Revealing the Seals and Opening the Seals

The events in Revelation Chapters 4, 5, and 6 all happen in Heaven after the Bride is caught up to Heaven

First published on the 21st of February 2025 — Last updated on the 22nd of February 2025

12 Elders from the 12 Tribes of Israel will also watch the 7 Seals being opened.

An unsolved mystery of the 7 Seals is that the First Seal opens with an unknown, mysterious single Thunder.

The word “trump” appears twice in the New Testament. Both times it is connected to the resurrection of the dead. Trump seems to be a sign of the times.

To show His power over time, God reveals future events to His prophets in visions before the event actually happens. Brother Branham saw visions of the future opening of the 7 Seals. They have opened in the form of a vision to reveal their future content. They have not actually opened in full graphic details. That only happens in Heaven after the rapture.

The outline or revelation of the white horse symbol involves the deceptive claim of the Catholic church that their Popes are the successors of the apostle Peter.  The white horse rider never stops conquering the churches. God hates the Nicolaitans who elevate a holy man to be the head of a church.

The former rain is a Bible-teaching rain. Not elevated pastors trying to interpret quotes, some of which are wrong. Brother Branham never stood under the 1963 supernatural cloud. There was no cloud at Sunset Peak. He never realized that there were two clouds over the city of Flagstaff. Peter prophesied of a high-altitude smoke cloud.

Brother Branham never saw the supernatural cloud that had no face. He only saw a flawed photostat or facsimile that let in light to produce a face in the cloud.

The white horse rider has used these mistakes to spread error and confusion amongst the Message-followers. Anything to get them away from proving their beliefs from the King James Bible.

We will get a new far-more-intelligent brain when our bodies change into glorified bodies.  Only then will we really understand the details of Satan’s subtle attack on the revelations of the teaching former rain introduced by William Branham. This former rain (teaching rain) must take us out of the seventh-age churches, back to the New Testament doctrines of the apostles.

Old Testament Israelites see the 7 Seals open

The apostle John, symbolizing an individual in God’s Bride, was caught up to Heaven in Revelation Chapter 4.

REVELATION 4:1  “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

“After this”. After the seven church ages are complete, the Bride is caught up to Heaven.

The 7 church ages represent the 2000 years of church history.

The catching up to Heaven is linked to a trumpet-like voice.

REVELATION 4:4  “And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.”

12 Old Testament elders from the 12 Tribes of Israel are also present when the Seals are to be opened.

12 New Testament elders are present. The 12 apostles with Paul taking the place of Judas.

This opening of the 7 Seals thus happens after the resurrection of the New Testament saints.


“And it was not until Revelation 5:6-8 (which follows Revelation 4:2-3 in sequence of time) that we see the “Lamb” taking the book from “HIM” That sat on the throne,”

Chapters 5 and 6 must also happen in Heaven.

REVELATION 5:9  “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;”

The redeemed Bride from all nations are standing around the throne in Heaven when the Lamb decides to open the Book in Heaven. Redeemed by the blood of Jesus.

One Thunder when the First Seal opened in Heaven

REVELATION 6:1  “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.”

The First Seal OPENS with a single Thunder.

But that single Thunder never uttered during the ministry of brother Branham.

Look what he said one month before he died. The single Thunder was still in the future.


“Dear God, in this solemn moment, it’s going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise”.

The single Thunder has not yet happened, so the First Seal has not yet opened.
One month before he died and he was still waiting for the single Thunder.

I THESSALONIANS 4:16  “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”

The word “trump” is used instead of trumpet. That seems to make President Trump a sign of the times that the resurrection is getting near. God is leaving the church and turning back to Israel so God is using President Trump to protect Israel. Trump reminds us of trumpet. The trumpet-voice at the time of the Rapture. God is giving us a hint of where we are in time.

We cannot predict from Scripture what effect President Trump will have on America and world politics.


