Genesis 1 Day 4 Lights in heaven Part 1

The Moon reveals church history. The Moon has no light except reflecting sunlight. We must only reflect Scripture

First published on the 1st of October 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025

GENESIS 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The sun was created from nothing at the beginning.

Sunlight was present at the beginning but the earth's surface was covered in water that evaporated and produced dark clouds.

Day 1 saw God's spoken Word disperse the dark clouds and sunlight hit the oceans.

On Day 4, God made the sun control the day by putting the earth at the right distance with the right spin.

The end-time prophet has a season for a former or teaching rain. After the resurrection, the latter rain or harvest rain of the 7 Thunders will change our bodies and pull the Bride off the earth into Heaven.

7 Thunders. We know what they do but not what they are nor what they say. 

Our lives are actually controlled from Heaven

We look up and call the firmament, that is above us, heaven, as it is symbolic of the higher dimension Heaven. That is where angels live and the spirits of saved Christians dwell when they pass on from this life on Earth. The lower firmament is our atmosphere and the rest of the firmament is near space where our satellites orbit and then deep space beyond the Moon.

God wants to show mankind that the planet Earth is totally dependent on what we see above us. In other words, spiritually speaking, Heaven actually controls our lives. Nobody can escape the spiritual limits that God has set for them.

For instance, God knows when you will die and you cannot escape that date.

Daniel saw Alexander the Great as a GOAT (greatest of all time) going from the West. Nobody could beat him as he conquered all that stood in his way going from West to East. In India, his soldiers revolted, and Alexander turned around and headed towards the West. This was contrary to what Daniel had said. Within a short while, Alexander died mysteriously in Babylon. Alexander was unable to go against what Daniel had written of him. Nobody can conquer Scripture.

JerUSAlem had the USA written into its name, as its future protector, about 3000 years ago. This was long before America was even thought of.

In 1995 the United States of America (USA) Congress passed a law that every six months the American President must say yes or no to recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Clinton said no, 10 times. George Bush said no, 16 times. Obama said no, 16 times. They were all scared of the backlash from more than a billion Muslims. So, God had to raise up a political beginner with huge scandals that should have destroyed him. But he had one virtue that the three previous Presidents lacked, courage. President Donald Trump was the only man that God could find who was prepared to fulfill the prophecy of the restoration of Israel. This could not be complete until Jerusalem was the recognized Capital. The world hates the fulfillment of Scripture. But the Jews have to be back in their Promised Land so that Jesus can return to them after catching His true church up to Heaven for the Wedding Feast. With Jerusalem as their Capital, Israel is now restored as the nation of their great king David, while they wait for their greater King, the Son of David to set up His Millenium Kingdom and rule the world from His Capital, Jerusalem. All the polls said that Trump would lose in the 2016 Presidential election. But God wanted President Trump to win as he alone had the fearlessness to reject the Muslim hatreds and help Israel. Today, God is on Israel’s side.

GENESIS 1:14   And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Moses sees a vision of deep space. Day light has only one source, the Sun. There is only one source of spiritual Light and that is the Bible. If your doctrine cannot be proven from Scripture, then it is darkness. There is no in-between. Absence of light is darkness. When you are in the shadow of the world, you are in the night. Thus, it is a love of worldliness that blocks out the sunlight from our lives.

The day is determined by the speed of the Earth’s spin. It is only day when we face the Sun.

The Earth’s spin has to be very precise. If the Earth spins too fast then daylight will be too short for crops to grow properly and there will not be enough time for us to do a day’s work.

If the Earth spins too slowly, daylight will last too long and people will be too worn out by a long day’s work.

A year depends on the time of a Sun-Earth orbit and this depends on the speed of the orbital movement and the distance of the Earth from the Sun. This distance also affects the temperature of the day.

If one orbit, representing a year, is too short in time, then crops will not be able to grow properly in summer before winter sets in. If a year takes too long then the crops grown in summer will not be sufficient to last for a long winter.

