What happens is that those seven thunders that he heard thunder and was forbidden to write, that's what
the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out.
Now, why? Let us prove it. Why?
It is the secret that no one knows about. ...
….. Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be thundered, because it must come (See?) We find that Christ, the Lamb took the Book in His hand, and
He opened that Seventh Seal. But you see, it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it.
But it's right along with what He said: no one would know His coming;
they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery.
So you see, it's connected together.
…..One of the mystery of that Seal,
the reason it wasn't revealed, it was seven thunders
that uttered their voices, and there it is perfectly,
because nothing knows anything about it; wasn't even written.
… But I know that it was them
seven thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded into something else that I seen.
Then when I seen that,
I looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I couldn't make it out.
And there's one thing that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language.
A message in an unknown tongue made it impossible for him to interpret the meaning of the Thunders.
He admits to not knowing what the seven Thunders are nor what they say.
He knew the purpose of the seven Thunders was to prepare the Bride for rapturing faith but he had absolutely no idea what their content was.
63-0320 THIRD SEAL
And then goes on and said,
in the day just BEFORE these seven thunders, all the mysteries here are revealed.
All the mysteries must be revealed before the seven Thunders utter.
And then AFTER these Seven Seals are completed,
we find in Revelations 10
there was seven mysterious thunders
Now, that's what's the reason today that the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no, no. No, sir. Don't think we got revivals. We haven't. Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No, no.
The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it.
He promised it. Now, now, watch. Now, she was dead.
God, help our unbelief. Take it away from us, Lord.
We want to receive rapturing grace. We want to be able when that mysterious thunder thunders out yonder, and the Church is taken up,
we want to be ready to receive it, Lord
Notice, the single Thunder when the First Seal is to open is still in the future.
Thus, the Seals have been revealed but not opened.
Grace is needed for us to be caught up in the air. We will need a new body. The catching up is after the changing of the body. This is what the Thunders are concerned with.
Seven thunders of revelation...
May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith.
Jesus walked on water. On the day of His ascension, He walked up into the air. We have to walk upwards into the air to meet Him. That is what the Thunders are to achieve.
If you know all about the seven Thunders but you cannot walk up into the air, then your Thunders doctrine is actually of no value to you.
Every one of you, cleanse all your heart. Lay aside everything, every weight. Keep it out of your way. Don't let nothing bother you. Don't be scared. There's nothing to be scared about. If Jesus is coming, it's a very--it's a moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. If it's something breaking forth now, for a new coming of a new gift or something, it'll be wonderful. If it's coming time that
the revelation of the seven thunders will be revealed to the church, how to go,
I don't know. I have just stated what I saw.
The seven Thunders will reveal to the church how to go when the Lord comes.
Sunday I come down here to speak, and I tried to shake myself from it by speaking. Monday it was there again. And it's here now. And I don't know; I don't know, sirs. I'm only honest with you as my brothers.
I don't know.
Is it time? Is the mystery all finished? Has the sounding all over?
Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes; for we'll be changed
as quick as those Angels come: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with those that is asleep
to meet the Lord in the air.
Again he links the Thunders to the changing of the body, being caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Christian prayer has raised the dead and healed all manner of disease.
But how to get our bodies changed into immortal bodies?
How to walk up into the air?
That is going to take something new from God. Our clever ideas will never achieve it.
And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that through
those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it.
There's something we've got to step farther;
we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly.
We've got to have
enough faith to be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth,
and we'll find that after a while, the Lord willing, find where it's written.
The seven Thunders will give the Bride enough faith to be swept up out of this earth.
This catching away is linked to our being changed from this body into a glorified body.
Both of these great events are something that is still to happen. They are not some clever theory that some preacher has to present to the Bride.
Then the seven thunders utter their strange voices,
and John was going to write... It was... John knew what it was, but he didn't write it, 'cause he was forbidden to write it.
That's absolutely and altogether a mystery.
It's not even in symbol or nothing.
We just know it thundered; that's all.
And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient,
of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather,
pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth.
Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!
Here he definitely links the Thunders to the Vials and the Plagues that are poured out in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation. It is 1965 and he still wanted to preach on the Vials and the seven Thunders. He still saw them in the future as they are “to be poured out”.
Now, in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of teaching the last Vials,
last Seven Vials, and the last Seven Trumpets, and the last Seven Thunders,
of the Book of Revelation, tying them together in this hour that we're now living; to follow the opening of the Seven Seals, the Seven Church Ages. So, we couldn't get room to do it. So I hope that, soon as I can, we'll... can get a place sufficient for that, either here or in Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do."
He still wanted to preach on the seven Thunders. He had not yet, by 1965, told us what they were.
Did you notice when the Jews asked Him that? You know when we compared the Scripture here with Matthew 24 with the six Seals, the Seventh Seal was left out; because (You see?), Christ said only God Himself knowed, not even the Angels. No wonder, it wasn't even written. You see, they hushed; nothing take place then. Angels don't know it;
nobody knows when He's coming. But there will be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time.
So, I believe, to us who... If we don't know it, and we--
it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in.
So, the thing for us to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and live good Christian lives.
