The limitations of ghostly 7-thunderings
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The Seven Thunders are not written in the Bible, and are thus a total mystery. Leave that what is not written alone.
- In the end all the churches are complacently fast asleep
- The sons of thunder had a strange spirit
- He kept wanting to preach on the Thunders
- The Thunders utter to Moses and Elijah too
- The prophet never said that the 7 Thunders have uttered
- The two clouds of 1963 were a sign not an event
- William Branham is not the Son of Man
- The shout and voice and trump are still in the future
- We are the Public who do not know the seventh Seal
- We know the purpose but not the content of the Thunders
- You will only have rapturing faith in your new body
- 7 Seals will only open when the Bride is in Heaven
In the end all the churches are complacently fast asleep
The Seven Thunders are not written in the Bible and are thus a total mystery.
Various attempts to reveal these unwritten mysteries in terms of seven things that are written in the Bible is a hopeless comparison, like comparing apples with oranges.
Claiming that the future seven Thunders that utter after the resurrection refers to something in the past is a standard trick to deceive.
In addition, the different versions of the 7 Thunders have helped to splinter up the Message groups into even more contending factions.
Jesus said that his two disciples, who He called the sons of Thunder, in the excess of their condemning zeal just did not know what spirit they were of. The same is true today.
Paul told Timothy to preach the Word - that which is written. Leave what is not written alone.
Now we’re in the age of the eagle. The revelation to be revealed. The whole thing.
… Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good
William Branham came to give us a revelation of the written Word that would take us back to the teachings of the original apostles in the first church age.
We must use his quotes to explain the Scripture, and not use his quotes to replace the Scripture.
A Dream is an Illusion of Reality. After splicing a few quotes everything becomes fuzzily vague and unscriptural.
The 10 virgins, representing all the saved churches both Message and denominational, are fast asleep at the end time according to the parable of Matthew Chapter 25.
Spiritually, none of the churches line up with the King James Version of the Bible. Being unscriptural means you are spiritually asleep.
MATTHEW 25:5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Whatever church you are in, including the message-churches, you will have to get out of them if you want to meet the Lord at His Coming.
Do not forget, Jesus stands outside the church door and knocks.
Thus you cannot meet Him if you stay in the church.
REVELATION 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
PROVERBS 10:5 He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
The harvest comes at the end of the church ages. To be asleep is a shame, not a compliment.
MARK 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
:36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Every church in the Laodicean age is described as blind because each church creates its own unscriptural delusion of what God is doing in today’s world.
Message churches said Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election. Their reliance on a quote turned out to be a complete delusion and a prime example of fake news. Against all odds, Trump won the election so that God could use him to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Message-preachers thus proved that they do not know what God is thinking.
The election was a reality check, that what Message church members see and hear is not what is happening. They were out of tune with God's thinking. But sleeping people are reluctant to wake up.
The Bible says that the whole Laodicean church is blind, whether they be denominational or Message churches. When you are blind, you can only "see" dreams, not reality.
Here is a good example.
Always be conscious of your littleness, not your bigness.
Laodicea is an age of competitive Christianity. My church is bigger and better than yours.
But the Bible condemns all the end-time churches. God is not pleased with us.
2020 speaks of perfect vision. So in 2020, God used the COVID-19 pandemic to close down all the churches. That showed us what God thinks of the churches. Only fit to be closed down.
We need to be zealous to repent and anoint our eyes with eyesalve. We are not seeing what God is doing behind the scenes.
If pastors preached and taught the written Word, then the churches would have light to see.
So how does each pastor keep his church asleep?
Remember the Bible said all 10 virgins were asleep. The church is fed a diet of dreamy illusions and unscriptural mental gymnastics based on their distorted version of the quotes (remember Hillary was going to win according to their version of the quotes).
Dreams give a blind person the illusion of seeing real events. But a dream is a fantasy that keeps us comfortably asleep.
While we are sleeping, things drift away from the written Word and dark plots congeal in the shadows.
In addition, people are under pressure to agree because of the human urge to belong to a group.
Babylon represents enforced religion.
Nebuchadnezzar wanted to kill those who did not bow down to his big statue by throwing them into the fiery furnace.
You must toe the party line or get out. Nicolaitanism, which God hates, is the elevation of a holy man above the congregation.
The seven Thunders are not written in the Bible.
Thus you can fantasize about them in many different ways.They are a doctrine of mystery and muddle.
Each version of the Thunders, cooked up by clever minds, looks plausible. But we are not saved by being clever, we are saved by being Scriptural. When we dream we always think that our dream is real.
Our new normal is the misrepresentation of data.
We have got so used to it. Pastors told us that Hillary would win. She lost. Who cares? The same pastors carry on in charge.
Never was a pastor put in charge of a New Testament church. Pastors are mentioned once in the New Testament but condemned six times, prophetically, in the Old Testament.
And the Pastor has now, somehow, emerged to be the unscriptural "head of the church".
The sons of thunder had a strange spirit
Instead of taking the Word they took their own ideas
and did just what every age has done--substituted the manual for the Word.
… They can talk about what used to be, but they can't produce it.
Once they had the lightning but about all that is left is the thunder.
People preach about the great power of the seven Thunders. But their preaching has produced no evidence of this great power. Powerful lightning follows thunder.
Thus thunders preachers have produced a ghostly doctrine that has no substance. They can talk about it in theory but cannot produce anything in practice.
In Bible days there were also Thunderers.
They had a fiery and destructive zeal which was liable to do more harm than good.
MARK 3:17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:
When a Samaritan village did not want Jesus:
LUKE 9:54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that
we command fire to come down from heaven,
and consume them, even as Elias did?
:55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said,
Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
Two thousand years ago an obsession with Thunders produced a wrong spirit.
They wanted to condemn and destroy those who disagreed with them. Things have not changed.
… above all, don't forget that it is in this last age, when the tares are getting bound for their burning,
that they will shove out the wheat that is to be garnered by the Lord.
The tares have a strong rejection spirit for those who want to be Scriptural.
That is why the Word stands outside the churches in Laodicea.
Dreams are just a confused mixture of the real and the imaginary. We will only know that we have been dreaming when we wake up.
So, according to the parable, at midnight there was a cry that woke up all the sleeping virgins, wise and foolish.
Women symbolize churches. Virgins are clean women, saved Christians.
Ongoing floods, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and droughts have no noticeable effect on complacent church-goers. So what will wake everyone up?
Something that is shockingly dramatic on a very large scale is going to happen so that all the saved Christians in all the churches, denominational and Message, will wake up.
A massive disaster is probably the only thing that can shake complacent church-goers out of their delusional sectarian beliefs. Especially if the disaster is serious enough to cause widespread bankrupcy.
Laodicea is mainly focused on being rich and increased with goods. Christian faith is predominantly based on the amount of money in the bank account. If that disappears, church-goers will undergo a drastic rethink about how safe their churches are.
There are 45000 different types of churches and denominations. All different yet each claims to be right. So the church world needs a shake up. There was a massive earthquake at the time of the resurrection of the Old Testament saints.
What will happen when the New Testament saints rise in the resurrection?
MATTHEW 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;
and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53: And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
But we will all get the wake-up call that is coming if it is a giant earthquake.
Will you have enough oil to produce enough light so that you can read the clues that are hidden in the Bible?
The clues that will reveal the seven Thunders and enable us to respond to them when they utter?
The Thunders can only give us rapturing faith if they show us how to achieve the changing of our mortal bodies into immortal bodies. If our bodies do not change, we cannot go up in the rapture.
That is why the "Seven Thunders" preaching has failed. It never produced a change of the body.
Time ends when the 7 Thunders show us how to get our new bodies.
Your body will only change when you learn to be very Scriptural.
When our bodies change, time will end for us. Human wisdom cannot end time. Time has the effect of ageing us.
When time is no more, you will never age.
You will be eternal in your new body and you will be outside of time, in a higher dimension. That is why the seven Thunders are mentioned together with there being time no longer.
You can only step out of time when you are in a new glorified body.
The various 7 Thunders doctrines keep the wise virgins fast asleep.
Every "Seven Thunders Doctrine" is a dying dream that keeps the wise virgins complacently comfortable and fast asleep.
Fast asleep spiritually is when we cannot prove our doctrines just from the King James Version of the Bible which we have to acknowledge is the Absolute and infallible Word of God.
REVELATION 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered,
and write them not.
Not written!
Look how Jesus answered the Devil.
MATTHEW 4:4 But he answered and said,
It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Can you see the huge difference? We can only believe what is written.
Every unscriptural idea that you believe is a barrier to stop you from getting caught up to meet the Lord at His Second Coming. That is why there has been no rapture (as people like to call it). Too many seven-Thunders ideas, which are all unscriptural, are blocking too many people from seeing the truth of written Scripture.
People are tangled up in a mental web, chasing confused and vague shadows that are partly quotes and partly made-up interpretations of quotes.
Each church tries to achieve a consensus reality that fades out of view when they try to prove it just from Scripture.
But the unwritten Thunders cannot be proven from any seven points that are written in the Scriptures. That is like comparing apples with oranges. God has to shake us out of all that churchy error so that He can find someone who can be caught up to Heaven.
So some kind of massive spiritual "earthquake" is needed to shake individuals out of their comfortable churches.
As a result, in Laodicea, Jesus as the Word stands outside the church trying to appeal to some individual to become Scriptural. The people in the churches with a group-think-mentality are so brainwashed by the pastor who is the "head" of the church (in their illusion of church leadership), that they will never as a group look for the true Head Who stands outside the church. Only a severe shaking will enable some individuals to be thrown out of the church and then they can start becoming Scriptural by only believing what is written in the Word.
Nighttime is when we enter into the darkness of the world’s shadow.
Worldliness has a basic trinity of dominating women and their worldly dress, the love of money, and the lust for fame which combine to form a relentless materialistic system. Jesus chased out the money-makers from the Temple. Today they are back as church leaders. Christianity is Big Business.
At night we are removed from the direct sunlight (symbolizing the Word) that enables us to see clearly. Thus we should only be preaching what is written in the Bible.
If it is not written, then we are in the dark.
Only the written Word gives us Light.
So when we move away from what is written in the Bible then we are in the dark night where we see vague shadows and fuzzy outlines that are subject to our imagination.
If there is no written symbol then we simply imagine that the Thunders could be this or it could be that. Focusing on the unwritten seven Thunders has removed Message-people from the written Word which is the bright sunshine. That is why there are so many different "seven Thunders doctrines". These have helped to further splinter up the Message groups.
Jesus fought against the Devil with, "It is written..."
Thunders people, huddled in their pastor-dominated churches, fight against Jesus and His Word with, "It is NOT written in the Scripture". Instead, they claim as their authority, "I have a quote".
So Jesus, Who is the Word, stands sadly outside their churches.
With no real information about the seven Thunders from what is written in the Word. Preachers can only guess and intimidate. Emotion replaces Bible statements. Heat replaces light.
The Pope also makes up his beliefs from what is not written in the Bible. That is how he manipulates people.
By believing Thunders-doctrines Message people have become daughters of the mother harlot. We are simply doing what the Catholic church has always done, believing ideas that are not written in the Bible.
Our spiritual information gets muddled up with propaganda and the exaggeration of the importance of human leaders. That is why there are so many different Thunders doctrines. And they keep changing their ideas as time goes by.
But then if you dance with the Devil do not be surprised when he changes his tune.
And what is a woman? The image of a man.
And what is the Church? The image of the Word.
See, that's exactly. See? So it'll be there, just exactly. Only the true believers in His Word know This and can believe It. And God helps them to prove it, that's right, that it is true.
You believe in the God that you took, from that Holy Book.
You are thus the image of what you think is the Word.
So, if you believe in some theory of the unwritten seven Thunders, then your new name will also not be written in the Word. Thus you have no new name. When Jesus comes with His new name, you will be left behind.
He kept wanting to preach on the Thunders
The seven Thunders was a topic that brother Branham kept hoping that God would give him a revelation of what the Thunders said.
