Genesis 1 Universe created before the 1st day

The physical Universe was created outside of time. Then God modified the Earth for 6000 years to sustain human life Creation makes the universe out of nothing

First published on the 16th of September 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025

Genesis 1:1   In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Heaven, physically, means Sun, Moon, stars, and planets. No mention of time. You can guess any time length you like for creating the universe from nothing.

There is no natural 7-day cycle in nature but God's New Testament Plan would be driven by the history of seven church ages.

In the morning of church history, only the first church age of the apostles had the truth. Bible truth began to die when Trinity was invented and the world was plunged into the Dark Ages. Bit by bit the Reformers restored the Bible truth. Only in the evening of the last church age would William Branham from America reveal six of the Seven Seals to enable the Bride to understand that they must be restored to the beliefs of the apostolic first church age.

The seed that is harvested at the end is the same as the seed that was planted at the beginning.

The evening and the morning were the first day. (Genesis 1:5)

The only true light in the day of church history was the morning, the first church age of the New Testament, and the evening light where it has been restored in the last church age.

There is no mention of night, as that refers to the awful oncoming great Tribulation with its works of unscriptural darkness. "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." (John 9:4)

Creation makes the universe out of nothing

II PETER 3:8   “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

There were no humans around at the beginning so there was no need for God to use our 24-hour day. He used his own time where a Day took 1000 years.

GENESIS 1:1   “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Notice, no time is mentioned.

This could have taken about 14 billion years which is the time scientists need to explain how long light has taken to reach the Earth from the most distant visible galaxies.

The key word is “created”.

“Create” means to make out of nothing. Only God can do that. There is no law of Science that enables anything to be created from nothing. Even the laws of Science and the highly exact physical constants that are found in Nature had to be created by God.

Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 has the creation of the entire universe, heaven (space) and Earth, done by God without any reference to time.  Heaven refers to the Sun, the Moon, the stars, the galaxies, and the planets that are in space. They were all created in the first verse.

None of the planets could sustain life so God began to refine the surface of the Earth so that we could live on it. God’s First Week was basically fine tuning the Earth to support human life and then placing the Earth at the correct distances from the Sun and the Moon, with the correct orbital speeds.

God’s first step was to cover the Earth in water. God moved the Earth away from the Sun and the water froze. God moved the Earth towards the Sun and the ice began to melt. By moving these massive ice blocks around, God began to shape the surface of the Earth. This was the first Ice Age. God moved the Earth away from the Sun to refreeze the water. Moving the Earth back towards the Sun melted the ice and by pushing the massive ice blocks around, God scraped the Earth’s surface further. This would be the second Ice Age. This process was repeated as many times as scientists require to produce the correct number of Ice Ages from Earth’s history until God was happy with the hills and valleys that had formed on the Earth’s surface, under the water from the melted ice.

Then the Earth was left, totally covered in water.

But water evaporates and forms clouds. The clouds get denser until they blot out the sunlight and everything is dark under the clouds.

GENESIS 1:2   “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Moses is watching these events in a vision. The water on the surface of the earth is totally flat as far as he can see. You have to be very high before you can see the Earth’s curvature. The surface of water is dead flat as it has no hills and valleys. Thus, Moses saw the flat surface of the water as having no form. It was empty as there was no shape or object to catch his attention. Fly over the ocean on a clear day. If there are no ships on the water, the ocean looks empty and has no form or shape.

The surface of the deep water was dark because the dense clouds formed by the evaporated water blotted out the Sun. Everything was dead. There was no life anywhere, just water and darkness. Then Moses saw something that gave him hope. The Spirit of God was moving  across the surface of the water. God was completing His initial creation. He was creating the seeds of life and planting them in the soil under the water that covered the whole Earth.

Everything up to this point had no mention of time. Thus, it could have taken as long as you think was necessary.

Then God spoke.

The spoken Word of God struck the dense clouds and dispersed them.

God turned the water that formed the clouds into hydrogen and oxygen atoms which He lifted high up.

God now allocated one thousand years for this event of dispersing the clouds and the consequences thereof. He was going to call it Day 1.

There is no natural cycle for a week of 7 days.

God started this “seven-day week” to introduce the seven church ages which would be the main part of His dealings with mankind.

The seven-day week is the only effective cycle under which humans can work. Physically we need a day of rest after working for six days. If we work for more than six days without a break, then after a while we simply become too tired and burnt-out.

The French, in their atheistic revolution, introduced a decimal or ten-day week. It was abandoned in its thirteenth year. One day off in ten days was harsh. Leap years became a big problem. So, even the atheists had to return to God’s seven-day week. There is no natural 7-day cycle but there are the spiritual 7-church ages cycle that drives the history of the world.

We are at the end of the seventh church age, the EVENING of the 2000 years of church history.