This is all future tense. His Coming is a total secret. Right at the end, this secret will be revealed by the seven Thunders. Until then, both the seven Thunders and the seventh Seal which reveals His Coming will be total secrets.
The Thunders have seven voices. None of us know what that means as brother Branham never explained the meaning of the different voices.
Message preachers cannot even predict important world events. Do not trust them to know these vital secrets. Just leave the Coming and the seven Thunders alone. We are completely out of our depth when we tackle these subjects.
We know what the function of the Thunders is. We have absolutely no clue as to what they are or what they say. We do not know what their content is.
William Branham never said, “The seven Thunders have uttered”.
If you believe that the seven Thunders have uttered, you have got it seriously wrong.
The disciples never asked when He was Coming
The disciples only asked for a SIGN of His Coming, not WHEN He was Coming.
The disciples never asked the Lord when He was Coming. They just asked for a sign of His Coming.
We have seen the Cloud which is a sign. So let us follow their example and not try to puzzle out when He is Coming.
Or worse still, try to prove that He has come.
The Cloud was the sign of the coming down of Jesus as the Word to reveal the deep mysteries of Scripture.
MATTHEW 24: 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Don’t be fooled by charismatic and forceful and clever preachers.
:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Do not look for Jesus in a great Cloud or in seven angels in the Sonoran desert at Sunset Peak near Tucson, Arizona.
:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
This verse applies to the Bride and the Jews.
The Bride saw the Jews go through a preview of the 3.5 years of great Tribulation
during the Holocaust of World War 2. Then in future years, the Jews will go through the actual awful years of great Tribulation.
63-0323 SIXTH SEAL
... the martyrs in the tribulation of the pre-tribulation of Eichmann
God allowed a pre-tribulation of demonology unleashed by natural dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin, on natural Israel during World War 2 as a preview of the future great Tribulation. The Bride misses the horror of great Tribulation. But the Holocaust of Hitler and Eichmann gives us an insight or revelation into what will happen during the years of great Tribulation.
In a sense, we saw great Tribulation spiritually from a distance, rather like watching a horror real-life “vision” while the Jews suffered physically in the Holocaust or "tribulation of those Second World War days". In a sense, the Jews suffered on our behalf so that the Bride did not have to suffer a Holocaust or great Tribulation, but at the same time, we could see exactly what great Tribulation will be like. This is God’s grace towards us.
Then after World War 2, all the Christian prisoners of war who were forced to co-operate with each other in the German prisoner of war camps went home and launched the World Council of Churches which began the uniting of all the different churches. God works with Israel in the physical, and with the church in the spiritual. So, Matthew 24:29 has a spiritual application to the church world and a physical application to the Jews.
Let us consider the spiritual application to the church :
Immediately after the tribulation of those days
[after the pre-tribulation preview of Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews which ended in 1945 when the war ended] shall the sun be darkened,
[Sun produces light. The churches united by moving away from Scripture and accepting all sorts of human traditions and opinions. The Light of the written Bible became less and less in the churches. The darkness of human interpretations and speculations spread. There are now more than 100 different versions or translations of the English Bible which heavily obscures the truth because people choose the interpretation that suit them. Human quotes have replaced written Scripture.]
and the moon shall not give her light,
The moon symbolizes the church that reflects the light of the sun which represents the Bible. By moving away from being Scriptural, the church has less and less Bible light to reflect to the world.
The church offers their own politically correct opinions in order to be popular.
But this is not light, it is darkness. Churches have now accepted gay rights and same-sex marriages.
The moon goes dark when it enters the world's shadow. As the church embraces worldliness it ceases to be God's instrument for spreading Light.
The moon also blacks out the sunlight when it gets between the sun and the earth. The church and its leader become more important than Scripture. Everyone on earth that is below that leader is in darkness because they put the quotes of the leader in place of the Light of Scripture.
and the stars shall fall from heaven,
[Church leaders are in the news for abusing children and grabbing money. They started as stars to spread the Gospel light but fell from their heavenly calling. The parable of the ten virgins (clean women representing saved church Christians) says that they are all asleep. This indicates that the problem is in the pulpits. The preachers are keeping all Christians asleep. When sleeping we are unaware of what is going on. We have not noticed how the churches have been taken over by human leadership, opinions, doctrines, and traditions. The stars (leaders) have fallen from their first love of being Scriptural.]
and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
[A great Cloud forming supernaturally at 43 km high, that breaks and shakes all the known laws of atmospheric physics will be part of the sign of the coming that the disciples asked for.
This Cloud was the sign that preceded the coming down of the mysteries to the seventh angel to reveal six of the seven Seals.
These mysteries revealed Christ hidden away in the types and symbols and events in the Bible. These mystery-truths will prepare the Bride for the coming down of the Mighty Angel who raises the dead from the seven church ages and the 7 Thunders that change the bodies of the living Bride.