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:
There was something said. It just wasn't a noise. Something was said. He was about to write.
… He said, "On the backside," after It's all done, completed. Then, these Seven Thunders' voices is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.
The seven Thunders is a different category of mystery. It is not written. Thus there is no symbol that can be revealed. But they did say something.
And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair, to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them Seven Thunders, watch what takes place.
The seven written Seals inside the Book had been preached on in 1963.
The seven Thunders are the Seals on the back of the Book that are not written in the Book.
REVELATION 5: 1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
Notice the comma.
What was written was sealed with seven Seals in Revelation Chapter 6 and 8:1.
And what was not written was also sealed with seven Seals which are the unwritten seven Thunders.
What was not written? The coming of the Lord is the biggest secret in the universe. The new name of the Lord that no man knows.
Brother Branham came to reveal what is written. He did not come to tell us about the mysteries that are not written.
The Word comes. "The Book that is written within," is then completed when this, all these mysteries have finished to be sounded.
The seventh Seal is separate from the first six. It is written but is totally unknown because we cannot interpret what is symbolized by silence. Thus the unwritten Thunders are linked to the silent seventh Seal that is effectively not written in any way that we can interpret.
So brother Branham was always keen to know what the seven Thunders said.
But this quote is from the end of his ministry. So it is a secret that God never revealed to him.
Four months before he leaves the scene, and after revealing the written mysteries, he is still waiting for God to open to him this revelation on the seven Thunders.
So the Thunders never happened when brother Branham was on earth. But the Thunders utter when the Angel comes down. Thus the Angel never came down while he was alive.
I was just talking to a young minister and his wife, in the room, just a few moments ago. And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. I said, "Remember, Satan's got a punch coming at you." Don't care who you are, God... He's got a right for that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch; be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He's got somewhere he can punch you. He's got a right to that open place. Now, that's the spot you got to keep covered all the time. And to see
this nervous age that we're living in!
And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you
the great hideous things that we're going to speak on
one of these days when we can get a place sufficient,
of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather,
pouring out of the Vials,
and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that is coming upon the earth.
Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!
When the 7 Thunders do utter, there will be hideous sights upon the earth.
This is at the end of brother Branham's life and God had never allowed him to reveal what the Thunders say.
He was still hoping that God would give him a revelation on the topic of the Thunders, as God had done for him on the Seven Seals. But when the Thunders utter, they will be linked to hideous sights.
He speaks of them together with the seven Vials that are poured out in the great Tribulation. This connects the seven Thunders with the Tribulation time in some way. (More on that connection comes later in this study).
Of course, the great Light will come when Jesus Himself will be manifested here on earth, or up in the Heavens, taking away His Bride, and then the Millennium will set in.
But we've got one of the most dreadful times to go through, that ever laid before human beings. And I'm just waiting for the hour, and when we can get... everybody can get a chance where you get off from work and spend a few days, and we can get set up somewhere where
I can speak on those Plagues and things that's to fall in the last days; and throw about two or three weeks together,
and bring that together, if the Lord lets me live to do it and will inspire me to do so, see how those things will be dropped in,
and those Thunders.
Then you'll find out what that man and them people have been dreaming about, and all these things there, it'll come to pass; see, you'll notice what them revealed,
that great Thunder a coming forth out of the skies.
Brother Branham wanted three weeks to preach on the seven Plagues or Vials as well as the seven Thunders. That means he had never revealed what the Thunders said. And he only had four months left.
He also wanted a lot of time to explain the single Thunder that sounded before the Seven Seals were opened in heaven.
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals,
and I heard, as it were
the noise of thunder,
one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
One single Thunder and Seven Seals opened.
Brother Branham at the end of his life still wanted God to reveal about this single Thunder, what it said.
A Thunder is the voice of God. It says something.
Obsessed with Thunders, which are the voice of God, Message people now refer to brother Branham's sermons as the "Voice of God" recordings. But nowhere in the New Testament were we ever promised the "Voice of God". Brother Branham was promised as the voice of the seventh angel.
Deeper than that: "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel" refers to the almost 60 years that we have had his voice on tape. From his quotes we should have been able to learn how to prove what we believe from Scripture.
The emphasis is thus not on William Branham the man but rather on the Bride learning from his quotes how to be restored back to the Scriptural first church age of the apostles. The corn at the harvest time ripens to be the same as the corn that was planted.
Now, in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of
teaching the last Vials, last Seven Vials, and the last Seven Trumpets, and the last Seven Thunders,
of the Book of Revelation, tying them together in this hour that we're now living; to follow the opening of the Seven Seals, the Seven Church Ages. So, we couldn't get room to do it. So I hope that, soon as I can get a place sufficient for that, either here or in Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do.
Almost the end of his life and he still is waiting for God to allow him to understand the Thunders and the Vials.
So when he died five months later , these mysteries had never been revealed.
So we can either leave these seven Thunder mysteries until God brings them to pass, or we can make up our own imaginations whereby we just fool ourselves in our attempts to look clever.
There are already too many seven Thunder doctrines, we do not need people to imagine any more. That will just confuse the issue even further.
The Thunders utter to Moses and Elijah too
The seven Thunders also utter to the two Jewish prophets, Moses and Elijah.
The seven Thunders also utter to the two Jewish prophets to give them the supernatural power that they need to protect the Jews in great Tribulation. The Tribulation is only 3½ years, not almost 60 years. Thus the Thunders must utter in the future when it is time for great Tribulation to start.
The Thunders uttering almost 60 years ago is not going to help the Jews some time in the future.
All the "seven Thunders" preaching has not produced any spectacular supernatural. Thus the "seven Thunders" preaching is of no use to the two Jewish prophets. They need the supernatural on a huge scale. They will have a spectacular ministry.
This again proves that the seven Thunders is a future event.
If it gives great power to the Jews then it must also give great power to the Gentile church.
The biggest power that we need is the power to change our bodies into immortal bodies.
We do not need a clever sermon, we need a changed body that has enough power to step outside of time and enough power to move upwards against the gravity pull of the world. That symbolizes that worldliness will not be able to pull us down anymore. A big obsession with Message people is wealth and worldly possessions as proof of their "correctness".
But material wealth just pulls us down into worldliness.
Now, we had him coming last night with his great sword to kill. We find out that he gets killed with the Sword too, the sword of the Word. God's Word, sharp, two-edged sword slays him, puts him right down.
Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand it there. It'll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens; they can shut this or do that, whatever they want to. Glory.
He will be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth; it's sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to.
Elijah closed up the heavens for three years and six months, the time of great Tribulation. Moses called for flies and turned water to blood in Egypt. These are the two Jewish prophets who will again be in action in the future.
JAMES 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
REVELATION 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
1260 days is three and a half years.
REVELATION 11: 6 These have power to shut heaven,
that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:
and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
Thus the Thunders never uttered in the past if part of their purpose is to help the two prophets in the future.
The seven Thunder preachers look very insipid in comparison. Ghostly thunders that have no substance in terms of producing the supernatural power to change our bodies and then allow Moses and Elijah to interrupt nature.
They have only produced emotion and hot air. Bluffers. The bow of their seven Thunders doctrines has not produced any arrows of great supernatural power. That is the white horse rider of religious deceit who is still riding.
The seven Thunders utter just after the Angel comes down.
Then the seven thunders must utter to the two Jewish prophets to give them their supernatural power.
So, the ministry of the Angel must overlap from the Bride onto the two Jewish prophets.
Thus, the mighty Angel of Revelation 10 has to come down to the Jewish prophets as well as the Gentile church.
a rainbow... upon his head,...
If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant,
and He's directly coming to the Jews now,
for the Church is finished. See? All right.
... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
(Here he says that the Angel comes to the Jews when the church is finished and taken up).
You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger,
and He's a Messenger to Israel. See?
The Church has been raptured.
Now, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church.
The Angel has a ministry to the church that is fixing to be raptured and the Angel is also a messenger to the Jews after the church has been raptured.
So the Angel comes down for the resurrection just before the rapture and then moves on to get the Jews started for their part in great Tribulation, when Daniel said that Michael the Archangel would stand for the Jews.
DANIEL 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
JUDE 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
The Archangel is Jesus in an angelic body. This is also the mighty Angel of Revelation Chapter 10.
"And at that time Michael shall stand, the great prince."
Michael was Christ, of course,
And He comes down from Heaven, clothed in that Pillar of Light, Cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant.
It was Christ, "With one foot on land, and one on the sea,
and swore, that, 'Time will be no more.'"
The prophet never said that the 7 Thunders have uttered
Message believers claim that "The seven Thunders have uttered".
Brother Branham never makes that statement.
Building a doctrine on a non-quote is like folding fog or chasing shadows in a mist. You have nothing of substance to work with.
If he never said that the seven Thunders uttered, then the seven Thunders never uttered when brother Branham was on earth.
That further proves that the Angel never came down when brother Branham was on earth.
Placing a future event into the past means we are not looking for it and thus we will be caught unawares.
Then when the future event does happen we will ignore it or oppose it.
So their man-made wisdom that the Thunders preachers pride themselves on is worthless.
But this error that "the Thunders have uttered" drives them to prove that the Angel has already come down. The seven Thunders only utter after the Angel comes down.
That then forces many to believe that there is time no longer. Because that is what the Angel says.
If the Angel has come down, then they have to claim that there is time no longer.
REVELATION 10:5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein,
that there should be time no longer:
"Time is over" is very fuzzily linked to the Cloud that was photographed on 28 February 1963 and the revealing of the Seven Seals almost a month later. ("Time is over". Whatever they mean by that. Their explanations are basically nonsense with some impressive but meaningless hand waving. When people are not too sure of what they are saying they wave their hands around to distract you from the weakness of their argument).
Almost 60 years have gone by since the Cloud, so nothing to do with time ended in 1963.
… We're at the end, friend.
Soon it shall be time run out.
Millions will lose their lives. Millions will be--that now believe that they are saved will be counted fodder for the atomic age.
24 days after the Cloud and brother Branham had revealed the seven Seals, but time had not run out in any way.
The two clouds of 1963 were a sign not an event
The big mistake that the Message people make here is that the supernatural Cloud was just a sign in the heaven to indicate that the mysteries of Scripture were about to be revealed to bring Scriptural believers out of the modern day churches, back to the original Bible beliefs of the apostles. We can call this the third exodus.
… Now, if them others is perfectly on the dot with the Word,
so is this perfectly on the dot with the Word. We are here. We're at the end, friend.
Soon it shall be time run out.
After the seventh Seal was revealed he was still looking for time to run out.
No, no. Time didn't cease when the Seals were opened.
Misunderstood it. What happened, the mysteries was revealed, not time ceased.
A year and a half later he was still saying that time did not cease when the Seals opened.
Time runs out. The angel said, "Time will be no more," when that--in the days of this great thing to happen. Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal.
The seven Seals are revealed but "Time will be no more" would still be a future event that is to happen.
Please notice. Time did not cease. Why not? Because the Cloud that was visible north of the city of Flagstaff in Arizona for 28 minutes just after sunset, stayed at 42 kilometers height.
The Cloud never came down.
And brother Branham was 200 miles south of the Cloud in the city of Tucson, and knew nothing about the Cloud until about three months later. Flagstaff is a semi-desert area in Arizona. There is no sea there.
There was nobody who was spiritual enough in Flagstaff anyway who could fulfill Revelation 10.
The Cloud was huge, over 100 miles in circumference.
MATTHEW 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
When He comes, He will not appear in the desert.
The 7 angels who formed the 42 kilometer high Cloud on 28 February 1963 over the city of Flagstaff, only came down to brother Branham 8 days later at Sunset Peak which is 200 miles south. They formed no cloud on that day which was 8 March 1963. Sunset Peak is in a desert area, called the Sonoran desert.
Notice their other claims: Jesus came and is in secret chambers. A secret, spiritual dimension. Parousia. The secret presence of the Lord. You need a mystical quote-induced type of Message-experience to understand this.
"Believe it not". God is in His Word. The Cloud was only a sign (more on this later).