“We want to receive rapturing grace. We want to be able, when that mysterious Thunder thunders out yonder, and the Church is taken up, we want to be ready to receive It. Lord, grant it.”
Again, he refers to the mysterious single Thunder that has to happen in the future. We know nothing about this single Thunder that is linked to rapturing grace when the Bride is caught up to Heaven.

But the rapture only happens after the resurrection of the New Testament saints.

REVELATION 6:2  “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

White is a religious colour.

“He” is the antichrist spirit in the Pope. (The Bible never says “the antichrist”).

The man dies, but the spirit jumps onto the next man. The spirit does not die.

The antichrist spirit is revealed as having permission “to conquer.” He is never told to stop.

Thus, the antichrist spirit of deception will undermine and conquer the church-members right up to the end.

Only those who “come out of her” (the churches) in time will be ready for the Second Coming.

REVELATION 18:4  “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,

Come out of her, my people,

that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

Another voice.

Not the voice of the angel but the inner conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Trump is linked to the resurrection of the dead

The Bible could have said trumpet, but It said trump. Why?

I CORINTHIANS 15:52   “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Instead of saying trumpet, God again says trump.

This repetition of the word “trump” linked to the resurrection, appears to make President Trump a sign of the times. It is a warning to us that time is running out.

The New Testament resurrection of the dead is the next big event but we have no idea when that will happen.

We will only start to know what is going on when the dead rise.

Then seven Thunders will help to change our bodies into immortal bodies.


“Is that really them Seven Thunders, fixing to utter out something, that the little group that is gathered together will receive a Rapturing Faith, to go in the Rapture when He comes?”
When our bodies are changed then we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. This is often called the rapture.

Only when we are in Heaven with the 24 elders will we see the Lord take the Book in order to open the First Seal.

That will result in a loud Thunder that we know nothing about at present.

Then, only, will you know that the First Seal is opening in deep and graphic detail.

The Seals must be revealed before being Opened

The Seventh Seal that deals with the Coming of the Lord has clearly not been revealed nor opened because we know nothing about the Coming of the Lord. That is the biggest mystery in the Universe.


“The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming.”

The First and the Last Seals have not opened. Why?

AMOS 3:7  “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Before the Lamb actually opens the Seals in Heaven in Revelation Chapter 6, they must first be revealed down here on earth.

Before brother Branham started preaching, nobody successfully managed to reveal any of the seven Seals.

If the Seals were not revealed before brother Branham spoke, then he could not open the Seals.

Equally, Jesus cannot open the Seals in Heaven if they have not first been revealed by brother Branham on earth.

Jesus needs no help when He opens the Seals in Heaven.

But He does need someone to reveal the seven Seals on earth before the Bride gets caught up to go to Heaven.

“You forget anything about me. I am your brother, a sinner saved by grace, not fit to live;

that's exactly the truth; and I ain't saying that to be humble; that's facts.

There's nothing in me, not one sound thing at all.

But the grace of God has let my poor dimming eyes look beyond the curtain of time and see those things yonder, and I come back.”

Brother ,Branham saw visions of the future opening of the Seven Seals.

So, the Seals have opened in the form of a vision which reveals much but still leaves mysteries that we cannot understand.

Thus we have a revelation of the outline of the mystery. But the deeper details will confuse or stagger us.

A revelation reveals new knowledge and that raises new questions.

63-0318 — THE FIRST SEAL

We’ve just moved through everything that we know of, through all the dispensations. We’ve watched everything. We seen the mysteries of God. We seen the appearing of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days.

But, yet, there is something in There that we just can’t lighten ourself with. There is something other.

But I imagine, when them mysteries begins to come forth, God said, “Hold It back now. Wait a minute. I’ll reveal It in that day. Don’t write It, at all, John, ’cause they’ll stagger over It.


Now, we find out that he was lifted up into the heavens and saw from then until the coming of the Lord, as though he had been there and seen it all happen.

The apostle John saw visions of Heaven that showed him the symbols.

Brother Branham saw visions of Heaven that showed him the revelation of the symbols.

