A Shout as the Lord descends

Brother Branham was Scriptural. The shout will be when the Bride becomes Scriptural. People cause the shout, not one man

First published on the 1st of January 2025 — Last updated on the 8th of January 2025

Asked about the end-time, Jesus just warned about saved people being deceived by unscriptural church beliefs. Instead of killing us, churches subtly get their wrong ideas inside our heads. Then, thinking that we are serving God because we do some things right, we actually actively also propagate their wrong beliefs.

That makes us unprofitable servants. (Luke 17:10).

The biggest deception regarding church order is when a pastor calls himself the head of a church. That never happened in the New Testament. Elevating a pastor to be in charge of the church is Nicolaitan and moves away from the written Word. The pastor invents new doctrines based on quotes and his own opinions.

Look what God says to the 7th and last church age.

REVELATION 3:14   “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;”

The “church of the Laodiceans” make up their own unscriptural church beliefs. They are very religious but lawless. They cannot prove their ideas from Scripture.

The former rain is a teaching rain that understands the written Bible mysteries.

It is not a pastoral rain of elevated church heads who try to interpret specially selected quotes.

Brother Branham revealed the written mysteries of Scripture for the Bride. The Bride must now do the hard work of being able to prove these revelations from Scripture. That will only be possible if they return to the New Testament beliefs of the apostles and Saint Paul.

When the Bride, the wise virgins, finally understand the King James Bible, that will be the shout that finally tells Jesus that we are ready for His Second Coming.

Jesus will not appear in His glorified body until we have been changed into our glorified bodies.

The word “Trump” appears twice in the New Testament. This is his second term of office.

President Trump fulfilled prophecy when he recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

The shout will happen before Jesus appears

I THESSALONIANS 4:16   “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“Three things happen: A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen

before Jesus appears”.

The “shout” has to happen before Jesus appears.

If the shout was brother Branham preaching, as Message-pastors wrongly claim, then Jesus could not appear while he was preaching on earth. Brother Branham has to finish preaching before Jesus can appear.

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“Shout: a messenger getting the people ready”.

A teacher prepares the students for an examination. The teacher knows the work but the examination will test the students, not the teacher.

Brother Branham proved his doctrines from Scripture. Can you prove his doctrines from Scripture or are you just a parrot repeating a quote without any understanding of Scripture.

The Bible never mentions parrots.

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“Three things happen: A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen

before Jesus appears”.


… “The second is a voice of the resurrection:”

The voice of the archangel Who produces the resurrection also has to happen before Jesus appears.

But there has been no resurrection of the New Testament saints in the sixty years since brother Branham died.

“Shout: a messenger getting the people ready”.

This “shout” obviously has to happen before Jesus appears so that the people can be ready for His appearing.

Those who say Jesus has appeared, have misunderstood something.

The prophet’s sermons help to get the people ready by restoring them to the beliefs of the first church age of the apostles. The prophet thereby makes them strictly Scriptural.

MATTHEW 17:11  “Elias truly shall first come and restore all things”.


“Lord, I pray that You’ll keep sickness away from us. May it come to pass, that when people become sick, that they’ll remember

the present and all-sufficient Blood of the Lord Jesus lays on the altar,

to make an atonement. And I pray that they’ll be healed immediately”.

At the end of his revelation of the Seven Seals, mercy was still open. The blood of Jesus was still on the mercy seat.

Mercy never ended when the Seals were revealed.


“Jesus in this last days,

just BEFORE His appearing in physical form now,

setting with dirty feet. Are you willing to come take your stand, to take the reproach off of His Name?

Calling, O sinner, come home!”

1964 and Jesus had not yet appeared in a physical form, so Jesus was still on the mercy seat. Salvation was still open for sinners.

So, mercy was still open, meaning that Jesus was still on the Mercy Seat in 1964.


“O Lord Jesus, come among us. Don’t pass us by. Come, stay all night with us till this night is over, then let us go with You tomorrow; we might know You in the power of Your resurrection, that Your love and grace and mercy might be with us”.
Just before he died in December 1965, brother Branham still believed in the mercy of God.


“As long as Blood is on the mercy seat, showed that Something died to hold judgment back.

But when the Church is raptured, the mercy seat becomes a judgment seat!

… And the mercy seat is the altar where you kneel and ask for mercy.”

There is mercy until the Lord gets off the Mercy Seat.