Then this prophecy will also apply to the Jews in the natural:]
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
[The Jews will face the actual 3.5 years of great Tribulation. The sun being darkened and the moon not giving her light will be a typical result of nuclear devastation. Nuclear bombs explode with the familiar mushroom cloud. This is a dark cloud caused by the smoke and vapourized soil and rock that was under the explosion. The tremendous heat, hotter than the sun, expands the smoky air and it rises upwards. When high enough, the rising smoke has the same density as the surrounding air and the smoke spreads out sideways to form the top of the mushroom.]
The mushroom top of the cloud causes a deep shadow on the ground. The powerful hydrogen bomb explosion of 1952 did darken the sunlight as the dense smoke obscured the sun.
"Dark Sun" was the name of the book, written by Richard Rhodes, describing the first hydrogen bomb.
At night, all the vapourized soil and smoke particles in the air also darkened out the moonlight.
The intense white light of the hydrogen bomb is brighter than the sun but is also partially wrapped up in the dark debris of the vaporized ground. Dark sun, a mixture of bright light and dark dust.
The vaporized dust darkens out the bright light of the bomb.
The bomb blast becomes a dark sun as its light is obscured by dust.
REVELATION 9:1 And the fifth angel sounded,
and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth:
and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
:2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
:3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
Sun produces light, the air is the atmosphere. A fallen star or angel (messenger of the pit) unleashes the demonic hordes from the pit. They believe contrary to the Bible and have a harsh condemning attitude which darkens the atmosphere of love and peace and tolerance.
MATTHEW 24:29 ... and the stars shall fall from heaven
[“Stars” (plural), falling from heaven, portray an unimaginable horde of vicious demons, ruthlessly destructive like a swarm of locusts, that takes over the churches in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation. They destroy the sleeping virgin and attack Israel in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation.
Only the two prophets, with their supernatural power, can hold this fanatical tidal wave of utter destruction back.
Then the power of heaven will be shaken as a supernatural sign in the sky appears in a most dramatic fashion that overthrows all known natural laws of physics of the atmosphere. This will save the 144000 Jews, threatened with extinction, and make them humbly aware that the One who comes after this staggering sign and wields such power over nature must be God Himself.]
MATTHEW 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
There will be a sign of the Son of man that appears to the Jews in great Tribulation.
The disciples never asked when He is coming. That is top secret. The most we can ask for is a sign of His coming.
The Cloud was that sign to the Gentile church in the last or seventh church age.
And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture;
thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places,
then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man."
The cloud sign was followed by the coming down of the mysteries of God to the seventh angel.
Christ appearing to us, not as a Man, but revealed in His Word. The revelation of Bible truth.
Then the Bride has to learn from brother Branham's quotes how to open up the mysteries in the Bible.
REVELATION 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write
:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Jesus does not appeal to church groups in Laodicea because Jesus stands outside every church and appeals to individuals in the church. When the right number of individuals have become Scriptural in their thinking and no longer blindly follow human leadership, then only is the Book effectively open. When the predestinated individuals can finally understand the Bible then it is time for the Angel to descend. The Bible has not opened if we cannot read and understand its symbols, patterns, prophecies, and parables. We should know how to interpret the Bible, but most people today prefer to go for speculations and opinions.
Then Christ returns as the mighty Angel or Archangel to raise the dead.
Then comes the changing of the body for the living Bride.
Seven mysterious Thunders will only affect you if your old body can change to a new body.
These Thunders will somehow be Scriptural.
So if we do not understand the written Bible's mysteries we will miss these unwritten Thunders mysteries.
For example, a woman will rule America. This is part of a vision that brother Branham saw. Message people interpreted this quote as being Hillary winning the 2016 presidential election in America. But a woman is a church. The quote actually means the growth to power of the Catholic church over America. A woman may end up as president, but it is the Catholic church that will cruelly oppress America and ruin the country.
(Kamala Harris became Vice President in 2021. Joe Biden, a Catholic became President. The stage is being set).
In opposition in 2016 was Trump. A man with a bad reputation. Message people thus ignored him. God won't let a bad guy win. But he promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. God is turning to Israel when the Bride raptures, according to Scripture. God backed the candidate who would help Israel. Many message people got it wrong.
After all, if they see a Cloud (which is a sign) as the actual Coming, they merely prove their Scriptural limitations and blindness.
The 2020 American election saw a Catholic President rise to supreme power in America. An ominous sign of the times. The last vision brother Branham saw before America was destroyed was a cruel woman, symbolizing the Catholic Church, ruling America. A literal woman like Kamala Harris may be President as a figurehead, but the cruelty will come from the dominating church. Kamala Harris dressed in purple for her inauguration, the colour worn by Roman Catholic bishops and archbishops. She is Vice President.
The top rank are Cardinals who wear scarlet. Kamala Harris is not top rank yet. She is not yet President.
She also wore pearls. The pearly gates of Heaven. Does this symbolize her opening the gates for the Catholic church to take over America?
God allowed William Branham to make some big mistakes over the Cloud. This was a warning to us not to rely on quotes. But Message people rush on heedlessly with their quote-interpreted speculations.
We live in a gifted but dark age, a self-obsessed time ("selfie" photos time) when the Bible says nothing good about us. Thus, we need wise and cautious advice to get illumination from Scripture, not reckless opinions based on our interpretation of selected quotes. Especially when some quotes about the Cloud are obviously wrong.
