The Gentile Image maps our past and future

Daniel's prophecies set the pattern or outline that Gentile history has to follow.

First published on the 20th of January 2015 — Last updated on the 20th of August 2024

Satan wants the world to be ruled by one man

Satan set up Gentile kingdoms to be ruled by a single man in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, he got each local church to be ruled by one man who was a priest, a reverend, or a pastor.

Then he got each city to be ruled by a Bishop. Each region to be ruled by a Cardinal. Then the entire church was ruled by a Pope.

Daniel’s Prophecies set the pattern or outline that Gentile History has to follow.

Whatever great Gentile leaders achieve, they will never go outside the limits that the prophet Daniel set for them. The history of world events has to flow down the channel or path that he set until human history ends at Armageddon. Beneath the clatter and jangle of seemingly unrelated events in our crisis-filled world, God's Plan moves on.  Behind the complexity of intertwined and erratic economic happenings and hardships, God pulls the strings despite the bewilderingly violent cross-currents of disaster.  Amongst the toxic religious and political hatreds and racial and sexual and regional fanaticism, there surges an irresistible and unseen spiritual tidal wave.  Thus God sweeps human history, including all of us today, along to the end that Daniel predicted.

Humans have a certain free-will in making personal decisions, but as these are usually based on personal ambition, greed, and selfishness, they are often aimless or self-canceling. We easily drown in an overload of fragmented data that we cannot make much sense of, leaving ourselves to self-indulge in the corrosive mix of despair and cynicism. Later in life, we wish that we had done things differently. Dominated by the human desire for money, fame, and sex, we easily lose the Big Picture of God’s plan for our lives in our anxious attempts for self-survival, pleasure, and financial security. We also lose the Big Picture that God has in mind for planet Earth. We are like people swimming in a powerful river current. We can thrash around locally in any direction we choose. Still, ultimately Daniel’s prophetic current is sweeping us, even if we are kicking and screaming, down the river of time to God’s appointed date with human destiny.

So let us follow Daniel for a while and try to get a revelation of God’s Big Picture.

His will, not our will, will be done.

Our prayers will not be answered when our will cuts across God’s will.

Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.

A terrible picture. A man dressed in a pair of shorts or a swimming costume. God was not impressed.
:32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
:33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
:34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
:36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
:37 Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
:38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.
:39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.



Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar saw a great image of a Gentile man. The head was gold. Arms and chest of silver. Belly and thighs were brass. Legs of iron and feet were a mixture of clay and iron. Then a Stone hit the feet and the image was crushed to smithereens. The wind blew the debris away and the Stone became a Mountain.

The four metals represented four great Gentile kingdoms that would rise up as world powers to rule Europe and the Middle East and across to India. The Devil inspired these kingdoms. But the Devil also had to learn how to spread his lies and deception on a worldwide scale. That was not an easy task.

Satan wants to rule the world and be worshipped as a Dictator. So these four kingdoms represent Satan’s Old Testament learning curve as he set out to achieve his aim.

Deception needs money and clever religious fake news

How deception learns to survive and dominate.

What does his system of deception need in order to survive and dominate the world?

Survival is the difficult part. Many empires have risen up, only to crash down later. Hitler came to power in 1933 and wanted his third Reich (kingdom) to last 1000 years. He only managed to last for 12 years. To dominate for a long time, that was Satan's goal.

The Devil’s first lesson was to try to dominate Europe and the Middle East.

The time setting was approximately 600 BC when Babylon, under king Nebuchadnezzar, conquered and controlled the surrounding areas.

Daniel saw the four Gentile kingdoms as an image of a man.

The three downfalls of Christians are money, fame, and women.

The first three kingdoms focused on money, fame, and sex. The fourth kingdom was the iron of brute force.


The map shows the Babylonian empire between two red lines. The kingdom was mainly between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It included Palestine. Babylon had conquered and taken over Assyria. The Medes and the Persians were sort of neighbours to Babylon. The first kingdom Satan used was Babylon, symbolized as a head of gold (putting the emphasis on money and clever religious ideas).

