Prayer Line

1 ... little girl, and I pray dear God, that You heal her, this very hour. May the power of the Holy Spirit move upon, taking away the hay fever, and removing... in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen... You're healed, you believe so? Now, I believe you are. You may raise your head, audience. All right now? Try it again... she had... all right, you're all right now, Jesus healed you. God bless you, sister... All right, bring me the other patient...

2 She has two disorders, and she's deaf also. God has delivered her.
Almighty and omnipotent God, I pray Thee to be merciful to our sister, and heal her body. She's standing here suffering and also deaf. How hovering over her is demon... cut off the hearing to her ear. But Thou art here, to make her every whit whole. [Gap in the audio.]...

3 Thou deaf spirit... come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Leave the woman, through Jesus Christ's Name I adjure thee to go... I'm not yelling at you, but you can't baby demons... Can you hear? You hear now? You are healed. You can raise your head... Hear me? Say, "Amen." You say, "Amen" now? [Woman responds.] Can you hear me now? [Woman responds.] Can you hear me now? [Woman responds.] All right, you're healed. Your other disease cured, you're well. Go home and rejoice. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.

4 You feel that pressure that's been hanging around recently, the last half hour? Strong, there's bound to be an unbeliever in here somewhere. God have mercy on your sinful soul. I'd be gentleman enough to get up and walk out, wouldn't you? Now I would, before I'd hinder sick people. All right... [Gap in the audio.]

5 All right, listen. All right let's bow your head and be reverent...
Oh Jesus, the Son of God, have mercy upon this woman. Grant her healing this night. Thou demon, leave the woman in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I adjure thee to go... normal, your stomach trouble also. Hold your head up, eat. Go on your normal... cause you to raise your head up, raise your head up, all right... God bless you, sister. Everybody believe with all your heart now.

6 Bow your heads, everywhere, while a patient comes. Everyone in prayer. This woman... Oh, Oh, I see her crossed-eyes. Well, bow your head, and believe with all your heart. [Gap in the audio.]...
And I pray that You heal her, and make her every whit whole. Thou demon that bound our sister, I adjure thee, by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, leave the girl.

7 While you have your head bowed. You realize... Do you believe me? Do you believe that every word I said was... All right, I want you then to open your eyes, and slowly, when I tell you; and look towards me in the Name Jesus Christ, and your eyes will be perfectly normal. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask it, see... your eyes are straight. Now, how many fingers do you... how many fingers do I have. Her eyes come perfectly straight. Keep your heads bowed, everybody. Look out across that audience up there. Don't you doubt nothing. See those people? Look back there, you see those normally? See this man here? You know what's happened to you? You're healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. All you can raise your heads. There's the girl.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody. Everyone bow your heads, now bring the... Pray now, getting late, now everyone bow your heads. Stomach trouble. Heavenly Father... [Gap in the audio.]

8 Everybody believe with all their hearts? All right, now, bring her to me... eyes... straight... for you. Do you believe with all your heart?... I'm going to ask you to do something for me, while you have your head down, I'm going to ask God to bless you. I'm going... each other. Every cross-eyed person can be here, to heal. There's not been one pass this platform the eight nights that I've been here that I know of, but what's delivered. Even the one I sent to the same thing I'm going to ask you to do, that the audience might know, God is God, can heal.
Almighty God, as I lay hands upon this young lady, and bless her in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask these crossed-eyes to become straight. I rebuke this demon that's bound her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Keep your head bowed. Young lady..?... put your... down, would you put your hands up, crossed-eyes won't... Lord Jesus, I believe You with all my heart... we pray before we... you raise up your head and come back the platform a few moments, and be healed. Have faith, all right. You may raise your head now... How many believes that she'll have the straight eyes? I believe it with all my heart. Every strength, every ounce of strength that's in me, I believe it.

9 Everybody should have lots of faith now... talk to you just a moment... [Gap in the audio.]... talk to you now...
[Brother Branham steps away from the microphone to pray for the people and another brother says, "Everyone pray, as Brother Branham goes along these cot cases and wheelchair cases..."]