Message preachers who predicted Hillary winning merely manifested their incompetence to lead. When the blind lead the blind they all fall in a ditch -- great Tribulation.
Then comes the Trumpet for the catching up of the saints, which is the actual Coming of Jesus.
"Shout, voice, and trump".
I THESSALONIANS 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Four years of Trumps' contentious presidency have made the word "Trump" into a household name. A real sign of the times. The time for the final trump to call the Bride up to Heaven is obviously getting close.
Nobody can say that God did not warn them.
Time no longer means the end of time so we do not age
If you are growing older, then time has not ended.
Time cannot end yet as there is still 1000 years for the new Kingdom of Jesus and His Bride on earth.
REVELATION 10:5And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
: 6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein,
that there should be time no longer:
But then in the last age, all these mysteries are to be solved
and handed out, and the
Seals are to be opened
by the Lamb and revealed to the Church,
and then time is no more.
After the seven Seals are revealed, then only will the Angel be able to descend and say that time is no more.
Many Message preachers claim that "Time no more" means that time stopped in 1963.
The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel…..
But, this One didn't come from the earth.
He come down from Heaven, BECAUSE the mystery is all finished.
And when the mystery is finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more,"
The Angel does not come down in order to finish the revelation of the mysteries.
The Angel comes down because the mysteries have been revealed because the mysteries have finished.
Time ends only when the mystery of God is finished because the Message has to fully reveal the written Bible to the individual members of the Bride. This can only be after 1965 when brother Branham stopped preaching and revealing the mysteries of the Bible.
So I'm late. But, you know, as we get over into that other realm where time is no more,
we begin to forget about time. It all blends into Eternity, and there's no time, no more time limits.
Everything we do now has to be done within some time limit.
So we are still very much in time, especially when chasing a deadline.
When time ends is a very tricky concept. We are stuck in time and do not know what time is. From a scientific viewpoint, we cannot even measure time. We only measure the movement of a watch hand across the watch dial, but we do not measure time itself.
When the Bride have immortal bodies, then they will be out of time, and then time will be no more for them.
But the rest will carry on in time. When you have your new body, you will be free from time, and only then will we really grasp what "time no longer means".
We will not age.
We will be in an eternal present tense. No past can trouble us, no future to be feared.
“I AM” is how the timeless God describes Himself.
But relax, we will not understand that now. Wait till then.
You cannot understand the end of time while you are still in time.
And He said, "At the sounding of the... at this time,
the mystery of God should be finished."
Who God is and how He was made manifest; how when that seal was opened, how we begin to understand now how that He was the Son of God, He was God Himself made flesh;
and the revelation of Who He is; that should be finished BEFORE this Angel can put His feet upon the land and sea and sware that "there'll be time no more" when this time comes.
We're right in that front yard of it right now. See?
The mystery of God must be finished before time ends.
The last one of them is Revelation 10, "Foot on land and on sea,"
time had run out, redemption is over,
and now He comes in as a Lion. He was a Lamb then, now He comes in as Lion of the tribe of Juda.
Time ending also involves redemption being over.
Some Message believers say that the time of redemption ended with the Cloud in 1963.
While I believe, with all my heart, the seat's still open.
I believe He's still on the throne of God, but soon He is going to rise now and come forth to claim what He has redeemed.
But three weeks after the Cloud was seen, brother Branham says Jesus is still on the throne and will rise off the throne sometime in the future. So the Cloud did not end time. Nor did it end redemption.
So, but you see, if God is in it, and telling the Truth, this is the last time of history. This is the last of the world's history. It's closing.
There will be time no more, someday.
Nine months after the Cloud and he says that time will end someday in the future.
Question : If time ceased when the Seals were opened, then the Millennium is also finished, is it not?
Answer : No, no. Time didn't cease when the Seals were opened.
Misunderstood it. What happened, the mysteries was revealed, not time ceased. ….Because see?
We got a thousand years after the church has gone home and comes back upon the earth.
Then time ceases in the new heavens and new earth.
The time of sealing up the prophecies of Daniel ended when the Seals were revealed.
DANIEL 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words,
and seal the book, even to the time of the end:
many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
The time of not being able to understand the Bible mysteries ended when the Seals were revealed.
But time itself continues as we still get old and die.
But time itself will only end FOR YOU when you are changed into an immortal body after the resurrection of the New Testament saints. Then you will step out of time into Eternity.
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
The word “But” changes the theme. The Angel came down after the mystery was finished and the Book was open.
But the mystery (singular) should be finished back in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, before the Angel comes down.
The seventh angel had to reveal the mysteries (plural) of God so that we could understand the written Bible. Brother Branham successfully did reveal all the mysteries that we need to know to be ready for the Coming of the Lord.
So why does the Bible say "should be finished"?
Because it is easy for the Message-believers to try to interpret selected quotes into an unscriptural doctrine. Instead of using the quotes to interpret Scripture.
Brother Branham never said that the seven Thunders have uttered.
But most Message-believers have some doctrine based on the 7 Thunders uttering. Thus, it is impossible for them to finish the mystery of returning to the first church age because the first church age never believed that the seven Thunders had uttered.
