Dark Energy and Dark Matter
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Dark means that we do not know what it is. We know a lot but there is much more that we do not understand
First published on the 5th of April 2024 — Last updated on the 5th of April 2024The bits we do not know can reveal our vast ignorance
120 years ago, scientists thought that they had the physical universe all puzzled out.
There were just two small clouds of ignorance on the horizon.
The orbit of Mercury did not quite fit Newton’s laws. Energy radiating out from a body did not work in theory when you got to the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
Two little blips. But scientists thought they could safely ignore those minor or trivial details.
Then came Einstein. General Relativity explained Mercury’s orbit but created a whole new physics. It was a gravitational revolution. A huge new revelation concerning gravity suddenly opened. Black holes and gravity waves were predicted and found.
Then, Einstein worked with energy in small lumps and laid the foundation for Quantum Mechanics, which was the profound physics revolution of the atom. This vast field had been hiding out of sight. It led to the invention of the transistor in 1947 which opened the door to computers and the internet. The year 1947 also saw the United Nations giving the Jews the right to fight for a small portion of their Promised Land. The Arabs rejected a two-State solution to their cost.
Those two small clouds seemed trivial. It was just Mercury aand the ultraviolet spectrum that did not fit in with everything else that seemed to work fine in Science. But what was dismissed as two unimportant details, were actually God trying to tell scientists that there were two huge areas of physics that they were totally ignorant of.
As a result we have learned a lot in the last century or so. But it took a lot of hard work.
Scientists have discovered the main particles that are made from electrons and quarks. They know the four main forces and the Higgs field, so they are convinced that there is nothing important left in the physical universe that they do not know about. Thus, there is no hiding place for a spiritual realm. To them, it is all about materialism. This suits atheists and non-theists.
As it was 120 years ago, scientists again have got it all worked out. So they think.
But once again (history repeats) there are two small clouds on their horizon in our otherwise impressive explanation of the material universe.
First, the gravitational force remains an elusive mystery that just does not want to fit in with the other three forces. We have not been able to puzzle out a mechanism for how it works. To make it worse, when we get down to the atomic level, Quantum Mechanics and General relativity simply fight with each other. So, something is wrong.
Secondly, the theory of the strong nuclear force requires the proton to decay after a long time. But there is no experimental evidence of proton decay.
Mathematical scientists have over many decades developed the brilliant idea of String Theory. It involves hugely advanced mathematics. But they cannot find where it fits into the real world and so String Theory seems to be fading.
Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg said that the more we seem to be able to understand the universe, the more it also seems pointless. Is Science taking us down a dead-end?
Look at the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2005. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren had to fight the entire scientific establishment for two decades to prove that ulcers are caused by bacteria. Virtually all the scientists had it wrong.
Then, suddenly, dark matter gets thrown in our faces. It is about 24% of our physical universe, and we cannot see it or know what it is. That leaves us in the dark. (Pun intended.) There is 24% of the universe out there that interacts through gravitational forces (the one force we do not understand). Dark Matter stops our galaxies from breaking up, but we don’t know what it is.
Then a whopping 72% of our universe is unseen, unknown, and unsuspected Dark Energy that is accelerating the expansion of the universe. We never knew this until some women astronomers discovered the clues at the end of the last century. What is Dark Energy? We know not. But it has a remarkable anti-gravity force to push things apart. Until then, gravity was the one force that only attracted objects. Once again, the mystery gravity force is involved with a mysterious unknown energy.
72% + 24% = 96% of our physical universe that is unknown and can’t be seen.
When scientists say “dark energy” and “dark matter” they mean that they have no clue what these ideas are.
We only are aware of them because of the effects that they have on physical objects that can be seen.
So, there is plenty of room in the 96% of the unknown universe for a spiritual dimension that also cannot be seen in any way. But the spiritual realm can be indirectly observed by its effects on the people who we can see.
Unbelievers can no longer claim that there is no place in the physical universe for a spiritual dimension. There is plenty of room for that which cannot be seen.
We see signs of a spiritual realm in our world.
When a 2600-year-old prophecy is fulfilled as Jerusalem gets recognized as Israel’s capital after the Jews’ long exile and return. The Hebrew language was dead but it has now come back to life after almost 2000 years.
David ben Gurion, as Prime Minister, raised the Star of David flag in 1948. Name accuracy across 3000 years.
When we read that over 4000 years ago, Abraham paid tithes to God and asked for Eshcol to get his portion, we see the Jews winning the Six-day War in 1967 to reclaim their portion of the Promised Land, and Levi Eshcol was the Prime Minister. (Levi was the tribe that collected tithes.) So, as a sideline, it pays to tithe.
Evidence of a spiritual dimension is when we see sinners repent and turn into saints.
Ruthless criminals show remorse.
Cunning thieves suddenly decide to own up and confess their crimes.
Charity goes from the rich to the poor.
The strong defend the weak and helpless.
Women and children are treated with respect.
All of these, when we see them, are evidence that our physical world is also surrounded by a spiritual world.
When we thought we knew it all last century, Einstein came to open a door to some profound insights. He made us realize that our knowledge was just a bubble and that we had a lot to learn.
Today we are in the same boat. We think we know a lot but we actually have a lot to learn, physically and spiritually.
96% of our physical universe still needs to be discovered.
How much of the spiritual realm are our churches still in ignorance of? Probably 96%.
Look at page 1 of the Bible. Six times it says that the evening and the morning were the day. That is excessive repetition, which means it is extremely important.
Why is night left out? Why is afternoon left out? There must be no superficial explanation involved. To explain this, we will need to change our thinking radically
Why is nothing good said about day two? Again, we will have to think deeply if we are to really understand why God never called it good.
Light was there on the first day, yet the Sun and Moon were made on the fourth day. What deep revelation is hidden in this apparent paradox?
These blips in our knowledge that look like we can ignore them actually hide deep and profound spiritual truths that the churches cannot grasp. But it takes a lot of hard work to extract these truths.
DANIEL 12:10 But the wise shall understand
We cannot be part of the wise virgins in Matthew 25 unless we understand the deeper mysteries of the revealed King James Bible.