Although Babylon did not cover a huge territory, it was stupendously rich and full of gold. Wealth and money are essential for the spreading of error, but they are not enough on their own.

The head of gold implies something to say. Special information to pass on that people will believe. These were the Mysteries of Babylon.

They have a special captivating hold on the imaginations of people. They are brilliant even though they are not the Truth. They believed that their gods were a trinity. This belief still continues to dominate religious Christians today.  They invented the horoscope for fortune-telling. Horoscopes are still the most widely spread form of literature today, found in most magazines and newspapers claiming that “your stars foretell”.

Babylonians worshipped the goddess Ishtar with Ishtar eggs and Ishtar rabbits. Today it is Easter eggs and Easter bunnies. The American Hugh Hefner's corrupt Playboy empire had women dressed up as bunnies. He understood the power of sexual seduction. Ishtar was a goddess of sexual orgies. Nine months later children were born. So December became the time of birthdays.

Christmas is described as Yule-tide. “Yule” is the Chaldee or Babylonian word for “little child”. A gold-and-silver-decorated tree in mid-winter (December) represented Nimrod, their slain god, rising from the dead. Rome copied this and used a fir tree cut out of the forest, symbolizing Nimrod’s death. On 25 December Romans decorated this fir tree as a symbol of Nimrod’s resurrection. Thus, our Christmas tree started way back in the pagan past.

25 December was chosen by the sun-worshipping Roman emperor Aurelian in AD 274  as the birthday of the sun god. It was an instant hit. Eat, drink, and be merry. Presents were given to each other.  Around AD 350 the Bishop of Rome set up a rival celebration for the birthday of the Son of God on 25 December. Catholic ceremonies are called a mass. This "birthday" was called Christ’s mass, now known as Christmas. Worship of Mother and Child was a Babylonian belief. This carries on today as the worship of Mary and Jesus. Nowhere did the Bible ask us to celebrate Christ's birth.

So the Babylonian head of gold had a mouth that brought forth captivating doctrines. People are still captive to these ideas today. Lent. Rosary. Confessional.

These are just some of the mysteries of Babylon that would always be the ancient enemy of Truth, so that is why Daniel started here with this kingdom. This collection of error, plus many other pagan ideas, would run through Persia, Greece, and pagan Rome.  Then they would inspire the unscriptural beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. Nebuchadnezzar the king was a superstar. He was the head of the image. Satan realized that a  successful system must have a man as its head in order to control everyone.

Religious dictatorship is efficient. People love being dominated by a human leader who does the thinking for them.

The Catholic church today has a dominant leader, the Pope, who rules in a dictatorial manner. So a dominant leader is necessary for the spread of error, but this was also not enough because Babylon didn’t last much longer than 70 years. She ended in a drunken and immoral orgy, the blasphemous banquet of Belshazzar.

Can you see where humans sink down to when they have a lot of money? The Devil sadly realized that a superstar leader and a lot of money were not going to fool the world with these very clever mysteries for long. Especially if the grandson of the superstar was a dismal, drunken flop. The Devil realized that something was missing. Maybe "bigger was better" if stability in a kingdom was to last.

But Babylon’s sudden fall did not mean the end of her religion.

Deception needs a ruthless and strong central dictator

Then the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians rose up. A huge territory, shown in red, for one man to rule.

If a small empire had not survived, maybe the recipe for success would be a large world empire? For an error to survive we need wealth and a dominating human leader. But we also need a well-oiled organization run by an efficient hierarchy of graded officials that act as managers, a specialized bureaucracy to enforce the leader’s ideas. So the empire of the Medes and the Persians arose as the first large world empire and developed a very slick and huge organization that impressively ran 127 provinces. The empire was run from a ruthlessly efficient nerve-centre of centralized control that was under a dictator.

Today the Pope is the boss and there is a whole hierarchy of archbishops, metropolitans, cardinals, etc. that run the church. All of these titles and positions are unscriptural. But cardinal is a title that was used by the Babylonian priesthood. The top Babylonian priest was the supreme Pontiff. Today the Pope is still called Pontiff.

