A Greater Witness than John

1 Thank you. Thank you very much. Good evening, friends. Very happy to be here tonight, and to enjoy this wonderful message (as much as I heard of it), of Brother Toms. And I know he's a servant of the Lord God, because he has proved it ever since I have knew him. And so we're very happy for this message, and I hope that it's went straight home to every heart.
And now, Brother Toms, also, he is a missionary to the natives in Africa. And I think they're making arrangements to giving him an offering of a, (at least, I asked for it) for his native mission over there. After being there, myself, why... Of course, knowing just what it really means to be a missionary, I think the type of mission as Brother Toms has, is really the correct type.

2 See, the first thing, the native is just a little suspicious of the white man, when he comes, to begin with. But Brother Toms has the idea that the Lord gave years ago. One time, I was reading a little book from a mission field, and there was a picture of an old colored man, a little white rim of hair. He said, "White man, white man, where was your father?" Said, "I'm old and dull at mind; I'm just learning of Jesus. If I would have knowed Him, I would have took Him to my people." That struck me. "If I would have known Him when I was young, I would've took Him to my people."
Now, that was right. See, the first thing, the white man can't even go where the natives can go. He can't live on the same things. And I thought, Get the natives saved, and let the natives do the missionary work, himself. That's what Brother Toms does.

3 And at Johannesburg, the day when we had thirty-thousand converts that afternoon, after seeing... Wish we had time to tell you the story of it. When the man, healed, walked like a dog, and led by a chain. And when the Lord Jesus began to reveal things in the audience, everyone...
Doctor F. F. Bosworth (many of you know him), he estimated twenty-five thousand healings at one time. Twenty-five thousand got healed at one prayer, when they seen it. And thirty thousand got saved at the same time. And I said, "Now, don't wait until some missionary comes from America." I have all respect for them, but the thing of it is, friend, little David Livingstons isn't no more. It's got to be somebody get out there.
And what they... As far as theology, why, they believed on their idols, and so forth, and just merely a change of thought, but when they see God moving in His power, that's what changes the native. And I said, "Don't wait for your education. Go on out and tell your native friends that Jesus died for them."

4 And I got a piece out of a Durban paper, that one man, who didn't even know which was right and left hand, was baptizing as many as a thousand a week: natives, out in the jungle, out in the field. That's it. He didn't even know which was right and left hand, but he knew that he'd got healed, and Jesus loved him, and he was telling his native friends. Taking them right down to the water and baptized them, just as they come. So, that is wonderful.
So, while you're supporting ... or, helping in this offering for Brother Toms for his native missions over there, I say with all my heart, I think it's a worthy thing, a very good thing. God will bless you for your help in giving to it. Brother Toms never asked me to say this. I just said it, because it's worthy of everything that we can give to help it out.
And now, I didn't know whether... Brother Beeler, have you ever been introduced here? Here is Brother Beeler, sitting here. He's taking tape recordings, I think. Estel Beeler, a veteran of this last war, he got hurt overseas, hand blowed off. And he came home, gave his heart to the Lord Jesus, very consecrated man, an evangelist. He's my neighbor, my buddy, chum to me; his family, his wife, a very, dear woman. When Brother Beeler first was born again, and received the Holy Spirit...
If I get it wrong, Brother Beeler, why, I don't aim to. I think I'm right. Your wife, she belonged to a certain church that didn't believe that? So, Brother Beeler just let her alone, just went on, kept praying for her. And one night, in the night (she couldn't make it till morning), she had to wake him up, and there she got right with God.

5 You know what? That's a good thing. You just be salty; God will produce the thirst. If you ... you just be salty. Brother Beeler, would you stand up, just a moment? Brother Beeler is a personal friend of mine, an evangelist, a very dear brother, Brother Estel Beeler. And I think his wife and babies are on the ground here, somewhere, very good friends. And usually, I have to preach when I come in, I don't get a chance. God bless you, Brother Beeler.
Now, to someone else: Here is a friend of mine, Brother Leo Mercer. He's from up in Michigan. And he comes from that badger state, I believe, up there. 'Course you can be forgiven for that, you know, from being from Michigan. And a very fine boy, him and Gene Goad, another chum, bosom friend. I call them my students. They're missionary boys, studying for missionary. They come along in the meetings, and take tape recordings, and so forth.
You boys stand up just a minute. Two fine, Christian brothers. This is Mr. Mercer, here, and this is Mr. Goad, here. And these fellows here come along and take tape recordings of the meetings. And they get their things cheap enough, that they don't ... if anyone wants a recording, to find out just what's taken place, see these men. They have them here, and if you have a tape recorder.

6 Brother Woods: I don't see him nowhere. Yes, he is sitting over here. Now, Brother Woods is a very personal friend of mine. How I come to meet Brother Woods: He was at the Houston meeting when this picture was taken, when the Angel of the Lord came. And he's a contractor. And he's a little short of money, so a fellow had a barn to fix, so he run, fixed the barn for him, got enough money to go to Houston.
And what he had, he had a crippled boy. His leg drawed up under him. And I didn't know him; he's just sitting in crowds many, many times larger than this. So we went on up east, and Brother Woods just followed us up. And one night while his faithful wife, who is with us tonight, the book salesman; and the boy was sitting out in the audience, praying. The Holy Spirit turned around and told the woman all about her. Told her she had a son sitting there, was crippled. But said, "Thus saith the Lord, he's healed."