So, our day’s length and its temperature, and our year’s length and its ability to grow enough crops in summer so that enough could be stored up to last for the winter, are all out of our hands.

“Signs and seasons” involve the Moon and the stars.

The Moon represents the wise virgins or Bride as the Moon has no light of its own and only reflects the Sun’s light. The Bride only proves doctrines that are written in the Word.

The Moon is full and then it fades away until there is a night of no moon, called a new moon.

That is a sign of how God dealt with the Gentile church over the 7 church ages.

The top line of fading moon-diagrams represents the full truth in the first church age. Then they began to lose the truth as men were appointed to be the head of each church. Trinity, an unscriptural word, was forced onto the church by a politician at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. The unscriptural expressions, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, Eternal Sonship, one God in three Persons, First Person of the Godhead, Second Person of the Godhead, Third Person of the Godhead, Co-equal, Christmas, 25 December, Lent, Good Friday, etc., flourished like a virus. God lost His name as you cannot find one name for three Persons. Fiddle with a light and it will go out. Thus, the world was plunged into the Dark Ages as church leaders added all these unscxriptural ideas and removed the name of God.

The bottom line that shows the moon-diagrams growing is when God began to restore the Bible truth after the Dark Ages.

Martin Luther in Germany restored salvation by faith in Christ, Who alone is the Word.

John Wesley in England restored holiness and outreach which led to the great missionary age of the 1800s.

Pentecost in America restored the spiritual gifts.

William Branham in America revealed the mysteries of God that teach us to believe just like the first church age of the apostles. Then alone, can we understand the mysteries of Scripture.

The mystery of God at the end, which the churches are unaware of, is when the seventh church age of the eagle is restored to the beliefs of the apostolic first church age of the lion.


The most elegant star-sign in the Southern Hemisphere is the Southern Cross.

This is a sign from the heaven (the night sky) that sailors used to determine where South was.

In other words, if you want to find your true direction, look to the cross. The brightest star in the Southern Cross is the foot of the Cross. This tells us that humans are at their brightest when they kneel in repentance at the foot of the Cross of Calvary.

During each season, different stars become visible. So, by looking at the stars you can see which season it is

Leo (the Lion) is visible in the Northern Hemisphere in Spring.

Libra (the scales) and Sagittarius (the Bowman) become visible in Summer.

The Bull becomes visible in Autumn in the North.

Orion the Hunter, with three stars in his belt, is visible in the Northern Hemisphere in Winter.

Church history has three basic rainy seasons

In Israel, seasonal rains may be divided into three parts, the former rain, the winter rain, and the latter rain.

Rain represents true doctrine being revealed from Heaven by the Holy Spirit.

The former rain (teaching rain) is when the apostles established the true church by planting the Seed of the Word.

The winter rain describes the giant Orion as the one-man head of the church with his raised club that intimidates the people.

Orion also has a bow without an arrow. That is bluffing, religious deception. The antichrist spirit on the white horse of the First Seal in Revelation Chapter 6.

When asked about an end-time sign, Jesus said that we must beware of a man deceiving us.

MATTHEW 24:4   And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

What man has most influence over you? Your church Pastor. Beware of his unscriptural statements. Beware of his unscriptural position. No Pastor was ever elevated in the New Testament to be the head of a church.

REVELATION 6:2   And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

A bow, but no mention of an arrow. The doctrines are not written in Scripture. But this deception is told to conquer, first the Roman Catholics then the Protestants who copied the Catholic structure of having one man as the head of a church.

With the three bright Trinity stars in his belt, he did his best to destroy the Bible truth which led to the Dark Ages and then undermined the great restoration of basic Bible truths by Martin Luther (salvation from hell by faith, not by works.) John Wesley restored holiness and outreach that led to the great missionary age. Faith that saves us will produce good works but those good works can only save us from great Tribulation, not from hell).