The arms of Daniel’s image represent the ability to spread out and embrace a huge chunk of territory, a large empire. The Persians also introduced the idea of worshipping their ruler, the Persian king, as a god because he was god’s representative on earth. Worshipping a man at the head of the system was an effective glue to hold different kinds of people together as one nation.

Deception needs to hero worship a famous man

This was tremendous fame for one man. To be worshipped as a god by a huge worldwide empire.

But the Persian kings became morally insignificant because they insisted on living in a huge harem, and thereby they lost sight of reality, and their empire collapsed after about 200 years. The Devil scratched his head.

Maybe the empire was still too small, maybe they just were not clever enough. Perhaps their military skills were just not up to scratch.

The Greek empire.




Then came the Greeks led by a military genius Alexander the Great. They conquered Persia and extended that empire. They also added education to the system with their focus on science and philosophy. Their mathematics was exceptional. They could argue logically even if their ideas were not necessarily correct. A superbly educated system with wise rulers would surely survive.  Brilliant literature was their specialty.

This influence goes on today in Monastries and theological colleges where Roman priests are highly trained and educated.

Bible schools are where Protestants educate their ministers.

This becomes a necessary training ground to propagate their ideas.

The Greeks stressed nudity and sexual permissiveness. The Greeks represented the loins of the image. Having no rules for moral behaviour they were very popular. Philosophically they were able to put together impressive arguments to justify any immoral behaviour and preached a “do your own thing” philosophy of sexuality without any rules. Homosexuality was rampant. But their empire also fell, not even making 200 years.

Deception needs all opposition to be brutally crushed

Then Rome rose to power as the Roman empire.

They used the brutal force of their armies and the grasping greediness of their tax collectors.




The fourth kingdom or empire was Rome. This was a uniting time. The errors of the previous three kingdoms were united into one system. Now the Devil tried to impose these laws and ideas onto the conquered people.

Roman laws were excellent

and they had the military muscle to enforce them.

They built a magnificent network of roads to hold their empire together. Rome represents the legs of Daniel’s image as they walked along these roads to all portions of their empire.

Their empire swelled until it was twice the size of Alexander’s. The Devil was happy as he thought that finally, he had solved the problem of a long-lasting system of evil and error.

But Jesus was born and everything was going to change in a way that the Devil had never anticipated.  Satan is clever but now there was One Who was far cleverer than him.

Satan discovered that the Roman efforts based on trying to govern conquered territory had their limitations.

Because Rome’s empire was twice as big as Alexander’s Greek empire, the huge financial burden of defending their colossal borders eventually drained their money and their manpower. Western Rome collapsed. The Devil learned a hard lesson, that trying to rule a big conquered kingdom of diverse people was just too cumbersome and could not last. None-the-less the Roman empire lasted 500 years. That was not a bad effort, so the Devil’s ability was improving, but he still had a long way to go. Satan had more lessons to learn.

But time had moved on into the New Testament era, and the situation had changed. Daniel had said there would only be four world empires. However he tried, Satan could not get a fifth world empire going. Charlemagne, Napoleon, and Hitler all tried hard in their day but all bowed in defeat. Daniel has prophesied, and it was pointless of them to try to disprove him.

There was much about religious deception that the Devil still had to learn and then teach the church.

In AD 395, the emperor Theodosius died and split his kingdom into an Eastern and a Western empire.

This split into two empires is represented by the two legs of the Gentile image.

Deception caused the pagan Empire to rise as the church

The pagan Roman Empire collapsed but its brutal spirit rose up in the Roman Catholic church.

The western empire collapsed to the barbarians in AD 476. The eastern empire survived until AD 1453.

Then out of the ruins of the crumbled western Roman empire arose the Roman Catholic Church. The Popes gained power and prestige by crowning the kings of the strongest barbarian tribe, the Franks. By AD 1200, Pope Innocent III was a dominating force in Europe. But once again the cost of maintaining an army to defend the territory of the Pope and trying to extend it by conquering the nearby regions was excessive. Then strong Popes were often followed by ineffective and weak Popes.

