End times, Signs, and Wonder

At Calvary, God cut off Israel and turned to the Gentiles. Now God is cutting off the church as He turns to the Jews.

First published on the 4th of January 2025 — Last updated on the 25th of January 2025

The end-time prophet can only reveal the mysteries of the written Word. He came to make us Scriptural.

Nobody can reveal what the unwritten seven Thunders are nor what they say. You can only know what they will do.

The seven Thunders will stagger us when they utter.

The 7 Thunders and the Angel of Revelation 10 happen at the time of the resurrection.

The word “trump” is mentioned twice in the New Testament. Both times it is connected to the resurrection.

Only the Jewish prophets can open the Sixth Seal during the 3½ years of great tribulation.


“We know the Bible is right; that's not my voice; that's God's voice, speaking”.

The tares will always be gathered together. But they are doomed as they deviate from Scripture.

Brother Branham has to take us back to the teachings of Saint Paul, as he takes us out of the churches in the third Exodus.

LUKE 12:54  “ And he said also to the people,

When ye see a cloud rise out of the west,

straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is”.

This shower of the former or teaching rain was the Revelation of the Seven Seals in March 1963.

MATTHEW 24:30   “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:"

The Revelation of the Seven Seals happened just after the sign of a 42-kilometre-high supernatural cloud formed by angels’ wings on 28 February 1963, just north of the Western city of Flagstaff in Arizona. (Actually, there was also a natural 42-km-high smoke cloud as well to make the sign complete, just like Moses saw a natural bush that burned with a supernatural fire at the start of the first Exodus).

Matthew 24:26   “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:

Jesus never comes at Sunset Peak as that is in the great Sonoran Desert.

ACTS 2:19   “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

Saint Peter’s prophecy is similar but slightly different to Joel. They refer to different events.

Very important events in the history of the end-times.

JOEL 2:30   “And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke”.

The Trumpets summon the Jews back to Israel

The seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation are severe interruptions of Nature that will drive the Jews back to Israel after God has caught the Bride up to Heaven. The two prophets, Moses and Elijah will control these events.


“Now, this calling, of the feast of the trumpets, the approaching of something.

Notice Revelation 8:7, if you want to write down. We notice the First Trumpet, there scattered hail, blood, fire, upon the earth; just exactly with Exodus, when God was calling His people out, of the exodus.

Now, the reason that these Seven Trumpets does not apply to this Church and this age, is because it’s to Israel only. It’s the calling, of the gathering of the people.

And now there’s only one significance in here that I want you to get to, in a few minutes, is where you’ll see why this doesn’t apply to this age that we’re living in; the Seven Trumpets”.


“…that I was to return back here to Jeffersonville and preach the Seven Seals. And, there, if I’ve ever said anything that was inspired, it was in that. There where the Angel of the Lord met us, and the Bible become a new Bible.

There It opened up and revealed all the things that the reformers and things had left out.

It was the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, altogether new to us, but perfectly exactly with the Scripture”.

The Angels showed brother Branham a VISION of the future opening of the Seals in Heaven.

That gave him the revelation of that future event as he saw six Seals open in the future,

in Revelation Chapter 6, after the Bride is caught up to Heaven.

He never saw the Seventh Seal open as that remained top secret, the Coming of the Lord.

That is why the Seventh Seal is not recorded in Revelation Chapter 6.

A “revelation” means he can tell us about a future event. It does not mean the future event has happened.

But, what fools many people, is that the revelation of the future opening, also tells us about many things that happened in the past because those past events have influenced the future that is still to happen.

The Church claims to be an exclusive bridge or mediator between God and the people.

A Pastoral Priesthood is elevated above the congregation. This is unscriptural.

The church then exploits and dominates. Their power to control and shape people to their own beliefs is greater than their desire to be Scriptural.

This is a Nicolaitan doctrine that conquers and suppresses the laity or congregation.

Dictatorship means a Pastor first establishes his own power by promoting his yes-men to run the assembly.

Then he ruthlessly eliminates all opposition and dissent.

Behind the pleasant smile (if you agree with him) is an iron fist (if you disagree).

REVELATION 3:14  “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write…”

Not the church “of Laodicea”. The church “of the Laodiceans”.

In the last church age, the Laodiceans falsely believe that they can make up their own way of worship. Whatever pleases them. They make up their own way of serving God. Like insisting on celebrating the birthday of Jesus that the Bible never asked them to do. They even invent an unscriptural date of 25 December that they got from the Roman Catholics who celebrate Christ's Mass. To pretend that it is not a Mass or Catholic Service, they just call it Christmas. The Catholics have a tree decorated with gold and silver. Jeremiah Chapter 10 tells us not to do that as it is a heathen custom. So who do we listen to? The church or the Bible? The Laodiceans choose the church.


“And notice the next thing now. I took some kind of a bar and cut It off, and on the inside was white Rock that had nothing wrote on It. And, at that time, I started to the west. And I told them all, I said, “Don’t go out west. Stay here and look on This till I return.” Went west, for the blast; returned back to the east, with the Holy Spirit interpreting this unwritten Word”.

The unwritten Word involves the seven Thunders, the Coming of the Lord, and the new name of Jesus.

He told his followers not to go West as they will try, unsuccessfully, to reveal these unwritten mysteries.


“Bless us now. And as we approach Thy Word, may the Holy Spirit reveal to us the things that’s written therein”.


The Holy Ghost will only reveal what is written in Scripture. Not the unwritten Scriptures.

That will be revealed by the unwritten seven Thunders.


“But it is the seventh angel that had this type of Message. What was it? Notice his type of Message”,

“Finishing all the mysteries of God, that are written in the Book.”

The Holy Spirit can only reveal to us what is written, while we are still in these sinful bodies.

