Is God 1 Person or 2 Persons or 3 Persons?

The Holy Ghost has no name in the Bible. Jehovah is the name of the Father but Jehovah is not used in the New Testament.

First published on the 30th of August 2024 — Last updated on the 27th of January 2025

The Holy Ghost made Mary pregnant. Thus the Holy Ghost is the Father of Jesus.

God is a supernatural Spirit.

All of the supernatural Spirit of God dwells physically inside the body of the Man Jesus.

Thus, the human name of God is Jesus Christ.

In Revelation 5, the Lamb who takes the Book is standing in the middle of the throne.

God is invisible. So His right hand means a position of power and authority.

In the same way, His heart symbolizes His love.

7 Spirits of God are not 7 Persons in the Godhead, but 7 manifestations of God’s Spirit to protect His church as church history went through 7 different stages or ages.

You cannot find one name for three Persons. Thus the Trinity God has no name.

All the virgins, saved Christians, in Matthew 25 are fast asleep. A wake-up call is coming.

A throne represents the deeper and deeper layers of God’s unutterable thoughts. God sitting with you on His throne just means that God will spend eternity taking you deeper and deeper into the understanding of His Word and His thoughts.

The Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary to conceive a Child.

MATTHEW 1:18  “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”

That means the Holy Ghost is "God the Father."

God the Father is the supernatural Spirit.

Only one Person can make a woman pregnant as a baby can only have one father.

Jesus is the natural Man that the supernatural God dwelled in.

COLOSSIANS 2:9   “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”

All of the supernatural Godhead dwelled in His physical body.

The Son is the natural Man and the Father is the supernatural Spirit within Him. But you are everything that is within you.

God is not flesh and bone. God is not a Man, God is a Spirit.

Jesus is a Man but because God dwelled inside Him, Jesus is also God.

God became a Man. Jesus is the only Man Who is God.

Father and Son are simply a way of describing how the Supernatural fused or merged with the Natural Man to produce a Man-God Person.

Thus, the human name of God is Jesus Christ.

Consequently, God is one Person.

If you believe in a Trinity (unscriptural word) of three separate Persons then you cannot find a name for the Trinity God. Three People cannot have one name.

You will say, “In the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” but you cannot say what that name is.

Thanks to the Trinity, God loses His name.

The third commandment says not to swear in the name of God. Sinners swear in the name of Jesus Christ.

You do not hear them swearing in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

So, sinners can tell you the name of God while church-goers cannot. A sad irony.

Query. Revelation 3:21 seems to indicate two thrones. “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” What does that mean to you?

Reply. Two thrones? Jesus sits in His Father’s throne.

REVELATION 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

One throne in Heaven and One sits on that throne.

Jesus is a Man on the outside but the fullness of the supernatural God dwells within Him.

COLOSSIANS 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

As an illustration, you have a conscious mind (son) that you can control and a subconscious mind (father) which is far more powerful that controls your body functions (heartbeat etc) as well as keeping you breathing when you are fast asleep. But you do not have two minds. Just two manifestations of one mind.

The Man Jesus is the Son with His human attributes. The Father is the supernatural attribute or Spirit that controls the human Man. Basically, the divine Dove that leads the submissive Lamb.

REVELATION 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

REVELATION 5:7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

The Lamb comes in verse 7 to take the Book from God Who sits on the throne. We could visualize that as two Persons.

BUT verse 6 says that the Lamb is in the midst of the throne before He begins to move.

So, the Lamb never moved through space as He was always in the midst of the throne.

How is that possible? Einstein taught us that space and time are interlinked as space-time. Humans can walk backwards and forwards through space but only a special supernatural creature can walk through time as well.

Jesus was sitting still in space but moving through time as He moved back to the beginning to check His salvation plan and make sure that nobody who wanted to get saved had been left out in any way. No names must be missing from the Book of Redemption. Then He came back from His journey into the past because God checks everything and He takes the Book of Redemption and then opens It to reveal how He defeated the Devil’s plan down through the 2000 years of church history.

If you see these two verses as two Persons, where is the Holy Spirit? Totally left out. So that means the Trinity never produced salvation. Two Persons suits the Jehovah Witnesses and not the Trinity.

ACTS 7:55  “But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,”

Church-goers believe Jesus stands on the right hand side of God. (But this would be two Persons, not a Trinity).

I JOHN 4:12    “No man hath seen God at any time."

However, God is invisible. So, where is the right hand side of an invisible God that cannot be seen?

JOHN 5:37  And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time,

nor seen his shape.

God is a Spirit and thus has no shape. Having no shape, God cannot have a right hand.

"Right hand" is a position of authority.

A leader designates his top helper as his right hand man. This man has the authority of the leader to back him up.

Stephen was dying for Jesus but saw a vision where he was winning because Jesus stood on the full authority of all God's awesome powers. Thus Stephen knew his death was in the full will of God. Stephen was showing the rest of the Christian world how to die unafraid as a martyr. Our final rewards are in the next life, irrespective of what happens in this life.