7 The boy is on the ground tonight somewhere, just as nimble, and is no more a cripple than any of the best walking people there is on the ground, not a sign of it nowhere. God healed him, and made him well. Brother Woods, just gave up his contracting business, goes with me, just to fiddle around, sell books, and help me. And besides that, he moved over in Indiana, and bought a place right next to me, and we're really chums. Brother Woods, would you stand up, just a minute? Brother Woods. I don't know where his wife is. She is probably out at the bookstand somewhere.
And the boy is here, somewhere. David, where're you at. Would you stand up just a minute, son? A boy that was crippled, his leg drawed up under him. I wonder if he's standing on the ground, somewhere now. He's probably running around here. He and Billy are quite chums. I don't see him just at the time. But we'll have him come up, and maybe walk up to the platform. He's bashful, just a little country boy like myself, and he's kind of backwards. So he's around here, somewhere though. Had his leg drawed under him, and the Lord healed him instantly. So, we're thankful for that. Isn't He good to us? He's worthy of all the praise, and everything.
Now, Brother Arganbright: I have never seen him yet. I don't know whether he's ever come yet, or not. And Brother Jack Moore, I don't know ... if they're in the crowd, I hope they stand up, 'cause I've been looking for them for some time. They're both supposed to be here, two or three days ago, and so we're looking to see them, anytime.

8 Now, tomorrow night... How would you like to have a night just to have a relaxation, and let our minister brothers help us pray for the sick? Would you like that, everybody? And just let you see that the Lord God, He answers prayer for the ministering brothers, too. And we... It's not only evangelists that comes in and prays for the sick; God will answer prayer of any sincere person that'll pray.
I always like to have a night when the preachers is represented. After all, when an evangelist leaves town, if he keeps the congregation around himself, well, then what's the poor pastor got when he leaves? The people will think, "Well, the pastor, he's just..." Remember, he's just as much man of God as any evangelist, or anything else on the field if he's a real, true man of God. And we like to see them represented here, and to let you see that God answers prayer for them.
I was just thinking, coming home last night, or... They let me stay just a little long, last night, and Brother Woods and Billy was apologizing way into the night, nearly twelve o'clock, about doing it, and staying a little long. It's something another, I can't explain it, friends, I wish I could. There's no need of even trying it. But, it just, seeming like, you're way up, about a million miles in the air, then you drop back down to the earth again, all at once, and that's an awful feeling. But what does it denote? There is a higher realm that we can climb into. We're going higher someday.

9 And they was telling about something another about... Now the meetings, to me, the only way that I know them, is someone to tell me, or to pick up one of these tapes. I get these tapes also. And they're set for references of each meeting. Then I hear the tape over, and I hear how the service went. But, to me, it's a dream. And then, there's something another about a colored man, or something another, laying on a cot, or stretcher, or something, walking.
It just reminded me of sometime ago, at Dallas, I'd been over to Dallas for a meeting... Just a short word now before we call the line. I'd been over to Dallas for a meeting. And well, on the road back, the airplane got caught into a storm, and I had to land at Memphis, Tennessee. And they'd taken me up to that big, famous hotel there, which myself... It's a good thing the airlines had it, 'cause I couldn't stay in that hotel. It was (I forget), Peabody Hotel.
And so, they told me they'd call me the next morning, give me a room in there, to stay all night. And they'd call me the next morning, so that I could go on ... time to catch the plane. So, I said, "That's fine." And I went upstairs, went to bed after praying a while, wrote some letters.

10 And the next morning, I got up early, and way before sunup. And they told me the plane was going to leave at ... the limousine would come by and pick us up at eight o'clock. It was about six-thirty. I thought, My, I got plenty of time, I'll slip down, mail this post that I've got here, and put it away. And then I'll go on down, catch the limousine, go out and get the plane, and go on home.
And I started out that morning. I had prayed quite a while, got up early. After a meeting, kindly nervous and shaky, all tight, you know, from visions, and so forth. Just show you the sovereign grace of God.
Then going down the street, I was going down the street singing one of those little songs that you Pentecostal people sing. Oh, what's the name of the... "Glad I Can Say I'm One Of Them." I believe that's it. Yeah. "People all got in the upper room, filled with the Holy Ghost, and He did for them that day, He'll do for you the same." Do you know it? Well, that's the song I was trying to get it in my mind. I was going down the street, singing it to myself, you know. "The people gathered in the upper room, and all one accord, and was praying. And Jesus came in power," something. And I was trying to get it all fixed out.
I started across the street. And when I started across the street, the Holy Spirit said, "Stop a minute."

Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

11 I thought, Now what? So, I went, started to cross it again, something just kept me from stopping ... or, crossing. I turned into one side there, in a little, old place where there's a bunch of posts like, like this, and I was praying. I thought, Lord, what would you have me to do?
He said, "Turn and go back, and just keep walking." That was just as plain. Not just in your mind; I heard it. And there He was, that light, whirling.
So, I just turned and went back. I walked on past the hotel, walked on and on and on and on, and I kept on walking. I looked down at my watch; it was about ten minutes till eight. I just kept on walking. He just said, "Walk," so that's all I knowed to do, was keep walking.

12 I got way down on the river, down where there's a lot of, kind of, poor people lived down in there. And I kept on walking a little farther, and farther. I thought, My! I got down into the colored district, just kept on going down along that way, way down in the lower parts there, somewhere, walking along.
After awhile, I was kind of humming a little song, to my... "Only believe, all things are possible, only believe." I looked hanging out over a little, old, colored person's house, there, was kind of whitewashed. Had a gate there; there's an old, typical Aunt Jemima with a ... with a man's shirt tied around her head, and she was leaning across the gate, like this. Oh, probably as far out as that poles there. I just kind of humming. And as I seen her looking at me, I just quit humming, started to pass by. Her big, fat cheeks, you know, and she was wiping the tears out of her eyes. She said, "Good morning, parson."
Well, I looked at her, and I said, "Ma'am?"
She said, "I said, 'Good morning, parson.'" Now up in Tennessee, a preacher is a parson. I don't know whether it is, with you colored folks here, or not. But she said, "Good morning, parson."