When the 7 Thunders utter to show us how to change our bodies into glorified bodies then we will have far more advanced brains and be able to understand far deeper mysteries.

In our present sinful bodies we are simply too ignorant to understand the unwritten mysteries.

II CORINTHIANS 12:4   “How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter”.

Paul was given a celestial body to go up to the New Testament Paradise.

We do not even have the vocabulary to describe what he heard there. Heaven is so much more advanced than what we are that we cannot understand what they talk about.

We would just be mentally staggered and confused. It would be as if Einstein told us that the  earth does not orbit the Sun, but the earth and the Sun move past each other in straight lines. Hearing the deep mysteries from Heaven would just get us totally confused.

1963-0318 — THE FIRST SEAL

“But when these Seven Thunders, over in Revelation 10, uttered, He said, “Don’t write Them, at all.” They are mysteries. We don’t know what they are yet.

But, my opinion, they’ll be revealed right away. And when it do, it’ll give faith for that rapturing grace, for that Church to move out. See?
But when he started to write those other, Seven Thunders, He said, “Don’t write It.” He had been commissioned to write everything he seen. But when these Seven Thunders, over in Revelation 10, uttered, He said, “Don’t write Them, at all.” They are mysteries. We don’t know what they are yet. But, my opinion, they’ll be revealed right away. And when it do, it’ll give faith for that rapturing grace, for that Church to move out. See?
We seen the appearing of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days.

But, yet, there is something in There that we just can’t lighten ourself with.

There is something other.

But I imagine, when them mysteries begins to come forth, God said, “Hold It back now. Wait a minute. I’ll reveal It in that day.

Don’t write It, at all, John, ’cause they’ll stagger over It.

Just let it go, see. But I’ll reveal It in that day when it has need to be done.”

The unwritten 7 Thunders remain a mystery because there are no symbols written that we can try to interpret. We cannot interpret nothing, however hard we try.
Brother Branham was only able to reveal what the unwritten Thunders do.

What they are about. What their function is.

The 7 Thunders will give the Bride rapturing faith by changing their bodies into immortal bodies as they step out of time into Eternity.

We cannot get raptured in these sinful bodies of ours.

Thus you cannot get rapturing faith in your sinful body.

Rapturing faith will only come when we are changed.

But the 7 Thunders also utter to the two Jewish prophets, Moses and Elijah, to give them their huge supernatural ministry of interrupting Nature. That is dealt with by the seven Trumpet angels. The seven Trumpets only apply to the Jews who will be forced to return back to Israel during the 3½ years of great Tribulation, after the Bride has been raptured.

God does not reveal the 7 Trumpets to us Gentiles.

Brother Branham also could NOT reveal what the unwritten 7 Thunders are nor what they say.

He could not reveal their contents.

Because they reveal the mystery of the Coming of the Lord.

That is top secret information. Betraying top-secret information is treason. So, please, do not try to guess what the 7 Thunders are. It could be your death sentence, the penalty for treason.


“One of the mystery of that [seventh] Seal, the reason It wasn’t revealed, It was Seven Thunders that uttered Their voices. And there It is, perfectly. Because, nothing knows anything about It. It wasn’t even written”.


“No, the [7 Thunders] were revealed in the Seven Seals;

that’s what the Thunders was about

The Seven Seals revealed what the 7 Thunders do but they never revealed what the 7 Thunders uttered, nor what the 7 Thunders are. That remains a total mystery.

“Don't fear, little Sister, there is a Man here Who can turn on the Light. He can make this Word live.

We don't know how He's coming. We don't know, when He's coming. I don't know nothing about that”.

People go to church but not to Christ.

Churches are not interested in the revealed mysteries. 


“If there ever was a place that’s really has become a modern Babylon, it’s America. I hope that it never touches the shores of Africa or any of those heathen countries.

I hope that real hard Gospel teachers get in there for those people”.

 An African, Simon of Cyrene, helped Jesus with His cross. God thus has a soft spot for Africa.

The apostle Philip did the first evangelical outreach to a Gentile who would take the Gospel to Ethiopia. God was saying Thankyou to Africa as the Gospel would spread from Ethiopia into Africa.

Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch from Ethiopia and then baptized him. Philip made no mention of Father and Holy Ghost. God the Father has no name in the New Testament. The Holy Ghost has no name in the Bible.

There cannot be one name for God if God is in three Persons.


“Here it is again tonight, the same Holy Spirit,

the same Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit, with His picture taken (the Pillar of Fire),

every scientific thing like it was in those days in Babylon, here it is, right back again, tonight. We’re at the end time. He knows all about you. Do you believe that?”

“And we believe that He is the same Lord Jesus today that He was yesterday, and will be when we see Him coming. ‘This same Jesus that was taken up will show—

so come in like manner as you see Him go into Heaven.’”

Jesus ascended to Heaven in a glorified body. Thus, He will come in a glorified body.

That will be when He calls us up to Heaven.


And we know that He promised to be with us in the form of the Holy Spirit plumb to the end of the world, the end of the age.

He said, ‘These signs shall follow them that believe.’”

64-0119  SHALOM

“When that Angel, of Revelation the 10th chapter, puts one foot on land and one on the sea, and a rainbow over His head, He swore, ‘time shall be no more.’

When that time comes, you'll rise up from among the dead.

While the rest of them lay there, you'll go in”.

When the Angel of Revelation 10 comes down, He will produce the resurrection of the New Testament saints.

Then the 7 Thunders will change our bodies into glorified bodies so that we can receive rapturing faith. We cannot get raptured in our present sinful bodies.


“And now, these Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and those Seven Seals... Now...

 And then after these Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious thunders

that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write those.