When brother Branham did go hunting he met the seven angels at 8 o'clock in the morning near Sunset Peak on 8 March 1963. The angels formed no Cloud on that day. They came and left invisibly.
And put His hands up to Heaven, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever," the Eternal One, the Father, God,
"that time shall be no more," when this takes place.
It's run out. It's done. It's finished.
Ten months after the Cloud was seen and brother Branham says, "When this takes place time shall be no more (future tense).
So how does time end? Stop and think awhile.
We do not know what time is.
We can measure the movement of a pointer across a watch face, but we cannot measure time itself.
So we have no idea what a 'no-time' life will be like.
All we know is that we are still in time.
We live in three dimensions. Time is the higher fourth dimension that we cannot understand.
So when there is no more time then we will be beyond the fourth dimension and in the sixth dimension of heaven.
The fifth dimension acts as an insulator to keep the sins of the first four dimensions away from the sixth dimension which is heaven.
Once we are beyond
the fourth dimension which is the prison of time as well as the spiritual regions of the lost,
then we will be able to look over the curtain of time and see the future.
The Bride will step out of time when she receives her new immortal body. The rest of the world will stay in time.
When you are out of time you are also out of the laws of Science.
Then, gravity cannot hold you either, so you can rise up to meet the Lord in the air. That will be further proof of there being no more time.
Message pastors are very much prisoners of time because they guessed wrong about Trump losing the 2016 election. They cannot predict the future. So they are very much stuck within the limitations of time while they desperately claim that some kind of time has finished.
Claiming that some kind of time is over simply means that Message pastors are talking about a topic that they know nothing about.
They cannot defy gravity either, especially not with all that money in their pockets that weighs them down. They claim to be shepherds even though no Scripture says that a shepherd is a pastor. But as self-proclaimed pastors claiming thereby (unscripturally) to be the head of the church they unscripturally claim all the loot (sorry, tithes) belongs to them. Then as the self-appointed and only shepherd of the flock they are free to fleece the sheep. Guess where the money-makers that Jesus chased out of the Temple ended up?
Brother Branham only heard about the Cloud in June 1963.
Then he made a big mistake thinking that the seven angels who came to him on 8 March 1963 formed the Cloud as they left him.
That never happened.
The Cloud was photographed north of Flagstaff in the evening. The Cloud was only visible for 28 minutes as it moved from west to east. The Cloud never came down nor went up. It stayed at 42 kilometers in height. The angels came down to brother Branham at eight o’clock in the morning near Sunset Peak, which is 200 miles south of Flagstaff.
The Cloud was 200 miles north of him and photographed 8 days before the angels came.
Also, there were two clouds. This photograph was taken from the city of Winslow.
One cloud from Vandenberg Airforce Base in California, caused in the early afternoon by an exploded souped-up Delta rocket with three solid-state boosters that were strapped on which made a lot of smoke. This smoke cloud moved over to Flagstaff by sunset. During the daylight hours this high altitude smoke cloud was invisible against the glare of the blue sky. Clouds are only visible up to about 20 kilometers in height during daylight. The other was the supernatural Cloud formed by the wings of seven angels.
The smoke cloud also stayed at 42 kilometers height, travelling about 20 miles behind the supernatural Cloud.
Both clouds have to fit into the explanation.
The supernatural Cloud was the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven.
Brother Branham makes this comment about the Cloud of 1963.
And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places, then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man." "That day," in Luke, "the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself."
MATTHEW 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
The smoke cloud up at 42 kilometers height from the exploded rocket fulfilled the prophecy of Peter about signs in the heaven, vapour of smoke.
ACTS 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire,
and vapour of smoke:
Water vapour makes rain clouds. Smoke vapour makes a smoke cloud.
The first Exodus started with a sign. A bush (natural) on mount Sinai (also called Horeb) that burned without being burnt up (supernatural).
Moses then led the Jews out of Egypt.
EXODUS 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
3:2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold,
the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
The second Exodus began with a sign. A Baby in a manger (natural) born of a virgin (supernatural).
Jesus led the church out of Judaism.
LUKE 2:12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
The third Exodus is for brother Branham to lead us out of the churches back to the Bible beliefs of the apostolic fathers. To do this he had to reveal the Seven Seals in order to explain the mysteries of Scripture. So his sign in the heaven was two impossibly high clouds. A supernatural Cloud and a natural smoke cloud from the exploded rocket. Just like Moses had a supernatural fire in a burning bush as his sign.
This picture is not a photograph but it shows how the rays of the setting sun could illuminate the two impossibly high clouds. It was their great height above the dark natural clouds that attracted people's attention.
The 7 angels who formed the supernatural Cloud came down to brother Branham eight days later to commission him to reveal the Seven Seals. On that day the seven angels were invisible. No cloud formed.
But the revelation of the mysteries of Scripture is to give us a personal faith and experience with Jesus.
The 1963 Cloud has often been wrongly presented, somehow, as the coming of the Lord.
Did the Lord come as the Cloud or did the Seventh Seal, 24 days later, bring Him back to earth?
This doctrine gets very fuzzy here.
The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth.
We send greetings up in the mountains, Prescott, Arizona, to Brother Leo Mercier and his group that's up there
waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
We send greetings to those in Tucson, that's gathered tonight,
waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
Down into Houston, Texas, to those who are waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Up in Chicago, to those who are
waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
Up on the East Coast, New York and Connecticut, and the great groups up there, that's
waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
Five months before he leaves the scene and brother Branham is still waiting for the Coming of the Lord. So he never thought that the Cloud was the Coming of the Lord.
Jesus, when He comes, every eye shall see Him, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess
when the Body of Jesus returns. I believe in His literal coming, corporal body,
descending from the heavens with a shout, with
the voice of the Archangel,
the trump of God. The dead in Christ shall rise. But His Spirit is here with us.
Brother Branham also believed that the Lord would come in a literal physical Body, just like the Body He ascended to heaven in.
This happens at the time of the voice of the Archangel which is the mighty Angel of Revelation 10.
There is no physical Body of Jesus on earth. Thus the Archangel has not come down. Thus the mighty Angel or Archangel of Revelation 10 has not come down.
ACTS 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
this same Jesus,
which is taken up from you into heaven,
shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Because they claim that the Cloud is the coming of the Lord, they then think that mercy is over.
"Is mercy over?" Don't never think that. See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See?...
Mercy is always open.
Until the rapture happens, mercy is always open. The thief on the cross got saved just before he died.
The seven Thunders doctrines are based on a statement that brother Branham never made.
He never said that the 7 Thunders had uttered.
MALACHI 4:4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb
for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
the heart of the children to their fathers,
lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
Modern-day Christians are the children who have to turn back to the Bible beliefs of the apostolic fathers who wrote the New Testament.
Another Scripture of the end time refers to the evil of the denominational church system and the need of an inner personal experience with the Lord.
Not a group church experience.
REVELATION 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Babylon, the denominational church system where a church is subject to a human leader.
Where the people are compelled to believe what is not written in Scripture.
An angel, a messenger gives us a blunt warning of the evil of man-dominated churches who force people to believe human quotes and traditions instead of the Bible.
REVELATION 18: 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
This was not the angel telling us, "Come out of her, my people" (in this third and secret exodus).
This was another voice.
This was the inner conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Because in the Laodicean church, Jesus stands outside the church and appeals to an individual. If that person wants to meet Jesus, he or she will have to move out of the church.
In the last age God is not looking for a church experience.
He wants each individual to have a personal experience with Him, because He knows that the church is blind and lukewarm with bits of Scripture that is mixed with bits of quotes and lots of human opinions.
You are influenced and manipulated by others in your desire to belong to a group.
Babylon thrives on forced submission to an exalted human leader. In this process you lose your personal experience with Jesus.
Out there in Tucson, is listening in this morning, I once wondered...
I've always constraining people, "Go to church, no matter where you go."
And I seen the people kind of pulling back, and going this way. And I thought, "What's the matter?"
I went to some of them,
"The first day you're there, they'll approach you, 'Join our church.' If you don't do it, you're not welcome." See? See? It's a forced thing, it's forced upon you, see, and that's Babylon.
But in Christ, you come in by election; not by force, your heart pulls you in.
God did not put His name then in Babylon. Closely now.
He cannot put His Name in Babylon, the churches.
Oh, they, they put His Name in there, but He never. No.
In 1965 brother Branham was doubting his own advice which was when he had told people to go to church.
The churches simply force your conformity to their beliefs.
This includes the Message churches. They are also pastor-dominated and do not want you unless you agree with them. You are not allowed to think for yourself.
All Laodicean churches, Message and denominational, are the Babylon of Revelation Chapter 18 that the angel told us is in a fallen state. Then another voice said that the individuals must come out, which is the third Exodus.
Many churches lead people to Christ for an individual salvation experience. That is good. But after that each church forces you to believe what they believe.
If you disagree with them, your opinion is not wanted and soon they make you realize that you are not wanted.
Being forced or pressured into believing something is the mark of the beast.
The beast spirit relies on forced conformity to the pastor’s beliefs. Individuals who disagree are not wanted.
Now, He said, "The place that I'm going to meet you and receive your sacrifice is where I choose to put My Name. You come in at this gate, this door where I choose to put My Name. There's where you come."
Well, they put, "This is the Church of Christ." If there's anything that's wrong in that declaration, it left out one word: "anti." Uh-huh, all that He taught, they disagree with It. Modern Pharisees.
When we take on any name other than Christian or disciple or believer, then we move into the anti-christ camp. Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal. In-the-Message. All unscriptural in terms of the early church, whose example we should follow.
As soon as a Message or denominational church disagrees with Scripture it becomes antichrist. The pastor is a Pharisee.
The word Pharisee can be made to mean Phar- I - see or Far-I-see. The pastor is splicing and interpreting quotes to see far into a mystery that is not even written in the Bible, such as his version of the seven Thunders. Trying to interpret what is not written is just foolish guesswork that can only impress the Bible-illiterate. The seven Thunders were never written so they cannot refer to seven things that are written in the Bible.
The Pope also believes mysteries that are not written in the Bible like Trinity, purgatory, Christmas, and Lent, etc.
So believing in what is not written in the Bible cannot put you in God’s will because you are behaving the same way as the Vatican, which is mystery Babylon.
...that God is calling an exodus,
to come from behind the fleshly curtain who tries to impersonate, who tries to join church;
not Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, altogether, but Pentecostal churches.
It is an individual affair. It's you and God. You have to go in, not your group, not your church, not your pastor, but it's you who has to go in.
The Angel of Revelation 10 never came down when brother Branham was preaching.
What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more?
The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him,
with feet, and say, "Time's run out."
And besides that, He raised up His hand and swore that time would be no more when this happened.
This is 18 days after the Cloud was seen. Brother Branham says the Angel is ready to come down. So the Cloud, which never came down, could not have been the Angel.
The Cloud was photographed north of the city of Flagstaff. There is no sea there.
"With feet". The Cloud had no feet, it just represented a head.
And here He returns back in the 10th chapter
after the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished,
and the Seals are to be broke, and proclaiming that its time is no more. And he said, "When the seventh angel has begin to sound,
then the mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear. We're close, somewhere.
The Angel only comes after all the mysteries have been revealed. The mysteries were revealed by December 1965.
So the Angel, which brother Branham was still waiting for, can only come after December 1965.
Revelations the 10th chapter and 1 to the 7th verse.
Time runs out.
The angel said, "Time will be no more," when that--in the days of this great thing to happen.
Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal.
This is the end of the Seals, but the Angel is an event that is still to happen.
Thus the Angel never came down to reveal the seven Seals.
The Seals have been revealed, but brother Branham is still waiting for the Angel.
64-0112 SHALOM
But in the seventh hour, the seventh messenger, that all these mysteries should be finished.
The seventh earthly messenger, see, this angel that He speaks of then was on earth. An angel means "messenger." And then, after that, he saw another Angel coming down, not the earthly angel that had been given the Message here, but the (another) mighty Angel came from Heaven with a rainbow over Him, and set His foot on the land and sea, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever, "Time shall be no more."