When we understand the written Bible, then we should be able to return to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles. That is the mystery of God (singular).
The mysteries (plural) coming down as the former (or teaching) rain from the seventh angel should restore us back to the first church age. This was necessary so that we could be prepared for the coming down of the mighty Angel who would raise the dead. Then the 7 Thunders utter to show us how to change of our bodies in the harvest or latter rain.
First the mysteries come down before the Angel comes
The mysteries come down from God as the Word of God before the Angel comes.
REVELATION 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished,
The mystery should be finished.
This implies some doubt.
Brother Branham left us with enough information to unravel the mysteries that we need to know to prepare us for the Coming down of the mighty Angel. This involves some effort from our side.
But if we misinterpret his quotes, we will mess up the mysteries and get them wrong.
If we do not return to the beliefs of the first church age we will also be wrong.
So we should know enough, but if we are not careful we will not know enough and we will be unable to finish the mystery.
Watch the two comings in the next three quotes.
… when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at,
and the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God and reveals the entire revelation of God.
Then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries: serpent's seed and whatevermore is to be revealed.
Coming number 1. The mysteries come down.
...And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel,
the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head.
Coming number 2. The Angel comes down after the Seals have been broken in order to reveal the mystery.
Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth
at the time of this coming.
“This coming” is singular.
Which coming is he speaking of? The prophet can only be on earth for one of these two comings.
So, does “this coming” refer to the coming down of the mysteries or to the coming down of the Angel?
The Angel can only come down when the mystery is revealed and the Seals are broken.
Three paragraphs later brother Branham gives the answer.
And here He returns back in the 10th chapter AFTER the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished, and the Seals are to be broke,
and proclaiming that its time is no more. And he said, "When the seventh angel has begin to sound, then the
mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear.
We're close, somewhere. That's right.
The Angel comes down after the mysteries are revealed. Those mysteries will prepare us for the resurrection which is the ministry of the mighty Angel.
Then we still have to be able to respond to the 7 mysterious Thunders, that will stagger us when they utter.
He says we are close to the time of the Angel appearing. But the Cloud appeared 18 days before this.
Brother Branham had to be on earth for the coming of the mysteries.
That was his main ministry.
The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... But this One didn't come from the earth;
He come down from heaven, BECAUSE the mystery is all finished.
And when the mystery is finished,
the Angel said, "Time shall be no more,"
and seven thunders throwed their voices out.
This is very clear. The Angel did not come down to open the Book. He came down because the Book had been opened when the mysteries had been revealed.
But in Laodicea Jesus stands outside the church door appealing to individuals.
So, is the Bible an open Book to you when YOU read it?
RVELATION 10:8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.
God now deals with John as if he is an individual member of the Bride.
At the end, God deals with each person individually.
REVELATION 10:9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
We are warned. Your personal experience with Jesus will be bitter-sweet. There is no easy path to Heaven.
REVELATION 10:10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
John took the open Book as an individual and ate it and digested it for himself but it was a bitter experience of rejection and condemnation by others. But in his mouth was his sweet praise for Jesus who delivered him from his enemies and opened his eyes to be able to understand Bible truth.
This is the effect that the revealed Bible mysteries will have on individuals.
In other words, brother Branham did reveal the mysteries but can you as an individual understand the Bible when you read it on your own? Can you testify to others and prove your point just from Scripture?
Quoting from the Bible must be sweet in our mouths.
That is what God requires from each one of us.
That's the reason he had to eat the scroll. He had to reflect that Word for that age. You got it?
The Book (the Bible) was open or revealed. John, as an individual, ate it. In his belly it was bitter but in his mouth it was sweet. As we catch a deeper revelation of God’s Word it puts us in conflict with the churches that do not know that truth. Each church likes to believe that they have the full truth and do not want someone to come along and teach them something deeper. Churches tend to plateaux and stay at a given level.
But through all this conflict and persecution from the churches who think they know it all, and who detest anyone who disagrees with them, God delivers the individual. Eventually, the mouth of that person is full of sweet praise for God as the person recounts how God has delivered them from church error.
Jeremiah is a classic example of the Jewish church, just before going into captivity to Babylon, hating him because he was the only one who tried to tell them the truth of God’s Word.
There is a price to pay for truth. It is like sweating it out up a steep mountain. But the view from the top is sweet, and worth all the effort and opposition.
REVELATION 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
What John wrote in the Bible must sound out through the mouths of all those who believe what he wrote. All those whose words sound out the Scriptural truths that John wrote.
When you quote Scripture, then it is John speaking through you.
God wants you to be John's mouthpiece.
REVELATION 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,
when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished,
Only when we are Scriptural will the true Message of brother Branham begin to sound out of our mouths.
Only then will his ministry be considered a success.
Notice, he only begins to sound when the mystery (singular) is finished.
He was not sounding while he revealed the mysteries (plural). He knew what he was proving from Scripture, but the Bride did not because they began to focus on his quotes.
Brother Branham only begins to sound when you and I are restored to the first church age beliefs so that out of our mouths sounds the Scriptural proof of what he was preaching.