He only gets off the Mercy Seat when He comes to catch His Bride up to Heaven after our physical bodies have changed into glorified bodies.


“But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and is right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because God is rich in His mercy! Amen”.


Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved. Now, is this true? (I’m glad I got this one.) We watch and pray…We watch the prayer lines, and it seems some are still finding mercy.

Now, that’s the first question, you got two.

 “Is mercy over?” Don’t never think that!

See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you’re taken away. See?

“We notice in the prayer line some finds mercy.” Sure! Mercies, the doors are open.

See? I think where you got this, this thought might lay between…See, I don’t have time to give each one of these Scriptures their right place, (you see?), each one of these things their right place. They…In the prayer line you find mercy, certainly.

If I knowed Jesus was coming this afternoon, I’d be doing just the thing I’m doing right now (see?), just continuing right on.

Mercy is always open. See?

The Shout is in the future and is made by the Bride

Before we study the “shout”, let us look at the last comment brother Branham made

one month before he died.


“Dear God, in this solemn moment, it’s going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday,

and the Son of God SHALL descend from the heavens with a SHOUT,”

The “shout” will only happen in the future, after the prophet has left the scene.
Thus the shout was not the prophet becoming Scriptural as he learned the mysteries of God and recorded his sermons which enable us to prove our beliefs from Scripture.

Watch what? After what? After the Message of “Come out of her!” “After these things,” watch,

“is the shout of the Bride saints, with the Bridegroom,

going to the Marriage of the Lamb.”

The “shout” is made by the Bride understanding the Bible mysteries.

Why has Jesus not come back? He is waiting for us to understand the Bible mysteries.

DANIEL 12:10   “but the wise shall understand”.

We cannot call ourselves the wise virgins unless we understand the Bible mysteries.

We have moved on sixty years since brother Branham’s death in 1965 and in that time God is expecting the Bride to become Scriptural as they prove brother Branham’s revelations from Scripture for themselves.

A class of students is not judged by how much the teacher knows, they are judged by how much the students know. Each student is examined individually and must know the work for himself or herself.

The appearing of Jesus is still in the future.

“… the Elected that’s been called out of the world, separated children of God, in this great hour that we’re living, under this great expectation of the appearing of our Lover, the Lord Jesus, at any time”.

1965 and the Lord had still not appeared.


“And, Father, we ask for grace, then, that You’ll open our eyes to the understanding of Thy Word, that we might understand the hour we’re living, that we might prepare ourselves for His appearing, as we truly believe it’s at hand”.
Only by understanding the Scriptures can we prepare ourselves for the appearing of the Lord.

I JOHN 3:2   “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that,

when he shall appear, we shall be like him;

for we shall see him as he is”.

Jesus will not appear in His glorified body until we have been changed into our glorified bodies.

Jesus could not fully appear in brother Branham’s body because his body was not perfect, not glorified. Brother Branham was still in a sinful body.

The fulness of God can only dwell in a perfect body.


“And give us of Thy grace and love, that we might follow those paths and instructions with all of our hearts, that we might be found, that day, in Christ, blameless, for we believe, Lord,

that His appearing is soon.

We see all the signs that He said would take place just ere His Coming,

now being fulfilled”.

We will only be like Him after the resurrection when we have our bodies changed into new, immortal bodies.

COLOSSIANS 3:4   “When Christ, who is our life,

shall appear,then shall ye also appear with him in glory”.

Christ will only appear in His glorified body after we have been changed into our glorified bodies.

I PETER 5:4   And when the chief Shepherd shall appear,

ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away”.

When the Lord Jesus appears, you will receive your crown, a glorified body that never gets old, nor sick, nor dies.

56-0304 — MAKING A WAY

“When you’re sick and tired of this old life, and you’ll love the appearing of the Lord Jesus better than you love your food at the table, or your wife, or your children, then there’s a crown laid up for you.

Not a crown, a gold crown to put upon your head. But a body, free from pain.

Crowned in the Glory of God, crowned in the immortality of Jesus Christ. That’s what’s laid up for you, that the Lord, the righteous Judge will give you at that day. That’s the day we look forward to. God has made a way of escape for every one of us. Certainly He has”.

I THESSALONIANS 2:19   “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?”

When He appears we shall be like Him. We will be in His Presence at His Coming.

So, there is no real difference between His appearing and His coming.