The seventh and last church age opened with the Pentecostals who restored the supernatural gifts of the Spirit.

But then the church world fragmented into thousands of denominational and non-denominational churches, all different but each claiming to be right. Thus, much human error had infiltrated the pastor-dominated churches.

The apostles never set up a church with the pastor as the head of the church.

But eventually there must be a latter rain (harvest rain) which pulls the Bride off the Earth up to Heaven, just like the seed is pulled off the dead plant.

But the Seed that is harvested at the last church age has to be identical to the Seed that was planted by the apostles in the first church age.

So, how did God plan to fix this end-time problem?

HOSEA 6:3   Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

God would come like the latter and former rain,

which would seem to refer to the early rain after planting and the later rain at harvest.

God planned to send another former rain (teaching rain) at the end time.

Before God comes as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, God first comes to us as the revealed Word of God, because God is the Word.

This was the tape-recorded ministry of William Branham in America between 1947 and 1965.

The only ministry for our day is for brother Branham to reveal the mysteries of Scripture so that he can restore us to the beliefs of the early church that was established by the apostles.

The former rain of the doctrinal teachings of the apostles must occur again in our day. That is the mystery of God.

DANIEL12:10   But the wise shall understand

We only become the wise virgins if we are able to understand the mysteries of Scripture.

The former rain or teaching rain is the spiritual season that we are in today.

The churches miss their opportunity by putting pastors in charge of the church. Pastors do not have a teaching ministry as they cannot understand the deep mysteries of God.

Thus modern churches are not being restored to the example of the first church age of the apostles.

JOEL 2:23   Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

At the end, there will be a month when the former deep teaching rain is falling and the latter rain changes our bodies so that we can be pulled off the Earth into Heaven as the harvest. That will be the time of the seven Thunders that utter just after the resurrection of the New Testament saints.

That one month, when both rains fall, will be the harvest season. Very brief but very powerful. Something exciting to look forward to, but it will not be easy.

There was only 40 days between the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension to Heaven. We will need to have a good understanding of Scripture if we are to comprehend those hectic and mysterious  events.

The former rain or teaching rain is only moderately successful because pastors insist on doing the teaching. Unable to understand the written Bible properly they have directed attention away from Scripture and now they try to interpret quotes. But they cannot prove their interpretations from Scripture. So, the followers of William Branham in their Message-churches are becoming increasingly Bible-illiterate. A pastor, who is gifted in pastoral care that looks after people’s personal problems, is not called to teach deep Bible mysteries. That is like asking a plumber to install your electrical wiring. Hence these Message-churches have now fragmented into more than a hundred different versions of their end-time Message.

For example. Most Message-churches believe that the seven Thunders either have uttered or are uttering. Brother Branham never made either of those statements. He just said that the seven Thunders are a total mystery. Thus, they preach Thunders-doctrines that brother Branham never said. As a result, they are neither Scriptural nor do they even quote brother Branham on this topic.

64-0830 — Questions And Answers #4

Have the SevenThunders which equals seven mysteries already been revealed? ...

... they were revealed in the Seven Seals; that’s what the Thunders was about.

In the 7 Seals brother Branham revealed what the 7 Thunders are about, what they do, what their function is. They give the Bride rapturing faith and they give the two Jewish prophets great power over Nature. None of that has happened.

But in the 7 Seals he revealed nothing about their content, what the 7 Thunders say. He never revealed what they are.

He claimed they were a total mystery, a secret that no one knows about as was the 7th Seal that never was revealed.

63-0324 — The Seventh Seal

What happens, is that…Those Seven Thunders that he heard thunder, and was forbidden to write; that’s what the mystery is, laying behind those Seven consecutive Thunders rolling out.

Now, why? Let us prove it. Why? It is the secret that no one knows about. John was forbidding to write about It, even write a symbol about It. Why? This is why there was no active in—activity in Heaven: it might give away the secret.



“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23