But Heaven is higher than Earth.

When Paul went to the third Heaven he heard such deep secrets that he could not talk about them as we would never understand with our present sinful brains. We simply do not have the vocabulary to describe a higher dimension like Heaven.

II CORINTHIANS 12:4  “How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”

Isaac Newton was the world’s cleverest scientist and mathematician but words like atoms, electrons, space-time curvature, and galaxies had not yet been invented. So, with his limited vocabulary he was unable to grasp those ideas. We need a much cleverer brain if we are to grasp the deeper details of God’s battle against Satan.

Beware of a simple explanation that describes little.

The revelation of the Seals revealed much but there is a complexity that remains hidden that would just stagger and confuse our present brains.

There is always a struggle to unwrap a profound idea.

The only solution is for us to get a new glorified brain that can grasp ideas that our present sinful brains cannot even think about. That is the function of the seven mysterious Thunders. There is no way that we could possibly understand them with our present brains. In the same way, our present sinful bodies could never be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and taken to Heaven. We need a new glorified body to take us to Heaven and live for Eternity.

REVELATION 6:3  “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

In a revelation of an event, many questions get answered.

But those answers reveal more questions.

The revelation of the First Seal reveals the outlines of an on-going process of 2000 years of religious deception but cannot focus on all the hidden details.

A revelation keeps getting deeper as more information is drawn out of the symbols.

The issues of deception are too complex and entangled to be fully explained by a written symbol.

The symbol of a white horse of religious deception just gives us a guideline that reveals the main enemy of truth is the succession of the Popes, based on the false claim that they are successors of Peter. This trail of the serpent looks like a snake waiting for its head, the final man of sin. The last Pope.

The outline that is revealed does not give all the details. Popes had hidden motives and agendas. Popes adjusted their ideas to fit in with unexpected events like the collapse of the pagan Roman Empire to the barbarians. Then barbarian kings wanted the Pope to crown them to protect them from assassination, as only their sons could be king after them.

Thus, Rome conquered its conquerors as the barbarians became Roman Catholics.

Today, Rome conquers the non-Catholic churches by fooling them into believing unscriptural Catholic doctrines. Trinity. The church leader is infallible. One man is elevated to be the head of a church. Christmas. 25 December. Good Friday. Refusal to believe that the King James Bible is perfect, the Absolute truth. Sunday sabbath. Etc.

A symbol of a horse reveals a long succession of Popes

The outline or revelation of the white horse symbol involves the deceptive claim of the succession of the Popes from Peter.

But the full details of their cruel lust for power, their manipulation of their circumstances, and their hidden agendas and financial scheming to turn religion into a big business is not yet fully known. The Vatican hides dark secrets. They opened the church door to welcome in pagan traditions. They are thus Successors of Nimrod, the first rebel against God after the Flood.

Protestants follow the Catholic example. Many non-Catholic Pastors have been exposed or covered-up by their churches. Father and son become Pastors to keep the money in the family. A good business model.

Attorney General Kamala Harris won the Catholic vote in California by refusing to take any Catholic priests to court, whatever they were accused of.

But there is a deeper mystery as Satan and his demons have infiltrated and taken over the leadership of the churches.

Consequently, the white horse of religious deception has more depth, cunning, and malevolence today against revealed Bible truth. The antichrist spirit, like a virus, keeps mutating into new deceptions that are mind-bogglingly difficult to fathom.

In Eden we chose the knowledge, the experience of good and evil, and we found out just how bitter and dark evil really is. Beware of the white horse rider as he rampages through the Message-churches with his subtle but unscriptural ideas.

When asked by the disciples about the end of the world, Jesus said our main enemy is deception.

Not the outside enemy of immorality, greed, violence, Muslims, Communists, atheists, and scientists but the lies from the pulpits.

We will be told things that are unscriptural. Virgins are clean women, representing saved people in the churches. The foolish virgins of Matthew 25 are saved Christians who have been fooled into unscriptural beliefs by their church Pastors.