I JOHN 2:28   “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming”.


“… then sealing them into the Kingdom of God until the COMING and the APPEARING of the visible body of the Lord Jesus to catch away His Bride”.

In 1962 brother Branham claimed there was a difference between the appearing and the Coming of Jesus.

But in 1963 he regarded them as being the same.
The appearing of Jesus in a physical body is still in the future. It is the same as His Coming.


“… for out of the Ages come the Seals, and out of the Seals come the Trumpets, and out of the Trumpets come the Vials. Like the first burst of a Roman candle, the Church Ages come forth with a mighty initial illumination, without which there could be no further light. But once the brilliance of the Seven Church Ages is given by Divine revelation, light upon light follows, until the whole of the Revelation opens wide before our wondering eyes;

and we, edified and purified by its Spirit, are made ready for His glorious appearing,

even our Lord and Saviour, the One True God, Jesus Christ”.

The Church Ages Book was printed in 1965, the year brother Branham died.

Thus, in 1965 we were still being made ready for the Lord’s appearing.

Thus, the Lord did not appear in a physical body during brother Branham’s ministry of discernment and prophecy.


“But we have discovered that the Word also teaches an invasion of error until there is a complete blackout of truth in the last day

when the Lord is about to appear”.

If the Lord was still about to appear in 1965, then He obviously had not appeared before then.


If the Lord is still to appear in the future, then what did appear during the ministry of brother Branham?


“The appearing of the Lord Jesus.

The last SIGN to the Gentile is Him coming in the Spirit of the Holy Ghost

back into His Church”


“So does He today,

this pouring out of the Holy Ghost is THE SIGN of His appearing

even in this age, as He promised”.

A SIGN is given before the EVENT.

The supernatural that appeared in brother Branham’s ministry was not the actual appearing of the Lord in a glorified human body.

It was a SIGN of the future appearing of the Lord in His immortal human body.

The SIGN was to catch our attention.

Then we would hear as the mysteries were revealed so that we could see Christ revealed in His Word before we see Him revealed in His glorified body as He catches us up to Heaven.

“And I’m conscious now that the anointing of the Holy Spirit in near where I’m standing.

The Angel of God that you see in the picture here, is just real close to where I am right now”.

The picture that he refers to is the Pillar of Fire that was photographed close to brother Branham. 

The Pillar of Fire was NEAR him.  


“The Angel of God, Whose servant I am, is standing less than three feet from me, right now.

You think I’d say that if I didn’t know what I was talking about? He’s moving right in. You can just feel It coming in. It’s His Presence.

Now, Lord Jesus, come near.

May a sacred, holy, hush come over the people. May there be a reverence.

You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it’s the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do”.


“I wasn’t the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I’m not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are;

I’m only one that’s NEAR when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It.

It wasn’t what I knew; it’s what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn’t me, it wasn’t the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn’t the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It’s not a man; it’s God.

The angel was not the Son of man; he was the messenger from the Son of man.

The Son of man is Christ; He is the One that you’re feeding on. You’re not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you’re feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man”.

The fulness of God was not in brother Branham when he did the discernment.

The fulness of God was near him.

The shout is when the Bride gets Scriptural

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“Now, a shout…

Jesus does all three of them when He’s descending.
A shout, what is the shout? It’s the Message going forth,

first, the living Bread of Life

bringing forth the Bride.

It will take time for the Bride to get Scriptural.

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“The first thing comes, when He starts descending from the Heaven, there’s a shout. What is it? Is a Message, to get the people together.

A Message comes forth, first. Now, lamp-trimming time,

‘Rise and trim your lamps.’ What watch was that? The seventh, not the sixth. The seventh, ‘Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Rise and trim your lamps.’ And they did. Some of them found they didn’t even have any Oil in their lamp. See? But it’s lamp-trimming time”.

A woman represents a church. Virgins are clean women, representing saved church people.

Some are wise and understand Scripture. Some are foolish or fooled by their pastors. They believe unscriptural things like Good Friday, Christmas, 25 December, and Christmas tree, etc.

The Bible never asked us to celebrate the Lord’s birth.

Churches foolishly think that they can serve God with their own made-up version of church traditions.

They think that God is impressed with their ideas.

Women represent churches.

Their makeup represents how they make up church beliefs.