A Christian Pope is required to love his neighbour. But the Pope also wanted to conquer his neighbour and take over his territory. This was a difficult juggling act for the Pope to get right.

A strong king like Philip the Fair in France put a brake on papal territorial ambitions as well as cutting off the tax money that the Pope claimed from the French churches. The military genius of Napoleon was also something that the Popes could not withstand as Napoleon confiscated the wealth of the Catholic monasteries.

So the Devil still had not learned his lesson. Conquering territory in Europe was not the key to the world domination that he was planning for his future antichrist Pope, during the 3.5 years of Great Tribulation, at the end of human history.

The Devil then had to learn a lesson from the far East when, around AD 1200, Genghis Khan the Mongol ruler in Mongolia, conquered part of China,  part of the Muslim empire, and part of Russia. He thus carved out a bigger kingdom than the old Roman empire. His grandsons ruled an area twice as big as the Roman empire.

The most famous grandson was Kubilai Khan who conquered China but then became Chinese. After about 300 years, Mongol influence had disappeared as the Mongols became absorbed into the local cultures of the territories that they had conquered. So the Devil learned that if a kingdom as huge as the colossal Mongol empire could not last for too long, then trying to take over the world by force was never going to work.

The uncertain paths of force create limitations and unforeseen reactions.

So why did Daniel not refer to this spectacularly large Mongol kingdom whose founder, Genghis Khan, was a military genius who could compare favourably with Alexander the Great? There are those who think that Genghis outshone Alexander.

So why did Daniel focus so much on Alexander and ignore the Mongols? Because Daniel was tracking down the four empires that were laying a four-square foundation for the false doctrines of the pagans that would pervert Christianity. All these doctrines needed was a powerful sponsor to elevate the Mysteries of Babylon into a strong enough worldwide kingdom. Then the Mysteries of Babylon could enter the Christian church and change the church into Mystery Babylon. Upon the foundation of the strong points of these four kingdoms, the Devil could carve out a masterpiece of error and deception, which is known as the rise of the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Catholicism gave birth to a denominational spirit that would be imitated by the Protestants as they built up a religious image of competitive Churchianity based on the Catholic model. The successful churches would be ruled by a one-man-head and have lots of money and would be ruthlessly forced to obey the central leader-dictator.

The Mongols played no direct role in the way that the Catholic Church rose to power by absorbing the pagan beliefs and mysteries that started in Babylon and then moved into Rome and then into the Roman Catholic Church. The head of the Babylonian mysteries was called the Pontiff. That same title describes the Pope as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Thus Daniel ignored the Mongols. Daniel was not impressed with empire builders as he knew empires rise and then fall and fade away. So why waste time and energy recording their brief moment on the world stage. Daniel was tracking down something that would last as he followed the slimy trail of the Serpent as its frightening coils of Trinity-error slithered subtly from Babylon to Rome via Persia and Greece and then finally on to the Papacy.

The Mongols helped the Catholic church indirectly by attacking and defeating Moslem kingdoms that were getting too strong and as such were on the verge of possibly defeating certain countries in Europe. The Mongols kept the Europeans free from the Moslem forces that threatened them from the East.

Satan began to use deception rather than brute force

The next lesson for the Devil was that the Pope was to quit trying to conquer and rule territory by physical force. This was rubbed in when Italy was unified, by Garibaldi and others, after a long fight, in 1870. The Pope was confined to the small Vatican City which has an area of less than one square kilometre and a population of fewer than 800 people. Only about 150 people have Vatican passports and live full-time in the Vatican. The rest have dual passports and live abroad as Vatican diplomats.

But this was all part of God’s plan as Daniel had prophesied of a “little horn”.

If a horn represents a kingdom or state, then the Vatican is the world’s smallest state or country.

Just as Daniel described it, a little horn.