And at the time of those thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down

with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and swore that time had run out at that time”.

Time will only run out for you when your body changes to an immortal body.

Then you step into Eternity and for you there will be time no longer.


“The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming”.

The Seventh Seal represents the Coming of the Lord. The biggest secret in the universe. The Seventh Seal has not opened because the Lord has not yet come.


“The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called”.

The Seven Seals are only opened in Heaven, after the Bride has been raptured and are standing around God’s throne.


“Now, there is nothing in the Bible that would type our modern organizations, except Babylon. That’s the only type in the Bible of our modern organization, organized religion, because it was founded by Nimrod and a forced unity amongst religious people. And that’s what the creeds and our denominations do today,

force unity, You either belong to this or you’re out!”

ISAIAH 54:15   “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me:

whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake”.

The gathering together in the modern churches is not God’s Will. Jesus actually stands outside all the churches today.

REVELATION 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me’.

Jesus is talking about the church door, not the door of a sinner’s heart.

I CORINTHIANS 11:17   “Now in this that I declare unto you

I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse”.

The churches preach partly Scriptural and partly unscriptural doctrines.

DANIEL 11:26   “Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him,”

But the biggest error of the antichrist enemy is when they leave out or change certain verses in the Bible that do not suit their doctrine.

ISAIAH 5:20   Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

To call evil (or unscriptural) doctrines good, is bad. That is being brainwashed.

But far worse is the consequences of brainwashing that call good (or Scriptural) doctrines evil.

Trump is mentioned twice in Scripture

I THESSALONIANS 4:16   “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”

The word “trump” rather than “trumpet” is used.

Thus God is using the politician Donald Trump as a sign of the times that is linked to the resurrection of the New Testament saints.

I CORINTHIANS 15:52   “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”.

Putting Trump into power in 2025 for his second, and possibly last time, is another sign of the times.

“The last trump” is another reference to the resurrection of the New Testament saints.


“And how will the Messiah…the people that’s believing Him know it unless they’re constantly in the Word, to know what He is! Daniel said, “The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn’t know. They shall know their God.” Now, now,

how He shall APPEAR in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word,

so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That’s why this has to happen”.

The appearing of Christ as the revealed Word that can be understood by the Bride.


“It wasn’t in the reformers; wasn’t in Luther, Wesley, and—and the Pentecostals, and them. Scripture says it wasn’t.

But it will come. That is His promise for this age.

We’re living in the age that His Coming will be in”.

1964 and he speaks of the Coming of Christ in the future. Thus, Christ did not come in 1963.


“…that I was to return back here to Jeffersonville and preach the Seven Seals. And, there, if I’ve ever said anything that was inspired, it was in that. There where the Angel of the Lord met us, and the Bible become a new Bible.

There It opened up and revealed all the things

that the reformers and things had left out.

It was the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, altogether new to us, but perfectly exactly with the Scripture”.


“Now, in the Bible times, the mysteries were there, and they seen these things happen the way John saw it here. Now, he said, "There is a white horse rider." But what the mystery of it is, there's a mystery that goes with that rider. Now, what it was, they didn't know; but it's to be revealed.

But it is to be revealed AFTER the Lamb leaves the Father's throne of His intercessory as Kinsman Redeemer” ?????????   

 This quote claims that when the Seals are revealed in 1963, Christ was no longer the intercessor and Mercy was over!

In other words, for the last 60 years there has been no mercy. This statement cannot be true because then you and I are doomed. I only got saved in 1969.

Now look how he corrects himself in the same Bible study.


“Now, reveals all the mysteries that's gone on in the past. Now, the thought is here at the end time that the mysteries that begin way back long ago and has come down through the church ages

is to be revealed here at the breaking of the Seals

here at the last days,

after the time of intercession is JUST ABOUT finished at that time.”   

Here he says the time of intercession is almost over. So, mercy was not yet over. (Sigh of relief)

History has moved on 60 years. But God sees a day as 1000 years.

On that scale, 60 years is about 1½ hours.

You must check his quotes before you try to use a quote to develop a scary or sensational doctrine.


“But remember, Daniel was told by the Angel. Daniel heard seven thunders; they uttered their voices. Daniel grabbed his pen and started to write, and the Angel said, "Don't you write it." Amen”.

If you think you know what the Thunders are then try to explain where Daniel heard them.


“But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness,

not me preaching It, because It's the Bible says so.

Those who accept that is free, because they--the Word's already been judged”.

Only believe the quotes that you can prove from the King James Bible.


“… hope He will crown my ministry of this, of letting me

take the clothes of the Word, and dress His Bride in the clothes of the Word”,

We cannot be the Bride unless we are Scriptural.


“And have power over the waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with plagues as oft as they will.

What is it? What can bring these things but the Word? They can do nature any way they want to. Here it is. They're the one who brings on this Sixth Seal. They uncover and open it up. It's the power of God to interrupt nature.

See, the Sixth Seal, is completely an interruption of nature.

Do you get it now? There's your Seal. Who does it? It's the prophets the other side of the rapture. With the power of God, the Word of God, they just condemn nature. They can send earthquakes, turn the moon into blood, the sun can go down or anything at their command. Amen.

There you are. There you are. See? See how the Seals opened down there in the church age, how it showed the martyrs? And now here's these two prophets standing here with the Word of God to do anything to nature they want to, and they shake the earth. And it shows exactly who does it. It's Moses and Elijah, 'cause there's their ministry re-impersonated again: both men. Oh, my. Do you see it now? See what the Sixth Seal is? It's those prophets.

Now, notice. Don't let it choke you, but watch what opened that Seal: prophets. See?

Amen. There you are. Oh, we're living in the eagle day, brother, head up among the clouds.

