Five fallen kings of Revelation 17 verse 10
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The Roman Catholic church is the resurrection of the cruel and murderous Pagan Roman Empire built on the 7 hills of Rome
First published on the 19th of September 2024 — Last updated on the 26th of January 2025Julius Caesar wanted the power and the money to stay in his pagan Roman family.
Caesar. Augustus. Tiberius. Caligula. Claudius. These had died when Christian-killer Nero came onto the scene as Emperor and Pontifex.
Yes, the same title as the Pope who killed tens of millions of Christian dissenters in the Dark Ages. Nero died and a military general Galba briefly usurped his place as Emperor for 7 months.
The term "the antichrist" is unscriptural. Antichrist is a spirit, not a man.
The final man of sin will be Satan’s superman, the final Pope. He will usurp the Papacy with the military help of ten Dictators for a short space of 3.5 years.
Pastor and Son is a good Protestant business model that keeps the money in the family.
Until Jesus comes to whip the money-makers out of their religious headquarters.
Rome killed and taxed and remained in charge
Once Rome had taken over they stayed in charge by conquering their conquerors.
The Barbarian tribes conquered Rome by AD 476 but then the Roman Catholic church conquered them by converting them to Catholicism until, in the Dark Ages, the Pope was the most powerful man in Europe.
When the Protestants under Martin Luther defeated the Pope in Northern Europe, Rome fought back by infiltrating the Protestant churches with Roman Catholic centrally organized denominational religion. That meant placing a man as the head of each church. The name "priest" was cunningly changed to "pastor". Never in the New Testament was a pastor ever put in charge of a local church. The Protestants accepted the unscriptural Roman words Trinity, Christmas, Good Friday, Lent, fish on Fridays, Archbishop, Sunday Sabbath, 25 December, etc. Thus the Protestant churches today reject as flawed, that gem of the English language, the King James Bible. As a result, Protestants now have no Absolute truth as the foundation of their faith. They have no idea of an end-time prophet who is to restore us back to the beliefs of the first chuch-age apostles. When Protestants miss the Coming of the Lord due to their unscriptural beliefs, they will find themselves in great Tribulation being ruled by the final Pope. He will kill them. That will be Rome's short-lived triumph before Jesus Comes the third time at Armageddon.
REVELATION 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
The city of Rome started when a wall (represented by the red line) was built around the houses that had been built on 7 hills. This was the start of the pagan Roman Republic that was ruled by a Senate and two consuls who were elected each year. The headquarters of the Roman Republic was the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline hill. (The black circle).
As the Roman emperor lost his power, power shifted over to the Lateran Palace on the Caelian Hill where the Pope lived (the black dot on the right).
REVELATION 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
REVELATION 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
A woman represents a church. But this woman is a city! Vatican City. The only church that is a city too. An independent country that is less than one square kilometer with about 150 permanent residents. The world's smallest country, the "little horn" of Daniel's prophecies.
A city that would have worldwide power. There are 1.4 billion Catholics who look to Vatican City in Rome for leadership.
This evil spirit that infiltrated the Roman Catholic church, was established by the greatest pagan Roman, Julius Caesar, who was brutal and greedy, and ended the pagan Roman Republic when he became supreme ruler by declaring himself Dictator for life.
Seven men, Caesar and the first 6 emperors, were from the same family, thanks to adoption whereby they tried to keep their successors, and the money, in the family. Popes rely on their false claim that they are the Successors of Saint Peter. Pastors keep the money and the power in the family by making their son c0-pastor as they try to establish their own dynasty. Religious power going from father to son is a pagan Roman spirit and a Roman Catholic spirit.
These 7 Dictators from Caesar’s family introduced the brutal characteristics that were found in the later succession of Popes. When Pagan Rome died in AD 476, it was resurrected back to life on the ruins of the Pagan Roman empire as the Roman Catholic church. Men died, but not the pagan Roman spirit. Today, the Pope is the only Dictator in Europe.
REVELATION 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Julius Caesar was the best-known Roman and the first Roman to be worshiped as a god after he died. He had also bribed his way to become Pontiff or High Priest of the Babylonian mysteries. He overruled the Senate and declared himself Dictator for life. The Roman emperors were always the Pontiff until AD 382 when emperor Theodosius gave the title of Pontiff to Pope Damasus. That is when the brutal spirit of the Babylonian Mysteries entered the Roman Catholic church. Members of the Babylonian Priesthood were given high positions in the Catholic church. The Pope is still called Pontiff.
Then Caesar was killed. His viciously cruel grand-nephew Augustus eliminated any opposition and became the first Emperor by destroying the power of the Senate while he hypocritically pretended to acknowledge them. This cruelty was manifest by the Roman Catholic church in the awful Spanish Inquisition that tortured and burned people alive. The city of Pergamos, which is where the Babylonian Pontiff had lived in the days of the Persians and Greeks, began to worship Augustus while he was still alive. Augustus adopted Tiberius as his son. Tiberius was vindictive, cruel, and a tremendous child molester. Sounds familiar in modern churches.
Paedophile accusations still haunt the Roman Catholic church in America although Kamala Harris refused to prosecute these cases in California. That way she secured the Roman Catholic vote.
Tiberius’ brother’s son Caligula was next emperor and Caligula insisted on being worshiped as god.
In the days of Martin Luther, around 1500, the Pope sold indulgences whereby you bought forgiveness for your sins. But only God can forgive sin. Thus, the Pope was claiming to be God. The Popes made so much money from these indulgences that they were able to paint the famous Sistine Chapel and build Saint Peter’s Church in Vatican City.
Caligula was killed by a bodyguard and his uncle Claudius took over. Claudius was made emperor by the army, not the Senate. Many Popes were killed by ambitious rivals who could bribe their way to take over.