But as such it is at its most dangerous because this forced the Devil to re-think his strategy. Daniel saw the fourth Roman beast as being very different from the other three kingdoms. So, with the Pope locked up in the Vatican the Devil changed tactics. Like a snake shedding its skin, the Pope gave up the idea of the Roman Catholic church ruling a big territory like other kingdoms or states.

The Roman Catholic church emerged in 1929 as

an independent church or spiritual power, an important political power, and a financial power.

The military and territorial options had been abandoned.

Since then, no longer geographically bound to Europe, Catholicism has swept the world and keeps gaining in prestige with about one-sixth of the world’s population numbered amongst its followers. Catholicism is now conquering the souls of people with her hybrid of politics, religion, pagan traditions, and money power. In the process, she also collects their money and brings them into subjection to a human leader, the Pope.

This Roman Catholic church is the mysterious power that rose from the ruins of the pagan Roman empire.

Not a territorial empire any more but a church and a financial power that has political clout.

Very different from the Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks. Those three focussed on being territorial powers so when they were conquered, that was the end of them.

As a territorial empire, the Roman empire has also gone but the Roman spirit re-invented itself as a spiritual power, a very rich church. As such it rose from the death blow that the Barbarians gave to the seat of Roman power, which was the Temple of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva on the Capitoline hill, when they conquered Rome and deposed the last emperor Romulus Augustulus in AD 476.  Today the Roman Church has very little territory in Rome but its influence of being ruled by a human leader as the head of the church now spreads worldwide. So much so that Protestant churches are also scrambling to build up worldwide denominational churches that are also ruled by their respective human leaders. The Protestants are uniting to produce an image of the Catholic denominational system. Christians believe that the church must have a human head. The World Council of churches will eventually get its human head, the final antichrist man of sin when he somehow usurps the position of Pope.

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, not some man.

What about the feet of the image, partly iron (strong) and partly clay (broken)?

DANIEL  2:42

And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be

partly strong, and partly broken.
:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

These feet represent the 2,000 years of the seven church ages.

The iron represents the Roman Empire’s strong and brutal spirit that started to persecute Christians in AD 64 under the emperor Nero.

By AD 312 when Constantine allowed freedom of worship, the Roman emperors had murdered 3 million Christians. Then around AD 400 Augustine the Catholic bishop of Hippo, a city in North Africa, wrote that it was permissible to persecute heretics who disagreed with the Roman Catholic Church. During the Dark Ages and during the counter-Reformation which opposed Martin Luther’s teachings, the Roman Catholic church was responsible for

killing tens of millions of  Christians who disagreed with the Popes.

The clay, the true Bride of Christ was endlessly broken.

Just like the unleavened bread in the first communion service was broken that night before the crucifixion (called the Lord’s supper or the last supper, not the last breakfast ). The broken bread represents Christ’s body, His true church.

So, true Christians have been persecuted down through the ages in order to break our reliance on self.

We cannot serve God unless self is destroyed.

Self-centred,  self-indulgent, and self-satisfied Christians are not part of Christ’s Bride or true church.

A woman takes on the name of her husband. The only way we can take on our Husband’s Name is during water baptism. Baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not baptized in the Titles of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Those are not names. Pharaoh was a title and Moses was a name. The Jews followed Moses (a name) when they were baptized in the Red Sea as they walked through its waters and they lived. The Egyptians followed them through the waters of baptism in a title (Pharaoh) and they all died.

Broken Christians serve God best. They are free from Churchianity.

They just believe in the Bible. They do not follow a man, a human leader.

The future Capstone will smite the image in the feet

An interesting analogy: The Soviet Union and America met in 1960 at the United Nations. The Soviet Union and America were the two superpowers as if they were the two big toes of the image. Khruschev was the leader of the Soviet Union.

Khruschev surprisingly took off his shoe (probably because it was new and uncomfortable) and put it on his desk. He had got very angry, walked up to the podium and banged his fist on the podium.

There was no agreement.

Notice the emphasis: taking off his shoe puts the focus on his foot.