MATTHEW 24:4  “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”

Murky shadows conceal a highly calculating and masterful evil religious intellect that fell from a higher dimension. It is much cleverer than we are.

Satan was once an intensely intelligent archangel who stood behind the throne of God before he fell and was cursed. In that process he became wicked, cruel, and degenerate beyond our ability to comprehend. Now, this antichrist spirit wants to bring all the non-Catholic churches under obedience to the Roman Catholic church.

The former rain involves teachers not Pastors

God promised a former rain (moreh) which means a teaching rain, to prepare us for His Second Coming by revealing the mysteries of God in the Bible.

“The latter rain, then, is the HARVEST rain. How could this be the real thing when the Teaching Rain had not come? The Prophet-Messenger who was to be sent to TEACH the people and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal fathers had not yet come”.

The harvest rain or latter rain pulls the seed off the earth. That happens at the Coming of the Lord.

To prepare for that harvest rain, we have to be taught to be Scriptural by the former or teaching rain.

To combat this Bible-teaching-rain which brother Branham started to record in 1947, Satan encouraged the elevation of a pastoral Priesthood based on quotes.

The Bible-teaching former rain will take us back to the beliefs of the first church-age apostles.

The Pastoral-priesthood split the Message-churches into over 100 different versions of the Message as the various Pastors tried to “open” the Seals with their different opinions. They claimed to understand all the mysteries of the Bible but could not prove their beliefs from Scripture.

Pastors only wanted to fight for their own beliefs in the realm of quotes. They moved away from Scripture and condemned any unfortunate Bible-teachers as being the enemy.

Emphasizing quotes is just wanting to fight the battle within the boundaries of their own choosing only. Then they regard anything less than total subservience to their personal viewpoint is as an act of defiance.

65-0801   THE  GOD  OF  THIS  EVIL  AGE

“… so that the peoples that has believed the Message

that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what's taking place,

and placing it in the Scripture.”

63-1110  HE  THAT   IS  IN  YOU

“Believe all the Message. Believe That. If it isn't written in the Bible, then don't you believe it.”

63-0630   THE  THIRD  EXODUS

“… for they can hear plainly the God's Voice, calling, through His Word

...  Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God”.

Never believe that brother Branham is the Voice of God.

We are at our best when we serve others. But we must know how to serve them. Get them to return to the Scriptural beliefs of the early apostolic church.

Message-believers became increasingly Bible-illiterate as they misinterpreted carefully selected quotes. Or worse still, made up their own statements like “The 7 Thunders have uttered”. Brother Branham never made that statement. It was made by the secret white horse rider who is alive and very active as we go into 2025.

Brother Branham mistakenly thought he stood under the cloud of 1963 when he was at Sunset Peak. He was wrong. The cloud was never over Sunset Peak. Pastors who repeat that wrong quote just add to the confusion.

The white horse rider is cleverly taking the Message-churches into various dead-end doctrines based on selected quotes or wrong quotes that deny the Bible truth. Having a wrong belief is bad. But condemning a true Bible belief, which Pastors readily do today, is far worse.

EPHESIANS 6:12  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

This is the main reason that we have a revelation or guideline of the Seals.

As sinful humans, we do not have the intelligence to know everything that Satan is plotting and planning behind the scenes. Satan stood near the throne of God which makes him much smarter than what we are. Our only defence is to say what is written in Scripture.

We will get a brand new and much cleverer brain when our bodies are changed to glorified bodies just before the Lord comes to catch us up to Heaven.

Only then will we be able to comprehend all the aspects of Satan’s diabolical plan to destroy Bible truth.

Thus, Jesus can only OPEN the Seals once we are in Heaven with our highly advanced glorified brains.

I CORINTHIANS 2:9  “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,

neither have entered into the heart of man,

the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

You will see things from a much deeper insight when you are in Heaven. Your perspective will change completely.

Thus, a prophet can reveal the outline of God’s plan to us to see if we agree with God’s thinking or not.