They opened that Sixth Seal. They have power to do it. Amen.

There's your Sixth Seal coming open. See?”

Most important.

The Sixth Seal can only be opened when the Bride is in Heaven, because that is when the Seals are OPENED in their full details. Only the two Jewish prophets can open the Sixth Seal by interrupting Nature to cause devastation. Brother Branham never did that.

Thus, brother Branham revealed the Sixth Seal, but he never opened it.

Brother Branham spoke about the devastation of the Sixth Seal, but he never produced the devastation.


“See Israel's gathering in its own homeland. But you notice, He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here when the Seventh Seal, when He opened it, He also omitted it again. See? So we see that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for these mystery to be known, therefore, we're this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride, or whatever takes place at that time.

Now, until that time, let's just all pray and live good straight Christian lives,

looking forward for His coming”.


“Now, that's what's the reason today that the revivals that we're supposed to have... We have denominational revivals; we haven't had a real stirring. No, no, no, no. No, sir. Don't think we got revivals. We haven't. Oh, they've got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No, no.

The Bride hasn't had a revival yet.

See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it.

It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again.

He will send it. He promised it. Now, now, watch.

Now, she was dead”.


“Then the seven thunders utter their strange voices, and John was going to write... It was... John knew what it was, but he didn't write it, 'cause he was forbidden to write it.

That's absolutely and altogether a mystery. It's not even in symbol or nothing. We just know he--it thundered; that's all.

… Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good”.


“We find that Christ, the Lamb took the--the Book in His hand, and He opened that Seventh Seal. But you see, it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it. But it--it's right along with what He said:
no one would know His coming; they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery.

So you see, it's connected together.

… Jesus, when He was on earth, they wanted to know when He would come. He said, "It's not...

Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen."

See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret.

And that's the reason there was silence in Heaven for a space of a half hour, and seven thunders utter their voices, and John was even forbidden to write it, see,

the Coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No.

… And the end-time Seal, when it starts, will be absolutely a total secret according to the Bible.

There's no great man among us.

We're not great men, not great women--we're all brothers and sisters, all the same in the same bracket. We're no great.

One don't make one greater than the other one--not a thing at all to do.

No, sir. But we're just all human beings.

Don't try to interpret the things.”

Do not regard brother Branham as a great man. Respect of persons is a sin.

Do not make the Pastor greater than any member of the congregation.

Do not try to make up doctrines by interpreting a quote.

Message Pastors preached the Coming of the lord in 1977.

Message Pastors preached that Hillary would win the 2016 American Presidential election.

Message Pastors preached that Kamala Harris would win the 2024 American Presidential election.

Is it not time that people stopped listening to them?

Stay with the Word not the church


“They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to Heaven. To believe that, is antichrist. I’ll say this: if you believe in such a spirit, you’re lost”.


"And I remember in my vision when I seen the Presence of the Lord, or His people in that glorious Land yonder, I looked around, I told them... And they told me He would judge me first by the Gospel that I preach.

I said, "Just exactly the way Paul preached It!"

And them millions of people screamed out, "We're resting on that!" See? See. Now, I want it to be so. And we are going to meet there someday.

And God never sent Brother Neville and I to be bosses, not at all.

We're just your brothers, you see, instructors in the Gospel. So let's all work together.

… So then if something has struck us, no matter how real it seems,

if it's not right, not Scriptural, get rid of it right now;

'cause there is a real One waiting, you see.

… And the Voice of God is His Word.”

 The next four quotes express how his opinion of the church changed after 1947.

1947-1207 — EXPERIENCES

“Remember, ‘Come out of her, My people.’ Is that right? Babylon, confusion that…And not the people now, not out of your churches, but come out of that confusion among you. You see?”

1963-03 20   THE THIRD SEAL

“But you see, when they take up her sins, they die with her.

Here comes a little fellow along; you say, "I want to serve God."

They say, "Well, here's what you do. Go down there and repent."

"All right, I'll do it." "Glory to God," go down and repent.

"Now, come join us."

There you are. Uh-huh. That got it. That's right.

Died right with it.

See, see? Now, that's just what this Book is teaching.”


“Oh, my, talk about the lid off of the kettle:

demons going around, powers of the devil under the name of Christianity,

teaching for doctrine the commandments of men,

theological seminary doctrines,

leaving the Bible alone”.


“Where is He crucified at? From the pastors. You hypocrites”.

In Eden we chose the knowledge, the experience of good and evil, and we found out just how bitter and dark evil really is.


“We know the Bible is right; that's not my voice; that's God's voice, speaking”.


“I don't care what you believe; it's what the Bible says”.

62-0627  WE  WOULD  SEE  JESUS

“And now, in the Message that I have, I will try to make it just as simple as possible, because being the first time that you... Maybe people has been in the meetings. And it may seem a little strange to you at first. And if it does, I just ask you if you'll bear with me a little (See?),

and always search out what I say. If it isn't exactly with the Scripture, don't believe it”

There is no church today that understands the full Bible truth.


“On the 3rd chapter ends up the Church age. That's right.

And the Church age goes out with such a little bitty minority”

ISAIAH 54:15   Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

I CORINTHIANS 11:17    Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse.

You are not safe just because you have gathered in a group.

Lemmings gather together to rush over a cliff and die.


MATTHEW 13:30   “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn”.

The tares will always be gathered together. But they are doomed. But they are doomed as they deviate from Scripture.

MATTHEW13:31   “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

:32   Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”

This is the third Parable of Matthew Chapter 13 representing the third church age where the pagan Trinity and Politics got married into the church to produce the Roman Catholic Church. The enemy, the birds who gobbled up the seed in the first Parable (the first church age) are now ruling the church by lodging in the top positions of the man-made church organization.