This can be seen as a  warning from God.  The time is coming for the Stone to smite the image in the feet and destroy it.

Time for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The same Capstone that destroys the Gentile world system in the Tribulation will also be the Capstone of the resurrected New Testament church.

Only the clay, representing the Bride, will be taken up with Him to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. The rest of the people will go into the 3.5 years of great Tribulation and be badly smashed up, but in that process, the majority of today’s Christians will have all their Babylonian beliefs and traditions knocked out of them. Having followed their leaders and fallen into great Tribulation, they will obviously lose confidence in their leaders. Then they will start to believe the Bible and realize that Jesus Christ, and not some great human leader, is the Head of the church. It will be a very tough learning curve for the foolish virgins, the saved denominational Christians. Then they will be killed by the Roman beast and its American image of united Protestant churches. They re-appear 1,000 years later on Judgement Day but are spared. But then they are “second class” citizens in Heaven for the rest of eternity because the true Bible believers, the Bride, will always be closer to Jesus than they are. A wife is closer to her husband than any other person.

So we must either believe the Bible or we must choose Denominational traditions that produce Churchianity.

The Wedding Feast or the Beast.

Eat or Be eaten (by the vultures and wild beasts at Armageddon).

Another end-time warning came in 1948 when Israel was declared to be a nation again. This is a sign that God is turning back to the Jews. In 1967 the Jews, led by Moshe (Moses) Dayan, won a war in 6 days and rested on the 7th. This is symbolic of Genesis where the 7th day is the day of rest as laid out in the Law of Moses. The Jews are starting to get back to their Scriptural place. That means the time for the Gentiles is almost over. Only when God is finished with the Gentiles will He turn back to the Jews.

The Pope gained the power of the pagan Roman emperors

Daniel’s image has another deeper meaning. It is a metal man and as such has no life.

Salvation belonged to the Jews in the Old Testament and the scarlet cord of salvation ran outside the Gentile image. The bloodline that would culminate in Messiah ran through Abraham's descendants. This is represented by the red vertical line. The head of the image is around 600 BC. The heel of the image is AD 33 when Christ died at Calvary.

At the cross, salvation crossed over and entered the Gentile image at the heel of the foot.

Only the clay could respond to this Life. Seeds can grow in clay, they cannot grow in metal. Thus Eternal Life entered the image at the feet (humility)  not the head  (pride and arrogance) and Eternal Life traveled through the true church (the bits of clay in the feet) as it was opposed and persecuted by the false church (the bits of iron in the feet).

The spirit of the pagan Roman Empire was symbolized by the solid iron legs. This solid iron became little pieces of iron in the feet. It was the same iron, the same persecuting nature of pagan Rome with her Babylonian beliefs. But it changed its form from solid iron to bits of iron. So the Pagan Roman empire changed to become the papal Roman Catholic Church. Caesar, the Roman emperor, finally changed to become the Pope. The same spirit of pagan Rome, no longer an empire ruled by force but that spirit is now wrapped up in the world's biggest church as it rules by deception.



The family of Julius Caesar set up the pagan Roman Empire that was ruled by ruthless dictators called Pontiffs. There were six men from Caesar to Nero. Then a military General Galba usurped the throne for 7 months. That was the pattern. The Pope starts a new system of giving paganism a Christian veneer. 7 completes a system. 8 starts a new system of religious deception. But the Popes rule as ruthless dictators, and are Pontiffs, just like Caesar's family. The last Pope will also usurp the Papacy but get his power from 10 military dictators, the 10 toes.

Salvation crossed over to the Gentiles at the heel


At Calvary, Salvation CROSSed over from the Jews to the Gentiles and entered the Gentile image at the heel. Satan is a Serpent which today is a snake. Jesus said to Peter “Get thee behind me, Satan”.  So that is the Devil’s position, behind Jesus.

In the beginning, in Heaven,

Lucifer was the Archangel who stood behind the throne of God

and his glory covered the throne.

