Marriage is under attack by Satan

The biggest threat to marriage is divorce. Half the marriages end in divorce. Satan is attacking the idea of marriage

First published on the 26th of January 2025 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025

God introduced marriage in Eden. Satan wants marriage to fail.

Living in sin, single-parent households, and same-sex marriage have become alternative lifestyles.

The marriage vow holds until death. But not many people realize that.

Marriage suits the children of this world, but there is no marriage amongst men and women in Heaven.

The Bible says nothing good about divorce.

Adam sinned to stay with his wife and die with her because he loved her so much.

He desperately believed that God would somehow find a way to save them. Thus Adam put his own life at risk. Adam wanted his sinful wife saved, not divorced. What an amazing example.

The Old Testament ends with God saying that He hates divorce.

Adam was not the father of Cain. The first marriage would not produce a liar and a murderer.

The first miracle of Jesus was the transforming power that turned water to wine at a Wedding in Cana.

The last miracle of Jesus for His Bride will be His transforming power as He changes our sinful bodies into glorified bodies. Then He catches us up to Heaven for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Jesus and His transformed Bride will be married for Eternity with eternal love for each other.

Too much divorce makes young people scared to marry

Women around the world are getting married later and part of that is because women are getting more educated and investing in their careers. They've invested a lot of time and money into qualifications, so they're getting a job and delaying marriage. Many decide not to marry at all due to the pressures of pursuing a successful career.

To pursue a high-pressure career and be a mother of children, is a daunting challenge.

Thus, fewer people are getting married today.

Over 40% of Millennials (born between 1980 and 2000) do not live with a family of their own.

Living together and having no children is a popular option for them.

This is called DINK. Double income, no kids. It has big financial advantages.

But it is bad from the Scriptural point of view. Living in sin is fornication. Not allowed.

Many Millennials are hesitant to marry due to the threat of divorce.

They prefer to live together to first get to know each other, accumulate assets, and become financially stable as they seek personal fulfillment in a satisfying career.

Today’s “church of the Laodiceans” make up their own beliefs about marriage to suit their circumstances. Churches, to stay popular, readily allow divorce and remarriage. Now they even condone same-sex marriage.

The meaning of marriage is being undermined and destroyed.

Young people often see formal marriage as just one of many ways to build a lasting partnership.

The high divorce rate just advertises that marriage is not a lifelong commitment.

This perspective has been shaped by observing high divorce rates in previous generations, who made their own emotion-based divorce decisions to suit themselves and set a very bad example. No longer are Christians first seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

They no longer say, “What does God say about divorce?”

They choose divorce because it suits their circumstances.

Marriage was the first love-relationship that God introduced in Eden. But, today, the idea of marriage is under serious threat.

During World War 1, that unleashed the spirit of Dictatorship, women were forced to leave their homes and work in factories because the men were forced to go to war. This artificial pressure to survive, was the first step to breaking up the traditional idea of home-life where Mom stayed at home to raise the children. Women began to pursue their own careers and were less dependent on having a husband who provided for them.

World War 2,  when Dictators unleashed their anti-Jewish hatred that killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, women were again forced to work in production factories as their men fought. After World War 2, women were used to being out of the house. The war pressures encouraged a sharp increase in immorality when husbands were away for long times.

After the war, more career opportunities for women opened up and they became increasingly self-supporting and less dependent on a husband. Morality collapsed during the Hippy generation that started in the 1960s.

One of the most significant changes in family dynamics after World War II was the rise of divorce rates. As women gained more economic independence and social freedom, they were less likely to stay in unhappy marriages.

This led to a higher divorce rate and a shift towards single-parent households.

Today, about one-quarter of the children in America live in single-parent households. This illustrates how the modern world is moving away from marriage.

Please remember, divorce is one of the worst things you can experience emotionally. The painful sting of failure cannot be erased, especially if it is a nasty divorce.

The distressing example of the big divorce rates makes young people scared of getting married.

My youngest son was in a classroom where all the other children had four parents, due to divorce and remarriage. During stressful times, the divorce rate tends to increase further. The Covid pandemic and the wars in Ukraine and Israel have made life far more stressful.