JOB 37:2 Hear attentively the noise of his voice, and the sound that goeth out of his mouth.
ROMANS 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
:18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
I TIMOTHY 1:10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
We're told, in Revelation 10, that there'll be a messenger in the last day, will gather up these little ends and will bring them together.
And then the mystery of God would be finished,
at the sounding of this angel, which was a messenger of the earth.
THEN One came down from Heaven,
with His hands up, rainbow over His head, and swore that there would be time no more; an Angel taking an oath
Once again: first, the mystery must be finished, then the Angel comes down.
All right, reveals all the mysteries that's been in the past,
all the things in the past.
Revelations 10:1-7. That is to be.
This is 18 days after the Cloud was seen and
yet he places Revelation 10: 1–7 in the future.
He still has to reveal the mysteries and only after that can the Angel come down.
But the Angel will only come down once the Bride can open the Book by reading and understanding the mysteries.
Revelations the 10th chapter and the 1 to the 7th verse. Time runs out.
The angel said, "Time will be no more," in the days of this great thing to happen.
Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal.
The Angel of Revelation 10:1 - 7 is a future event that is a "great thing to happen".
Thus the Cloud which happened just over three weeks previously in the past cannot be the Angel of Revelation 10.
The Cloud cannot be the Second Coming because the Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth.
The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth.
The Seventh Seal was preached 24 days after the supernatural Cloud appeared on 28 February, 1963.
But brother Branham's revelation of the Seventh Seal was that it never opened.
The Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know. That's His Coming.
The Seventh Seal is His Coming, but it has not opened yet.
Thus, He has not come.
The Cloud is not the Seventh Seal as it appeared 24 days before brother Branham preached on the 7th Seal.
Thus, the Cloud cannot be His Coming.
If the Cloud was the Coming of the Lord, how could the Seventh Seal bring Him back to earth 24 days after He came as the Cloud?
Especially since the Seventh Seal never opened.
The Angel and the 7 Thunders are also for the Jews
The Angel and the 7 Thunders are for the Bride and for the Jews.
Now we have another complication which involves the problem of time.
The mighty Angel also comes to the Jews. Thus, the seven Thunders also utter to the Jews
I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...
If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant, and
He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished.
See? All right.
... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger,
and He's a Messenger to Israel. See?
The Church has been raptured. See?
or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church.
The Angel comes for the church that is preparing for the rapture. Then the Angel is also a Messenger to Israel after the rapture.
The mighty Angel has two ministries.
The first one to the church, and the second one to Israel. Thus the Angel comes down right at the end of the Gentile age just as God removes the Gentile church and turns to the Jews.
Therefore the seven Thunders also utter both to the church and to Israel.
Now, we had him coming last night with his great sword to kill. We find out that he gets killed with the Sword too, the sword of the Word. God's Word, sharp, two-edged sword slays him, puts him right down.
Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand it there. It'll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens; they can shut this or do that, whatever they want to.
The two prophets in the 3.5 years of great Tribulation will close the heavens.
He will be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth; it's sharper than a two-edged sword.
They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to.
Amen. Whatever they say's going to happen, because it's the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Amen.
The two prophets will interrupt nature, thanks to the power of the seven Thunders.
This gives a second interpretation of the two feet of the Angel.
His feet stand on land and sea where the dead from the 7 church ages are buried.
His feet also refer to two groups, the Bride and the Jews.
The Angel is coming down to the church AND to the Jews
because the 144000 also have to be slain and resurrected.
The Jews that were slain under the fifth Seal also have to be resurrected, because they are seen in Heaven when the Bride is around the throne, wanting to know when they can come back to earth to avenge themselves.
REVELATION 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
:11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
Now, when is the Gospel returning to the Jews? When the day of the Gentiles is finished. The Gospel is ready to go back to the Jews. Oh, if I could just tell you something that is about to happen right in this our day.
This great thing that is about to happen will carry over to Revelation 11 and pick up those two witnesses, those two prophets, Moses and Elijah, turning the Gospel back to the Jews.
We're ready for it. Everything is in order. As the Jews brought the message to the Gentiles, even so the Gentiles will take it right back to the Jews, and the Rapture will come.
Something great is going to happen to the Gentile church, and then it will carry over to the Jews. That is how the seven Thunders will operate when the mighty Angel comes down.
Then we have a further problem. Do the Thunders utter from Heaven or from earth?
Look where the voices was in the thunders, not in heaven, on earth.
The thunders never uttered from the heavens; they uttered from the earth.
Here brother Branham says the Thunders utter from the earth.
Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. This one I have--will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders.
The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery.
It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return.
However, here he says the Thunders are in heaven.
It is thus safest to just leave the Thunders alone. We are simply guessing which does not help anyone.
The coming and the appearing of Christ
Message believers say that the Cloud was the appearing of Christ.
Depends on what you're wound on. See? So, may the Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of the flock, ever keep your hearts so wound into Him, that,
when the great Shepherd does appear, we will appear with Him.
This was preached in 1964, long after the cloud was photographed, and here brother Branham is still
waiting for Christ to appear.
So obviously the Cloud was not the appearing of Christ.