This is a year after the Cloud and the Angel had still not come. The mysteries must first be finished. Then after that, the Angel will come down.
The mysteries were only finished in December 1965. So the Angel could not come down before that.
But, this Angel brings the next announcement. And an angel means a "messenger." And He comes down from Heaven, clothed in that Pillar of Light, Cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. It was Christ, "With one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore, that, 'Time will be no more.'"
... He come down from Heaven, because the mystery is all finished.
After all the mysteries have been revealed, only then can the Angel come down. That is what is signified by the open Book.
Thus the Angel never came down to give brother Branham the revelation of the mysteries.
Our personal experience with Jesus and the Bible is important.
Message people put the emphasis on brother Branham, but they forget that he came to restore us back to the Bible. Only if we are Scriptural in all that we believe have we actually realized what his message was all about.
The Angel can only come down after brother Branham has revealed the mysteries.
The Angel will only come down when the Bride has understood the mysteries and can read the Bible like an open Book.
We have to understand the mysteries from Scripture for ourselves. From him we learned to understand the mysteries of Scripture. Then we have to read and understand the Bible for ourselves.
Only when the Bride can read the Bible as an open Book, instead of It being full of sealed mysteries, then the Angel will be able to come down.
Why did Jesus write in the ground with His finger? Can you understand the deeper meaning of the Godhead and the complete failure of the Law of Moses that He was trying to point out? Or do you just see the event as a sealed mystery that you cannot understand and thus you justify your ignorance by ignoring it and pretending that it is not important.
The Thunders people have a favourite quote in their attempts to prove that the Angel did come down when brother Branham was on earth.
And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel,
the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head.
Now remember,
this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.
"This coming". What coming? What mystery is revealed before the Angel comes down?
Let us look what he says three paragraphs later.
And here He returns back in the 10th chapter
after the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished,
and the Seals are to be broke, and proclaiming that its time is no more. And he said, "When the seventh angel has begin to sound,
then the mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear.
We are close somewhere. That's right.
But here he speaks of the
coming of the mysteries that have to be finished before the Angel comes.
He says that we are close to the time of the Angel coming. That means the Angel had not yet come.
Obviously. The mysteries were only finished in 1965, so the Angel could not come before then.
Now, look at the full paragraph where he speaks of "this coming".
... when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at, and
the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God and reveals the entire revelation of God.
Then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries: serpent's seed and whatevermore is to be revealed.
Now, you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what... It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you out of the Book: the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God should be finished that's been declared by His holy prophets. That's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together.
And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel,
the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head.
Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.
"This coming". Singular. Which coming? The coming of the mysteries or the coming of the Angel?
"This coming" is singular so the seventh angel is not present for both comings.
The seventh angel has to be present when the mysteries come down because he has to finish the mysteries.
But he died in the same month as his last sermon. The Angel cannot come down until he had finished the mysteries.
Let us cross-check with another quote:
Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like
this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday,
and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel,
and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.
The last month of his life and he is still waiting for the Archangel to come down.
He is still waiting for a single Thunder that must utter before the mighty Angel comes down.
He is also still waiting for the "shout".
The shout was not him preaching his Message of the understanding of the Bible mysteries.
The shout will come when the Bride understands the Bible mysteries and is able to be restored back to the doctrines of the apostles.
But there was no need for him to be on earth when the Angel came down.
REVELATION 10: 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel... the mystery of God should be finished.
Not in the days of the seventh angel, which finished in 1965. In the days of his tape-recorded voice and books. That has been for almost 60 years since he left the scene.
"in the days of the voice of the seventh angel" means that the mystery would only be finished long after he left the scene.
The focus is not on William Branham who understood the mysteries of God.
The focus now is on the Bride. We have to learn the mysteries of God. Plural. Once we understand the Bible, only then can the mystery of God (singular) be fulfilled. That is when the end-time Bride is restored back to the Bible beliefs of the apostolic fathers. The circle finally closes.
The seed that is harvested at the end finally ripens in the sunlight of the Word to become identical with the seed that was planted.
William Branham as one person could not finish the mystery of God (singular). He had to restore the children to the fathers. He had to get us to return back to the Bible beliefs of the apostles.
He was able to finish the mysteries (plural) of the Word by explaining them. If we learn those mysteries from him, then we can read the Bible and be restored to the beginning.
That is God's great mystery (singular) for His church. Getting the end church to be like the first church. Alpha and Omega.
The early church left the Thunders alone because they were not written. We must do the same.
By preaching seven Thunder doctrines, the Message preachers are guaranteeing that their congregations cannot be turned back to the beliefs of the apostolic fathers.
The congregations are paying them to make sure that they are not restored to the early church.
This cannot even be called daylight robbery because the unscriptural Thunders doctrines rob them of the Light of the Word. In the darkness, they sleep complacently.
Heaven help the Message groups when the wake-up call comes. They are going to be totally unprepared.
They do not have enough oil to make enough light to read the written Word.
The biggest disease among Message people is Bible-illiteracy.
The 7 Thunders that are not written cannot be linked to anything that is written.
You cannot compare apples with oranges.
Mysteries that are not written cannot be explained as things that are written.
The seven Thunders doctrines all link the unwritten mysteries of Revelation 10 to various ideas that are written in the Bible.
For instance, some say the 7 Thunders are the virtues of a perfect man. But those were all written by Peter before the Thunders uttered. So why was John told not to write what was already written? That makes no sense.
Because the Thunders are not written we cannot know what they uttered. What they said.
One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason it wasn't revealed, it was seven thunders that uttered their voices, and there it is perfectly,
because nothing knows anything about it;
wasn't even written.
So here we have a reality check.
We know nothing about the Seventh Seal and we know nothing about the seven Thunders.
A quick mention of one example of a fake revelation.
The claim that "The seven Thunders are the revelation of Jesus Christ" is a misquote based on the following quote. (They just left out the word "in").
And Seven Thunders, right in the revelation here of Jesus Christ,
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the last Book in the Bible. The seven Thunders are in this Book, in Chapter 10.
The Thunders are not the revelation of Jesus Christ, they are in the last Bible Book called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Hopefully, you can see the difference.
But it is the seventh angel that had this type of Message. What was it? Notice his type of Message,
"Finishing all the mysteries of God, that are written in the Book."
The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's laying loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up, and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said, "Finishes the mystery of the written Book."
… The Word comes. "The Book that is written within," is then completed
when this, all these mysteries have finished to be sounded.
(Brother Branham came to reveal the written mysteries, not the unwritten mysteries).
… "The Book that is written within" is then completed when this angel ceases,
(now please understand this), when the seventh angel's Message is completed; the Godhead mystery, the serpent's seed mystery, all the other mysteries of all these things.
… Notice Revelations 5:1. Listen at this now.
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within (the writing was withinside) and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
303 Now, there is writing on the inside of the Book. But,
the backside had Seven Seals, on the back of It, that wasn't written in the Book.
Now, this is the revelator talking, John. Now, remember, It wasn't written in the Book. "And in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, all this mystery that's written within should be finished." It should be taken care of, in that day. Now do you see what I mean? Are you following me? Then is the time for the seven voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed.
When the Book is finished, there is only one thing left, and that's the seven mysterious voices of thunder that was wrote on the backside of the Book,
that John was forbidden to write. Let me read it.
And I saw an angel, mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire:
And he had in his hand a little book open: (See, now watch this.)... and he set his right foot on the sea,his left on the earth,
And he cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. (Watch.)
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:
There was something said. It just wasn't a noise.
Something was said. He was about to write.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,...
Look where the voices was, the Thunders. Not in Heaven; on earth! The Thunders never uttered from the heavens. They uttered from the earth.
... and I was about to write: when I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal (capital S-e-a-l), Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
It's on the backside, when a Book is completed. Not did he say, "On the front side." He said,
"On the backside," after It's all done, completed. Then, these Seven Thunders' voices is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed.
It's not even written in the Book.
The Thunders only utter after the written mysteries have been revealed.
He says that the Thunders utter from earth.
But in the seventh Seal he says the
Thunders are from heaven.
Now, now, do you notice on the
opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery.
This one I have... will speak, and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders.
The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ,
because Christ said no one knew when He would return.
So do the Thunders utter from earth or from heaven?
We are out of our depth at this point. So it is best to leave it alone.
There are three mysteries to the opening of the seventh Seal. Now we are even more out of our depth. So leave it alone. One mystery is the seven Thunders that we know nothing about as it was not written, what they said.
… "This will be the third pull, and you won't tell it to nobody."
And in Sabino Canyon, He said, "This is the third pull." And there's three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and
there's one thing that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language.
But I was standing right there and looked right straight at it, and this is the third pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of God... Oh, my. That's the reason all heaven was silent.
If you know the Thunders then you must be able to interpret the unknown language.
So at this point you must stop trying to reveal the Thunders.
Notice, the very day when this messenger... Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See?
The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed.
No more, there is no more higher order to reveal the Word, than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember,
the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word.
Do you see it?
It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place, that Jannes and Jambres,
the impersonators, will appear again.
Just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word, to say It; they appear to impersonate It. Just exactly right. Now you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See, anointed ones!
The third Pull revealed six of the seven Seals but said the seventh Seal and the seven Thunders were total mysteries.
Now, I'd better stop right here.
See? I just feel checked not to say no more about it.
So just remember, the Seventh Seal, the reason it was not opened (See?), the reason It did not reveal it,
no one should know about it.
He is not allowed to tell us the third pull.
He saw something in an unknown language.
This simply means that at this level of mystery we obviously have no clue what is going on.
So if you believe you know what the Thunders said, seeing that it was in an unknown language, then you are simply fooling yourself.
John did not write. Heaven was silent. If we have any sense we will also keep quiet on the topic of what the Thunders said.
What about the one Thunder that uttered before the seven Seals were opened?
REVELATION 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
It is sealed up with Seven Seals.
Now, that's a different from the Seven Thunders.
The mystery of the Seals is written in the Bible as symbols and revealed by the seventh angel.
That is different to the seven Thunders that are not written and it was never revealed what they said.
So there is a single Thunder in Chapter 6 and then seven Thunders in Chapter 10.
But when brother Branham speaks of the single Thunder in Revelation 6:1, it is one Thunder and then six mysteries get written in Chapter 6. Then the seventh Seal opens in Chapter 8.
1964 03 24 SEVENTH SEAL
"Notice, one thunder, seven messages
that's been sealed up and cannot be revealed until the last day, at this age".
One thunder uttered but John never recorded what the thunder said. Then seven Seals opened. But only the first six Seals could be revealed by the end time prophet because the seventh Seal was silence, which is impossible for us to interpret.
Notice: one thunder and then six Seals were written in symbol form, to be revealed at the end time.
What is meant by this one single Thunder that uttered before the seven Seals opened?
Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this
when there really will be a clap of thunder someday,
and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.
1965, in the last month of his ministry, and he speaks of
a single Thunder that will utter sometime in the future.
His book is called "The Revelation of the Seven Seals" it is NOT called the "Opening of the Seals".
The seven Seals are opened after the rapture when the Bride is in heaven. You will watch this happening. You will not hear about it.
He went beyond the curtain of time to see the future opening of the seven Seals and came back to give us a revelation of what happens when the Seals open in the future.
Do not mistake the revelation of the opening of the Seals for the actual opening of the Seals.
Then you'll find out what that man and them people have been dreaming about, and all these things there,
it will come to pass;
see, you will notice what them revealed,
that great Thunder a coming forth out of the skies.
Now, of course, the whole bunch of you, you know that I know what that means, you see. And, but let's just wait till the time comes, you see, for it to be, see, now, and
it will be more in season.
- Only four months of his life left. And brother Branham is still waiting for that single Thunder that must still come forth out of the skies.
When time shall be no more,
the last trumpet...
One thunder,
Time ends sometime in the future and it is somehow associated with a single Thunder that will utter at that time.