13 And I stopped. I said, "How did you know I was a parson?" See, I thought, Isn't this strange? Something began to move. Maybe this is it, what the Lord wanted me to walk down for. So I said, "How did you know I was a parson?"
She said, "Why, parson," said, "when I see'd you coming," she said, "I knowed you was a parson." And she said, "Did you ever read that story in the Bible, parson, about the Shunammite woman who couldn't have any children; and Elijah, the prophet, went and blessed her, and she had the baby?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am."

2 Kings 4:14 And he said, What then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no child, and her husband is old.

2 Kings 4:15 And he said, Call her. And when he had called her, she stood in the door.

2 Kings 4:16 And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid.

2 Kings 4:17 And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.

14 She said, "Well, I was that kind a woman." And she said, "I prayed to the Lord," and she said, "and I told the Lord if He'd give me a child, I would raise it to love Him, and honor Him." She said, "I's a wash woman," she said, "I wash for a living."
She said then, "You know, when my baby got to be a man," said, "he's a big boy," said, "he got out with the wrong company, parson." And said, "He took a horrible disease." And said, "I didn't know it." And said, "He got so far gone, until the doctor-man says he can't live no more." And said, "He's in there, in the house, and he's been dying since yesterday." And says, "He don't know where he's at, and he's just groaning." And said, "I just can't stand to see my baby die." Baby; a hundred and eighty pounds, about. Said, "I just can't see my baby die."
But remember, that was "baby" to her, to a mother. That's right. No matter what you are, or what you do, it's still your baby, if you're a real mother.

15 And so, she said, "I just couldn't stand to see my baby die in that condition, knowing that I had promised the Lord to raise him to serve the Lord." And she said, "I prayed all night, last night." And she said, "I said, 'Lord, what can I do now?'" And so, said, "The first thing you know, I went to sleep, and I dreamed a dream." And said, "I seen a man coming, with a tan suit on, wearing a tan hat." And said, "The Lord said, 'Here's my parson.'" And she said, "That was about three o'clock, when I woke up." So she said, "I been standing here ever since, a waiting for you."
I believe I got transposition on this, maybe. [Brother Branham refers to a squeal in the public address system.]
And said, "I been standing here since three o'clock, a waiting for you."
Well, when I went over there, that poor, old thing was still wet on her back, where she'd been standing out there.

16 And she said, "I been waitin' here since three o'clock, to see you." Said, "When I seen you coming down the street, you was the same man I saw it in a dream, and I knowed you was the parson." And she said, "Won't you come in?"
And when she opened up the gate, little chain hanging to it, and I walked into that little, colored person's house, that morning... There was no rug on the floor, just a little, old, iron bedstead. But I tell you, if I ever walked into the presence of God, I did there. There was no pin-ups on the wall. There was a little picture hanging over the door, saying, "God bless our home." Clean!
And I looked around. Laying on the little, iron bed, was a great big, husky fellow. And he had the quilt in his hand, like this ... a blanket, rather. He was going, "Hmm, hmm, hmm."
And I said, "What's the..." I said, "Good morning, young man."

17 She said, "Parson, he don't know nothing." Said, "He hasn't knowed nothing for two days." Said, "All he talks about, he says he's out in a big, deep sea, and it's all dark, and he's lost." And she started crying. And she said, "If I could only hear him say that he was saved," said, "I'd be willing to give him up."
And so, I said, "Well, has the doctors..."
Said, "They can't do nothing for him, parson. He's too far gone." It was syphilitic. And said, "It's too far gone. It's done eat his heart out, holes through it." And said, "There's nothing to be done for him."
I said, "Auntie, do you know what my name is?"
And she said, "No, sir. I's never seen you before, till I dreamed about you."
And I said, "My name is Branham." I said, "I pray for the sick. Did you ever hear of me?"
She said, "No, sir, I never did."
And I said, "Will you pray with me?"
She said, "Yes, sir."

18 And when we knelt down there, that morning, in that little, old, humble home... I've been into four kings' palaces, praying for them. King George of England; and Gustav, and so forth. I've been in some of the best homes there is in the nation, but I never was any more welcome than I was in that little shanty, that morning, when she made me welcome.
I knelt down on the floor; I looked over at her. I said, "Auntie, would you lead in prayer?"
She said, "Yes, parson."
And a prayer that would make the hair stand on the back of your neck. To hear that poor, old, sainted woman, those big, black cheeks, and the tears running down, how she pleaded out to God. "God, don't let my baby die. Let me hear him say one time that he's saved. Lord, and his mammy, will be satisfied."
I thought, God, bless her poor, old heart.
She raised up, and began to wipe her eyes. I felt his feet cold, and sticky. He kept going, "Hmm, hmm!" Said, "Oh, it's so dark! Hmm!"

19 And so, I knelt down, laid my hands over on the boy's feet. And I said, "I'll pray now, Auntie." And I said, "Heavenly Father, here it is after nine o'clock; the plane's done gone." I said, "And I don't know, you told me to come down here, and the only thing I know to do, was to walk. If this is the place that You've sent me, I pray that You'll hear the prayer, and will answer for this poor woman."
And you know what? He began to go, "Uh." He said, "Mammy, oh mammy!" He said, "It's getting light in the room." And in about five minutes from then, he was sitting on the bed, talking to us.
And I hurried out, called me a cab, and got back to the hotel. And you know what? I rushed over to the airport, real quick, after getting my ... and the plane was just making its first call. God, for that poor, illiterate, colored woman, grounded that plane, and left it and held it there until her prayer was answered. I tell you, God in His sovereign grace, He's God. Oh, my! Thousands of those things could be told tonight. For that poor, ignorant, colored woman, He stopped and grounded a plane in a storm, and held it there.