COLOSSIANS 3:4When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory
When He appears, you will appear with Him. But no one appeared with Christ on the day that the Cloud was photographed. Brother Branham was not even there. Nor were the rest of us. Most of today’s believers were probably not even born in 1963.
Show us the paths that You have ordained that we should walk. And give us of Thy grace and love, that we might follow those paths and instructions with all of our hearts, that we might be found, that day, in Christ, blameless,
for we believe, Lord, that His appearing is soon.
(1965 and he is still waiting for Christ to appear)
But let me say this. Our Lord is not defeated. Men claim to open the door to God and shut that door, but they are liars. All that the Father has given Him will come to Him, and he that cometh to Him in no wise will be cast out; He will lose NONE of them. John 6:37-39.
And when that last elected member to the body of Christ comes in, then will our Lord appear.
Another claim made by Message believers is that “He began to appear in the cloud and is now appearing more and more to His Bride”.
The early church believed Christ would come on a cloud, not as a cloud.
MALACHI 3:2But who may abide the day of his coming?
and who shall stand when he appeareth?
for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
Appearing and coming seem to be interchangeable words.
I PETER 1:7That the trial of your faith,
being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory
at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
II TIMOTHY 4:1I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ,
who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing
and his kingdom;
:2 Preach the word;
be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
I JOHN 2:28And now, little children, abide in him; that,
when he shall appear,
we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him
at his coming.
Appearing and coming seem to be interchangeable words.
I JOHN 3:2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that,
when he shall appear, we shall be like him;
for we shall see him as he is.
None of us are like the cloud. So the cloud was not His appearing.
Jesus has an immortal body. Once the mighty Angel descends, we will also have an immortal body.
1965-0829 SATAN'S EDEN
O God, to think that one of these hours, one will be going to visit the other, and be caught up. "Two in a bed; will take one, and leave one. Two in the field; I'll take one, and leave one."
May not one who sit here tonight and heard the Message, may not one of them be lost, from the least child to the oldest person. May their holy desire be only for God and His Word.
We know not what hour He may appear,
This was preached in 1965, almost three years after the Cloud and brother Branham is still waiting for Jesus to appear. He does not say that He did appear as a Cloud.
He does not say that He is secretly appearing in some ongoing transformation that will take about 60 years.
We are living at the last hour. By the grace of Almighty God, by His help, to His people that they might
look forward to the soon appearing of Christ...
"How long, Brother Branham?" Maybe twenty years, maybe in fifty years,
maybe in a hundred years; I don't know.
And maybe in the morning, maybe yet tonight; I don't know.
And anybody that says they do know, they're wrong. See? They won't know.
God only knows.
This is after the cloud. He is still looking forward to the appearing of Christ which he says could be 50 or 100 years in the future.
May the loving Holy Spirit take them, lead them to water baptism, and to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then sealing them into the Kingdom of God
until the Coming and the appearing of the visible body of the Lord Jesus
to catch away His Bride. They are Yours, Father. May the great God of the Shekinah Glory be with them now and forevermore. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Coming and appearing seem to have the same meaning here.
And now,
at the Coming of the Lord Jesus,
those who are really loving His Coming, that's living for it;
when He appears in the sky,
the Church that's dead in Christ shall rise,
and those will be changed in a moment
Notice how he uses “appearing” and “coming” interchangeably. They mean the same thing here.
And now, just before the coming of Christ, the Bible said there would be false christs arise and would claim to be Christ, and would say, "Lo," the people say,
"He's in the desert." Don't believe it.
"Lo, He's in the secret chamber." Don't believe it. "For as the sun shineth from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be." See? Yes, He will appear, and it'll be a universal thing.
Again, coming and appearing seem to mean the same thing.
This was preached after the cloud was photographed. He says Christ will appear in the future and it will be universal. What happened between him and the seven angels in the desert at Sunset Peak was not the coming or the appearing of Christ.
Sunset Peak is in the Great Sonoran desert. That's where the 7 angels came down to commission brother Branham to reveal the Seals. But Christ said He will not be in the desert.
MATTHEW 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:
If you think Christ came in the Sonoran desert at Sunset Peak, then you have contradicted Scripture.
The seventh angel is not the Son of man
Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself,
being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with it than nothing, no more than just a voice.
And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.
I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared.
I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are;
I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice
that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through.
It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel,
oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God.
The angel was not the Son of man;
he was the messenger from the Son of man.
Brother Branham has a portion of God’s Spirit. He does not have the fullness of God’s Spirit. Notice carefully.
“I am only the one that is near when He does it”.
The fullness of God was not in him. The fullness of God was near him, just using his voice to speak to the people.
“The [seventh] angel was not the Son of man”.
The Spirit of Christ as the Son of Man stood next to William Branham who was a son of man and spoke through him. Thus Christ revealed Himself through a prophet,
but the fullness of Christ (as shown by the halo) was not in the prophet but was next to the prophet.
Brother Branham as a son of man revealing the Son of Man who stood invisibly next to brother Branham.
Brother Branham was revealing Jesus Who was previously being hidden by the mysteries of Scripture.