The mustard seed was meant to be a small little local church plant, not a big church system with elevated Nicolaitan branches. Not an impressive megachurch.

When you exalt human leadership so that a Pastor can rule a church, you promote ambition, greed, and a lust for power over other people.


“If you would have followed Him, to see His miracles then, and then... And you say, "Oh, I'd love to see His miracles." And you followed Him, to see His miracles.

And then when He come to this place, said he stopped displaying His miracles, like, and begin to teach them.

And the seventy ministers, ordained by Christ, got up and walked away from Him because He said something that science couldn't go with, or the rest of the crowd couldn't go with. They couldn't understand how that Man, being a man, yet make Hisself God coming down from Heaven. The Son of man ascend up from where He come from. He was God. Sure, He was. They said, "Oh, we, that's too hard, we can't go that."


“In Luther's day it is said that the miracle of his ministry did not lie in the fact that he successfully protested the Roman Catholic Church, but the miracle lay in the fact he could, and did, stay sound and sane amidst the fanatics who were often filled with, and guided by, wrong spirits.

And if you have been aware of this last day ministry, you will have noted the same invasion of false and wicked spirits.

It has to be that way. Now I hope and trust you are spiritual minded enough to get that, and capitalize on it.”

Harsh, ambitious spirits swept into the leadership of the Message-churches that follow brother Branham. The people ceased to be Scriptural as they fought for self-importance and a bigger piece of the pie.


“How they survived their battle of faith and carried on still: THAT is the miracle”.

Fanatical spirits oppose our efforts to be restored to the apostles.


“And I remember in my vision when I seen the Presence of the Lord, or His people in that glorious Land yonder, I looked around, I told them... And they told me He would judge me first by the Gospel that I preach.

I said, "Just exactly the way Paul preached It!"

And them millions of people screamed out, "We're resting on that!"

See? See. Now, I want it to be so. And we are going to meet there someday.

And God never sent Brother Neville and I to be bosses, not at all.

We're just your brothers, you see, instructors in the Gospel. So let's all work together”.

Brother Branham’s ministry will only be a success if we end up believing exactly what Paul believed. We must use his quotes to help us understand the Scriptures.

The Signs and Wonders of the End Time


“It must be the whole Bible, not just part of it, 'cause God don't change!

What He was in Genesis, He is today, and He was in the middle age. He's always the same!”

We cannot believe a portion of the Bible. It must be the whole Bible.


“Now, we're promised a church age through reformers, and we've had them. But He promised, in Malachi 4, He'd keep His pattern in the last days, what would take place,

‘To turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the apostolic father.’

For that very purpose! And the church is so broke up in denominations and isms, it's so tore to pieces till it's dead; it's been a carrier.

And then He promised,

in the hour of the seventh angel's Message, the Seven Seals would be revealed;

and the mysteries of God would be declared (Revelation 10)

when the seventh angel begins to sound his Message, not the healing service,

the Message that follows the healing service”.

 The miracles were to attract attention.

But understanding the mysteries of Scripture is more important.

First, a healing and discernment ministry went out after the angel visited brother Branham in 1947.

Then in 1958, he preached the Serpent’s Seed that  exposed the mystery of original sin.

Then his ministry moved more into teaching the Bible mysteries.

DANIEL 12:10   “but the wise shall understand”.

We cannot claim to be the wise virgins unless we can understand the mysteries of Scripture.

Understanding the Bible mysteries, reached a climax in 1963.

Angels formed a supernaturally high cloud just north of the city of Flagstaff at sunset in Arizona on 28 February 1963 that was photographed from Tucson Observatory. There was no face in the cloud.

This supernatural cloud was not an EVENT. Brother Branham knew nothing about it for a few months. The cloud was a SIGN of a great event that was to occur.

Eight days later on 8 March at Sunset Peak, in the Great Sonoran Desert,

7 angels came and commissioned brother Branham to reveal the Bible mysteries.

That meeting with the seven angels was not the event. It was his commission to perform the event.

The great event was the Revelation of the Six Seals in Revelation Chapter 6, in Jeffersonville. The Seventh Seal was revealed to be a total mystery, the unknown secret Coming of the Lord.

No photographs were taken when the 7 angels came to Sunset Peak.

Jesus cannot come in a desert.

So, Jesus never came to Sunset Peak.

The Cloud was never seen over Sunset Peak.

MATTHEW 24:26   “Wherefore if they shall say unto you,

Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:

behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”

This great supernaturally high cloud was seen in the West just North of Flagstaff.

LUKE 12:54  “ And he said also to the people,

When ye see a cloud rise out of the west,

straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is”.

A cloud rises in the West and produces a shower of rain, the former rain or teaching rain (moreh).

This great shower of teaching rain was the brilliant “Revelation of the Six Seals” in Revelation Chapter 6.

The Seventh Seal is not in Chapter Six, so it remained a mystery.

The former rain is a teaching rain from the King James Bible.

NOT a Pastoral rain that elevates a one-man-head of a church who attempts to interpret quotes in an unscriptural way. That is a Nicolaitan system that conquers and suppresses the laity or congregation.

Brother Branham describes his 8 March 1963 experience with the 7 angels at Sunset Peak.


“And I looked, and standing before me stood seven Angels; just exactly the way it was. ...... right close. And I seen then what it was. Well, as soon as...

I got my commission,

and the Scripture,

The Seven Seals which is the seven mysteries."

The amazing series of visions that brother Branham saw between 17 March and 24 March 1963, at Jeffersonville, enable the Bride to understand the deep mysteries of God (plural).

Then the three stages of “the mystery of God” (singular) can be completed.