20 About six months from then, I was going back to Phoenix, Arizona, and I was on a train. I pulled in at Memphis. Any of you here from Memphis, you know how the train comes in, going westward. I got out, and started to walk up that way, to get me something to eat. Too high, to eat on a train for me, so I started up there to get me a hamburger, up at the stand. And when I got out, I heard a red cap, run over, said, "Hello there, Parson Branham."
And I said, "Good morning."
He said, "You don't know me, do you?"
I said, "No, I don't believe I do."
Said, "You remember that morning you come down, led by the Lord, and prayed for a boy that was dying?"
I said, "You're not him."

21 Said, "Yes," said, "you know, I ain't sick no more." And said, "I's a Christian, now, Parson Branham." Amen. Oh my! "I's a Christian, now."
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now I see.
... grace that taught my heart to fear,
It was grace, my fears relieved,
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed.
Amen! Shall we pray.

22 Heavenly Father, I think of what will it be, someday, after we've crossed the portals of life, over on the other side. To see Japheth's people, Ham's people, Shem's people, all gathered around the throne. Hallelujah! Then, to be sitting in His presence, walk up and down through the streets of paradise, and meet these dear people that we've had the privilege of meeting here on earth, and how we'll tell the story. Oh, what a time!
The harvest is ripe, Lord, getting late, sun is going down, time is running out. We must preach the Gospel now, pray for the sick, call the altars of the Lord, widen them open and let the sinners run in, be saved. For we don't have much time to work now. It's getting late.
Now, Heavenly Father, we thank Thee, tonight, for the blessing that's been brought to us by our brother's message. And we pray that You'll sink it deep into every heart.

23 And now, as we call the prayer line, I ask Thee, Heavenly Father, that in Thy mercy and grace, that You'll do something tonight, the exceedingly abundantly. And give us a great outpouring of Thy blessings. And may all that's unbelievers, become believers tonight. May those that are backslidden, become saved. And those without the Holy Spirit, be born again of the Spirit of God, and every sick person made well. For we ask it in His name. Amen.
Oh, how wonderful He is! No wonder "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, hasn't entered the heart of man what God has for those in store that love Him." And I... Just think: It's three more nights I've got to leave this lovely bunch of people, after tonight.
Just got a call, a while ago, all the way from Sidney, Australia, to get down there, right at once. But, you know, I wish I'd sometime come back and stay a month, for a revival. Just keep a going, preaching, and moving on.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

24 Now, there's a bunch of prayer cards, I believe. Where is Billy? What was the ... where's... Oh, here: R? All right, we got prayer card R's, gave out tonight. Look on your little card; it's just a little affair.
By the way, I never prayed for these handkerchiefs last evening, and I want to do it tonight. And then I will tell you, maybe, tomorrow night when we have more time, just on what to do about these, how to send to a place and get them.
Now, it's a little card, something like this here. And on the back of it, it's got a R. And then, it'll be one to one hundred. Now we can't get all of them up here on the platform; wish I could. God knows that. But I can't.
And anyone coming up, doesn't mean they're going to be healed. It's just that... This is not a show, now. It's not a stage show. It's a religious meeting see. The Holy Spirit... But it's a vindication of the presence of the omnipotent and omniscient God, that's in His presence, doing the same thing that He did.
Is there any newcomers here, for the first time? Let's see. My! Just look. That's what ... see? Each night, it ought to be explained how, that the Lord Jesus...

25 Let me read just a Scripture, before we call this, then, just a moment. Here's one right here, turned right to it. In Saint John, the 5th chapter, and let's begin at the 33rd verse:
Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness of the truth.
But I receive not the testimony from man: but the things that I say, that ye might be saved.
He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to walk in that light.
But I have a greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to do, and to finish, the same ... that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, has borne life of me...

John 5:33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth.

John 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.

John 5:35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

John 5:36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

John 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

26 Now, think of it: What did Jesus do when He was here on earth? What He did when He was here on earth... If He had... He died to save us, then returned back in the Spirit form. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He did not claim to be a healer; He only claimed to be able to do what the Father showed Him, by vision. How many Bible readers knows that's the truth? The Bible. That's good, see.
Jesus said in Saint John 5:24:
Verily, verily I say unto you...
After He'd passed by a great multitude of people: lame, halt, blind, and withered. He healed one man, laying on a pallet. Might have had a prostate trouble, or something. I don't know. Something was retarded; he had it thirty-eight years. It wasn't going to kill him. But He healed him, because that God had showed Him to go to that person. The Scriptures plainly states that. And He said He knew where he was, knew he'd been in this condition all this time. Walked away and left the multitude. He was questioned.
That's when He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in himself, but what he sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise."

John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

John 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

John 5:5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

27 When Philip found Nathanael, brought him back to show him that he'd found the Messiah, he thought. When he walked up into the crowd, Jesus looked out, and said, "Behold, there's an Israelite, in whom there's no guile."
Said, "When did you know me, Rabbi?"
He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
He said, "Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel."
So did the woman at the well; He told her what her sins was, and so forth. He's the same Lord Jesus, tonight. I believe that. And now, by the brother preaching the Gospel, declaring that He is. Now if He will come in His august blessings, and come around over us, and will declare the same, that He is risen from the dead, then we all ought to receive Him. Don't you think so? And all ought to worship Him.

John 1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!

John 1:48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.