Claudius married Nero’s mother and was poisoned by Nero’s mother with a mushroom.
Those were the five that had fallen. Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius.
Nero was the end of Caesar’s adoptive family. He claimed to be god, killed his mother, killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach, burnt Rome in AD 64, and began blaming and killing Christians for the fire. He demanded that rich men leave their wealth to him in their wills and when they did this, he ordered them to commit suicide because he needed their money.
Nero launched the killing of Christians. During the Dark Ages the Roman Catholic church killed tens of millions of non-Catholics who opposed them. This killing carried on for over 1000 years.
John the Revelator became a political prisoner due to his faith on the prison island of Patmos. When Nero died in AD 68 then John, with all the other political prisoners, was released. So, part of Revelation was written by AD 68 while the Jewish Temple was still standing.
“One is”. That was Nero. Indicating that John was on Patmos during Nero’s persecution.
Following Nero as Emperors were Galba, Ortho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian.
Domitian was emperor from AD 81 to AD 96. He persecuted Christians and John was again sentenced to prison on Patmos island. That is where John wrote the rest of Revelation. When Domitian died, John was again released.
The seventh ruler was Galba. He was an army general who usurped the position of emperor when Nero died. But Galba only lasted 7 months and was killed. This types the last Pope who will be the man of sin who usurps the Papacy for the 3½ years of great Tribulation.
DANIEL 11:21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person,
to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom:
but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
The final Pope will not be a Cardinal elected by the Council of Cardinals. He will come in from the outside and somehow flatter his way to becoming Pope. But, like Galba, he will be killed at the battle of Armageddon after his short reign over the world.
Caesar’s family was the first family of Roman rulers. But they encapsulated the spirit of the future Roman Catholic church.
The Catholic church is pagan Rome resurrected on 7 hills, on the ruins of the pagan Roman empire.
So, Pagan Rome changed to become the Rome of the Popes, Papal Rome.
REVELATION 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The seven heads represent the seven hills that Rome was originally built on.
The vicious beast rising out of the sea of the restless nations that lived where Europe is now, was the pagan Roman empire. This is shown in Revelation Chapter 13.
Revelation Chapter 17 shows that a dominating woman, the Roman Catholic church now controls that beastly pagan Roman spirit. The beast now has a scarlet colour, the same colour as the woman's dress. Roman Cathoplic Cardinals run the church and they wear scarlet robes.
Notice the woman is next to the seven heads. This represents Vatican City next to the original 7 hills of Rome.
The headquarters of the pagan Roman Empire was the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline hill. This hill lost all its power in AD 476 when the barbarians took over the Roman Empire. The power of the Roman Emperor was destroyed. But on the ruins of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic church resurrected their cruel, pagan spirit as baptized paganism and called themselves a church.
The headquarters of the Roman Catholic church was, and still is, the Lateran basilica (big church) next to the Lateran palace on the Caelian hill.
7 means completion. 7 days in a week.
8 means a new system.
The beast, or Roman Catholic church, is the eighth and is “of the seven” meaning the Roman Catholic church is of the nature of the first seven pagan Roman Dictators.
REVELATION 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Julius Caesar was Dictator for life. The Pope is the only dictator in Europe and he rules for life. Only two Popes have ever abdicated throughout church history.
The papacy is a one-man-show where the cardinals, like the Senate under Augustus, appear to have power but the real decisions are made by the Pope.
Like Tiberius, an awful pedophile, the dark history of abuse in the Roman church is slowly being revealed.
Caligula thought he was god. The Pope sits in the Vatican and claims that he can forgive sin. Only God can do that. The Bible requires us to confess our sins to Jesus Christ, not to some man. In 1302 the Pope announced that you cannot achieve salvation unless you are subject to the Pope. Thus the Pope takes the place of Christ. His title is Vicarius Christi “in place of Christ”. But Christ is God. Thus the Pope sits in the place of God.
II THESSALONIANS 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
II THESSALONIANS 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Nero became the first Christian killer. Tens of millions of non-Catholics were killed in the Dark Ages.
The term "the antichrist" is unscriptural. Antichrist is a spirit, not a man.
The final man of sin will be Satan’s superman. When Satan is booted out of Heaven as Jesus comes back to claim His Bride, then the obvious position for this man of sin to usurp will be the position of Pope. That gives him the wealth and the power of ruling 1.4 billion Catholics. A great head start as he only has three and a half years to take over the world. So, he will use the military might of ten dictators who give their military power and strength to him.
REVELATION 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
As the centuries went by, the Pope who had lived in the Lateran palace on the Caelian hill ever since about AD 312, slowly began to pick up the power that the Roman Caesars lost. What was lost on the Capitoline hill due to the barbarian sword, was regained by the Pope in the Lateran church on the Caelian hill.
The ghost of pagan Caesar resurrected up as the Pope on the grave of the pagan Roman empire.
The Lateran church (or basilica) on the Caelian hill is officially the headquarters of the Roman Catholic church, even though the Pope now lives in Vatican City.
REVELATION 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,
when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
The Roman Catholics claim, falsely, that Peter was the first Pope and the rest of the Popes are the successors to Peter.
So, as far as they can go back in church history, they falsely claim that there always “was” a Pope.
“and is not” the Pope dies.
“and yet is” a new Pope is elected.
The Popes are the longest line of rulers in the Western world. No wonder the world marvels and wonders about them.
No wonder Protestant Pastors copy this spirit by claiming their sons to be their successors as the next Pastor.
Pastor and Son is a good business model that keeps the money in the family.
Until Jesus comes to whip the money-makers out of the Temple.
A line of successors is what enabled the Roman Catholic church to survive.