A snake coming up from behind and crawling on its belly will bite the heel of a person. The first prophecy in Scripture: serpent’s seed will bruise the woman’s Seed in the heel but the serpent’s head will be bruised.

This describes the titanic clash between Christ and Satan at Calvary. A bruised heel stops a person walking for a while, but he soon recovers and on the third day Jesus arose and walked around again. A bruised head is more dangerous as a blood vessel inside the skull breaks and blood forms a pool that grows. So the person seems to be fine at first but when this blood pushes against the brain, the person dies. So Satan got his death sentence at Calvary. He seems fine but the Blood of Jesus is growing as salvation spreads around the world and at the right time, the Blood of Jesus will push against Satan’s brain (his cleverness) and that will be the end of him.

Feet washing represents the 7 church ages

Another interesting thought arises from this image.

Apart from not baptizing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ as was done in the Book of Acts by the Apostles, the churches mainly neglect to do feet washing.

They think it is a demonstration of humility or the need to wash the dust from the disciples’ feet before they dirty the floor of the room that they are entering. It is neither of those. The supper was ended. The disciples were already in the room so it was too late to remove any dirt from their feet to avoid dirtying the floor.

Jesus made two strange statements to Peter.

"If I wash your feet, all of your body is clean."

What did He mean by that? In the natural, if your whole body is dirty, your whole body must be washed.

Then Jesus also said that "Peter would not understand then what He was doing but he would understand later." This knocks out the humility idea. Peter was quite capable of understanding humility.

So what did Jesus mean by feet washing?

Obviously something of deep spiritual significance.

In terms of Daniel’s Gentile image, the Gospel was about to enter the feet. So only the feet could be influenced by the Gospel. The rest of the image, the head of Babylon and the hands of the Medes and Persians was way back in history and those Gentiles were dead and could not benefit from the Gospel.

Each foot has 250,000 sweat glands. The feet cells take a hammering as we walk on them. The feet keep shedding these cells and creating new cells. Bacteria feed on the discarded cells, especially in the moisture of perspiration. It is the bacterial body waste that makes feet stink. This symbolizes that we humans have arrogance and selfishness and a love of wrong doctrines that makes us stink in the nostrils of God. So the waters of the Word must wash through the Gentiles to clean us up. Surrounded by the errors of the Roman Church and her daughters, the Protestant denominational churches, we need the waters of the Word to clean up our doctrines too.

That is what is symbolized in feet washing.

Peter never knew that the Gospel was to go to the Gentiles. He learned that later in a dream or vision when God lowered a sheet full of unclean animals and told him to eat. Slowly he realized that these represented sinful Gentiles and that the Gospel could cleanse them too.

The Great Commission is to preach the Gospel to every person living in the Gentile image’s feet so that they can be cleaned by the washing of the water of the Word. We cleanse our way before God when we repent, get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and believe and live by the Bible.

ACTS 2:38   Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

:39   For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

But, most important. Daniel spoke of the feet of the image as having miry clay. Wet clay.

The clay is the Bride.

EPHESIANS 5:26    That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

Washing the feet of the Gentile image with God's Word will produce wet clay or miry clay.

So wet feet are important. Washing feet after the communion is important.

DANIEL  2:43And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,

Wet or miry clay can be moulded. Wet bits of iron can only rust and deteriorate.

The Bride must take on the name of her Husband, Jesus. The only way that we can do that is to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If we have not taken on His name, we will not be invited to the Wedding Supper.

The feet of miry clay must be wet. 

Immersion in natural water for baptism and immersion in the spiritual water of the Word by believing and understanding the Word of God. This is what the baptism of the Holy Ghost achieves.

JOHN 16:13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

We are only clean when we understand and live by the Scriptures.

10 toes are the 10 final dictators in great Tribulation

The final Pope will use the military might of 10 dictators to rule the world.

They reign as kings with a king's power but wear no crowns.

REVELATION 17:12   And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

They will reign briefly during the 3.5 years of great Tribulation.

REVELATION 17:13   These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

The military dictators unite under the leadership of the final Pope. They give their military power to the final Pope.


“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23