The stress of the Ukraine War has increased the divorce rate in Russia to almost 80%.

Another unforeseen disaster in this awful war is the hundreds of thousands of both Russian and Ukrainian young men who have been killed. That means that many of the young women from both countries will not find husbands of their own nationality.

With declining birth rates, the reduced future labour force will soon not be able to pay out the pensions of old people who retire in the future.

The awful stress of war creates endless problems and puts marriage under even more threat.

In 2024, the leader of the vicious war against Israel of the anti-Jewish group Hamas in Gaza was Sinwar.

A worrying combination of the twin evils of “sin” and “war”.

Around 1960, birth control pills became available, and the stigma of an unmarried pregnancy declined. More and more people began living together (called fornication which is sex before marriage), rather than marrying.

Millennials today are increasingly living together without children or live as single parents.

They live their lives as if they do not have to answer for their lives to God one day.

The New Testament says nothing good about divorce

Even if a wife leaves her husband, he must not divorce her.

I CORINTHIANS 7:11   “But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.”

God’s Word forbids a man to divorce his wife if she leaves him.

If you invest money and the investment collapses, then you bear responsibility for your wrong decision. You do not get your money back, even though it was not your fault

If your marriage blows apart then you bear responsibility for your wrong choice of marriage partner, even if it is not your fault. But the marriage vow holds till death. Neither husband nor wife can marry another person.

If a married couple are too immature to resolve the difficulties that arise in their marriage, then they must live apart and not get involved with any other person or persons. When they have sufficiently grown up to better understand grace, forgiveness, and forgetting about the sins and issues that were forgiven, then they should reconcile and live together again.

That sets a much better example.

MARK 10:11   “And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.”

If a man divorces his wife and marries another, he lives in adultery.

The marriage vow is until “death us do part”.

Divorce does not end the marriage vow.

A proper marriage vow between a virgin and a man cannot be ended or broken in any way while both of them are still alive.

HEBREWS 13:4   “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

No adulterers in Heaven.

I CORINTHIANS 6:9   “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind”

Notice who are not in Heaven.

Fornicators. Sex before marriage.

Adultery. Sex outside marriage.

Abusers of themselves with mankind. Homosexuals. Same-sex marriage.

Adultery was Eve’s original sin, the product of her free will, that cast the world into chaos and suffering.

Thus, God views sexual immorality very strictly.

LUKE 20:34   “And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:”

Marriage as we know it, the freedom for a man and a woman to live together, is the PERMISSIVE will of God that He allows to the CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD.

There is nothing eternal about the “children of this world”.

The children of this world refers to people living in the current earthly life, characterized by practices such as marriage.

Marriage is a key institution in human society, used here to contrast earthly life with the life to come.

Marriage is normal in this sinful life but the resurrected saints, in their perfect glorified bodies, will not marry when God sets up His Kingdom.

Marriage between a man and a woman will end when time ends at the end of the Millennium and the dead are raised.

For the true Bride, marriage will end at the resurrection of the New Testament saints when the seven Thunders change our bodies into glorified bodies. Then, only, can we be caught up to Heaven.

Marriage is, according to our Lord's teaching, but a temporary expedient to preserve the human race, to which death would soon put an end. But in the world to come there will be no death and no marriage.

Marriage, as we know it, will end at the resurrection.

Death, for the Bride, will also end at the resurrection.

The resurrection is the event and the state of being in a blood-free body where earthly practices like marriage do not apply.

MATTHEW 22:30  “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

I CORINTHIANS 15:50  “Now this I say, brethren,

that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;

neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.”

There is none of our human blood in Heaven.

Blood only gives us a temporary life in a sinful world. Blood is not part of Eternity.

So, what did marriage mean in Eden before sin entered?

There was no blood in the original Eden as God built Eden for Eternity.

Thus, Adam and his bride could not have sex in their sinless state.

There will be no sex in Heaven.

Saint Paul was arguably the most effective Christian.

Paul could have married but he never married.

