Genesis 1 Day 2 God does not say it was Good
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Sinful mankind serves God better in hard times rather than easy times. That is not a good reflection on human nature.
First published on the 26th of September 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025God surrounded the earth with a protective veil of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas made from the water He lifted up above the atmosphere. Earth's climate was thus warm and gentle with no hot or cold regions that would produce rain and storms and floods.
Protected from harmful ultraviolet rays by this invisible veil of gases, mankind lived a long and comfortable life.
Consequently, humans devoted themselves to sin and violence until God collected the hydrogen and oxygen gases together to make water and produced Noah's Flood.
Sadly, humans serve God better when we are hammered and persecuted.
That is why God did not call the veil good. It protected us and made life easy but that corrupted us. Humans serve God better when we suffer. The less we have, the more we depend on God. The more we have, the worse we get.
This is the big disappointment of the human race. Today, the world's biggest nation, Russia, wants to conquer Europe's biggest nation, Ukraine.
Twenty two Muslim countries in North Africa and the Middle East cannot accept the refugees from Gaza. They prefer to carve up and destroy the tiny Country of Israel. Big is just never big enough. Welcome to human greed and selfishness.
Mankind needs a higher protection
GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
There is no mention of time at this stage. God created the Sun, Moon and stars which we call heaven or deep space. Deep space just symbolizes the vast spiritual Heaven where angels dwell.
In the beginning there was nothing. No matter, no energy. No laws of Science. As there was nothing to begin with, there was nothing to make anything from, so this word “create” has to mean making something, including the laws of Science, out of nothing. Only God can do that.
Life needs water so when God created the Earth out of nothing, He made sure that the entire Earth was covered in a deep layer of water.
But water evaporates and forms clouds. So dense clouds formed above the surface of the Earth and these thick cloud banks blotted out the sunlight.
Moses was watching these events in a vision.
As the vision moved over the surface of the Earth, all Moses could see was flat water. Water has no shape or form of its own. It always flows to take on the shape of its container. Water on the Earth’s surface cannot form hills and valleys, it just lies flat.
GENESIS 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void;
( the surface of the water was just flat and empty, it had no shape whatsoever )
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
(Above the clouds, the Sun was shining but below the clouds, all the surface of the water was in darkness.)
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
The only movement came from God. The only possible source of future life was God.
GENESIS 1:3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The sunlight was already there but it could not penetrate the thick cloud banks to reach the Earth.
When God said “Let there be light”, the spoken Word of God struck the thick cloud banks and broke them up so completely that the water molecules in the clouds were turned back into their basic atoms of oxygen and hydrogen gas.
These transparent gases thus formed a high, protective veil around the Earth which allowed the sunlight through.
Thus the sunlight could strike the Earth.
The infrared heat waves from the Sun would disperse through this outer veil of gases and become uniformly distributed by the time it reached the Earth. Thus, there was a uniform temperature around the Earth and no rain would form. Rain forms when hot air and cold air meet. For example, on a cold day, your hot breath which has much water vapour in it hits the cold windscreen of your car and the water vapour condenses and forms a foggy layer on the windscreen.
GENESIS 1:4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Everything God makes is good. The half of the Earth that faced the Sun was in daylight. The half of the Earth that faced away from the Sun was in darkness. Darkness was not a special creation, it was simply an absence of light. Representing people who turn away from God (represented by the Sun).
Unbelief, which is sin, is simply an absence of Scripture. Whatever we believe that is not based exactly on the written Word is unbelief, spiritual darkness.
GENESIS 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
The first necessity for life is to have light. Then living things need an atmosphere to breathe. So, God now fills the space between the waters of the sea down below that cover the Earth and the high-up waters of the clouds that He broke up into the component gases of hydrogen and oxygen.
This space between the waters is called the atmosphere and it had to be filled with an exact ratio of gases: 21% of active oxygen gas is needed to boost the combustion of food in our body cells as we breathe. This burning keeps us warm as our body temperature is about 37◦C. The atmosphere needs 78 % of inert nitrogen gas to keep everything stable so that the oxygen does not boost burning fires too much which would cause the fires to burn out of control. The Apollo 1 spacecraft in 1967 had 100% oxygen and an accidental spark caused such a fierce flame that all three astronauts were killed before anyone could open the capsule door to rescue them.
The upper waters God had split into their components of invisible oxygen gas and hydrogen gas to form an unseen protective layer of gases above the atmosphere.
The next picture shows the layer of gases that surrounded the earth.
The warmth from the sun spread through this layer so that the temperature was the same everywhere.
Rain depends on hot meeting cold.
The whole protective layer of invisible gases was at the same temperature and had no hot or cold areas. Thus, no rain formed.
With no hot and cold regions, there were no seasons. A comfortable temperature was everywhere.