Next will come the resurrection of the New Testament saints, the catching up to Heaven of the true church, and then God turning to the 144000 Jews in the 3½ years of great tribulation that end in the battle of Armageddon. Nothing can change that plan as there are only seven church ages and we are the last one. The 7 church ages are symbolized by the 7-day week.

Sunday was when light first struck the Earth

GENESIS 1:3  “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

When God speaks, things happen.

The surface of the water that covered the Earth then saw the Sunlight for the first time.

The Sun was already there. But the Earth saw the Sun for the first time.

Humans are born in sin and covered with a veil of unbelief. We can only repent when God speaks to us and disperses the veil of unbelief that surrounds our souls. We then rejoice in the amazing grace of God that we see for the first time. But He was always there. We just never saw Him in His Word before. Because the Word is God.

GENESIS 1:4   “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from darkness.”

The light is symbolic of God’s Word. God’s Word is perfect, it is always pure without any error.

PROVERBS 30:5   “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”

DEUTERONOMY 4:2   “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”

DEUTERONOMY 12:32   “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.”

God separated the Light from the Darkness.

We cannot serve God in the Light of His Word if we live in sin, which is Darkness.

Darkness is when Light is lacking.

There is no written Scripture for much of what the churches believe. Think of Trinity, God the Son, Eternal Sonship, Christmas, Good Friday, 25 December, Easter eggs, Pope, Archbishop, Cardinal, and having a Pastor as the head of a church.

Ask a simple question. What is the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost?

Give a one-word answer. The Trinitarians cannot.

Muslims have the same problem. They say the name of God is Allah. But in Arabic, Allah means God. So, they are actually saying that God is the name of God. That is nonsense.

Trinity Christians have the same problem. Many of them try to pretend that God is the name of God.

So the Trinity God has got no name. The Muslim Allah also has no name. A common problem.

GENESIS 1:5   “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.

And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

This was the first day when Sunlight struck the Earth, so it was called Sunday.

The light was called Day, symbolic of the Word of God.

The darkness was simply the absence of light.

[Notice the absence of a name for the Trinity God. You can’t find one name for three Persons].

Darkness symbolizes sin. Sin is behaviour that contradicts what is in Scripture. Sin is any belief that is not based on Scripture.

We now mention a Scripture that no church can properly explain.

Their Pastors have dumbed them down. They read without any understanding and then just ignore the Scripture. That is called being blind. They see no deeper Light in this verse.

“And the evening and the morning were the first day”.

What happened to the night? What happened to the afternoon?

This first great Week was going to be seven Days. Each original Day would be 1000 years.

This great Week in Genesis Chapter 1 represents the seven church ages which, right from the beginning, was God’s principal plan with mankind.

So much of God’s thinking revolves around the seven church ages.

The first Day when the light of the Sun struck the Earth represents the First Church Age of the apostles. They had the full Truth.

The Day of Pentecost was when the spiritual Light of the Word of God struck the New Testament church as the disciples had not really understood what the ministry of Jesus was all about. Then the Holy Ghost baptism opened their eyes to God’s real Plan for the Gentile church.

JOHN 16:13   “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:”

God is only interested in Bible truth, not in error.

ONLY the first church age, which was the MORNING of the seven church ages, had the truth.

“Night” represented the darkness of great Tribulation.

JOHN 9:4   “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

“Night” is not mentioned in this description of the first Day,

as night represents great Tribulation.

And the Bride of the First church age will NOT go through great Tribulation.

They will be caught up to Heaven when Jesus Comes. That is why “night” is not mentioned when the First church age is described on Day 1.

“Afternoon” is not mentioned because Jesus died on the cross in the afternoon.

Killing the Word is the way to hell, not to Heaven. This crucifixion was massively evil.

Even the Sun blacked out supernaturally for three hours. That was not an eclipse of the Sun as the longest eclipse is about 7½ minutes.

Anything to do with destroying the Word is not associated with the Light of God’s Word.

So, we must be very careful not to believe anything that is unscriptural.

Then the “evening” is mentioned.

The Day of the Gospel started in the morning of the First church age. Then it ends in the evening with the last or seventh church age as the Sun sets. After that is the darkness of Night. The awful great Tribulation which sets the scene for the vicious battle of Armageddon.

So, the only other church age that will understand the mysteries of Scripture will be the seventh church age in the evening. Every other church age is a mixture of truth and error, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and that is not acceptable as the Light of God.

But how can the seventh-church age believers know that they have the right beliefs?

MATTHEW 17:11   “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.”

Elias is the Greek name of the Hebrew Elijah.

The messenger to the seventh church age will be a prophet whose evening ministry is to restore us back to the faith of the apostolic fathers in the morning of the First Church age.

This restoration is essential as ONLY the first church age of the apostles had the full truth.

If you believe anything different to the First Church Age then you are wrong.

ZECHARIAH 14:7   “But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.”

The Light of the First Church age (morning) will shine again in the Last or Seventh Church age (evening). The First and the LAST.

The only man who could fulfill these conditions was William Branham from America.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23