REVELATION 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes,

which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Look at verse 6, seven Spirits of God. If each Spirit is a Person then you have seven Persons in the Godhead. That cannot be.

There have been seven church ages as the original truth, the Seed Word of the New Testament, was planted by the apostles. Many Bible truths got lost at the AD 325 Council of Nicaea where the Roman emperor Constantine forced the Trinity onto the church. Church Bishops then began to merge Bible doctrines with Greek philosophy so that they could marry pagan ideas like Trinity, Christmas, Good Friday, as well as politics into the church.

God lost His name. The Triune God has no name. Then truth died in the dirt of the Dark Ages.

A seed must fall into the ground and die. Then it germinates back to life.

The Reformation of Martin Luther in the 1520s, boosted by the printing press that widely circulated his ideas, saw the leaves, of getting saved by faith, germinate.

Around 1750 the industrial revolution, based on the steam engine, started. At that time John Wesley preached holiness and outreach which led to the pollen of the great missionary age that blew over the earth. Steamboats took missionaries overseas and steam engines used the railways to help missionaries travel inland.

In 1906 Pentecost saw the husk of the supernatural start to form at the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles and then William Branham in America between 1947 - 1965 revealed the mysteries of Scripture to restore us back to the original truth of the New Testament Seed Word of the apostles.

Brother Branham’s ministry was designed to make us strictly Scriptural in what we believe and do.

The final Seed that is harvested when the Bride is pulled off the Earth into Heaven, must be identical to the original Seed Word that the New Testament apostles planted.

The New Testament apostles had no Trinity, no Christmas, no 25 December, no Good Friday, no Easter Monday etc. The apostles never made one man the head of a church. The pagans had one man, the priest, as the head of a temple. It was a good model for financial growth. All these pagan corruptions undermined the church.

7 Spirits of God are not 7 Persons in the Godhead, but 7 manifestations of God’s Spirit to protect His church as church history went through 7 different stages or ages.

The seven horns were the power of God that was manifest in each age. The tremendous courage that God gave the Christians in the Dark Ages when they were slaughtered in their millions like oxen in a slaughterhouse.

In the missionary age of the 1800s, God gave men and women their huge love for the heathens as they left their homes and comfort to travel to remote places to labour and often die in their desire to save the heathen by grace through faith in Jesus. The missionaries knew they had been saved by grace so why not give the heathen a similar chance to be saved by grace and then live holy?

Seven eyes were God's messengers. One messenger was sent to enlighten each of the seven church ages as to what God wanted from the circumstances of that age. Martin Luther was a very prominent eye of God to remind the church that they were saved by faith in Jesus alone. His insight changed the history of Europe.

In our last church age of Laodicea God expects us to understand the mysteries of the Bible.

Daniel 12:10 … but the wise shall understand.

We need to understand the mysteries of Scripture to be ready for the coming of the Lord as the wise virgins of Matthew 25.

Virgins are clean women representing saved Christians in the church. But all the virgins have been fooled by the pagan, political, and big-money traditions that their church leaders lull them to sleep with.

During church services, the emphasis is on style and entertainment, not on substance.

MATTHEW 25:5   While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

All the churches are in bad need of a wake-up call.

MATTHEW 25:6   And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Ultimately, all saved Christians will be woken up by a cry of distress (probably some huge financial disaster caused by a massive earthquake in some critical financial area) that tells them to get out of their churches.

Remember the Triune God has got no name. You can’t find one name for three Persons.

The Holy Spirit has no name in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is God, but He has no name. Something is wrong.

The Father is called by the name Jehovah in the Old Testament. But the name Jehovah is never mentioned in the New Testament. Trinitarians cannot explain this.

“God the Son” is never mentioned in the Bible. Why?

“God the Holy Spirit” is never mentioned in the Bible. Why? Trinitarians cannot explain.

“God the Father” is never mentioned in the Old Testament where Jehovah is mentioned. But God the Father is mentioned in the New Testament where Jehovah is never mentioned. Trinitarians cannot explain.

Foolish virgins are fooled into being fast asleep and totally unaware that they believe so much that is unscriptural.


When I read Revelation 3:21 I get the impression that Jesus referred to his throne and also to his Father’s throne.

REVELATION 3:21  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

Reply.  Of course, if there are millions of those that overcome, then there will be quite a crowd sitting on the throne!

What is meant by a throne in Heaven?

God is a Spirit so He does not have a physical heart. His heart symbolises His love for us.

One cannot imagine millions sitting on a throne for all eternity.

The best answer that I have heard so far for a throne is that it represents the deeper and deeper layers of God’s unutterable thoughts. God sitting with you on His throne just means that God will spend eternity taking you deeper and deeper into the understanding of His Word and His thoughts.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23