If you leave part of a curtain in the sunlight, it will fade faster than the part of the curtain that was not in sunlight. Sunlight has harmful ultraviolet rays that cause damage. The protective layer of gases absorbed the ultraviolet rays. Only the harmless heat and light from the sun reached the earth. With no ultraviolet rays and other dangerous sun rays to cause damage, men lived longer. Methuselah made 969 years old because he lived before Noah's Flood.
So, an ideal earth had been set up. No hot and no cold. No rain, just a gentle mist to water the plants. No harmful rays from the sun. Life would be comfortable and people would live for hundreds of years.
But men had no desire to serve God under these relaxing and pleasant conditions.
Look at the lifestyle of wealthy people today. Their money enables them to live comfortably but often does not make them into better people.
GENESIS 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
The firmament was the sky or atmosphere of breathable gases between the waters that covered the earth and the higher up protective layer of invisible gases made from water.
The percentage of gases in the air needs to be very precise. If there is less than 16 % oxygen then fires will not burn and the food will not burn in our cells to give us energy and keep us warm. If the oxygen is more than 21 % then fires become difficult to control.
GENESIS 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
We call the firmament our sky or atmosphere.
We humans “look up” to see Heaven as we know that Heaven is a higher dimension. So, our atmosphere is also a symbol of heaven.
Because the Earth has an atmosphere of air, the air molecules scatter the blue component of sunlight in all directions. The blue light has a short wavelength and is very energetic. Part of the blue light scatters downwards towards the Earth. When we look up, we see the blue light coming down to us. Thus we see the sky as having a blue colour.
This is symbolic of the throne of God.
EZEKIEL 1:26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the
likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone:
( sapphire is a blue stone )
and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.
God took 1000 years to get the atmosphere established so that living things could breathe.
In our Christian experience, the first step is to get saved as we repent of our sins which enables us to “see the Light”. Our next step is to develop an atmosphere of holiness or sanctification.
HEBREWS 12:14 Follow peace with all men,
and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
I THESSALONIANS 4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification,
that ye should abstain from fornication:
God would join these oxygen and hydrogen gases together to re-form water in Noah’s day and then cause all this water to rain down on the Earth. Thus, the protective veil of gases rained down. With no protective veil above them, the harsh components of the Sunlight, like ultraviolet, struck the Earth and people began to die at a younger age after the Flood.
The second Day-veil of transparent gases rained down to produce the Flood of Noah
This protective layer represented the water of the Word. The need to be Scriptural.
The two invisible gases hydrogen and oxygen represent the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Word of God is invisible but as long as we live in subjection under the Word of God then we are safe.
We depend upon our obedience to the Word of God that forms a protective veil around us.
We need that heavenly protection, guidance, and inspiration from above.
PSALM 127:1 (A song for Solomon)
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
But what is not good is that we can ignore God’s guidance and follow human leaders and their man-made systems instead.
We can ignore and contradict the Word of God if we want to.
Our free-will to go our own way is our biggest weakness.
When people want to go their own way, that opens the door for a human leader to become the head.
There will always be ambitious men who want to be the head of the church.
The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he is the only Dictator in Europe.
Here we come to a frightening discovery.
God did not call the achievements of the second day “good”. Why not?
Before the Flood, men lived long lives under the ideal conditions of no cold or hot regions and no rain or storms or strong winds.
But they responded to all this comfort by being dedicated to evil.
Rather like many wealthy families who raise up children with no real financial worries and then find their privileged children are attracted to drink, drugs, immorality, and crime.
In 2023, the son of a King and the son of a President admitted to having been involved in drugs. Their rich and entitled upbringing had not made them better persons.
Making life very easy for the people did not give the people a desire to serve God.
GENESIS 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The result of the protective layer of gases around the earth that made life so easy and comfortable was that mankind took it all for granted and simply became evil. That is typical of human nature.
Consequently, when God decided to wipe out mankind, all He had to do was recombine the hydrogen gas and oxygen gas and form water. Thus, the protective gases disappeared as they formed water which rained down to drown the earth in the days of Noah's Flood.
The earth is our physical planet.
The world is the governmental systems and organizations that man sets up on the earth.
Now, we find out that a covenant then is a "token," a token. God said it was a "token" here, didn't He?
I do set my bow in the clouds, (That's after the destruction of the world, destroyed by water; all flesh, besides Noah, was destroyed.) and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Not "Me and the world." The world's a "kosmos."
But this is "between me and the earth." God said, "I made that earth. And I so evilly entreated it, that I just turned it upside down and flashed her to pieces. And I oughtn't to have done it, maybe."
He said, "I was even sorry, it was such a horrible thing."
What do you think it will be when He comes in His anger now? Be right, sinner friend.
Spiritually, the churches lost the covering of the King James Bible when they criticized It and made over 100 different translations of the English Bible. If there is one defect in the King James Bible then it cannot be a veil of protection for us. As a result, the churches no longer have an Absolute truth as a foundation for their faith.
Fortunately for us, God in His mercy, made an ozone layer between the heights of 15 kilometres and 35 kilometres. Ozone consists of three oxygen atoms joined together. Ozone absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet light that comes from the Sun.