That's the reason he had to eat the scroll. He had to reflect that Word for that age. You got it?
When they, apostles was preaching the Gospel, and come down through Irenaeus, and many of the great reformers and founders back in the early age, it come to Nicaea, one time, for a showdown, and they decided to make a universal church,
to force people to come under their jurisdiction.
Many who has read the history there, knows many old prophets come there with animal skin wrapped around them, eating only herbs and things, and they tried to hold out for that Word, hold for the Word of God. But what did they do that fifteen days of bloody politics? They finally decided to make a universal church, and
graft some paganism with Christianity,
and set it out as a universal church.
So we still have Christmas and Christmas trees which are pagan ideas from the birthday of the sun god.
And, today, the Protestants are throwing themselves together in the Ecumenical Council,
doing the same thing, grafting in tradition of man, and instead of taking the Word of God
which is thoroughly identified by the Holy Ghost, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The church stands in the balance, today, and is found wanting. You're back in Pilate's judgment hall.
Yes, sir.
Judge everything with Scripture, not some man's opinion.
Jesus turned and said, "What is it to thee if he tarries till I come?" So He never...
Then there went a doctrine out. See how easy it can start?
There went a doctrine out
that "John wasn't going to die until he seen Jesus coming, or until the Second Coming." The Bible said there was a doctrine went out of that.
Jesus never said it that way.
He said, "What is it to you if he tarries till I come?"
[Be careful how you interpret quotes. It is so easy to put a twist into the statements.]
Now, we find out that
he was lifted up into the heavens and saw from then until the coming of the Lord, AS THOUGH he had been there and seen it all happen.
John himself did not live... He lived to be ninety-something years old, and then died in a natural death (the only one of the apostles) after coming from his exile from isle of Patmos.
The vision that John saw was so real that it was as though he had watched the actual event. But the vision was not the event.
For those who are interested:
A few facts about noctilucent clouds
Natural noctilucent clouds (shine at night) can only form in the coldest part of the atmosphere between 80 and 85 kilometers high when the temperature drops below minus 123 degrees Celsius. At this incredible height, a chemical reaction occurs between natural gas, methane, and water molecule fragments when water molecules have been broken up by ultraviolet sun rays. These gases drift to this vast height and react to produce water. This water is so thinly spread out in the intense vacuum of near-space that it is invisible. But at that height, there are tiny dust particles from burnt-out meteorites that had plunged through the upper atmosphere looking like “shooting stars”. These tiny meteorites are about as big as a fly or a bee when they hit the earth's atmosphere at high speed. The tiny meteorite’s fast speed through the thin upper air causes friction that burns them up in a spectacular flash of light until a microscopic dust particle is all that is left, between 80 and 85 kilometers high. This dust acts as a nucleus for the high-up water molecules to condense on and they freeze in the intense cold to form tiny ice crystals that reflect sunlight and thus look like clouds.
But these high natural noctilucent clouds depend on low temperatures and are only visible after mid-May in America.
Warm summer air rises and expands in the thin upper atmosphere. This expansion causes the extra necessary cooling.
But the Cloud was seen in February and was "only" 43 kilometers high, nowhere near the needed 80-kilometer height where natural noctilucent clouds are. Natural noctilucent clouds are so high that they are only visible from 40 minutes to two hours after sunset. You do not see them at sunset, certainly not in the first 28 minutes.
Climate change began affecting our atmosphere around 1975. Before then natural noctilucent clouds were only visible more than 45 degrees latitude above the equator towards the north pole. Below that latitude, it was too hot for them to form. The world population has more than doubled since 1963. The more humans there are, the more greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere to produce climate change.
Vandenberg and Flagstaff are closer to the equator at a latitude of 35°, which was too far south from the north pole for natural noctilucent clouds. In the early 1960s, natural noctilucent clouds only formed between the two lines shown on the map below. Above latitude 60° it was cold enough but the sun did not sink far enough below the horizon to reflect off the clouds.
The natural noctilucent clouds were there but were not visible from the ground. Nowadays we can see them from space.
The red line shows the latitude of Vandenberg and Flagstaff. This is the path followed by the smoke cloud caused by a rocket explosion 43 kilometers above Vandenberg Airforce Base. (The black dot on the bottom left of the coast of America). This was also the latitude of the main Cloud. It was too far south for natural noctilucent clouds to form.
So the big Cloud was not a natural noctilucent cloud. It was not an artificial noctilucent cloud as there were no rockets, or planes, or chemicals in the vicinity. There is thus no natural explanation for it. (Note that we are here talking about the big Cloud, not the smaller one that was caused by the explosion of a high-altitude rocket.)
The two clouds were photographed from Winslow.
Saint Peter predicted the future appearance of a high-altitude smoke cloud made from smoke vapour. Just like rain clouds are made from water vapour. The smoke cloud is the small high-altitude cloud behind the main supernatural cloud.
ACTS 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire,
and vapour of smoke:
Water vapour makes a rain cloud, so smoke vapour makes a smoke cloud.
This big Cloud was not formed by the rocket, nor was it a natural cloud. It, therefore, has to be supernatural, formed by angel wings.