John 1:49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

28 No matter... Many of you probably will be called up. And let's see, let's begin somewhere... What was that now? What was that letter? R's, R's. All right. Excuse me.
Let's start from 75 tonight. Just see ... we've ... we been starting 1's, and 15's, and 20's, and 50's, and... Has anybody got R-75? Raise up your hand. Your little card, R-75. A lady has it right out there, I believe. All right. 76, who had R-76? Would you raise your hand? Anywhere, up in the balconies, or wherever it may be. R-76, raise your hand, right quick, if you will. Thank you. Come. 70 ... 77. All right, lady. 78, R-78. Would you raise your hand, right quick, if you will. 78. All right. 79, 79, 80.
Who has 80, 80? All right. 81. All right. 82, 83, 84. Let's let them kind of get... You see, the reason I call them one by one, everybody just jams the aisles up. And we have to kind of let them get lined up. 84, now, let's see. All right. 85, who has 85? All right, lady. 86, 86. Do I see it? 86. All right. 87, 88, 89. All right, brother.
Ninety, 91, 92, 93, 94. All right. 95, 95, yeah, I see that. I'm sorry. 95, would you raise your hand a little higher, wherever it was? 95, prayer card... All right. 95, 96, 97. All right. 98, who has prayer card 98, would you raise your hand? 98, would you raise your hand, ever who has 98, please? I'm sorry. 98, 99, who has prayer card 99? Would you raise your hand? The lady there, 99.
One hundred, who has prayer card 100? Would you raise your hand? Prayer card 100.

29 Look around. It might be somebody that can't get up. It might be somebody that's deaf, and if there is... Ever who has 100, prayer card, 100... Say, I got about, a whole group here, haven't we? I don't know that I will be able to get to them, but I will try my best, with all my heart. All right.
Now, while the Lord bless, and add His blessings to the people, may His august presence be with us. Now, if some of the brethren, the ushers, will help out there... Have you got all your cards yet, Billy? No. All right. Look around on them prayer cards, look around, search around. Some of you brothers, help look on some of these cards here, see where if... Look around here, look around in the aisles, and find out.
Seventy-five... Do you have one, sir? 75 to 100, 75 to 100. Yeah, we want to get them in, 'cause they might be deaf, or something, and they can't get... All right. If they're, if you see someone with that, just tell one of the ushers, and let them get somebody, if it's somebody deaf. Thank you, Brother Toms, that's good. All right. Now let's pray, just a moment, if you will.

30 Heavenly Father, now look upon us, Lord, for Thy blessings. We ask that You'll forgive us of our sins. The great drama being set, Lord, now. And we look for You to come.
Lord God, here is Christian people, here is people who would literally lay down their life freely, tonight, for You. They love You. They've come through great toils, and troubles, and tribulations. They've tried, through years, they've contended for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. They believed that they'd live to see the day coming. Many of their fathers and mothers have fallen asleep, waiting for this day. But, Father, they've blazed the road. They've taken the stumps, and pulled back the briars. Now, their children are running happily, down the highway, enjoying these blessings.

31 Now, Heavenly father, we pray that You'll come tonight. Great Jehovah God, send the Lord Jesus, tonight. And may Him, in His resurrected power, move now, and declare that He has raised from the dead; that these people might know, that our faith is not in vain, our hopes is not in vain, that He's here, literally; the Lord Jesus, resurrected from the dead, doing the same things as He promised that He would do in His church until He come again.
Forgive us of our many sins. And help us tonight, Lord, as we set our faces to Calvary. May the Angel of God come and anoint Thy servant, and anoint every servant in here. And may my lips be circumcised and my eyes be circumcised, to speak and see the things that You want me to know. And may every heart and ear be circumcised to receive. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

32 Now, before we start, just on the handkerchiefs.
Heavenly Father, the handkerchiefs are here for sick, needy, people; maybe some little, old mother and dad, laying out there in a little cabin, tonight, blind, can't see across the floor; they're waiting for this handkerchief to come. Some mother, walking the floor, with a baby in her arms, waiting for the handkerchief to return. God, You know all about it. Now, they've brought them to me.
Now, in the Bible days, they brought to Saint Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, for they knew that he was Your servant. That they might take off of his body, handkerchiefs, and aprons. They were sent to the sick and the afflicted, and they were healed.

Acts 19:12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

33 Now, Father, we know, we're not Saint Paul, but we know that You're still Jesus. And it wasn't Saint Paul, at all; it was You, Lord, and the people's faith in Your servant. And now, Lord, we bless these handkerchiefs. And as they're laid upon the bodies of the sick, may it be the same as when God gave this promise. It's not man's promise; it's God's promise.
And one time when the Red Sea had Israel cut off from the promised land, the writer said, "God looked down through that pillar of fire with angered eyes, and the Red Sea got scared and moved back, and Israel went on to the promised land."
God, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick, may them eyes of God look down through the blood of Jesus, tonight. And may the enemy that's binding the sick people that these handkerchiefs represent, may he get scared, and move back. And may the people move on, towards the promised land, with good health, and strength. For, it's promised by the Gospel and our Lord Jesus Christ. For we ask it in His name. Amen.

34 All right. Got them all now? What say? All but 100, number 100. If anybody finds the prayer card of R-100, would you bring them to the line. Look on somebody who maybe can't raise up, or somebody may be blind and can't get in, or deaf and can't hear. Look around at your neighbor's card, as we minister. You have it? That's good. All right. That's very fine. All right. Prayer card R-100. That's very fine. All right. Does that make all of them now, boys? All of them? Everything okay? All right. Bring your patients then.
O God, have mercy!
Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I take every spirit, around here, under my control, for the glory of God.
And to you out there, who has not prayer cards, no way for you to get up here without prayer cards, and wants Jesus Christ to heal you, would you raise up your hand? Just look, everywhere.