His tremendous dedication to the spreading of the Gospel would have been much diluted if he had a wife and family to support. A family would not have coped with the tremendous hardships that Paul had to endure.

I CORINTHIANS 9:5   “Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?”

LUKE 20:35   “But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:”

Many people have so dedicated their lives to God that they are not distracted by the burdens and responsibilities of marriage.

They sacrifice and put the Kingdom of God first in their lives. They are not focused on the pleasures of this life.

Human marriage is a permissive state that God allowed to a sinful world.

But, many Christians rather focus on being married to Christ by devoting their lives to serving Him.

Their focus is on a higher spiritual marriage.

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, when God comes to catch up His Bride to Heaven.

God will then spiritually marry these true believers during the next 3½ years while most of the world (and most of their natural marriages) are destroyed during great Tribulation.

Saint Paul said that a father can give away his virgin daughter in marriage. But fleshly humans tend to generate trouble when they marry. Living with someone is not always easy.

Raising a family can cause many problems.

I CORINTHIANS 7:28   “But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.”

I CORINTHIANS 7:38   “So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.”

Getting married is fine. A father can give away his daughter.

But, for those, whose main desire is to serve God, they are better able to serve God without the added responsibilities of marriage and raising a family.

A single woman can fully devote her life to serving God and achieve more for His Kingdom.

A married woman gets herself involved in worldly things as she also has to please her husband.

I CORINTHIANS 7:34   “There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.”


Divorce can undermine or destroy the idea of marriage

A huge problem with marriage is that so many marriages end in divorce.

Whenever a marriage ends in divorce then it sets a very poor example that undermines the testimony of both husband and wife.

Divorce also undermines the concept of a marriage that was born out of love but ended in dispute and strife.

Thus, marriage can be a risky relationship.

A divorced person with a broken marriage vow has little credibility when trying to prepare people for the heavenly and eternal Marriage of the Lamb.

The Jewish Temple with its torn veil had no credibility in achieving salvation for a sinner.

Many marriages end as a loveless relationship where husband and wife stay together just to keep up appearances. That also sets a very disappointing example.

People can easily see through our artificial appearances.

People only appreciate something very genuine.

Before the Flood, there was no mention of divorce.

Divorce came in with Moses and the Law.

But the Law failed miserably to make the Jews into better people and had to be replaced by Grace, which is undeserved mercy and forgiveness.

When husbands and wives treat each other with Grace as they grant each other undeserved mercy and forgiveness, then divorce will never be mentioned.

Marriage can generate many problems. These difficulties can drive a couple apart. They may have to separate for a while to learn toleration, but they must seek to be reconciled.

MATTHEW 19:7   “They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?

:8   He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.”

Two key points.

First, a person has to have a hard heart in order to want a divorce.

A hard heart is the curse of mankind.

EZEKIEL 36:26   “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.”

When God puts His Holy Spirit in us, the first thing that happens to us is that we get a soft heart.

JEREMIAH 31:33   “But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

Then, only, can God write His Law within our hearts.

This covenant is a beautiful system as we then obey God because we want to, not because we have to.

A spirit-filled person cannot have a hard heart and thus cannot want a divorce.

Secondly, the Holy Spirit will take us back to how things were in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.

There was no divorce in Eden despite Eve’s awful sinfulness.

Eve sinned extremely badly with huge repercussions, but Adam never divorced her.

Adam never used her ugly sin as an excuse to divorce or even separate from Eve.

In the beginning, in Eden, Adam had enough wisdom to understand what marriage actually meant.

Adam had a perfect, sinless brain so he could see far more than what we can see.

He sensed that sin was causing a complex path for human history.

No human or group of humans could control these bewildering events as empires and warlords and pandemics rose and fell.

Adam was inspired by God to react to Eve’s sin in the same way as Jesus would have to react to the sin of the world. Adam knew that human efforts would be inadequate, God alone could be the Saviour.

The dominating feature was the huge love that Adam had for Eve, despite her terrible fall.

He loved her intensely as a person and thus saw beyond her faults and shortcomings.

He also knew, that having sinned, she was doomed.