So time never ended when the Cloud was seen.
Time never ended when the Seals were preached.
God, help our unbelief. Take it away from us, Lord.
We want to receive rapturing grace. We want to be able when that mysterious thunder thunders out yonder, and the Church is taken up,
we want to be ready to receive it, Lord. Grant it. Try us, Lord, by Thy Word. Let us look into It, and if we see that we have failed...
A mysterious Thunder in the future when the Church is caught up to Heaven.
The Revelation of the seven Seals is not the actual event of the opening of the seven Seals.
Now Message people have made the sad mistake of claiming that the revelation of the opening of the Seals is the actual opening of the Seals. This opens the door to serious errors.
AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
The seven Seals have to be revealed before they can actually open. The actual opening is in Chapter 6 which is after the Bride gets caught up to heaven in Chapter 4.
In Chapter 5 the Bride, redeemed from all nations, stand around the throne when Jesus takes the Book to open it.
If you are part of the Bride then you will be in heaven when the Seals actually open. Do not let anyone bluff you on that issue.
The actual events of the seven Thunders and the opening of the seven Seals will have great supernatural power. They will not just be clever theories.
The rider has no arrows for his bow. Did you notice? He had a bow, but there's nothing said about having any arrows; so he must be a bluffer. That's right.
Maybe he's got a lot of thunder and no lightning,
but you find out Christ had both lightning and thunder; for out of His mouth goes a sharp two-edged Sword,
and He smites the nations.
And this guy can't smite nothing (See?), but he's playing the part of a hypocrite. He's going forth riding on a white horse, going out to conquer.
Brother Branham links the antichrist spirit of deception to a "lot of thunder". Message groups emphasize their various "thunder doctrines". So we are warned. Thunder only comes after the lightning.
Thus far, no lightning has been attached to the Thunders' doctrines.
Thunders doctrines that have no supernatural power and no light from Scripture are just a bluff.
Looking around the Message Thunders-groups, there is an obvious lack of lightning.
So Message pastors with their Thunders doctrines are in the same camp as the bluffer.
A bow that looks threatening but has a sad lack of Scripture, which is the sharp arrow.
But the bluffers do have an arrow for their bow. Their tongue that speaks lies.
JEREMIAH 9:8 Their tongue is as an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit:
Did they not tell you, according to their interpretation of the quotes, that Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election in 2016?
… when a thunder roared; and then one of the four beasts said, "Now, come and see what it is, what's revealed beneath here. (Oh, my.) John, write what you see."
So John goes to look, see what it was.
John goes to see what the thunder said.
It's then that this creature told John come and see what the mystery is under the First Seal. The thunder, the voice of the Creator has uttered it. Now, He ought to know what's there. Amen. Oh, my.
But think, now he wrote this, but when he started to write those other seven thunders, he said, "Don't write it."
One Thunder and he wrote down the mystery of the first Seal as well as the next Seals.
But for the other seven Thunders, John wrote nothing.
So there is a fundamental difference.
The single Thunder caused John to write down the symbols of the mysteries of seven Seals.
The seven Thunders cause him to write nothing. Not a single symbol. Thus the single Thunder and the seven Thunders cannot be compared with each other.
The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where?
From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor.
Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here.
The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne
to go to take His own throne... Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends.
The single Thunder utters when the Lamb has left the throne of mercy.
Many Thunders-believers claim that mercy was over in 1963. There shall be a time of redemption no longer.
But what of those who were not saved before 1963? Those who were not even born before 1963?
So something is seriously wrong.
So the meaningless statements start. They claim that, "Mercy is over except for the Bride". Brother Branham never said that. The Bible does not say that. So they make-up a doctrine that is neither a quote nor a Scripture. The true Bride does not wear make-up.
Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved. Now, is this true? (I'm glad I got this one.) We watch and pray--we watch the prayer lines, and it seems some are still finding mercy.
"Is mercy over?" Don't never think that.
See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See?
"We notice in the prayer line some's finds mercy." Sure. Mercy's--the doors are open……. In the prayer line you find mercy, certainly.
If I knowed Jesus was coming this afternoon, I'd be doing just the thing I'm doing right now (See?), just continuing right on.
Mercy is always open.
And I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals, and I heard,
as it was the noise of a thunder,
and one of the four beasts said, Come and see.
Now, there never was another thunder. "And the last Seal was opened,
there was space in Heaven for a half hour of silence."
But, the First Seal was opened, there was a blast of thunder.
There was only one Thunder. There never was another Thunder while the seven Seals opened.
But the seventh Seal revealed nothing when it opened.
So the seven Thunders that were not revealed can only be linked to the seventh Seal, not to the other six Seals.
… The First Seals in the Book was opened, there was a thunder; would not this First Seal of the outside Book open the same way?
One Thunder opened up the seven written Seals, except for the seventh Seal that was just silence.
So the seven unwritten Seals, which are the seven Thunders, on the back of the Bible must also open with a Thunder.
So the mystery Thunder in the skies that brother Branham was waiting for, must first be heard before the seven Thunders can utter.
The single Thunder before the seven written Seals opened.
Then seven unwritten Thunders can only come after the written Seals are revealed.
Notice Revelations 5:1. Listen at this now.
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within (the writing was withinside) and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
Now, there is writing on the inside of the Book.
But, the backside had Seven Seals, on the back of It, that wasn't written in the Book.
Now, this is the revelator talking, John. Now, remember, It wasn't written in the Book.
"And in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, all this mystery that's written within should be finished."
It should be taken care of, in that day. Now do you see what I mean? Are you following me?
Then is the time for the seven voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed.
When the Book is finished, there is only one thing left, and that's the seven mysterious voices of thunder that was wrote on the backside of the Book, that John was forbidden to write.
… He said, "On the backside," after It's all done, completed.
Then, these Seven Thunders' voices is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.
… "And at the time that the seventh angel is sounding, all the mysteries that are written in the Book is completed."
Thus his ministry is not to reveal the unwritten mysteries. The 7 Thunders. The 7th Seal. The new name of Jesus.
1963 03 20 THIRD SEAL
…the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding.
Then after it's revealed, the Angel come down from heaven, which was Christ
… And then goes on and said, in the day just before these seven thunders, all the mysteries here are revealed.
William Branham is not the Son of Man
This is a big mistake Message preachers have made. They have preached rapturing faith for 50 years with no result. No rapture. Not even close. Why?
They have focused on elevating brother Branham to the Godhead as the Son of Man revealed. That is wrong.
What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man;
but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now?
That's where it seems to be so hard for you, you see.
Not the Son of man, Himself;
but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man, because It's left the shuck. He can't organize It. It's the Grain, Itself, again.
Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape.
You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself,
being that I was packing this Message.
I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice.
And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.
… I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared.
I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are;
I'm only one that's near when He does it.
I was only a voice that He used, to say It.
It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through.
It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man.
It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded.
It's not a man; it's God.
The angel was not the Son of man;
he was the messenger from the Son of man.
The Son of man is Christ; He is the One that you're feeding on.
You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.
But when this awful deceiving spirit (Oh, man.) incarnated--incarnate spirit,
this doctrine spirit became incarnated to take the place of Christ into a man,
it must be worshipped then--turned to be a worship like Christ.
A man who takes the place of Christ is a total deception.
Brother Branham had a vision about brothers who elevated him to be the Anointed Christ.
It was an evil spirit, represented by a serpent that he shot but it disappeared into a puddle of water (a puddle of quotes), not into the River of Life which is the Bible.
I went to the Lord here not long ago, when I first heard it, about a year ago. And then I went to the Lord and He referred to me to the Scripture that when John came forth preaching, that they hadn't had a prophet on the earth for so many years, until it would... they was all amazed in their hearts,
thinking maybe John was the Messiah. So then I... John, they went and asked him, and he said that he was not.
You read that in Luke the 3rd chapter, 15th verse
LUKE 3:15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not;
JOHN 1: 19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?
JOHN 1:20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ.
John confessed to being anointed with the Holy Spirit but denied that he was the Christ, the Anointed One.
So at the first Coming, the Jews mistook the messenger for being Jesus Himself.
The same mistake will be made at the second Coming. Message people will also promote William Branham to the Godhead, making him equal with Jesus.
Then they will replace the Scripture with his quotes, making him above God.
Now their beliefs are based on a quote, not on linking Scriptures together. This is the sad legacy of the Thunders doctrines.
... And I stood still if people called me a prophet many times, 'cause a prophet in the English testament is just "a preacher, a prophesier, foreteller of the Word," and so forth. I'd stand for that 'cause you could just kind of push that down;
but when it comes to be calling "Anointed Christ," or something, that was too much for me. So I just couldn't stand that.
... After leaving the meeting at Canada, I found out that way up in the Eskimos or the Indians up there,
it had got among them.
... And I just couldn't stand it any longer, to think that thirty-one years of ministry went down the Devil's gutter pipe, into the... When I'm gone, what will they say? "There he is, that's exactly what it was"; and all the influence that I had upon the people, then you see where it'd be,
I'd be an antichrist.
And I just couldn't stand it!
... And I wondered; if it would have been some enemy of mine, it would been all right, but I would just have laughed at it and went on;
but when it come to being precious brothers,
precious sisters, then that's what hurt me.
... I had a visitation from the Lord. And I seen a precious one's... a babying...a serpent which was yellow and black, and telling me right along, and the--and the thing struck me on the leg. But the blood was so rich it didn't take effect on me. And I looked down, and there's where I had been bit before. And I turned quickly with a gun and shot the thing, and it hit it right in the middle of the thing.
And a brother said... I turned with my gun to shoot its head off, and he said, "Don't do that, just pick up the stick laying there by you." And when I turned my back to pick up the stick,
it wiggled into some water, just a small puddle of water.
Water is doctrine. This bruised serpent is a symbol of the Deity doctrine, of calling brother Branham the Anointed Christ. He tried to kill it but did not succeed. It still lurks in a puddle of unscriptural doctrine, not in the flowing River of Life, the Word.
Elevating brother Branham up to the level of Jesus is a doctrine of this bruised serpent.
This doctrine evolves out of the seven Thunders beliefs, because they are not written in Scripture, and are thus just a puddle of quotes. So you begin to think of brother Branham as being the Christ.
Beware of puddle pirates, calling themselves Message preachers.
Brother Branham came to point out Jesus in the Word of God by explaining the Bible mysteries. He did not come to replace Jesus.
There's no great man among us.
We're not great men, not great women--we're all brothers and sisters, all the same in the same bracket.
We're no great. One don't make one greater than the other one
--not a thing at all to do. No, sir. But we're just all human beings.
Don't try to interpret the things.
Don't try to do anything more than just live a close life, giving praise and honor to Jesus Christ.
… Don't say, "Thank you," to anybody at all. Don't say... Thinking some minister or something, some mortal man, there's anything good about him, 'cause there's not; I don't care who he is. There's nothing good to any man.
That's right. If there's a whole bunch of trumpets laying here and one of them had to sound out a certain music; it's the man; them trumpets are perfectly mute. It's the fellow that can sound the trumpet, that knows what he's going to do, that picks up a trumpet.
The trumpet has nothing to do with it.
The sound comes from the intelligence behind it (That's right), so all trumpets are the same;
all men are the same; all Christians are the same.
… We don't want never put a man in it.
You forget anything about me.
I am your brother, a sinner saved by grace, not fit to live; that's exactly the truth; and I ain't saying that to be humble; that's facts.
There's nothing in me, not one sound thing at all.
But the grace of God has let my poor dimming eyes look beyond the curtain of time and see those things yonder, and I come back...
A revelation of the opening of the Seals that he saw in the future by means of a vision.
Then he came back to tell us about this future event.
Here is a good example.
Always be conscious of your littleness, not your bigness.
Today, we Americans, so much, that we try to think that we're big somebody, "We belong to something big, some big organization, some great big something that's got..."
Oh, great big, big, big is all we see.