If we mess up the revelation of the Seven Seals by not being taught how to establish the revelation in Scripture, then we have been fooled by our unscriptural church culture.

The apostles never put a pastor in charge of a church.

In the interests of organizational efficiency, there needed to be one person in charge of a church.

But power corrupts and power attracts the corrupt. They want the power and the money. Especially the power to be able to take your money.

Internet Search Engines brainwash the people as to what they must believe. People are heavily throttled by these Gatekeepers of Knowledge. The Mass Media brainwash people by presenting opinions as facts, the hidden agendas of shadow figures. America is too powerful to be attacked from without, it must fall from within by believing unscriptural beliefs like, The Antichrist. Christmas. 25 December. Good Friday. Sunday is Sabbath day. Sunday is the Day of the Lord. A 7-year tribulation.

A church leader is tainted by the system and accepts “groupthink” and gets absorbed with popular appeal, never questioning a belief. Repetition of their errors gets believed because criticism gets crushed and ignored. A church leader’s motto is “Everyone is entitled to my opinion”. Church-goers march to the majority drumbeat. The Bible never mentions drums but the white horse rider has drums in almost all churches today.

In an era of rapid change people feel overwhelmed by the pace of social and economic shifts. The future will hold consequences that are very damaging for wrong decisions.

But some can't live with reality. Some want a sugar-coated reality. It's really how they think. They can't handle reality. They want lies that make them happy and satisfied.


“Now, notice, they did not bring back the Holy Ghost revival; they brought back a new church age. They brought back a snatched-out one;

escaped one from the Roman hierarchy, to make a Protestant hierarchy.

That's the only thing they did. Jumped right out of the skillet into the fire, see. It's right. Exactly.”

The Roman Catholics had a Priest in charge. The Protestants replaced that with a Pastor in charge. Same spirit.

God hates elevating a man as the head of the church

God hates the Nicolaitan spirit that elevates a man above the laity or congregation.

REVELATION 2:6  “But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.”

This was the first church age of Ephesus, starting in AD 33. They hated a man being in charge of a church in the same way God hated that idea.

But by the year AD 312, in the third church age of Pergamos, people wanted a Priest or Bishop to be the head of a church. But God still hated that idea.

REVELATION 2:15  “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.”

Sadly, when Martin Luther began his brave Reformation to restore salvation by faith and not by works, he stole two crucial errors from the Roman Catholic church. The doctrine of the nameless Trinity and the church structure of having one man as the head of a church. The Protestants just changed his title from Priest to Pastor. These two Catholic doctrines would heavily undermine the Protestant attempts to be restored back to Scripture.

I JOHN 4:4   “… and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”

Antichrist is not a man, it is a spirit that jumps from the dead Pope to the next Pope.

REVELATION 17:8   “… when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

The beast is the power of denominational, centrally-organized religion that is inspired by that spirit of antichrist.

“The beast that was”.

If Peter was the first Pope, according to their false claim, then there always “was” a Pope.

“and is not”.

The Pope dies.

“and yet is”.

A new Pope is elected.

This process of electing Popes will never stop. It will continue to the end.

Thus, the revelation of this First Seal has not ended. It is an ongoing process that keeps establishing a man to be the head of a church. The Protestants follow this model.

“The beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

There is no future term in this last sentence, just past and present.

This means that the power of a centrally organized church system with a man, the Pope, as its head has no future.

Subtly, the non-Catholic churches have adopted the same system by having a Pastor as the head of a church.

The white horse rider is active in Message-churches*

The white horse antichrist rider is active today with new and much cleverer errors.

Look at some of the serious errors that have crept into the Message churches.

Jesus has come.

The angel of Revelation Chapter 10 has come down. This is somehow based on a supernatural cloud made from angels’ wings that stayed at a height of 42 kilometres for 28 minutes.

Christ appeared in the heaven as the great Judge.

William Branham is Jesus Christ.

William Branham is the Son of man. He is infallible and his quotes replace Scripture.