  1. Jesus is the Head of the church body and He is Lord God Almighty.
  2. The last church age body must return to the beliefs of the first church-age apostles.
  3. The 1769 Version of the King James Bible is the Absolute and Infallible Truth.

No Pastor must be the head of a church.

We must be guided by what the New Testament apostles did and believed. The apostle Paul is our role model.

We MUST prove what we believe just by joining up the relevant Scriptures of the King James Bible. Then we obey because the Bible says so. The Word is our Head. The Body only responds to signals from the Head.

This series of sermons was called “The Revelation of the Seven Seals”, not “The Opening of the Seven Seals” as the Seals have to be revealed before they can be opened. (Amos 3:7)

Once a person understands the six Seals, they will understand the patterns of God’s Word.

That will prepare them for the Second Coming of Jesus,

as they find DIRECTION by moving out of the modern church and being restored to the New Testament apostolic beliefs.

The Seventh Seal remains a total mystery as it refers to the total mystery of His Coming.


But when Pearry Greene made a photostat or duotone copy of the cloud photo, light leaked in to create two eyes and a nose, the appearance of a face.

The Life Magazine photograph of the cloud possesses NO facial features at all

When William Branham first attributed facial features to the cloud in the sermon 'It is the Rising of the Sun' (April 18, 1965), he was not looking at the original Life Magazine photograph. Rather, he was referring to a duotone (halftone) facsimile or photostat of the picture that Pearry Green had obtained from Shirley Abbott Studios of Beaumont, Texas. It appears that deficiencies in the reproduction process created some patterns of lighter and darker shading not present in the original picture. Some of which appeared to suggest two eyes and a nose.

Facsimile or Photostat                                   Light leaked in on the bottom left. The land is missing. Why?

Original photograph of Dr James McDonald

MATTHEW 24:30   “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”.

Only the photograph of the cloud high in the sky is a sign.

Not the flawed photostat or facsimile copy that was made at ground level.

The 42-kilometre-high supernatural cloud made from angels’ wings was a wonder.

It certainly made a skilled scientist, Dr James McDonald, wonder what on earth was going on?

Peter’s prophecy.

ACTS 2:19   “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

Water vapour makes rain clouds. Smoke vapour makes a smoke cloud.

“Wonders”. Plural. There had to be more than one cloud.

“Heaven”. Singular. Both clouds at the same place at the same time.

But there were two clouds just north of Flagstaff in Arizona.  Another wonder was a man-made scientific wonder, a 42-kilometer-high smoke cloud made from the explosion of a high-altitude Thor rocket.

The two clouds were seen from the city of Winslow as they moved towards Winslow. That was the unexplained puzzle for Dr McDonald. No science could explain both clouds.

Just to refresh your memory of where the places are in Arizona.

The smaller smoke cloud was about 20 miles behind the bigger supernatural cloud. Both clouds were moving from West to East during the 28 minutes that they were visible, just after sunset.


“And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it?

They still put in the paper, ‘Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?’ There is no fog up there, there's no air,

there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!
There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places,

then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man.’"

The very high-altitude man-made smoke cloud and the supernatural angelic cloud combined to make a sign for spiritual flying eagles.

Beware. You must be able to spot a mistake when brother Branham makes a mistake.

ERROR!   Go to Tucson; foretell it before it happened. Stand north of Tucson, witnesses standing here with it, when a blast come, that shook the mountains off the ground, almost. And at the same time, a circle of Light hanging yonder in the air, when the science took the pictures now. “Twenty-six miles high,” about five times the distance of fog or anything could be. And they can’t even find what did it.

Brother Branham can make mistakes. He is not infallible.

There was no cloud at Sunset Peak. The 7 angels were not photographed at Sunset Peak.

It was time to start the third Exodus of the Scriptural Bride coming out of man-made church organizations.

The first visible sight of the first Exodus, the Jews coming out of Egypt, was a natural bush burning with a supernatural fire. Fire means hardship and difficulty, but it strengthens and illuminates as it does not destroy the bush.

The first sign of the first Exodus was a natural rod thrown down to supernaturally form a vicious snake. Symbolic of Christ taking on our horrible sins in Gethsemane and having to die a ghastly and vicious death for our sins on Calvary.

The sign of the second Exodus, the church coming out of the Jews, was a natural Baby in a manger in a stinking stable, born supernaturally from a virgin.

LUKE 2:12   “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger”.

Jesus was the first Person ever born whose birth had nothing to do with sex. Jesus was the only Person ever born with Eternal Life.

Saint Peter made a prophecy on the Day of Pentecost.

ACTS 2:19   “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;

blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

“Blood and fire”.

1963 saw shocking images of Mrs Kennedy with her husband’s blood on her pink dress. American President Kennedy had been shot in the head and killed. He had unwisely increased the number of American military advisors to the Vietnam war. Vietnam was a pointless war started by President Eisenhower, a military general who should have known better, when he sent military advisors to Vietnam. In 1965 President Johnson foolishly escalated the Vietnam war that killed 58000 Americans.

By 1967, Civil Rights riots in America saw many cities burning.

Between 1965 and 1980, America, according to some historians, tried to commit suicide. America paid a huge price for ignoring or corrupting the revelations of Scripture that brother Branham revealed.

Brother Branham died in 1965.

Signs in the earth beneath”.

Light destroys darkness. Brother Branham revealed the brilliant light of the Six Seals.

The Roman Catholic Pope died in 1963.

The first Roman Catholic President of America was shot dead in 1963.

When the Seals were revealed, the Light destroyed the two most powerful Roman Catholic leaders. These two signs show that Roman Catholicism is a kingdom of darkness.

Joel’s prophecy looks the same as Peter’s prophecy but it is slightly different.

JOEL 2:30   And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

Joel had a similar but subtly different prophecy.