And that when... One time, in the Bible, we have an example of that. There was a prophet went back in the cave and... Elijah. And God was trying to attract his attention, to come out. And there come the fire, and smoke, and blusterous winds across the mountains,
and thunder, and earthquakes, and shakings, and everything else. The prophet never even moved.
God wasn't even in it. But when that still, small Voice spoke, he covered his face and come forward.
When the still, small Voice of God's Word speaks, not a racket,
not our big denominations, not our big something, but that still, small Voice, of the Word,
that's looked over. That should call a man to repentance.
God in His Word!
Yet, He covered His feet; and become
conscious of... our littleness before God.
… And oh, when this comes to pass,
it'll be great, big like this, and it'll be so humble you'll miss the whole thing
and just go right on.
It’s an American spirit to look for something bigger and better. That is not God's Spirit.
God works in the little groups, the gleaners.
ZECHARIAH 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things?
But, in the evening time, "It shall be Light," He said, "in the evening time." And no Scripture can be broken.
And the same S-o-n that poured out Himself, kenos, on the Day of Pentecost, promised to do the same thing in the evening time.
See? It's according to the promise.
… He had emptied Himself into His people.
And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
… Moses' veil; he was the living Word to the people. And today, the people that are veiled are the same thing. "They are written epistles, read of all men." Not a new epistle; but the Epistle that's been written, made manifest. It's--
it's those who believe the Word and the promise of this day, that God is pouring out His Spirit, upon all flesh, and that is written epistles.
And when a person tries to carnally impersonate that, it backfires. Your life shows what you are.
… Jesus is our Moses of today. Moses, veil, was the living Word to the people. Today, Jesus, veiled, is the living Word to the people, that,
Jesus in the Church. The Holy Ghost, the Son of God in the people,
revealing the Word by the promise of this day, makes It just exactly. Same now.
It was God in Christ; God in a Man; the fullness of the Godhead, bodily in a Man. God in a Man!
Now it's God in men, the fullness of God in the Godhead, bodily in His entire Church,
manifesting Himself, fulfilling His Word.
… He said, "And when the Son of man is being revealed." The Son of man, back in the Church again,
revealed in human beings;
not Son of God, but
the Son of man again, back in His Church again,
in the last days. We find that He promised that in God's promises.
… And now the
Glory of God is behind your skin.
The emphasis is not on God indwelling one man, William Branham, as that would elevate him into the Godhead.
The emphasis is the fullness of God wanting to indwell the fullness of His church as He did on the Day of Pentecost.
… show this world what they need: not a world's fair, but a world revival that'll be filled and baptized with the Presence of the living God, en morphe inveiling Himself into human flesh. Hallelujah! I believe it.
… And may we see that unveiled One, that One Who came down and rent the veil of the temple; and then went right out of that veil,
come right down into human veils again, on the Day of Pentecost;
has ever been the same, changing from Glory to Glory.
The shout and voice and trump are still in the future
Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this
when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout,
with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise.
- The last month of his ministry and he is looking for the "shout’ in the future. But the shout is his message to restore us to the apostolic church of the New Testament.
Thus the ‘shout’ is not when brother Branham preached the truth to restore the living Bride back to the original truth. That information has been around for almost 60 years. The ‘shout’ is when the living Bride is able to actually get back to believing the original Scriptures for themselves.
We are not the Bride because brother Branham learned to understand the Bible.
We only become the Bride when we learn to understand the Bible ourselves.
Now, we're into the age of the Eagle, the revelation to be revealed, the whole thing.
Now, compare this with Revelations the 10th chapter, verse 1 to 7, and we'll see here in this Revelations--the Revelations here, 10: 1-7, that in the days of the sounding
of the seventh angel's message was to finish up all the mysteries of God.
Does this mean the message was finished when brother Branham understood it by the end of 1965?
Or does it only finish when the Bride understands the mysteries?
for this alone, the mysteries of God, is the ministry of the seventh angel
… All right, reveals all the mysteries that's been in the past, all the things in the past.
Revelations 10:1-7. That is to be.
This is 1963 and here he places all of Revelation 10:1-7 in the future.
Look at REVELATION 10: 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,
when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished,
as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
The mystery is only finished in the days of "his voice".
Not in the "days of the seventh angel", which would be the days of his ministry on earth 1933 - 1965.
This refers to the almost 60 odd years since he left the scene. His voice was recorded on tapes and books. And during this almost 60 years the Bride has to get the understanding of Scripture that he had.
The mystery is only finished when the Bride is restored back to the beliefs of the early church.
Brother Branham did his best to be Scriptural. But he was only one person.
Now the rest of us also have to get back to believing the original written Word.
The wheat seed is only harvested when it is identical to the wheat seed that was sown.
Here Message pastors have made a big mistake. They claim that the "mystery of God" (singular) is brother Branham’s revelation of the "mysteries of God" (plural).
The "mysteries of God" is when he explained the Godhead, the serpent’s seed, the seven church ages, etc.
The "mystery of God" is that the last church must be identical to the first church.
MATTHEW 17:11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
His ministry was to restore us back to the early church.
The first church was the true seed of Scripture that got cast down into the ground by the murderous Roman Empire and then buried in the dirt of the Roman Catholic church during the Dark Ages. The Reformation saw the leaves grow as blades and the missionary age saw the tassels blow their life-giving pollen over the earth. Then Pentecost formed a protective husk so that the Bride could ripen as a Word seed.
MARK 4:26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;
:27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up,
he knoweth not how.
None of us know how God is able to guide the truth through the various circumstances of the seven church ages.
Humans have tried hard and tirelessly to cast down the truth. Most of the apostles were killed and all of Europe was enslaved by the Roman Catholic church with tens of millions of dissenters being killed in the Dark Ages. Yet the truth would spring up again in the Reformation of Martin Luther in Germany. The human-killers of Christianity could not understand how this was possible. They had energetically wiped out as many Christians as they could. Yet that one rebellious monk in Germany lit a fire of "salvation-by-faith alone" that burned through northern Europe which was then lost to the Pope.
MARK 4:28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
The blade or leaves of the plant was the Reformation. The Gospel pollen then spread around the world in the missionary age. The ear was the protective husk of the Pentecostal power.
Then the "full" corn in the "ear". This is what finishes the mystery of God. The children in the last age see eye-to-eye with the apostolic fathers from the first age, once they have learned to understand the hidden mysteries of the Bible. When the first and the last are the same, the circle is complete. The end-time seed that is harvested is identical to the first seed that was planted.
In the end we must have an ear to hear, during the days of the voice of the 7th angel. He finished taping his messages in 1965. We have all those revelations on tape and book. So we are living in the days of his voice.
But God wants the "full" Bride to know the "full" written Word. The full Word to be manifest in His Body, the Bride. Then the harvest will come.
The harvest is when the seed is pulled off the dead plant. This is called the Latter rain.
The harvest starts with the resurrection that pulls the dead church ages saints out of their graves. It ends with the full church being pulled off the earth as we are all caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
MARK 4:29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.
A harvest is not a single ripe corn seed, the prophet.
He got ripe ahead of the rest of us. Now we have to catch up. The harvest is all the living Bride members coming to ripeness. Believing and obeying only Scripture.
This is the mystery of Revelation 10:7. Part of it was fulfilled when brother Branham recorded his sermons during his ministry of 18 years from 1947 to 1965. That was the impressive part.
But the success of his ministry depends on the almost 60-odd years that would follow. The number of people who, thanks to his books and tapes, are restored back to believing the original apostolic faith of the first church age.
If we can develop an understanding of Scripture then we will be the true fruits of his ministry.
The amount that you are Scriptural testifies of your understanding of his Message.
The first church age never taught the seven Thunders as they only preached what was written in the Bible. We have to believe the same way that they believed.
So we must also not teach (guess) what the seven Thunders are.
We are not meant to parrot quotes.
God wants eagles who can see what the Scriptures mean. We are meant to quote Scripture.
The Word is our Husband. William Branham is NOT the Husband of the Bride.
Reveal all the mysteries BEFORE the Angel comes down.
The mysteries must first all be revealed.
Then only can the Angel of Revelation 10 come down.
If you think you know what the seven Thunders are, show us where Daniel heard them.
But then on the back of the Book is sealed with seven seals. Daniel heard the Voice as the thunders, and was forbidden to write it.
John was forbidden to write it. But it
was sealed on the backside
of the Book, that is,
after all of the mysteries of the Book has been given out and revealed.
You notice Daniel said there, "The mysteries in the days of these voices, the mystery of God should be unfolded by that time." See, "the mystery," Who God is, how He was made flesh,
all these things should be unfolded by that time. And then we're ready for the Seven Seals on the backside of the Book,
that's not even revealed to man, not even wrote in the Bible, but they'll have to be just exactly compare with the rest of the Bible, and I think it'll be a great thing.
The seven Thunders, the Seals on the back of the Book, only happen after all the mysteries written within the Book have been finished. This happened when the Seven Seals were revealed.
Our hearts must be turned back to the original first church age beliefs. The first church never preached the seven Thunders because they were not written.
If we are to believe like the early church, then we will also not preach the seven Thunders by trying to guess what they mean.
The seven Thunders in Revelation 10 were not written but hidden.
I always thought it
was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book,
but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that.
It isn't something that's written in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the Book.
The seven Thunders are hidden in the Bible without actually been written.
For example:
But then on the back of the Book is sealed with seven seals.
Daniel heard the Voice as the thunders,
and was forbidden to write it. John was forbidden to write it. But it
was sealed on the backside
of the Book, that is,
after all of the mysteries of the Book has been given out and revealed.
Try finding the seven Thunders in the Book of Daniel as evidence of how the Thunders can be hidden in the Word without actually being written.
Six of the Seven Seals in Revelation 6 were written.
You cannot interpret the 7 Thunders that were not written in terms of six mysteries that were written. Anything that is written in the Bible cannot be the revelation of what is not written, as that is automatically a contradiction.
We interpret written Scriptures in the light of other written Scriptures.
Thus you can only interpret unwritten Thunders in terms of other unwritten Scriptures, like the Seventh Seal which is silence as it is the Coming of the Lord. Or the new name of Jesus that is not written and thus nobody knows it.
We are the Public who do not know the seventh Seal
Message preachers claim that the Bride is not the public.
Thus the public does not know the seventh Seal and the Thunders, but the Bride does.
Notice now, for the end-of-time message, this Seal. After all,
He's revealed all the six Seals, but it don't say nothing about the Seventh.
And the end-time Seal,
when it starts, will be absolutely a total secret
according to the Bible.
The Seventh Seal is simply a total mystery to everyone, Bride and public.
Remember, the Seven Seals was finished, and when those seven revealed Truths...
One of them, He wouldn't permit us to know.
How many was here at the Seven Seals, and heard? All of you, I guess. See, the Seventh Seal, He wouldn't permit it.
Because, the Seventh Seal, there was silence. "No one knew;
that was the minute or hour that Christ would come,"
as He revealed it to us.
The Seventh Seal was revealed to us as being a total mystery.
So the Seventh Seal was not revealed to us.
Now, that is this Seventh Seal. It's still is a notable thing. And we are...
We don't know what it is as yet, because it's not permitted to be broken.
… What this great secret is that lays beneath this Seal,
I do not know….. I couldn’t make it out.
We do not know. Brother Branham did nor know.
… Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we see it, and we know that
this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives.
God never let brother Branham reveal the seventh Seal to anyone, whether in private or in a public meeting.
… Angels don't know it;
nobody knows when He's coming. But
there will be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time.
So I believe,
to us who... If we don't know it, and it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in.
… Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be thundered, because it must come for the... We find that Christ, the Lamb took the Book in His hand, and He opened that Seventh Seal. But you see, it's a hidden mystery.
No one knows it.
But it's right along with what He said:
no one would know His coming; they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery.
So you see, it's connected together.
"Us", "we", "brother Branham", "public". They all mean the same thing. Nobody knows.
… See Israel's gathering in its own homeland. But you notice,
He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here when the Seventh Seal, when He opened it, He also omitted it again.