The Seven Seals have opened. (They make no difference between the revealing of the Seals and the opening of the Seals. Thus they have the Seals being opened by brother Branham without anyone ever revealing them first.)

“Mercy is over except for the Bride.”  Brother Branham never said that.

“The seven Thunders have uttered.”  Brother Branham never said that.

"We know the new name of Jesus."  Brother Branham never said that.  If Jesus has a new name then you must stop using the old name of Jesus. Then people cannot get saved. Then you have not returned to the original teachings of the apostolic New Testament.

Message Pastors claim that the supernatural cloud of 28 February 1963 just north of the city of Flagstaff was photographed on 8 March above Sunset Peak. This is a huge error.

Dr James McDonald from Tucson Observatory took this original photograph of the 1963 cloud that was 42 kilometers high up in the sky. It never came down. It has no face. Nor feet.

Sunset Peak is 200 miles South of the city of Flagstaff.

(This idea tries to change the facts to fit quotes that are obviously wrong)

















Brother Branham never saw the Cloud photograph on the back cover of Life Magazine in 1963.

This photograph had no face in the cloud.

He saw a flawed duotone facsimile or photostat that allowed some light to leak in and produce two dark eyes and a nose.

This altered photostat became Jesus as the Judge. But there was no face in the Cloud.

A man-made narrative thus took over from written Scripture. Quotes replaced the Word.

This poster was fake news. The cloud had no face. It was not over Sunset Mountain (Sunset Peak).

The cloud was just North of Flagstaff.

This photostat or facsimile was made, that accidently let in light on the bottom left, which produced the appearance of a face. This flawed picture was modified by cutting off the land and having to be rotated to get it upright.

Message followers keep modifying the evidence. This was their next piece of fake news.

There are no limits to human imagination that mutate like a virus.

Look at the next version of fake news.

Many Message-followers believe that this is what appeared up in the sky.

Pastoral interpretation of the cloud has lost all contact with reality.

Many Message preachers also claim that the seven Thunders have uttered and that we know the new name of Jesus, despite brother Branham never making those statements.

These are some of the wrong ideas that Message-believers have developed which prove that the white horse rider is still riding his deceptive ideas through the Message-churches. He has a long history of 2000 years of religious deception and he is still riding today.

Message believers believed Jesus would come in 1977, based on a wrong quote.


“The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.

Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which have swept the world in the last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions will have all come to pass by 1977.”

His visions were brilliant and are coming to pass.

But his predicted date of 1977 for the destruction of America was totally wrong.

Brother Branham is not infallible. What he says needs to be checked and, if necessary, corrected.

The Catholic church is symbolized as a beautiful woman

Message Pastors misinterpreted a vision of a beautiful woman leading America to ruin to mean Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election. They got it wrong.

Eight years later they made the same mistake by claiming Kamala Harris would win the Presidential election. They got it wrong again. Proof that the white horse rider is still very active. He has 2000 years of experience in fooling people.

Why did Message Pastors fail twice with their predictions?

They lost sight of the fact that the real enemy of truth is the Roman Catholic church.

A church is symbolized by a woman.

There are 1.4 billion people today who have been attracted to the Roman Catholic church.

That means it is a very attractive church which can only be represented by a beautiful woman.

So, the beautiful woman in brother Branham’s vision, who will ruin America, is the Roman Catholic church.

“Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power.

I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church,

though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.”

There may or may not be a woman as President when the Catholic church takes over America.

Trump won the presidency as he has to protect Israel

But “trump” is mentioned twice in the New Testament as a sign of the times.

His main function is to protect Israel. That is why he won.

When America collapses, then the two Jewish prophets will move onto the scene to protect Israel.

Thus, Hillary and Kamala could not win against Trump because neither of them are very protective towards Israel.

Trump was elected to protect Israel. What he does for America is of secondary importance.

God’s focus is moving away from the churches and America. God is starting to focus on Israel.