MATTHEW 25:5   “While the bridegroom tarried, they ALL slumbered and slept”.

All the saved people in the churches are fast asleep.

Lulled to sleep every Sunday by unscriptural ideas that cannot be proven from the Bible. They have grown careless and complacently comfortable with the fact that there is much of the Bible that they do not understand. The New Testament never mentions the “Voice of God”. It is an empty claim. The Pope claims to be infallible. Calling brother Branham infallible just makes him another Pope.

The Message brings forth a lamp-trimming time that only comes forth after the wakeup cry at midnight.

There has to be a future lamp-trimming time. An urgent checkup of our lifestyles and beliefs.

Are we Scriptural? Do we understand the Bible?

“We must know” will be the Bride’s new-found urgency.

“Must we know?” is the present self-satisfied attitude of the smugly confident saved Christians who are represented by the foolish or fooled virgins.

But, in the end, the Bride goes out from their inadequate churches and trim their lamps.

MATTHEW 25:6   “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh;

go ye out to meet him”.

You cannot meet Christ in the church as He stands outside the church, knocking on the door.

Christ is looking for individuals, not the church.

He is about to spew the church out of His mouth.

REVELATION 3:20   “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me”.

A worldwide cry of distress.

Some huge financial disaster like an earthquake sinking Los Angeles, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and financially crippling America. Most of the world is linked financially to the American dollar.
The “shout” is when the Bride individuals are ready. When they are Scriptural.

That will produce the voice of the resurrection.

The resurrected dead will be Scriptural. So, if we are not Scriptural, we will not recognize them.

1965-1127   I  HAVE  HEARD  BUT  NOW  I  SEE
“Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when

there really will be a clap of thunder someday,

and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a SHOUT,

with the VOICE of the Archangel, and the TRUMP of God, the dead in Christ shall rise”.

This was preached one month before brother Branham died.

He was still looking forward to the shout that would be in the future.

Most important.

The shout , voice, and trump are still in the future.

The single Thunder when the First Seal opens is also in the future.

Since 2016 the very controversial President TRUMP has been a SIGN of the times.

The word "trump" is linked to the time of the resurrection of the dead.

It is as if God is using his name as a warning to us that the time is at hand.

An interesting idea from Mathematics.

President Trump was the 45th President.

He fulfilled prophecy by recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

45 x 45 = 2025   and he is back in office again.

Coincidence? Or is God starting to build spiritually?

God’s great City, New Jerusalem, has a square base as its foundation.

REVELATION 21:16   And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth:

The next square (46 x 46) is almost 91 years away in 2116. Too far away to be a sign for us.


“The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming”.

Thus, the Seven Seals have not opened yet. They only open after the Rapture when the Bride is in Heaven in Revelation Chapter 6.

Remember, BEFORE the Seals are opened, they must first be revealed.

AMOS 3:7   “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets”.

Brother Branham could not open the Seals because there was nobody before him who was capable of revealing the Seven Seals.

Brother Branham was able to reveal six of the seven Seals. That is why there are only six Seals in Revelation Chapter 6.

The Seventh Seal reveals the Coming of the Lord which is a total mystery. The Seventh Seal is in Revelation Chapter 8. Seven represents completion. Eight represents a new system. The seven Thunders utter to show you how to change your body. With a new glorified brain you will be far, far cleverer and able to understand much deeper mysteries.

Revelation Chapter 8 is a whole new system that occurs at the Coming of the Lord, impossible to understand now, as we will be changed into new bodies when the seven Thunders utter.

This book was first published in 1967. The small print is Revelation 10:7 which says

“In the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets”.

On the cover, brother Branham was referred to as the “voice of the seventh angel” not the “Voice of God”.

In 1967 the publisher was called “Spoken Word” publications.

Tucson Tabernacle printed hard-cover collections of his sermons, called THE VOICE OF THE PROPHET.

Then came a major change.

The 1993 reprint had changed to become the “Voice of God” Recordings. Why the change?

“Voice of God” does not appear in the New Testament. It is a dangerous  step towards uplifting brother Branham. A kind of Deity doctrine.

Yet the cover of the 1993 reprint says “In the days of the voice of the seventh angel”.

“Voice of God” or  “the voice of the seventh angel?”.

This contradiction is confusing. We are living in a deceiving time.

Remember, Judas the arch-deceiver was an apostle, a church leader.