See? So we see that
it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for these mystery to be known,
therefore, we're this far and the
rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth
again for His Bride, or whatever takes place at that time.
It is a complete mystery.
… That much we have a understanding of it today, because the rest of it is all unfolded,
but this is not unfolded.
But setting in my room, and I heard this--or
not heard it, rather, but seen it unfold to this seven thunders.
Now, that's as far as we can go right there
… This is the third pull." And there's three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there's one thing
that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language.
Brother Branham never heard the seven Thunders in his vision.
His vision stopped when he saw the seven Thunders. The interpretation of the seven Thunders was in an unknown tongue. So we have no clue about them. They are a total mystery. How do you interpret an unknown language?
Notice the logic:
The Seventh Seal was not written so it is a total mystery. The Coming of the Lord is a total mystery. So the Seventh Seal is connected to the Coming of the Lord.
But the seven Thunders are also not written. So the seven Thunders is also a total mystery that is connected to the mystery of the Coming of the Lord.
When time shall be no more, the last trumpet... One thunder,
but here is seven straight thunders right in a row: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, that perfect number. Seven thunders in a row,
uttered not... making just one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, straight. Then heavens couldn't write that. Heavens can't know about it, nothing else, because there's nothing to go on.
It's a relaxing time. It was so great till it's kept secret from the Angels. Now, why?
If Satan should get a hold of it, he might do great damage.
There's one thing he don't know.
We are not supposed to know the day that we will die as that knowledge will do more harm than good. We are also not supposed to know what the seven Thunders are or what they say. If Satan heard it preached he would cause great damage.
You never tell the enemy your plans.
Unless you are a fool or a traitor.
That is why the Seventh Seal was silence.
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth.
The Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know. That's His Coming.
The Seventh Seal will bring Him back to earth, but the Seventh Seal never opened in the days of his ministry. We have no idea what that silence means.
So the Lord had not come back to earth by 1964, a year-and-a-half after the Cloud.
1963 03 24 SEVENTH SEAL
"This is that third pull, and no one will know it."
… And said,
"This will be the third pull, and you won't tell it to nobody."
The third pull is another total mystery that he was not allowed to reveal.
We know the purpose but not the content of the Thunders
"The Thunders are the revelations contained in the Seals".
He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the seven seals.
We have a clue. Good. Now let us look at what brother Branham revealed about the seven Thunders in the sermons on the seven Seals.
They were revealed in the seven seals; that’s what the Thunders was about...
But the seventh angel, in the days of his sounding, the seven mysteries of the seven thunders would be revealed.
"They were revealed in the Seven Seals; that’s what the Thunders was about".
This is the key point. The seventh angel cannot reveal what the Thunders uttered because that was not written.
But he can reveal to us what the Thunders are about.
What their function or purpose is.
So we cannot know their content,
what they said, but we can know their purpose, what they do.
So let us go through the seven Seals sermons and see what he says about the seven Thunders.
One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason it wasn't revealed, it was
seven thunders that uttered their voices,
and there it is perfectly, because
nothing knows anything about it;
wasn't even written.
Thus we have absolutely no idea of their content, what they said.
Never forget this very crucial point. Unless you enjoy being fooled.
(Now, that's what we don't know. That's yet to be revealed;
it's not in Holy Script, what them thunders say.)
But let us look at what the seven Thunders are supposed to achieve. What their purpose is.
And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders
that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that
through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith;
because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it. There's something we've got to step farther; we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. We've got to have enough faith to be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth,
The First Seal is revealed but the Thunders are still to come forth. They "will be revealed". Future tense.
The Thunders main purpose is to give the Bride rapturing faith.
But you cannot be raptured while you are still in this body. So while you are in this body, you cannot have rapturing faith. Either rapturing faith is needed to change this body or else our bodies must change before we can receive rapturing faith.
… But when these seven thunders over in Revelations 10 uttered, he said, "Don't write them at all." They're mysteries. We don't know what they are yet; but my opinion they'll be revealed right away. And when it do, it'll
give faith for that rapturing grace for that Church to move out.
… Don't write it at all, John,
because they'll stagger over it.
Just let it go. (See?) But I'll reveal it in that day when it has need to done."
The first Seal is revealed but the Thunders are not yet revealed.
… Seven thunders of revelation... May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith.
To prepare for the translation, you need an immortal body. The seven Thunders will guide us on how our bodies are to be changed. Once you are in an immortal body, then you know you will be raptured. Then you will have rapturing faith].
… And Jesus, His Name on earth was Redeemer, Jesus. When He was on earth, He was the Redeemer; that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, and overcome them, and ascended on high,
He received a new Name.
That's the reason they holler the way they do and don't get nothing;
it'll be revealed in the thunders.
The seven Thunders must reveal the new name of the Lord.
REVELATION 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and
he had a name written, that no man knew,
but he himself.
No man can know this new name of the Lord.
"And I will write my NEW Name upon him."
My New Name. When ALL becomes new, then He will take upon Him a new Name and
that Name will be the Name of the bride also. What that Name is, none dare conjecture.
It would have to be a revelation of the Spirit given so conclusively that none would dare deny it. But no doubt He will leave that revelation to the day when He desires to give that Name forth. Suffice it to know that
it will be more wonderful than we could ever imagine.
"None dare conjecture".
He warns us not to even dare to try to puzzle it out.
But Thunders preachers disobey him and produce a variety of new names. How pathetic, since no man knows the name.
We will also take on the new name of Jesus, just as a bride takes on the name of her husband.
Jesus comes in His glorified Body. We can only be His Bride and be like Him when we are in our glorified bodies. We can only take on His new name when we are in glorified bodies.
I JOHN 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
We are not allowed to guess this new name. "None dare conjecture". But Message people have done so and come up with different ideas. There are many so-called "new names" in circulation. This has helped to splinter up the different versions of the Message even further. But none of these so-called new names can be correct.
No man can know the new name. So please do not listen to some clever theory that tells you the new name.
Notice the logic of Scripture:
The Thunders will reveal the new name. No man knows the new name. Thus the Thunders cannot have uttered.
When the seven Thunders give us rapturing faith, which is only possible if they change us into an immortal body, then that is when we get caught up to meet the Lord for the Wedding Feast. That is when we will know His new name. Because the Bride has to take on His new name. A woman only gets a new name on her wedding day.
The Wedding Supper of the Lamb has not yet happened.
God, help our unbelief. Take it away from us, Lord.
We want to receive rapturing grace.
We want to be able
when that mysterious thunder thunders out yonder, and the Church is taken up,
we want to be ready to receive it, Lord.
This is the single Thunder that is still in the future. A future single Thunder will warn us about the impending seven Thunders.
And then goes on and said, in the
day just before these seven thunders,
all the mysteries here are revealed.
All the mysteries have to be revealed BEFORE the seven Thunders. So the seven Thunders are not the mysteries that are written in the Scripture.
… The Bride hasn't had a revival yet.
See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it.
It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it.
He promised it. Now, now, watch.
Now, she was dead.
And now, if the churches would forget their creeds, and forget their dogmas, and just take the Bible, plead the promise, then it would come effective to them. But see, Jesus said, "You with your traditions make the Word of God not effective to you." Well, that's the same thing today with spiritual Eve. See?
The spiritual bride of today, so-called the church, she takes the Word of God; and she won't accept It, and she accepts dogmas instead.
Therefore, the Word's not effective to her (See?), because she tries to inject her creed with the Word, and it won't work.
The Thunders wakes up the Bride that is dead and gives her a revival.
He says that the Bride is dead at the end time. The Message quotes have been twisted into unscriptural doctrines by Message people. If you are outside of Scripture, you are dead.
So the cry at midnight that wakes up all the wise and foolish virgins, all the saved Christians irrespective of what denomination they are in, has to be an earth-shaking event. Even the denominations wake up and ask the Bride for help. That has never happened yet.
Three great events lie in the future. The single Thunder. The resurrection and the seven Thunders.
Something very dramatic is going to happen at that time to wake up all the saved Christians. Some will know enough Scripture to puzzle out the seven Thunders as they utter their mysterious voices that are hidden in Scripture without being written.
Those few will have their bodies changed.
The rest will miss the clues because of their Bible-illiteracy and go into great Tribulation and die.
If you never realized that Trump was going to win the 2016 presidential election, then you are rather Bible-illiterate. Being brainwashed with quotes did not help you to get it right. Blind and knoweth not.
That's the way the church ages and Seals and all the rest of it. And
when anybody thinks that he has those seven thunders, if it don't compare with the rest of the Word, there's something wrong here.
The Thunders that are not written can only be Scriptural if they are compared to other topics that are not written, such as the Seventh Seal which is silence, and the new name of the Lord "which no man knoweth".
… Then the seven thunders utter their strange voices, and John was going to write... It was... John knew what it was, but he didn't write it, 'cause he was forbidden to write it. That's absolutely and altogether a mystery.
It's not even in symbol or nothing.
We just know it thundered; that's all.
You cannot take any symbol from the written Word and call it a Thunder. You cannot link the Thunders to any seven symbols that are written in Scripture.
… Wait till them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand it there. It'll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens;
they can shut this or do that, whatever they want to. Glory.
He will be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth; it's sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say's going to happen, because it's the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Amen.
God always... It's His Word, but He always uses man to work it. God could call for them flies down in Egypt, but He said, "Moses, that's your job. I'll just tell you what to do, and you go do it."
The seven Thunders have to utter to Moses and Elijah to give them the supernatural power they need to protect the Jews in the Tribulation. So if the Thunders uttered almost 60 years ago, that is going to be of no use to the Jews.
… Christ's got Life wrote on Him. Those with Him are on white horses also, and they are called "the chosen before the foundation of the world," (Amen.) and they are faithful to the Word. Amen. Whew. I like that one. Called, chosen before the foundation of the world,
and then faithful to the Word by their choosing, all stimulated with new wine and oil just riding right along, coming down to meet Him. They know the thunders will issue the thing 'course pretty soon. See?
He keeps placing the Thunders in the future.
I want to tell you what it is. What happens is that those seven thunders that he heard thunder and was forbidden to write, that's
what the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out.
Now, why? Let us prove it. Why?
It is the secret that no one knows about.
John was forbidding to write about it, even, even write a symbol about it. Why? This is why there was no active in--activity in heaven; it might give away the secret. Do you see it now? If it's so great it must be included, because it's got to happen, but when the seven thunders...
Now, notice, when the seven angels come forth to sound their trumpets, there was one thunder. When Israel was gathered, there was a trumpet. When time shall be no more, the last trumpet... One thunder, but here is seven straight thunders right in a row: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, that perfect number. Seven thunders in a row, uttered not... making just--just one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, straight. Then heavens couldn't write that. Heavens can't know about it, nothing else, because there's nothing to go on. It's a relaxing time. It was so great till it's kept secret from the Angels. Now, why?
If Satan should get a hold of it, he might do great damage. There's one thing he don't know. Now, he can interpret anything he wants to, and impersonate any kind of a gift (I hope you're learning.), but he can't know this.
It's not even written in the Word. It's a total secret.
So the Seven Seals have revealed the mysteries of the seven Thunders.
The Thunders are revealed to be a total mystery in terms of what they are and what they say.
But their function is revealed. They are to give the Bride rapturing faith and reveal the new name of the Lord.
The Thunders will wake up the dead Bride and give her a revival.
(Brother Branham says that the Bride is dead at the end).
All the virgins were asleep in the parable. Then a cry at midnight wakes them all up.
That will be at the time of the resurrection and the Thunders. It will even wake up the denominational churches.
But only those who understand the Bible will be able to follow the mysterious Thunders that are hidden in the Word.
The Thunders also have to utter to the two Jewish prophets to equip them with the supernatural.
The Seven Thunders only utter after the Mysteries are revealed.
The Book is absolutely a sealed Book until the Seven Seals is broken.
It is sealed up with Seven Seals.
Now, that's a different from the Seven Thunders.
So the Thunders are not the Seals.
And then goes on and said, in the
day just before these seven thunders, all the mysteries here are revealed.