God said, “Eat of the tree and you will die”.

Eve had to die.

But Adam loved her too much and too intensely to lose her.

He so wanted to stay with her that he chose to sin and die with her.

Jesus so loved us that He chose to become sin and die for our sins, so that He can stay with us for all Eternity.

Adam, like all the prophets, was a preview of Christ.

Adam chose to sin and took a desperate gamble. Deep down he felt that somehow God would make a way of escape for Eve and himself.

God did, by covering them with the blood-soaked skins of lambs as they walked out of Eden and out of the presence of God.

GENESIS 3:21  “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”

That would cover their sins until the blood of the Lamb washed away all human sin at Calvary.

An animal, the subtle and cunning serpent, shed blood when he tore Eve’s veil of virginity.

In the process, Cain was conceived as a human-animal hybrid.

The animal spirit of war and violence entered the human race.

God accepted the shed blood of an innocent animal as the atonement for her sin.

Not only did Adam stay with Eve, he also raised Eve’s illegitimate and hybrid son Cain.

Adam thought nothing of himself.

He never once considered separating from Eve.

MALACHI 2:16   “For the LORD,

the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away:

for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.”

“Putting away” is divorce. God HATES divorce.

Adam was totally devoted to the welfare of his sinful wife.

That is why Jesus is called the last Adam.

Jesus too, was totally dedicated to saving and restoring a sinful Bride.

And under the blood-soaked skins of lambs, Eve was restored back to God.

Adam was a unique case.

He sinned to try to save a sinner. Fortunately, his desperate plan worked as God forgave them.

Forgiveness is the key to success, not Judgement.

Jesus became sin in order to save sinners. The circle closed at Calvary. Sin was atoned for.

True knowledge hits a target nobody else can hit.

Wisdom hits a target nobody else can see.

Adam knew that truth can only resonate with those who LOVE AND WANT TRUTH and who can live with it.

Eve wanted happy lies or “delusions.”

Most Christians live on the surface of truth, they are not interested in digging deep.

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.  Michelangelo

God understands this better than anyone.

So, God put Eve under the headship of Adam for her own protection.

She followed her emotions and impulses and could thus not discern the subtle differences between right and wrong.

Her fatal mistake was to add the word “touch” to the Word of God.

She said, “We must not touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge”.

God never said that.

Just like today the church (represented by a woman) adds Trinity to the Bible.

Then they add the unscriptural “God the Son”, “God the Holy Ghost”, “God in three Persons”, “Co-equal”, “Of the same essence”, “First Person of the Godhead”, “Second Person of the Godhead”, “Eternal Sonship”, “Third Person of the Godhead”, “Christmas”, “25 December”, “Good Friday”, “Easter Monday”, etc.

Remember, the Bible never asked us to celebrate the Lord’s birth.

Pope Julius I, around AD 350, asked us to do that. Obey the Pope? How foolish.

25 December was the birthday of the pagan Roman sun god, Sol Invictus. The Unconquerable Sun.

Julius changed the birthday of the sun god to the birthday of the Son of God. Sounds close.

Protestants foolishly copied him. It was “Christ’s mass”. It became Christmas. But it remains totally unscriptural.

Look how much error crept in after adding one word, Trinity, to the Bible.

After believing all these ideas, the church-goers are totally fooled.

Look how much error Eve was able to believe after adding the word “touch”.

Once you add the first word you have no excuse not to add any other words. She was totally fooled.

Jesus is referring us back to the original meaning of marriage, as ordained in the Garden of Eden.

Worship must include living by all the teachings of the original King James Bible.

This understanding is revealed in the Former or Teaching rain.

HEBREWS 11:21  “By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.”

Worship does not have to involve making a loud noise.

An eagle is silent and has the power to touch the sky but its amazing eyesight also magnifies details.

A parrot talks too much about what it does not understand but it cannot fly high nor see deep into Scripture. The Bible never mentions parrots.

The biggest physical thing is space, and that is utterly silent.

That massive silence is scary.

The Seventh Seal is silence, as it refers to the total mystery of the Second Coming of Jesus. The biggest unknown mystery in the Universe.