“Wonders in the heavens”. Heavens is plural. Different places and times.

Scientific wonders.

Aeroplanes that could fly thousands of miles at a height of ten kilometres, carrying a massive atomic bomb. The bomb dropped and exploded at 600 metres in a fireball brighter than the sun. The fire fell from the sky and vaporized the buildings below it.

Diagram of an atomic bomb radioactive cloud. A mushroom-shaped smoke cloud on a pillar of smoke.

“Blood and fire”. The symbol of war. The worst war ever fought, the Second World War, which cost about 70 million lives. It ended with two incredibly destructive atomic bombs and their curse of deadly invisible radiation that lingered for a while over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

“Pillars of smoke”. Plural. The two deadly mushroom clouds, three days apart, that each stood on a deadly pillar of radioactive smoke over each city.


The two atomic bombs of 1945 were the biggest shock to hit the world in the last century.

The radioactive clouds were about 16 to 18 kilometres high.

The curse of the invisible but deadly nuclear radiation killed tens of thousands in the following months.

Shock and horror.

Beauty attracts attention but does not keep it.

Shock and horror holds our attention. God was trying to catch our attention.

MALACHI 4:5   “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:”

The ministry of William Branham had to come before the dreadful day of God’s wrath that refers to the 3½ years of great Tribulation. The annihilation of our world systems with exploding volcanoes and exploding nuclear bombs and missiles.

Nuclear fusion bombs are far more powerful than the atomic bombs that fell on Japan.

MALACHI 4:6   “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,”

John the Baptist turned the elders, the Israelite fathers, to the wisdom of their children, Jesus and the disciples.

The disciples matured and became the apostles, the fathers of the early church.

The last church-age believers are the children who have to be turned or restored to the beliefs of our original apostolic fathers.

This is the ministry of William Branham.

MATTHEW 17:11   “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things”.

MALACHI 4:6   “and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse”.

At the end time we are the children. We must turn back to our spiritual fathers, the apostles who wrote the New Testament.

What is a curse? Invisible, deadly radiation that lingers for a while in the dust that blows around.

1945.   The two awful atomic bombs were a warning, a preview of the horrible destruction that awaits people in the time of great Tribulation.

1947.   The United Nations allowed Israel to fight for a small portion of their Promised land. God was starting to return to the Jews which is a sign that He is starting to finish with the church.

1947.   The angel visits brother Branham in America to start him on his incredible supernatural ministry to the Bride. This would culminate in 1963 with his incredible revelation of the Six Seals in Revelation Chapter 6. Then the Bible mysteries could be understood by those who wanted to be Scriptural. But it takes hard work.

1947.   America invents the transistor, which is a special switch. That enabled them to invent computers and the Internet. By the year 2000 a website, using satellites and cyberspace, could reach all the world.

MATTHEW 24:14  And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

President-elect Trump and Elon Musk join up in 2024.

President Trump fulfilled prophecy by recognizing JerUSAlem as Israel’s Capital.

USA helping the Jews.

Musk’s Starlink satellites have spread the internet access to many regions.

MATTHEW 13:37   Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

This is the seventh or last Parable in this Chapter, that describes the seventh or last church age.

The net represents the Internet.

The sea represents the restless nations and peoples with their borders and visa requirements and isolated communities that hinder missionary work. But the cyberspace of the Internet, using overhead satellites, cuts across all barriers to reach all nations.

Every kind of people can now download a study from the Internet and discover the truth of Scripture for themselves.

REVELATION 13:1   “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy”.

The Roman Catholic Church that rose up in the Dark Ages amidst the restless, crowded nations of Europe. The church is the resurrection of the pagan Roman Empire on the ruins of the Roman Empire’s “Seven hills of Rome”. The nerve centre of pagan Roman Empire was the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill. (Shown as a violet box). That lost its power to the barbarian tribes. The Pope with his headquarters in the Lateran Palace on the Caelian Hill (also a violet box) picked up the religious-political-financial power that the Roman Emperor lost.

So, the deadly wound recovered.

Today, the Pope mainly operates from the Vatican but the Lateran Palace remains the official headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

REVELATION 13:11   “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon”.

America began as 13 colonies.

The American Seal.  America’s number is 13.

13 stars in the circular Field of Glory at the top.

13 stripes (red and white) in the central Shield.

13 olive leaves and 13 olive berries in the claw on the left. America at Peace.

13 arrows in the other claw, on the right. America at War.

13 letters in the motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM” in the eagle’s beak. “Out of many, one”.

That means “Unity in Diversity”.

By the end of World War 2, America led the world in Science, Military production, Manufacturing, and Finance.

The Eagle represented America’s dominance in aircraft and spacecraft.

American Air Force is the world’s biggest Air Force.

American Navy has the world’s second-biggest Air Force.

REVELATION 13:13   “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,”

Scientific wonders. Only America was able to invent the atomic bomb in 1945.

Plus, the amazing bomber aircraft that could carry such a heavy bomb almost 2000 miles at such a great height.

The atomic bomb was dropped from a height of 10 kilometers. It exploded 600 metres above Hiroshima and a fireball rained down onto the city to destroy most of it.

America at war.

In 1969 America landed the first men on the moon. They returned at great speed and their space capsule heat shield had to withstand temperatures up to 2500oC. Red hot particles burned off (ablated) when they hit the earth’s atmosphere, to leave a fiery trail for about 3½ minutes.

By 2025 only America had landed men on the moon and brought them back.

America at peace.


"And the hour has come now that when the great drama picture of God set forth of the latter rain. Joel said, 'In the last days, it shall come to pass, that I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Upon my handmaids and maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit.

And I'll show signs in the heaven above, and signs in the earth below,

and pillars of fire, and vapor of smoke.

It shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'"

Brother Branham refers to the two Scriptures of Joel and Saint Peter that look similar, yet are different.

To refresh your memory.

JOEL 2:30   "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke".

ACTS 2:19   “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;

blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

They must be referring to different events.

First, the Second World War where man learned to create atomic bombs that will finally destroy mankind.

(Inventing an atomic bomb was just as clever as if a mouse had invented a mousetrap)

Our only escape is to return to the apostolic beliefs of the New Testament.

That is the journey of the third Exodus.

The Bride who understands the King James Bible is coming out of the church that does not understand the King James Bible.

Secondly, the incredibly high supernatural cloud and the smoke cloud of 1963 formed a sign that Six Seals would be revealed to enable us to travel through the Bible mysteries back to the first church age.

Parable of the Supper representing the Wedding Supper

LUKE 14:16 says a rich man prepares a supper to be eaten, representing the Wedding Supper where we will be fascinated by the understanding of the mysteries of God in the Bible. This will be after the Bride is caught up to Heaven.

God’s invitation to the Wedding Supper is sent out to all saved Christians.

But nobody answers his Scriptural invitation, they all prefer to do their own unscriptural church beliefs, such as Christmas. 25 December. Good Friday. Sunday Sabbath. William Branham is God in the flesh. His quotes replace Scripture as he is infallible. He is the Voice of God. The Pastor is the head of the church. Etc.

62-0627  WE  WOULD  SEE  JESUS

and always search out what I say. If it isn't exactly with the Scripture, don't believe it”

We are supposed to be strictly Scriptural, but none of the saved Christians in the churches want to be strictly Scriptural.

LUKE 14:21   “So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind”.

In 1947 the angel came to brother Branham to launch his amazing healing and discernment campaigns. Many believed because of the miracles.

LUKE 14:22   “And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room”.

But there was still room for another group. Bad guys. Highway robbers, Criminals, etc.

Hedges represent unwanted outcasts that society would call scum.

God would drag these reprobates in because they had one virtue that the saved church-goers lacked.

They had courage. They would stand up for Scripture against the church pastors. That is something that good church members are too terrified to do.

LUKE 14:23   “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled”.

Donald Trump has done many scandals. Call him a bad guy if you like.

But in 2018 he had the courage to face down a billion irate Muslims and recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Thus, fulfilling an ancient prophecy that God would regather the Jews in their Homeland.

In 1995 the American Senate passed a law that the President could recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. No other American President had the courage to do that. Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama refused. Nice guys, but they were too scared of the radical Islam opposition.

This Parable says God will use “bad” guys in the end. Why?

Today’s saved Christians, who think they are “good” Christians, lack the courage to oppose the churches and the Muslims by standing up for what is written in Scripture. The churches are forsaking Scripture as is made obvious by them accepting gay rights and same-sex marriage and gender change.

The last verse of the Parable has a chilling condemnation of the churches.

None of the saved Christians in the churches will make it to the Wedding Supper of Jesus and His Bride.

LUKE 14:24   “For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper”.

God is returning to Israel and needs America to protect Israel until the two prophets Moses and Elijah arise to guide the 144000 Jews to Messiah.

JerUSAlem. Three thousand years ago David established Jerusalem as the capital. USA was already hidden in the name as their future protector.

David ben Gurion raised the six-pointed Star of David flag when Israel declared independence in 1948. They won back a small portion of the Promised Land.

“David” is a name from three thousand years ago. No other nation has name accuracy over such a vast sweep of time.

Moses said work six days and rest the seventh day.

Moshe (Moses) Dayan beat three Arab nations in the 1967 Six-Day War and stopped fighting on the seventh day. A complete military miracle.

Abraham was given the Promised Land. Abraham paid tithes and asked for Eshcol to get his portion. Abraham’s great grandson Levi became the tithes collector. The Jews lost the Promised Land between AD 70 and AD 135. The pagan Roman Empire exiled them.

In the 1967 Six-Day War, the Jews conquered a big portion of their Promised Land and got it back. The President of Israel who signed for the new portion was Levi Eshcol.

It pays to pay tithes.

In 2024 Trump won a second term as President in order to protect Israel.

The British Prime minister foolishly said he would arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he came to England. Trump, while only President-elect, immediately threatened to crush the British economy if Britain did so. Britain is now silent on the matter. But other nations have thereby been warned. Do not try to harm Israel.

Trump has loads of courage. The Bride needs loads of courage to stand up against the flood tide of church errors and man-made traditions.

“Time no longer”. (Revelation 10:6)


“Now, we are grateful to the Lord

to be living in the day that we're living in, just before the coming of Jesus.

As I have said before, it's the greatest time of all history. I'd rather be living right now than any time, to... on earth”.


Question :  “If time ceased when the Seals were opened, then the Millennium is also finished, is it not?

Answer : No, no. Time didn't cease when the Seals were opened.

Misunderstood it.

What happened, the mysteries was revealed, not time ceased.

Because see? We got a thousand years after the church has gone home and comes back upon the earth.

Then time ceases in the new heavens and new earth”.

But time will cease for you as an individual member of the Bride when you are changed into an immortal body.

Then you step out of time into Eternity. The rest of the world who are not caught up to Heaven will remain in time inside their old sinful bodies.

An interesting idea from Mathematics.  2025 is a special SQUARE year.

President Trump was the 45th President.

He fulfilled prophecy by recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

45 x 45 = 2025   and he is back in office again.

Coincidence? Or is God starting to build spiritually?

God’s great City, New Jerusalem, has a square base as its foundation.

REVELATION 21:16   And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth:

The next square (46 x 46) is almost 91 years away in 2116. Too far away to be a sign for us.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23