The Thunders only utter after the Angel of Revelation 10 comes down. But all the mysteries have to be revealed before the Angel comes down.
And at the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, a
ll the mysteries of God would be made known. Then come seven mysterious thunders.
The Thunders only happen after the mysteries are revealed.
But then on the back of the Book is sealed with seven seals. Daniel heard the Voice as the thunders, and was forbidden to write it. John was forbidden to write it.
But it was sealed on the backside of the Book, that is, after all of the mysteries of the Book has been given out and revealed.
The Thunders on the backside of the Book means they only utter after all the mysteries in the Book have been revealed.
He said, "On the
backside," after It's all done, completed. Then, these Seven Thunders' voices
is the only thing, that's stuck to the Book, that's not revealed. It's not even written in the Book.
Some Thunders believers even make this claim :
When the seventh Thunder was revealed, it revealed a mighty Angel coming down with a Book open.
Just read the Scripture. This is completely the wrong way around.
The seventh Thunder revealed absolutely no symbol. All seven Thunders did not reveal a single symbol or clue.
Brother Branham never spoke of the "seventh Thunder" or the "sixth Thunder" or the "fifth Thunder" etc. He only spoke of all seven Thunders uttering together as a group.
REVELATION 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
:2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
:3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
The seventh Thunder did not reveal an Angel coming down.
The Angel came down first to stand on land and sea, where the dead are buried. Then the Angel cried with a loud voice to produce the resurrection of the dead, as when Jesus raised up Lazarus.
Only after that did the seven Thunders utter, and they revealed nothing because John was not allowed to write what they said.
But straight after the resurrection, our bodies must be changed. So the function of the seven Thunders is to give us rapturing faith in order to get our bodies changed.
You will only have rapturing faith in your new body
How will you know when you have Rapturing Faith?
1st CORINTHIANS 15:51-52 "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality."
When will you know that you have got rapturing faith?
First, the resurrection must have happened.
Now as this concluding chapter was given in order to trace the two churches and two spirits from Pentecost to their consummation, we will take this final time to show this in the Laodicean Age.
This age started just after the turn of the twentieth century. As it was to be the age in which the true church would
return to being the bride she was at Pentecost,
we know that there must of necessity be a return of dynamic power. The believers sensed this in their spirits and began crying to God for a new outpouring such as was in the first century.
What seemed to be the answer came as many began to speak in tongues and manifest gifts of the Spirit. It was then believed that this was indeed the long awaited RESTORATION.
It was not, for the latter rain can come only after the former rain which is the spring or TEACHING rain.
The latter rain, then, is the HARVEST rain.
How could this be the real thing when the Teaching Rain had not come?
The Prophet-Messenger who was to be sent to TEACH the people and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal fathers had not yet come.
… God isn't going to plant a new Church, but is going to bring His original planting back to original seed. He is doing it as stated in verse 23, by the teaching, or "former" rain.
Next will come the harvest rain
or rapturing faith.
… Ah yes, this false spirit that in the last day is so close to the real,
can be distinguished only by its deviation from the Word
The Message was the former rain or teaching rain to enable us to understand the Bible when we read it.
Then we will be able to get back to believing what the early church believed.
Next will come the latter rain or harvest rain or rapturing faith.
"Harvest" means to pull the seed off the plant.
The first step will be to pull the dead saints out of their graves in the resurrection.
Then our bodies have to change. Only with a new body can you be pulled off the earth.
But you must be changed into a new bloodless body because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
So squeeze the tip of your finger. If it goes red, you have blood and no rapturing faith.
If there is no change in colour then you have rapturing faith and no blood.
You can only have one or another, not both.
I CORINTHIANS 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
Blood is the final remnant of sin that we must get rid of.
Nobody who has still got blood will be raptured.
Sin began when the serpent, the top mammal that was between man and ape, seduced Eve and tore the veil of her virginity. So sin began by an animal shedding blood. So God accepted the shed blood of an animal to atone for sin. Originally Eve had no blood. Her veins were filled with the Holy Spirit as she had eternal life.
But when she began to reason with the serpent her faith in God’s Word disappeared because she was attracted by an alternative idea. Deviating from the Word is unbelief. So the Holy Spirit left her. She would have instantly died if God had not filled her veins with human blood and a human feminine spirit.
Then she was introduced to the sex act by the serpent who knew about it as animals were to multiply that way.
So rapturing faith will enable you to gain a bloodless body with the Holy Spirit filling your new veins. Then you will be free from the curse that doomed you to die before you could live 1000 years.
You will have a new body created from the dust by a Man, Jesus. You will not have a body born of a woman. A woman symbolizes a church. God does not want us saved by a church.
Belonging to a church and thinking we are saved by regular church attendance is a delusion.
God wants us saved by a personal experience with the Man Jesus.
He wants us to believe the Bible rather than believe a pastor.
In Laodicea Jesus stands outside all the churches, Message, and denominational. The Bible speaks of no exceptions. He appeals to any individual in the church, not to the church as a group.
REVELATION 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;
REVELATION 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
So if you want to find Jesus today you have to look for Him outside the church. He promises to bless where two or three gather. The early church gathered in houses, not big groups.
ROMANS 16:3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus:
:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house
MATTHEW 18:20 For where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Don't never look for big churches and big things.
When we get to this Pentecostal age, you'll certainly see where they lost out. The very church Laodicea means "rich, need of nothing," and naked, wretched, blind, miserable, and don't know it. See? They went off after like great money, and buildings, and everything else.
When, the Church has always been the offscours of the earth. And here they were: hated by all people, cast out, in alleys, anywhere they can live.
Read Hebrews 11, and take the last six or eight verses of it, how "they wandered about in deserts, and wearing sheepskins and goatskins, and was destitute, and afflicted, and tormented." Those people there, how will our testimony stand up against theirs in the day of the Judgment? See, those people in that day.
7 Seals will only open when the Bride is in Heaven
When do the seven Seals actually open?
Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 describe the seven church ages.
Revelation 4 describes John being caught up to heaven.
REVELATION 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
"After this". After the church ages are over.
As an individual John is caught up and represents the Bride being raptured.
REVELATION 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
The raptured Bride will not see a Trinity. Only one Person sits on the Throne. God is a single Person.
But when John looked he saw only "ONE" upon the throne. And it was not until Revelation 5:6-8 (which follows Revelation 4:2-3 in sequence of time) that we see the "Lamb" taking the book from "HIM" That sat on the throne,Chapter 5 describes the Bride gathered around the throne of God in heaven. Only then does Jesus take the Book and begin to actually open the Seals.
So Chapter 5 follows Chapter 4 in the sequence of time.
REVELATION 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo,
in the midst of the throne
and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
God sat on the throne. The Lamb was in the middle of the throne. So God and the Lamb have to be the same Person. As God, He is the Creator. As the Lamb, God in a human Body, He is the Saviour.
REVELATION 5:7 And he came and took the book
out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
If the Lamb is in the middle of the throne, how can He move to take the Book?
He could not move through space as He was already in the middle of the Throne. So He was moving through time, all the way back to the beginning. He was checking out His salvation plan to make sure that there were no flaws anywhere. That no detail or person had been overlooked. Then He came back through time and knew that His salvation plan was foolproof.
God always checks everything. He leaves nothing to chance.
We need to check the quotes of William Branham by running them through the Bible. Do not just parrot a quote. Otherwise, you will say that he stood under the Cloud of 1963, because that is what he thought happened. But he never did. The seven angels came to him eight days after they formed the Cloud.
Be like God. Check everything.
REVELATION 5:8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
Twenty-four elders. Twelve men from the tribes of Israel. Twelve apostles from the New Testament, with Paul taking the place of Judas.
Thus the resurrection and rapture must be over otherwise the 12 New Testament apostles would still be in the grave.
REVELATION 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
In Revelations verse 5 to 9, who are these found singing when the Lamb takes the Book out of .... Are... these the raptured saints?
..."And they sang a new song," and I stopped. See? But look here, "the song they sang, saying, You have redeemed us out of every kindred, tongue, and nation." Sure, that's them. My, oh, my, oh, my.
The Bride from seven church ages has been caught up to Heaven.
You will be there, in the throne room in Heaven, when the Lamb takes the Book. Only after that will He actually open the Seven Seals.
The seven angels were able to give William Branham a vision of this future event.
That is typical of prophecy, describing a future event before it ever happens so that we know what will happen.
We have been given a revelation of the Seven Seals.
It must be revealed before it can happen.
AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
At the moment we have the revelation of the opening of the Seals.
We have the broad outline but we do not have all the details and motives of the millions of people who were involved during the history of the church ages.
Nor do we have all the satanic scheming of the demons who endlessly corrupted the church. We still have much to learn.
We are largely ignorant of the deception that rages through our modern-day churches. That is why the parable of the supper in Luke 14 condemns all saved churchgoers today.
LUKE 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:
God invites the saved Christians to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. All the good Christians.
:17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.
The evening time Message. Seven angels came to him near Sunset Peak to reveal the Seven Seals that unfolded the mysteries of Scripture. The servant, William Branham, told us that we as children must be restored back to what the early church believed in the days of the apostolic fathers. We must be Scriptural in all that we believe.
LUKE 14:18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse.
But no. We prefer to glorify William Branham, which the early church never did.
We insist on preaching the seven Thunders doctrines which the early church never did.
We build our doctrines on selected quotes of brother Branham, which the early church never did.
We will even contradict Scripture if we find a quote that suits us that is different from the Bible.
We make the pastor into the head of the church, which the early church never did.
We call the voice of the seventh angel the "Voice of God" which the early church never did.
We allow no preaching. We can only listen to tapes of one man. Paul was the messenger to his age but he told Timothy to preach the Word.
So we do not want to approach God by returning to His original blueprint for the early church.
We think we are cleverer, more efficient, and nobody must tell us what to do. We also have need of nothing, certainly no correction.
We are Laodiceans so we think we have the right to play church in our own preferred way.
So what is God's response to the Message groups?
LUKE 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Bring in the ruffians and bad guys seeing that the good, saved guys reject my plan to restore the last church back to the pattern of the first church.
Message preachers spoke against Trump because they said he was a bad guy. But Trump came in and made Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
God using the rough guys because the good guys refuse to bow down to what is written in the Bible.
Then comes one of the most chilling verses in the Bible.
LUKE 14:24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.
No seven Thunders church will make the rapture.
No pastor-dominated church will make the rapture.
Rough individuals that are outside the Message churches will be dragged in, contrary to nature.
The worst part of the Message churches is their rejection and condemnation of those who want to be Scriptural.
Those who question the authority of the pastors who rule the hen house of submissive chickens that are too scared to stand up to the "head of the church".
But we will need a new body and a much better brain before we can understand and remember it all. Especially when the Seals open in their full detail.
Only then, in heaven, will the half-hour of silence occur. Trying to guess what the half-hour actually means is a pointless exercise. We simply do not know. If God’s day is 1000 years then half an hour is about 21 years. That does not seem to fit anywhere. So let us just leave this mystery alone.
When the Bride gets a new body they will step out of time. They will be unaffected by the effects of time. They will be able to see the future and see the past. With new brains, we will be far, far more intelligent than what we are now. So we cannot even begin to guess what we will be capable of understanding in heaven.
Paul in the third heaven heard words that we could never understand. We simply do not have the vocabulary to describe what goes on in heaven. We cannot comprehend the level of their intelligence.
II CORINTHIANS 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
:4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
I CORINTHIANS 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
ISAIAH 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So anyone down here on earth with our sinful brains and limitations has got absolutely no idea of what actually goes on in heaven.
So the Seventh Seal remains a mystery that involves the Bride being out of time in her new bodies while the rest of the world is in time. We are all prisoners of time at the moment and cannot grasp being in a higher dimension that is beyond time.
Our only way of getting into that higher realm or dimension is if we will be able to recognize and respond to the future unknown 7 Thunders.
If you think that they have happened or are happening before the resurrection then you are heading for great Tribulation.