We do not have any clue at this stage, before the resurrection, how the Coming of the Lord will happen or when the Coming of the Lord will happen.

The wise virgins can only prove their wisdom by understanding the written mysteries of God.

If we cannot understand the written Bible, then we do not belong to the wise virgins.


Eve was punished for being pregnant

But her husband was allowed to make her pregnant.

So, who was the father of Cain?

He was both a liar and a murderer because those were not the attributes of Adam.

Adam was her husband. God could not punish her if Adam made her pregnant.

GENESIS 3:16   “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

Could two people make her pregnant within a few days of each other?


NEWS FLASH:   Woman gives birth to twins conceived a week apart.

Marley Mokwena and her husband Tebogo were shocked to learn they were expecting twins at an early scan.

Tebogo, 31, said: ‘The doctor kept looking between us and the screen, and eventually he told us that one was 14 weeks old and the other 13 weeks.

The phenomenon, called superfetation, means two babies can be conceived separately but develop together in the womb.

Aidan Milan   Wednesday 19 Jan 2022 11:55 am

Cain and Abel were born as twins. From separate fathers.

The serpent, who was a mammal and more intelligent than an ape as he could speak and reason. Physically, he was the missing link between man and ape. The serpent’s seed caused Eve to conceive Cain in Eden. A short while later, Adam knew Eve outside the Garden of Eden and Eve conceived Abel.

God cursed the serpent, who was very close to man, and who could conceive a hybrid life with Eve, and turned him into a snake. That hybridization could never be repeated again.

A lion and a tiger can breed to produce a liger.

A woman must be a virgin when she marries

DEUTERONOMY 22:28   “If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed [not engaged], and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;”

DEUTERONOMY 22:29   “Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.”

An unmarried woman fights to protect her virginity.

On her wedding night she surrenders what she has fought for to her husband. Thus, he humbles her and this helps her to look up to her husband as her head.

MATTHEW 19:9   “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”

A divorced person, male or female, cannot remarry some other person.

The first man to have sex with a woman is regarded by her as being her head. She will compare others to that first man. She may then regard her husband as not being so good in bed as that first man or others that she had had sex with. Thus, she can ridicule the performance of her husband and despise him. He can then never really be her head, and marrying her could be a serious miscalculation as the man has to be the head of the home.

Having been with another man before, she may easily be dissatisfied with her husband and leave him for another man.

If a woman is not a virgin then she must admit this to the man before they get married.

If not, she has taken a false marriage vow. She can be regarded as soiled goods.

When her husband finds out that she is not a virgin when he married her, that is the only time that he may divorce her, because she took a false vow.

In a sense, he is not divorcing her. He is just realizing that their marriage vow was not valid, it was a false vow and thus never actually existed.

In essence, he never married her.

(It is like buying something, taking it home, opening the box and discovering that something is broken. You take the item back and get your money back because it was not a legal sale.)

But he may also choose to forgive her, in which case their marriage vow becomes valid.

God had to tell Eve that Adam was her head and that she must obey him.

GENESIS 3:16   “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;

and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee”

There are many complications that can occur in marriage.

That is why some people focus so hard on serving God that they never get involved in marriage.

I CORINTHIANS 7:36   “But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin [daughter], if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry."

Some fathers wanted their daughters to marry, others did not.

MATTHEW 19:9   “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

:10   His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.”

The disciples were now aware that many issues were involved in marriage.

They realized that getting married was not necessarily the best thing to do.

Avoiding marriage also has its advantages.

MATTHEW 19:11   “But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.”

Not everyone can see that some men are better off if they avoid marriage.

This requires a deep spiritual revelation.

MATTHEW 19:12   “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

A eunuch has no testicles and cannot have sex with a woman. So, they never get involved with women.

Some men are born that way.

Some men are castrated to make them eunuchs. They were used as the guards of a king’s harem, which consisted of his many wives. Eunuchs have nothing to do with women.

The third group is interesting. They are spiritual eunuchs, which is something that most people will not understand.