35 Now I say this, if He comes, in His anointing power... See, it isn't... I don't do this; it's nothing I can do about it. You're the one who does it. It's your faith that does it. This is just a gift. When God wants to show me a vision, He just comes down and picks me up, and shows me the whole thing, how it's going to be, and then I come tell the people, and that's just what happens. It never has failed. I'm forty-six years old; it never failed, not one time. Ask anybody, that you ever seen.
But now, you, yourself, you are Christians, and you pull that gift out. See. It isn't me; it's your faith that does it. If you don't have no faith, there's nothing can be done. It's your faith that operates the gift. Just like Christ, when He was here on earth, He was... This little gift to me is just like a little spoonful out of the ocean out here. And Christ was like the whole ocean. But remember, the same chemicals that's in that spoonful, is in that whole ocean full, you see. It's just not as much of it, see. So that's the way a gift of God is.

36 Now it's your faith that operates the gift. The woman touched His garment, Jesus never said, "Oh, I..." No, He said, "Thy faith has made you whole," see. Your faith does it. It was her faith that did it, and it's your faith that does it.
Now, to this woman here, God might not say one thing to her. Now, is there anybody ... everybody along that line, here, strangers to me? You standing here? If you are, raise up you hands, everybody that's strangers to me. That's all the way down the line. How many out there is strangers to me? Let's raise up your hands, everywhere. Now, I don't know a one of you. The only ones that I know in this audience tonight, God in heaven knows, is just what I've introduced, besides my boy here. That's the only ones that I know. But now, God knows every one of you. Now, in the supernatural realm, may the Lord grant His blessings, is my prayer.
Now, sister, if you ... just come a little nearer, this way, if you will, just so I can keep you out of line of other people. You are a human being, but yet, you're a spirit, too. If you didn't have no spirit, you'd be dead, see. So, every time, when you see an automobile going down the road, that automobile is operated by a spirit represented in a body, see. Now, I'm not dealing with your body; I'm dealing with the spirit. Like when life goes out of a tumor, I'm not dealing with that growth tumor; I'm dealing with that life in that growth. It's a separate life from the person who has it. Or a cancer, or a cataract, or whatever disease it is.

Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Mark 5:34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

37 Now we're standing here, as two human beings, never met in our life, before. Perfect, total strangers to one another. And you're standing here, as a woman; me, as a man. A very beautiful picture, to begin with tonight, like our Lord Jesus and (not taking His place, I mean that He's here, you see) and the woman at the well of Samaria. Not that you taking her place, but it's just a man and a woman standing, talking. Now, He talked to her for quite a while, until He caught the conversation, till He found out what was wrong with her. Found her spirit, and then God showed Him what was wrong, and He told her.
He said, "Go get your husband.
She said, "I don't have any."
He said, "You've said well, 'cause you got five. And he who you now have, is not your husband. In that thou saidst well."
And she said, "I perceive that You are a prophet." She said, "I know when Messiah cometh, He'll do these things, but who are you, as a prophet?"
He said, "I'm the Messiah."
So, that was the sign of the Messiah, then. It's the sign of the Messiah, today. And if He would come here, now, in the person of you and I, and would come in our body, and would perform the same thing He did to that woman at the well, would you believe it would be the sign of the Messiah? Would you accept it that way? Would the audience accept it that way: the sign of the Messiah? Now, may He grant it, for His glory then. For His Word's sake, see. Not that we're worthy, but for His Word.

John 4:16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

John 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 4:19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

38 Now, the lady, standing here, talking with her, just looking at her... She don't have to answer me; I'd rather she wouldn't. But just to catch her spirit, get her single, 'cause it's coming from everywhere. But, the Lord may not say one thing to me about the woman. She realizes she's in His presence. She knows it's not me. That feeling that she has right now, that's moving on her, as that cloud settles between her and I, she knows that that's not a man. She knows it only can come from God.
And now, I want you to look this way, lady, and just believe with all your heart. It's the only way I have of helping you to know more of the Lord Jesus. Not knowing what you're here for, knowing nothing about you, but God does know.
But as the lady begins to notice, she is suffering with a tremendous nervous condition. And that nervous condition is very, very bad. Now I see her trying to hold onto things. She drops things all the time. She's having spells of ... gets worse on her, at times, and especially in the middle of the day, look like, when she's trying to wash dishes or something, she's dropping them. But the trouble of it is, she's ... her trouble is in her back. It's her spinal condition, that's making her trouble.
And the woman also is suffering with something that... Yes, she's conscience of it. She has tumors. And those tumors are located on her breast. That's the truth, isn't it? Now that wasn't me talking then. That's me, now, but that was Him, whatever He said. You believe Him with all your heart? Then come here just a minute, so we can pray.