The most famous shout in the Old Testament caused the collapse of the wall around the city of Jericho.

The collapse of Jericho’s wall represents the final collapse of the denominational and church walls of man-made doctrines.

JOSHUA 6:5   “And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet,

all the people shall shout with a great shout;

and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him”.

JOSHUA 6:10   “And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout”.

The shout was not Joshua shouting.

The people all gave the great shout.

But the people were not allowed to say any of their own ideas. We must only repeat Scripture.

When all the people of the Bride are Scriptural, that will be the future “shout”.

Brother Branham was not infallible

A false shout was the people calling a famous man, Herod, the “voice of a god”, as if he is more than a man.

ACTS 12:22   “And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man”.

That shout angered God and He struck Herod dead.

Today, the false shout is Message-followers of brother Branham saying that he is the “Voice of God”. As if his quotes are infallible, which sadly makes him another Pope.

“Voice of God” is not mentioned in the New Testament.

That fake shout, that brother Branham is the Voice of God and we must only listen to his tapes and repeat his quotes, has echoed around the world for a few decades without producing the Second Coming of Jesus. The church and denominational walls have not collapsed.

But message-churches have built their own unscriptural walls around them. Instead of exposing the thousands of different foolish virgins churches, they have joined them by making up more than a hundred different variations of the end-time message.

The “Voice of God” shout is thus fake news. Claiming that we must only build our faith on his quotes.

Message-believers who follow brother Branham predicted that the Lord would come in 1977 and America would be destroyed.

They predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 Presidential election.

They predicted that Kamala Harris would win the 2024 Presidential election.

And new ideas keep mutating like a virus in their minds.

Their Bible ignorance enables them to keep getting it wrong.

But they never seem to learn.

They have missed the first step of Salvation. Repent and make an open confession of past mistakes. No cover-ups. No sweeping issues under the carpet.


“…and that I am perfectly infallible. That there’s nothing…And, oh, some of the awfulest things you ever heard”.


“To make me the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, would be an antichrist (see?)”,


“Now. Brother Branham, is it true that no one should preach but you? We have seen you ordained men. We don’t believe you would do that if they were not to preach.

Mercy! Brother, sister, ever who told you that nobody’s to preach but me,

I’d sure be a poor subject to God with all that. No! Every man that feels a call of God upon his life, get into the ministry and start preaching; we need them.

Men of God are anointed all over the world to preach the Gospel. See? I’m just one little pebble on the beach among many big stones. See? There’s just many that’s more eligible, more worthy, more of anything to preach than me; I’m just one little, humble person laying out here. I’m one grain of wheat in a whole garner. See? So that just a…You know what I mean!

Any man that’s called of God needs to preach the Gospel.”

The SHOUT will be when all the Bride become Scriptural. It will take many people to produce the shout.

I SAMUEL 4:6 “And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the LORD was come into the camp”.

The ark symbolizes the true Word of God as God is revealed in His Word.

When the Bride understands the Bible and sees God revealed in His Word, that will be the GREAT SHOUT that will bring Jesus down from Heaven.
Appearing the second time is the same as coming the second time.

We will only be without sin when we are changed into our new glorified bodies.

HEBREWS 9:28  “ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation”.

The Spirit of Jesus appearing in power was a sign

The Jews in Moses day represented the three possibilities for the church.

The wise virgins, the Bride, will use the revelations of William Branham to finally achieve a mastery of the mysteries of Scripture so that they can understand the Scriptures.

DANIEL 12:10   “but the wise shall understand”.

When all the Bride individuals understand the Bible, that will be the shout of mastery that brings Jesus down from Heaven.

EXODUS 32:18   “And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome

but the noise of them that sing do I hear”.

The foolish virgins will cry in distress as they realize they were overcome by the deceptions of their church leaders. Then they realize that they have to go out of the church. But it is too late. They will end up in great Tribulation and be killed.

In the meanwhile, the foolish virgins are fooled by their ability to sing well.

They think that all their errors and Bible ignorance are not important because they are so good at singing praise and worship songs. Singing well is irrelevant if your doctrines are wrong. Moses was not impressed with their singing that sounded like noise because they were naked and worshiping money, the golden calf.

If our minds are not dressed or clothed by believing the revealed truth of Scripture, then God sees us as naked.

The many supernatural events in brother Branham’s ministry were the Spirit of Christ appearing before the people. Not Jesus appearing in His physical body.


