Genesis 1 Day 4 Lights in heaven Part 2
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This is not creating the Sun from nothing. God makes the existing Sun perform a function. Sunlight must rule our day
First published on the 3rd of October 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025Only the first church age had the truth.
They baptized in the name of Jesus as He is Lord and Christ. They called men liars if they disagreed with the apostles. We must get back to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles.
We must believe that the King James Bible is the Absolute truth.
Jesus is Almighty God and is the Head of the church.
The early church never elevated a Pastor to be the head of a local church. Pastors covet a teaching ministry but they lack the ability to puzzle out the deeper mysteries of Scripture.
God promised a former rain or teaching rain, not a pastoral rain.
As we go further North the two constellations, the Big Bear (Russia) and the Little Bear (Iran or Persia) become more prominent.
The war in Ukraine and Israel is uniting Russia and Iran as the stars predicted.
We must know our position in the seven church ages
GENESIS 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
God set out His whole Plan in the heaven of deep space and showed it to us by illustrating his Plan as different constellations of stars.
GENESIS 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Our main light comes from the heavens where the Sun and Moon dwell. We must not get our guidance from men on Earth. We must get guidance from the Word of God alone.
Notice, God does not use the word create which means to make out of nothing. The Sun and the Moon had already been created from nothing in Verse 1 of Genesis Chapter 1.
Now God makes them perform a specific function.
God makes the Sun rule the day with its light. This symbolizes that our only spiritual light comes from the written Bible, the King James Version. This Bible must rule our lives. We are not allowed to change it in any way where it does not suit us.
To benefit from the sunlight, the Earth must be at the right distance from the Sun. The Earth must be placed in its right position. Too close and the Sun will scorch the Earth. Too far away and the Earth will be too cold.
The Bride at the end-time must know the correct Scriptural POSITION that we are supposed to be in, relative to the seven church ages.
Today, we are supposed to leave the seventh church age that has rejected Jesus, the Word, until the King James Bible is no longer regarded as being the Absolute truth by the churches. The Bride must then be restored back to the beliefs of the first church age that was established by the apostles. Only then will we understand the Scriptures.
Only the first church age had the true Light from the apostles.
They baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and they never established a church that had a Pastor in charge as the head of the church. They searched the Scriptures daily and called any man a liar if he said anything different from the written Scriptures.
The last seed Word that is harvested at the end when it is pulled off the dead plant must be exactly the same as the first seed Word that was planted by the apostles at the beginning.
The Harvest will be when Christ pulls His Bride up to Heaven off the Earth. Those who are left behind then go into great Tribulation where billions will die.
The Moon represents the church as it has no light of its own but can only reflect the Sunlight to the world that is in the darkness of night (no Scripture).
Compared to the Sun, the stars have no power to illuminate.
John the Baptist came on the scene as a bright star or prophet-messenger to introduce Messiah. Then he said that Jesus must increase and John himself must decrease. That matches nature because the brightest star in the night sky will fade into insignificance when the Sun rises. No prophet can compare with Jesus. Never try to put a man into the place of Jesus Christ.
“He made the stars also”.
Seven great messengers to the church were described as seven stars but the word “also” almost dismisses them as an afterthought. The seven messengers are not the main people involved, although they were impressively great men with amazing ministries. Their only real value was when they revealed Christ to the Bride of their day, because Jesus is the Word of God. They put the emphasis on Jesus. As the spiritual Sun, Jesus alone has the spiritual Light. The best that the true church, the Moon, can do is to reflect the Sun, the written Scriptures, without changing the Bible or adding anything to the Scriptures.
GENESIS 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
God set the heavenly lights in their correct position in space.
God set the early church in place.
I CORINTHIANS 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
The apostles wrote the New Testament. The prophets wrote the Old Testament. After that, we need teachers to reveal the mysteries of the written Word to the church.
To establish the church, God set teachers in the church at the beginning.
In the end, we must return to this pattern as God promised a former rain “Moreh” which means a teaching rain.
Ha-moreh means "hill of the teacher"; (“ha” means a hill in Hebrew)
The Hebrew “moreh” is derived from the verb yarah, which means "to teach" or "to direct,"
Showers, referring to the early rain, the first rain, or former rain uses the active participle of yarah which is yoreh which means sprinkling.
Yoreh- the early rain, the first rain or former rain.
There are three rainy seasons in Israel.
The former rain, the winter rain, and the latter rain or harvest rain.
Yoreh (Hosea 6:3), or moreh (Joel 2:23), denote the former or the early rain.
HOSEA 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
JOEL 2:23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
There is no mention of pastors when the church is being set up at the beginning. The word “pastors” is only mentioned once in the New Testament, although pastors are condemned five times in the Old Testament.
For example:
JEREMIAH 23:1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.
If you disagree with the pastor then you must leave. After all, the pastor claims to be the boss.
JEREMIAH 12:10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.
Desolate. So many Message-doctrines cannot be proven from Scripture. For example, they claim that the Pastor is the head of the church and they claim that the tithes belong to the Pastor.
Pastors do not have the gift for teaching the mysteries from Scripture. Instead of using quotes to explain Scripture, they interpret quotes in a way that moves away from Scripture. That simply makes a mess of what brother Branham taught. Modern so-called Message-doctrines cannot be proven from Scripture.