39 Our heavenly Father, I lay hands upon this poor child, and rebuke the enemy that's doing this evil to her. May it come out from her, and leave her, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Go out of her. Amen. All right, sister, look this way. If you knew what was in your life back there... You're a witness of that. Was that true, every word true? All right. This is true, too. Go out of here, rejoicing and happy. It's left you. Now go rejoicing; you're going to be all right. Don't worry no more. Have faith in God. "Don't doubt, but believe with all your heart, ye shall have what you ask for."
Now do you believe that Messiah, the Lord Jesus, has raised from the dead, and His presence is here? You believe it? All right.
Now, this lady, here, I suppose, maybe, she's perhaps a stranger. I guess we are, aren't we, lady? We're strangers to each other. I do not know you. I've never seen you in my life, but the Lord Jesus knows all about you.
And you are... I see you ... another woman standing way behind the woman. It's the same woman, only she's younger. And she's suffering with something like head... It's a migraine headache. You've had them for a long time. And I see a woman that's in a horrible condition. It looks... It's another woman. It's a friend. No, it isn't; it's your sister. I see you, as a little girl, come up, playing. And now, she's laying in a place where, looks like it's a hospital of affair. And she's all bound up with a black hang... spirit; it's demonology. She's suffering with demon oppression in a hospital. "Thus saith the Holy Spirit." Now you believe with all your heart?
Our heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, may our sister receive that which she's come for, as I lay hands on her, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. God bless you. Go rejoicing. All right.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

40 Would you come, lady? Oh my! Now the whole kingdom of the world belongs to the Christian. All things that's in His kingdom belongs to you. He gives you all things, freely, by your faith. Amen. Have faith and believe now.
Is this my patient? All right. I want you to look to me, just a moment, lady. We're strangers, I suppose, to each other. And we do not know each other, but the Lord Jesus knows us both.
Brother, you're sitting there, praying: the big man looking at me, with the white shirt on. Because you know that there's a spirit of death laying there near you. But you believe, and are praying that God would turn me around and show and talk to you. And you, in your prayer, made this promise: if I would talk to you, you would accept your healing. That's true, isn't it? That's right. All right. You're suffering with heart trouble, aren't you? If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, go and be well. God bless you. Your faith make you whole. Give God praise and glory. Have faith.

41 All right, lady. You believe, now, with all your heart? Now, you're suffering... Around you, closing around, seems to be a great, dark spirit, which is tremendous nervous condition. You've been bothered with it for some time. Now I seen you got a fall. And you hurt your knee ... your knees. That's what you want me to pray for, is your knees. And you are a Christian. And I see you going into a church. It's a Full... It's Assembly of God church. You belong to the Assemblies of God. Come forward, now, for your healing.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I condemn the devil that's did the evil to the Christian. Come out, Satan. I adjure thee to leave the woman. Amen. Go on your road, sister, thanking and praising God. Amen.

42 Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? All right. You believe me to be His servant? I'm so thankful for that, that you do. All right. Now I want you to believe that the Lord Jesus is here, and knows you, knows me, knows all about every condition. And I'm just an instrument in His hand. I've never seen you, know nothing about you, but God knows you.
The first place, you're not from this city. You've come from the north, coming south. You've come from a city called Atlanta. And you're just outside of there. And you're a woman preacher. That's right. And you're suffering with a bladder trouble, and a female condition. And it's left you. You return to your city, happy, praising the Lord. Have faith in God. Don't doubt. Believe, for all things are possible to them that believe.
[Break in tape.]
You're the patient, are you? All right. We're strangers to each other... [Gap in the audio]... Mrs. Brown, and you've come from a street called Monument Street, and it's 302 Monument Street, Augusta, Georgia. Return back now to your home, thanking God and being happy, and you can be made well.

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

43 Heavenly Father, I bless the woman, in the name of the Lord Jesus. And may she go, and receive that which she's asked for.
Let's say, "Praise be to God!" Now, have faith. Believe with all your...
Oh, it's a woman; there's a deaf spirit on the woman. Bow your heads, everywhere, will you, till we can get [unclear words].
Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, author of everlasting life, and giver of every good gift. We do not desire of Thee, our heavenly Father, miracles. For it is said that, "A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after such." But we desire, Lord, relief for Thy children. And we believe that Thou art here.
And the Scripture is written, that, "When the deaf spirit went out of a man, he could hear." And I pray Thee, Father, not for glory of self, but for the glory of God, that this deaf spirit come from the woman. Hear the prayer of Your servant, Father.

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

Mark 9:25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

Mark 9:26 And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

Mark 9:27 But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.

Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

44 Now, Satan, you who deafened the woman, I charge thee by the Lord Jesus Christ, that you leave her. Come out of her, in Jesus Christ's name. Let every head stay bowed a minute.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Say, "Praise the Lord!" Now raise up your hands; praise the Lord. Hear me all right now? All right, now you raise your heads. Now, praise the Lord. Here's your hea... Your thing gone; you don't need them any more. Go off the platform, rejoicing. Let's say, "Praise the Lord!" Thank the Lord. The Lord Jesus being made merciful. You believe?
Just a moment. You've been awfully sick, haven't you, lady?
You have a cancer, don't you, sir, sitting right there on ... next to the end of the place? You believe? This woman does, too. You believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? You believe it? You believe it, too? Raise up your hand, then.
Almighty God, author of life. We condemn this devil, in the name of the Lord Jesus. May it go from them. Come out, Satan, in Jesus' name.
God bless you now, lady. The dark streaks cease to be. Go on your road rejoicing, and be happy. God bless you.

45 Would you come, my brother? Do you believe? You believe that God will make you well? You know I don't know you, but God does know you, doesn't He? You believe that God will heal you of this diabetes, and let you go home and be well? All right. You may go on your road, rejoicing, and thanking the Lord Jesus.
Come, sir. Heart trouble's nothing for God to heal. He can make you whole any time. You believe it? All right. God bless you. Go on your road, rejoicing, saying, "Thanks be to God." All right.
Would you come, lady? Do you believe? You believe God can heal you of this kidney trouble and make you well? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it." Then, on your road, rejoicing, saying, "Praise be to God." In Jesus' name.