“Tonight, because of Your appearing before us, it made people press beyond every circumstance, to get up here, to believe that this is the hour that their sins will be forgiven them, and that they will be free, from this night on”.

The Spirit of Jesus was appearing before the people as the supernatural events occurred. Salvation was still available in 1964. After the Seals had been revealed.


“And now, Father, we don’t know when this great event will be.

But when we see these SIGNS appearing, and Scriptural happenings,

it warms our heart above measure”.

The supernatural miracles were simply SIGNS that appeared to show the people that brother Branham was a preacher of truth.


“Look, Abraham seen one sign, another calling; a sign, a calling; a calling, a sign; waiting for that promised son. BUT THE LAST SIGN THAT HE SAW, THE LAST APPEARING, the last visit of God before the promised son arrived on the scene, was Elohim in human flesh. Then the promised son come.

And Abraham’s Seed is waiting for the promised Son, Jesus Christ.

And they’ve seen SIGNS, the pouring out of the Holy Ghost,

speaking in tongues, Divine healing, and so forth”.

The last time that God appeared to Abraham in a body of flesh WAS NOT AN EVENT IN ITSELF, it was a SIGN that the future event, the coming of the promised son, was about to happen.

God stood near the prophet Abraham and revealed Sarah’s thoughts.

The Spirit of God stood near the prophet William Branham and revealed the thoughts of the church, represented by the woman Sarah.

Much supernatural was poured out over the Pentecostal churches.

The supernatural Spirit of God appears MANY times before the people AS SIGNS to prepare them for when the physical body of Jesus will appear ONCE above the people to catch them up to Heaven.


“Our subject tonight, is, The Resurrected Lord Jesus. It’s kind of a basic theme for our campaign. The theme of our campaigns is based upon Hebrews 13:8, that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” That He is the same in principle, the same in love, the same in power, the same all just exactly the same; He’s the same in His Church.

Now, He isn’t here in a body form. He’s here in a Spirit form and His body was taken up.”

Jesus does not appear in a body of flesh until He comes for the Rapture.


“Can you imagine the expectation of the appearing of Jesus Christ?”

“But how would I know Him? Jesus said, ‘By their fruits they are known.’ Now if Jesus was here,

He would not be in a physical form like me,

’cause that body is setting at the right hand of the Majesty,

but His Life is here”.

 If Jesus does appear before the Rapture, He will not appear as a Man.


“I said, ‘Are you a believer? Are you a Christian?’

Said, ‘No, sir.’ He said, ‘I’ve…’

I might not quote just the word he said here, but he might have been a little skeptic.

I had asked him about the things of the Angel of the Lord appearing”.

 Do not muddle up the appearing of the Holy Spirit in His meetings which he also referred to as the appearing of the Angel of the Lord, with the appearing of Jesus in a body of flesh at the Rapture.


“May we examine our hearts today, by Thy Word, and see if we are in the Faith, that we might be ready, that,

the hour of His Appearing.

That we should be as the Scripture has said would be,

‘Caught up together, with those who are asleep, and meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with Him.’

… For we ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

our great Shepherd, that we are looking to appear. Amen”.


“ … for the latter-day Lights, for the evening-time Lights; that we might bring consolation and faith to the waiting people that’s waiting for the Coming of the Bridegroom,

to dress a Bride in the Gospel of Christ,

for the Lord Jesus to receive”.


“We send greetings up in the mountains, Prescott, Arizona, to Brother Leo Mercier and his group that’s up there

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

We send greetings to those in Tucson, that’s gathered tonight,

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

Down into Houston, Texas, to those who are

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

Up in Chicago, to those who are

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

Up on the East Coast, New York and Connecticut, and the great groups up there, that’s

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

We don’t have room here to seat them, so we just have to send them the Word through the—the medium of the telephone. We send greetings to Brother Junior Jackson tonight, and his group down in Clarksville. Brother Ruddell, up on 62, and his group,

waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

And we’re gathered here tonight at the home church, the tabernacle,

waiting for the Coming of the Lord”.

In 1965, the last year of his life, he was still waiting for the Coming of the Lord.


“Watch what? After what? After the Message of ‘Come out of her!’ ‘After these things,’ watch, is the shout of the Bride saints, with the Bridegroom,

going to the Marriage of the Lamb.”