Examples: William Branham is claimed to be infallible. But he predicted America would be destroyed by 1977. His followers predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 American Presidential election that was won by Donald Trump. They confirmed their ignorance by believing that Kamala Harris would be elected President in 2024. Brother Branham said a woman would lead America to ruin. He was referring to the Roman Catholic church.
Message pastors call brother Branham the Voice of God. There is no “Voice of God” promised in the New Testament. He is called the “voice of the seventh angel” according to Scripture.
Message pastors have preached rapturing faith for about fifty years, but nobody has been raptured up to Heaven. Sadly, many who preached on rapturing faith have died and been buried. A disappointing result.
JEREMIAH 23:2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.
Having a pastor as the head of the church does not impress the Lord.
Each ministry must know his correct position to function in the Lord’s body.
The teacher is a special man. He sits back under the anointing of the Spirit and is able to take the Words and put them together by the Holy Spirit, that, the pastor or evangelist, either one, could not compare with him.
The former rain is the teaching rain and as such it depends on Bible-teachers, not quote-interpreting pastors.
The teacher has to take the prophet’s quotes and prove them from the Scripture, thus revealing the deep mysteries of the Word.
That is the former rain (Moreh or Yoreh} or teaching rain. It is not a pastoral rain.
But, you see, in the church there is the pastor, and that pastor is a special person. He’s built to where he can put up with the fusses of the people. He’s a burden-bearer, he’s the ox of the team. He’s a man that can sit down when somebody’s got something against somebody else, and sit down with them two families (and take neither side) and reason it out and bring it right back into sweetness. See? He’s a pastor, he knows how to take care of things.
Pastoral care means solving the personal problems that people have.
Doctrinal problems are what Bible teachers have to solve.
The tenth and last Commandment says do not covet or defraud.
MARK 10:19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
Here the tenth Commandment is defraud not.
ROMANS 13:9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet;
Here the tenth Commandment is do not covet.
Pastors, in order to be the head of the church, covet to be teachers as well. But they are not Bible teachers as there is much of the Bible that they cannot understand. So, they defraud the congregations because they cannot prove their doctrines from Scripture. The people become increasingly Bible-illiterate and are happy to believe doctrines that cannot be proven from Scripture.
But the Bible. Our spiritual Sun, is meant to rule over us.
GENESIS 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
The Sun rules the day as it is our source of daylight. Only believe the King James Bible. It is our Absolute, our infallible Light. Anything different is darkness. There must be a clear division between Light and Dark.
Light is only what is written in the King James Bible. Any change that is added or subtracted from the King James Bible is darkness.
A pastor was never made the head of a church in the New Testament. A pastor was never called a shepherd in the New Testament. These ideas are darkness.
GENESIS 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Four speaks of earthly deliverance.
The Earth has four directions, North, South, West, and East.
Four is an earthly number. It’s a number of earth, of “deliverance.” Now, keep that in your mind, “deliverance,” ’cause I’m going to strike it, just a minute, real hard. See, “Deliverance!” Now, there was three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, but the fourth One come, it was deliverance. Lazarus was in the grave three days, but when the fourth one come he was delivered. Four is God’s number of “deliverance,”
The four beasts around God's throne are there to deliver the church from the errors of Satan that undermine the church.
The fourth day establishes God’s salvation Plan in the heavens.
The Sun is our light, representing Jesus. The Moon (the true church) must just reflect the sunlight. It must not produce any light of its own. All doctrines must be proven from the King James Bible as our only source of spiritual Light. Our only deliverance from the oncoming great Tribulation is to believe that the King James Bible is the perfect truth.
Stars at night move in an arc from East to West as the Earth rotates.
The only stationary bright star in the sky is Polaris, the North Star, which forms the end of the Little Dipper’s handle. This is only visible in the Northern hemisphere.
This symbolizes Jesus as the only fixed Person in the Universe. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
No other person can save you from hell or from great Tribulation.
As we go further North the two constellations, the Big Bear (Russia) and the Little Bear (Iran or Persia) become more prominent. Bear in Greek is Arktos. From that word we get Arctic.
Daniel saw Persia (called Iran today) as a Bear in his vision. Russia has the Bear as its symbol. Today, in the troubled Middle East, we see Russia and Iran uniting together as a fulfilment of the prophecy of the two Bears that is written in the stars. Russia and Iran hold huge reserves of natural gas, 70% of the world’s natural gas reserves. This shows us which spiritual season we are living in, the end-time season. Today, the warlike Russia and Iran are really becoming more prominent in the news.
But there is another constellation of stars called Arcturus, the bear-keeper. That represents God. He keeps Russia and Iran on a leash, their fear of America's military and economic power, while the Bride is still on Earth. When the Bride is caught up to Heaven, America will be devastated by an earthquake and the evil of Russia and Iran will be unleashed in great Tribulation to attack Israel and the foolish or fooled virgins (saved Christians) who are left behind. Remember, Trinity, Christmas, 25 December, Good Friday, and Easter eggs are unscriptural. Have you been fooled by these ideas?