46 Do you believe, lady, with all your heart? What's you come... You got many things the matter with you. A thyroid trouble, for one thing. But the main thing you come, because you're stiffening up all the time, with arthritis, and you want God to heal you. Isn't that right? You accept it now? Then go on your road rejoicing; it'll all leave you, and you'll be well. Let's say, "Praise the Lord!" [She says, "Praise the Lord!"]
You have a lady's trouble, for one thing. You've had it for a long time. But one of the great things that's the matter with you, or closest thing to taking your life, would be a heart trouble that you're suffering with. You believe that God heals you now of the heart trouble? That's right. Then go on your road rejoicing, saying, "Thanks be to God who gives it."

47 Now, it's the same thing: heart trouble. Now you believe that God will make the child well, and you well, too? All right. Go on your road, you can have just exactly what you've asked for. Let's say, "Praise be to God!"
Dad, you believe that old stiffness is gone, you go on your road, happy, rejoicing? God bless you. Just keep moving, and shouting the praises of God, and have what you ask for.

48 Come, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that God is here? You believe that His presence is near? You're a mighty young woman to have this. That's right. But what's caused it, it's because you're a nervous type of person. You're upset all the time; you're nervous. And it's caused you to have a stomach trouble. And it's got a peptic ulcer, which caused you to have acid in your stomach, and so forth: burns, and your food don't agree with you, you're restless at night. That's exactly right.
You've actually been nervous since you was a child, ever since you was a little girl. When you was in school, you used to complain about it. And you've been just a little near-sighted, too. When you read your book, you hold it right close to you, in school, when you was a little girl. Those things are true, lady. Now, you're healed. You believe now with all your heart? God bless you. You go on your road rejoicing, now, and be happy. God bless you.

49 Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? I'm a stranger to you. But there's a hospital waiting for you, to take that tumor out. But do you believe God can kill it right now? I lay my hands upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and ask God if He will do this for you. In Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you. Go, and may you never have to be operated. All right. Do you believe with all your heart?
How do you do, sir. God can take that kidney trouble away from you, right there. Do you believe it? You accept it? You believe you're in His presence? You believe that's Him that lets me know that? Then go on your road, and you can have just what you asked for. God bless you. May the Lord bless you, my dear brother.

50 All right. Come. Would you come, sister? You have a lady's trouble that bothers you, but the main thing that's bothering you now, is heart trouble, because you're having smothering spells, and things like that. And especially when you lay down, after eating a whole lot. Caused from a nervous condition, which is not a heart trouble. It's a nervous condition. It's causing the gas back up, on your heart. You're going home now. You believe you're going home, and eat, and be well, and all right? You believe you're going to be well? Then, go on your road rejoicing, and thanking the Lord Jesus for ever letting you get well, and be healed.

51 Would you come, lady? You know, it's kind of a hard thing, that woman there, 'cause you was standing in front of her, see. And there's something wrong with her. I don't remember now what it was. But I seen you, and it was told her about eating. Because it was a stomach trouble. It was you that had the stomach trouble. So, you just go on your road, and eat what you want to. Jesus makes you well; and believe with all your heart.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord!"
What if I told you you was healed, while you was sitting there, would you believe it? All right. Go on your road rejoicing, and saying "Praise the Lord," in Jesus' name.

52 Come. You believe, lady? You got an abscess, and that's on the female gland. You got a female trouble. And you believe Jesus makes you well now? In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask it to leave. Amen.
Let's say, "Praise be to God."
Now, would you bow your head, again? Here is deafness hanging at the woman.
O God! Not able to hear; but Thou can do all things. She can't hear the message, so "Faith cometh by hearing." That's why I stop her, Lord. Not for any other purpose, but that faith might be known, that, "Faith cometh by hearing. And if they can't hear, how can faith come?" So, I pray, God, that You'll give me this special blessing at this time, to cast away this evil from my sister.
So, Satan, upon the basis of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, as His representative, sent by an Angel, ordained so, to come and do this, I adjure thee, in the name of the Living God, that you come out of the woman.
How long has he been a hold of you? Hear me all right now? You're perfectly normal and well, see. Hear me all right now? What's [unclear words]. You hear me? Amen. Amen. Perfect. God bless you. That other trouble left you, too: the lady's trouble.
Oh my! What's a female trouble to God? Why, He can heal you right there. Don't you believe that? In the name of Jesus Christ, I condemn this devil. You're healed, sister.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

53 Let's say, "Praise the Lord!" Do you believe Him? Have faith.
My boy is hitting my side, so I know it must be close to time. Do you believe with all your heart? Got high blood pressure. You got heart trouble. The woman behind you has the same, both high blood, and you're husband and wife. Go on your road home, and get well. Believe. Are you believing?
Who is that lady going through there, just then? There's a light following her. No, it isn't. There's a little lady looking at me, there, standing right out here, looking at me. A little, pink, looking dress of affair. You're suffering with asthma. You believe God will heal you? Will you stand up, just a minute? All right. You got asthma ... or, you had asthma. Jesus makes you well.

54 The lady next to you, tell her to stand up; she's suffering, too. Just remain standing. All right. You suffer with a head trouble. Don't you, lady? All right. You can go be made well. Tell the lady next to you, to stand. Do you believe, lady? You believe God will make you well? All right. You can have yours, also, from high blood.
That man sitting right here. I see a man out here, worried about his boy. He is studying about a boy. That boy is some sort of a man... He's got cancer. And he's something, he's been a soldier. He's in Korean war, and the boy's got cancer, and he's backslid, and you're worried about him. Isn't that right, sir? Raise your hand and accept God, for the healer.
I condemn every devil, every unclean spirit, every devil of doubt. It has no right to hold these people any longer. And anybody that'll believe me, and believe that I tell you the truth right now, I condemn every unclean spirit and every devil of doubt. And I don't care what's wrong with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, stand up on your feet, give God praise, and you shall be healed, the whole group of you, right now. I pray in Jesus' name.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23