It is the Bride that produces the shout, not the prophet on his own.

The end-time prophet has to join the Bride saints to the Word by making them understand the written Word.

We cannot have faith in Scriptures that we do not understand.

The Trumpets have a compound meaning

The 7 “Trumpets” call the Jews back to Israel.

The “Trump” summons the Bride to the Wedding Supper in Heaven.

Donald Trump thus acts as a SIGN of the times.

65-1204 — THE RAPTURE

“Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout.

And the trumpet…

The same One, He, with a loud voice, He screamed out with that shout and a voice, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ See?

And the voice wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.

And the trumpet, ‘with the sound of a trumpet.’ And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets. See? Which, was a Pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the Feast of the Trumpets.

And, now, a trumpet to announce a calling together, ‘Come to the Feast.’ And now that is the Lamb’s Supper in the sky”.

 Two trumpets call an assembly and a journey for the Gentile Bride and then also for the Jews.

NUMBERS 10:2   Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.

Two trumpets call the Bride to the Wedding Supper in Heaven. The two trumpets are William Branham restoring us back to the teachings of Saint Paul.

The Bride members gather together by coming back to the revealed Word. The last age assembles together with the first church age beliefs. Then comes the resurrection and the Bride will take their final journey from earth to Heaven as they are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

At the same time, Moses and Elijah begin their amazing supernatural ministry that calls the 144000 Jews to assemble back in Israel. They journey back from all over the world to meet their Messiah in Jerusalem. They will believe the same as the Bride did.

The spiritual feast, for the Bride and the 144000 Jews, is to believe the same as the first workers in the first church age of the apostles.

The restoration of the last church age Bride to the beliefs of the New Testament apostles. Then the awakening of the 144000 Jews to believe the same Bible truths.

The 7 Thunders utter to the Bride, and to Moses and Elijah.

The Bride gets supernatural power to change their bodies and be raptured.

Moses and Elijah get supernatural power to interrupt Nature.

Two groups hear the 7 Thunders.

63-0318 — THE FIRST SEAL

“That’s right. And I believe that, through those SEVEN THUNDERS, will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith”.


“Is that really them SEVEN THUNDERS, fixing to utter out something, that the little group that is gathered together will receive a Rapturing Faith, to go in the Rapture when He comes? ‘For we’ll be changed,’ as quick as those Angels come, ‘in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and shall be caught up together with those that had sleep, to meet the Lord in the air.”

“Wait till them SEVEN THUNDERS utter Their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand It there, It’ll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens. They can shut this, or do that, whatever they want to. Glory! He’ll be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth, is sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to”.

Elijah called for a 3½ -year drought in the Old Testament.

Moses called for a plague of flies in Egypt.


“Now, the seventh angel's Message is to open the mystery of the Seals,

calling the eleventh-hour Gentile workers to receive the same pay that the first hour workers got”.

We must believe like the early church.

The seed that is harvested at the last is the same as the seed that was first planted by the apostles.

The harvested seed is pulled off the dead plant. The Bride is harvested when they are caught up to Heaven. Pulled off from the world and church systems that die spiritually by rejecting the revealed mysteries of Scripture. Then these people will die physically in great Tribulation as the Roman Beast and the Catholic-controlled  American Beast kill them.

When the harvest is over, cattle (the beasts of the field) enter the field to eat the dead plants.

When the Bride is caught up to Heaven, the beast will destroy most of humanity.


“My mission, I believe, to the earth, is what? Is to forerun the coming Word, see, the coming Word which is Christ”.

John the Baptist revealed Christ as a Man walking amongst men.

William Branham revealed Christ walking in His Word as he revealed the mysteries of the Word to us so that we could understand what is written in the Bible.

“Now, I want you to know this is sure, and you that listen to this tape. You might have thought today that I was trying to say that about myself, being that I was packing this Message. I have no more to do with It than nothing, no more than just a voice. And, my voice, even against my better judgment; I wanted to be a trapper. But it's the will of my Father that I declare to do, and determined to do.
I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared.

I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect they are; I'm only one that's NEAR when He does it. I was only a voice that He used, to say It. It wasn't what I knew;

it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me, it wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was the manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God.

The angel was not the Son of man;

he was the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ;

He is the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man; a man, his words will fail. But you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man”.