As spiritual eunuchs, they do not get physically castrated.

But they have nothing to do with the spiritual women, the churches.

Their calling is to protect the Bride at the Third Coming of Jesus when He comes with His Bride for the battle of Armageddon.

The spiritual eunuchs are the 144 000 from the twelve tribes of Israel who accept the Lord Jesus during the 3½ years of great tribulation.

The fact that the Bride needs these many bodyguards is just a reminder that marriage is under severe attack. Satan wants divorce and not marriage.

Adam’s bride fell when she left his side and was unprotected.

That was Adam’s one mistake, letting Eve be on her own.

The true Bride must always be Scriptural, especially in the last church age when Jesus has left the church.

Jesus writes to the “church of the Laodiceans” who make up their own church worship style.

REVELATION 3:14  “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;”

REVELATION 3:20   “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

Jesus stands and knocks outside the church door. He does not want the church, He is just looking for an individual who wants to believe the truth of the written Word.

The Bride must also leave the church to be with Christ. Otherwise, we are likely to be fooled by church doctrines that sound very convincing.

The serpent was very convincing. He certainly fooled Eve.

Jesus will never leave His resurrected Bride unprotected on Earth.

The 144 000 Jews will be their permanent bodyguards.

That is why the Jews have developed into such amazing fighters. They will protect the Bride against any enemies.

REVELATION 21:17   “And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.”

The number 144 is associated with the protective wall around the great pyramid-shaped city of New Jerusalem where the Bride will dwell in future. This symbolizes the 144000 Jews being the bodyguards around the Bride.

I CORINTHIANS 7:9   “But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.”

There is nothing wrong with getting married.

But there is no marriage after the resurrection.

MATTHEW 22:30   “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

Resurrected saints do not marry.

Human marriage is a covenant that ends when the resurrection takes place.

Women are not supposed to interfere with other families.

They must raise their own children in their own homes and not be busybodies to tell other homes what to do.

I TIMOTHY 5:14   “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children,

guide the house,

give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”

If a person does not wish to marry, that is their personal opinion and their own free-will choice.

It is wrong for a church to tell their preachers that they may not marry.

The Roman Catholic church does not allow their priests to marry.

For many centuries the Roman Catholics were not allowed to eat animal meat on a Friday, only fish.

Both these restrictions are actually classified as doctrines of devils.

I TIMOTHY 4:1   “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

I TIMOTHY 4:3   “Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

The first and last miracles of Jesus are at Weddings

The First Coming of Jesus had the first miracle at a Wedding at Cana in Galilee.

Water was transformed into wine.

JOHN 2:1   “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:”

The third day represents the third church age of restoration after the Gospel Truth died in the Dark Ages when Roman Catholicism ruled the world.

The first stage of the restoration of truth saw Protestants preach salvation by faith.

The second stage of restoration saw missionaries preach salvation by grace through faith, holiness, and outreach around the world.

The third stage of restoration saw Pentecost restore the supernatural power of God. Then true believers have to understand the mysteries of God as written in the Bible. This will lead to an Exodus as believers today leave the Bible-ignorant churches and return to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles.

When the individual believers become strictly Scriptural then the dead saints will resurrect and the living Bride will be transformed into glorified bodies as they are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

The Second Coming involves transforming the Bride into immortal bodies, by the harvest rain.

In a maize harvest, the final seed ripens to become just like the original seed that was planted. Then the harvesters pull the seed off the dead plant.

The Bride will be pulled off the dead church world and taken up to the Wedding Supper in Heaven.

That is the last miracle that happens to the Bride.

A total Feast will follow as the mysteries of the Word of God will be explained in exquisite detail while great tribulation destroys the world systems down on earth.

All the sinful scheming and greediness of mankind will be exposed.

All the hidden agendas and ambitions of the foolish virgins will revealed.

Their preachers lulled them into a complacent sleep which made them unable to be ready for the Coming of the Lord. They simply believed too many unscriptural beliefs.

That will be the ultimate Wedding. Jesus and His Bride will be together for Eternity.

Husband and wife always being together is the real meaning of marriage.







“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23