REVELATION 12:14  “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”

Israel will be abandoned by everyone and be in a spiritual wilderness. Two wings refer to the two prophets, Moses and Elijah. They will rescue Israel during the 3½ years of great Tribulation thanks to their incredible supernatural power over the forces of Nature. These destructive miracles, described as the seven trumpets, will force the Jews back to Israel.

In the first Exodus, when the Jews came out of Egypt, Moses had to grab a vicious serpent by the tail, which symbolizes the “tale” or “story” of the evil spirit of Egypt.

EXODUS 4:3  “And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.”

It really was a nasty snake.

EXODUS 4:4  “And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:”

In the 3½ years of great Tribulation Moses will meet the head of the serpent representing the succession of Popes. This vicious and terrifying final Pope will come face to face with Moses. It will be a nasty and vicious battle.

In 2024 President Biden made the Bald Eagle the official National bird of America.

This can give the Bible verse of the great eagle a compound meaning.

REVELATION 12:14  “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness,”

Israel is in a wilderness today with most of the United Nations always voting against them. They have to rely on the American veto to protect them from the endless accusations and condemnations of the pathetically biased United Nations.

But with the Bald Eagle as the now official United States symbol, that Scripture of two wings can now also refer to America’s protection of Israel in the United Nations as well as in Israel itself from their Muslim enemies. The eagle’s wings can also be a reference to the protective layer formed by American warplanes, and missiles.

Revelation gives an outline, not the complex details

Do not try to match your opinions against the Devil’s. The antichrist spirit is far too cunning and will outsmart us. Stay Scriptural.

Being a Revelation of the First Seal, we know the outline of the mystery of the symbol of the First Seal white horse. The in-depth complex details will only be revealed in Heaven when the First Seal is opened.

But knowing the revelation of the mystery of Papal succession, which is the outline of the mystery, creates new questions concerning important details that we cannot now answer.

Who is the final Pope, the “man of sin”?

When does he come to power?

How does he take over the Vatican?

When he takes over the Vatican, that will be the start of great tribulation that lasts 3½ years until he is destroyed at Armageddon.

We cannot answer these details. The white horse symbol does not give us clues to these details.


“Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this Seal, I do not know. I don't know it. I couldn't make it out. I couldn't tell it, just what it, and, just what it said. But I know that it was them seven thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded into something else that I seen.

Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I couldn't make it out.”


“And in Sabino Canyon, He said, “This is the Third Pull.”

And there’s three great things that goes with It. And one unfolded today, or, yesterday; the other one unfolded today;

and there’s one thing that I cannot interpret, because it’s in an unknown language.”

The interpretation of the seven Thunders was in an unknown language. Thus, they remain a total mystery.

Notice the limitation of a revelation.

It answers some questions but also reveals new questions.

Thus, we have the outlines of Satan’s plan from our REVELATION of the First Seal.

But we lack all the deep details that will only emerge when the Seals OPEN in Heaven.

When the Seals open in Heaven, there will be no questions left unanswered.

Message believers who misinterpret quotes often end up believing that the 1963 supernatural cloud made from angels’ wings, just North of the city of Flagstaff in Arizona, was the Coming of the Lord as the Judge or the coming of the angel of Revelation 10. (They are always confused when trying to get specific). They then mistake this sign of the Son of man in the heaven for the coming of the Son of man.


In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. “What is it?” They still put in the paper, “Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?” There is no fog up there, there’s no air, there’s no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!

“There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places,

then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man.”

“That day,” in Luke, “the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself.” And the world will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, my!

MATTHEW 24:30  “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: …”

The supernatural cloud was the sign of the Son of man in heaven. It was not the Coming of Jesus.

They then deny the photographic evidence that there were two clouds as that does not suit their narrative.

Two high-altitude clouds were visible from Winslow.

Remember, Peter prophesied of a high-altitude smoke cloud.

ACTS 2:19  “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

Water vapour makes a rain cloud.

Smoke vapour from a high altitude rocket explosion made a smoke cloud in 1963.