When discerning thoughts, then God spoke through the voice of brother Branham because brother Branham did not know people's thoughts. He did not know what he was saying when he discerned people’s thoughts.

But for the rest of his preaching ministry, this did not apply as he knew what he was saying.

64-0614  THE  ODDBALL

“That's what the Angel told me, ‘Get the people to believe you.’

And if I tell the Word of God, it ain't ‘believe me,’ it's ‘believe the Word.’"

63-0630   THE  THIRD  EXODUS

“for they can hear plainly the God's Voice, calling, through His Word

...  Listen to the Bible, the Voice of God

calling to you in this day”.

The Bible is the Voice of God. Brother Branham is not the Voice of God, he is the voice of the seventh angel that we can listen to on his recorded sermons. Or read on the internet or in books.

62 – 12 30   ABSOLUTE

“And we know, Lord, that we are finite.

No matter who we are, we're still mortal. But, not the messenger, but the Message.

Grant it, Lord.

That's where we point, to Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Grant that He will be so real to every one here today, even to the little children,

that He will become the absolute of the entire congregation”.

62-0727  WE  WOULD  SEE  JESUS

“Therefore, I believe the Bible to be the absolute truth of God,”


“Now, we're going to speak just a few moments on ‘The Authority Of God's Word.’

Now, every Word of God is a written, sworn authority.

It's the absolute right of the believer to accept this as the infallible Truth, because it is God's Word.”


“Kind heavenly Father, we approach Thee to thank Thee for this written Word. To realize what a supreme sacrifice has been paid that we could have this Word tonight... It's the most persecuted Book in all the world and yet the greatest seller of all literature that was ever written.

It's the absolute one Book that every Word is infallible”.

63-1110  HE  THAT   IS  IN  YOU

“Believe all the Message. Believe That. If it isn't written in the Bible, then don't you believe it.

But if It is in the Bible, then the Holy Spirit that's living in us is duty bound to perform that if we believe It.

I know it's hard. See, nothing comes easy”.

65-0801   THE  GOD  OF  THIS  EVIL  AGE

“… so that the peoples that has believed the Message

that the Lord Jesus has given me for this hour, might know what's taking place,

and placing it in the Scripture”.

 If you think that you have learned something from the quotes, make sure that you can prove that point from Scripture.

62-0627  WE  WOULD  SEE  JESUS

“And now, in the Message that I have, I will try to make it just as simple as possible, because being the first time that you... Maybe people has been in the meetings. And it may seem a little strange to you at first. And if it does, I just ask you if you'll bear with me a little (See?),

and always search out what I say. If it isn't exactly with the Scripture, don't believe it”.


“And how will the Messiah…the people that’s believing Him know it, unless they’re constantly in the Word, to know what He is!

Daniel 12:10 said, ‘The wise shall know [understand]; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn’t know. They shall know their God.’

Now, now,

how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word,

so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That’s why this has to happen.

It wasn’t in the reformers; wasn’t in Luther, Wesley, and—and the Pentecostals, and them. Scripture says it wasn’t.

But it will come. That is His promise for this age.

We’re living in the age that His Coming will be in”.

1964 and he speaks of the Coming in the future. Thus, Jesus did not come in 1963.


“Lord, we’re together tonight as one unit, believers,

waiting for the Coming of the Messiah.

We pray, Heavenly Father, that You will send Him soon for Your Church”.

In 1965 he was still waiting for the Coming of Jesus.


“And Christ’s Bride has to be identified with Him, for the two are One; and He is the Word, not the denomination. The Word! We are to be the children of the Light,

and the Light is the Word which is made Light for this age.

How do we know Light except It comes from the Word? All right.

The Word made flesh is the Light of the age; when you see It, and the Bible said so”.

The Word made flesh has a compound meaning.

Christ, the Man, was the Word made flesh. Jesus is the Head.

But the Bride is the Body of Christ.

When you see the Word it means you understand what is written.

So, when you understand the Bible verses, the Word is made flesh in you. 

The Word has to become flesh in the bodies of His Bride by them understanding Scripture.


“Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That’s why this has to happen.

… Stay right in That and just keep walking with It, watch It unfold and reveal Itself”.

As we understand a Scripture, the Light moves on a step to reveal the understanding of another Scripture.

Only if you are strictly Scriptural will you recognize the resurrected saints, because they will be strictly Scriptural.

LUKE 16:31  And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23