A supernatural cloud of angels’ wings and a natural smoke cloud indicated the time of the third Exodus, the Bride moving out of the church.

Two clouds, one natural and one supernatural, indicated that the Revelation of the Seven Seals was about to happen. Jesus being revealed to us, not as a Man but as the Word of God that can be understood.

Understanding the Mysteries of God would enable the Bride to do an Exodus out of the Pastor-in-charge-of-the-church mentality and return to the beliefs of the New Testament apostles.

The first Exodus of the Jews moving out of Egypt saw a natural bush burn with a supernatural fire, which attracted the attention of Moses.

“Blood and fire” described America as they ignored brother Branham’s teachings.

1963 saw President Kennedy’s blood on his wife’s dress as he was shot in the head.

1965 saw President Johnson foolishly escalate the Vietnam war where 58000 Americans died.

Brother Branham died in 1965. America rejected his call

to use his quotes to explain and reveal the mysteries of Scripture.

Message Pastors foolishly used his quotes to replace Scriptures. Food for the foolish virgins.

By 1967 American cities were burning because of their vicious race riots.

One historian said that between 1965 and 1980, America did their best to commit suicide.

America’s penalty for rejecting and corrupting the teaching rain or former rain that was meant to make us Scriptural.


“My mission, I believe, that God has called me for. I have to say some personal things today, because that's what I told you I'd do, see, and tell the world.

My mission, I believe, to the earth, is (what?) is to forerun the coming Word,

see, the coming Word which is Christ.”


“But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness,

not me preaching It, because It's the Bible says so.

Those who accept that is free, because they--the Word's already been judged.”

Do not believe a statement because brother Branham said so.

Believe it because you found what he said in the Bible.

The penalty for these errors is that saved church people will then stay behind, as part of the foolish or fooled virgins, to get straightened out in the terror of great tribulation massacres. After that, they will never again want a human head for a church. That is a failed model.


“They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to Heaven. That's wrong. To believe that, is antichrist. I'll say this: if you believe such a spirit, you're lost.”

Human relationships are too muddy and complex for one man to be the head of a church. Human minds are too tangled and fleeting to be pinned down. Thus, much error and manipulation goes on behind the scenes in the church world. Our ignorance produces common church illusions that we superstitiously hang onto.

To fully understand the details, we need a better brain

Our present limited, sinful brains cannot cope with the sea of data and the flood of information that would be involved with OPENING up all the intricate details of the 7 Seals.

The Seven Seals cover 2000 years of church history as well as the fate of the Jews and the left-behind-church in great Tribulation.

Hopefully, a person can still be taught that the true revelation of the first four Seals is the unfolding of the antichrist spirit. He is represented by the single horse rider on the three horses that merge to form the single pale horse.

White religious deception joined with red political power and then with black big-money demonology. Today the three horses represent spirits that are merging as they have the same rider, that spirit of antichrist.


Today, the three horses are merging into one pale horse.

The Holy Spirit is Life. He leaves as He takes the Bride up to Heaven. When Life leaves, Death enters.

Great Tribulation starts and the antichrist rider is called Death as he destroys 2 billion church-goers, one quarter of humanity which totals 8 billion people in 2025.

REVELATION 6:8  “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth …”

The Bride, the saved wise virgins who understand the Bible mysteries, go up to the Wedding Feast to eat.

The saved foolish or fooled virgins who become increasingly Bible-illiterate, go to the Beast to be eaten.

These seven Seals symbolize events that cover 2000 years of church history.

Each Bride individual will receive a new brain in his or her changed immortal body.

This incredibly intelligent brain will enable each person to understand the amazingly complex and intricate battle between good and evil.

The hidden details of selfish motives and sinister agendas will be ruthlessly exposed in all their horrifying details when the Seals are finally opened in Heaven.

The Seals OPEN after the Rapture because only then will we have the mechanism (our new brain) that can understand and cope with all the outpouring of factual knowledge and sinister schemes that produced this process.




“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23