10 You have quite a bit of faith of the people on the cots and the wheelchairs and so forth... Trying to check over these people just a moment, down here in front. Sister, you there in the wheelchair, what do you think? You going to be healed tonight? Here, you believe you're going to be healed tonight? I--I know... my question, sure about... [Gap in the audio.]

11 Thou demon, I adjure thee by the Son of God, come out from her. Everyone just be reverent. Thou demon, that's bound this woman, I... In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, leave the woman. Come out, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Everyone keep your heads bowed... spirit... Keep your heads bowed everywhere... Have faith... All right, you may raise your head up. [Gap in the audio.]...
Thou knowest all things [Gap in the audio. A brother speaks for a few minutes.]...
Coming through the line, the Lord Jesus will make you well... All right, everyone bow your heads now, while we're praying... in the line... Everybody... appreciate... bow your heads, everybody.
Father, we thank Thee tonight for Thy mercy and kindness. We thank Thee for Thy healing power. And now may the mercy and power of Jesus Christ be made known unto this audience, through Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

12 Are your heads bowed... you accept it. I won't stop... How long have you been afflicted? Nine years, will you accept Him? You will? Do you think now that if I lay hands on you, that Christ will make you well? Is that right? This lady comes through, something stopped me really right quick, bound her back and her throat. And she says... cancer here, so, we're going to ask God, at this time. I think friends, that we ought to have the right-of-way night, that where ever the Lord will take us, stop at the people, and deliver them right here at the platform.

13 Don't you think that they got that much faith? [A brother speaks.]... the microphone now, and the Lord will deliver. Then if you go through this line, if you feel like that you're not healed and want to come through another line, you're welcome to come. Now I want you to believe. I want you to believe it... [Gap in the audio.]...

14 Here's a woman born deaf and dumb. I'm going to stop at her, just bow your heads... by the Lord Jesus. How many believes that the Lord Jesus sent me here to do this tonight?... All right, bow your... Now, remember friends, this is casting out evil powers.
Almighty God, Author of Eternal Life and Giver of every good gift. Send Thy blessings upon this woman to heal her. Cast out Lord, this evil power that's bound her. Realizing this has bound her ears and her mouth. And Thou art the only One Who can deliver her Lord. And I pray that You'll grant it this very night. Thou deaf and dumb come out of the woman in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

15 You that wheeled her up, have her to look at me... By the way, she has crossed-eyes. Almighty God, the Author of Life, and the Giver of every good gift, send Thy blessings upon this girl. It's the same spirit, believing that Thou art able to do this Lord, we... [Gap in the audio.] Father, I pray... thou demon leave her, in Jesus Christ's Name...
Now, while you have you're heads bowed, how many remember last night what I said about a deaf and dumb spirit, when it's bound down, like a--a... just like a transparent band around the hand? You remember that, say "Amen." That's what... are made of. This woman maybe never spoke to her in her life, she'd know nothing about it. Now I'd just have to... Everybody be praying. Don't be...don't be upset, think you're not going to get prayed tonight. I want to... early, and then she can go home and be healed, and be well...

16 As I lay my hands upon the shoulders... As my sister, I already know that the enemy has... I'm now claiming the sick. I'm now claiming the faith... In the Name of Jesus Christ, you can't hold this woman longer. The people believe... you come out of her in the Name of [Gap in the audio.]...
Daddy [The sister responds.] There it is, it's gone. Amen. There it comes, keep your head bowed... Daddy [The sister says, "Daddy".], Mama [Mama] That's what it is, learning to talk. Amen [Amen]... you can raise your heads. There it is, her eyes are normal. Ma--Mama [Mama]. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." There it is, you see that? God loves you, you're healed. Amen. Praise the Lord.

17 All right, everybody bow your heads now, everybody. Lord, heal our... ever who knows that woman there. Keep her back... the deaf and dumb spirit has gone from us, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ... You're healed. God bless my sister... in Jesus Name. God grant it... medical science... [Gap in the audio.]
Heavenly Father, as I stand here tonight holding this hand. Take this minister to the needy, the sick and the afflicted. I'm thinking of that... physician, Luke, that was with thy disciple. And our brother's arm has been paralyzed Lord, and realizing that there's nothing can help him, except God be merciful. Therefore Father, I'm asking with the sincerity of my heart that this man's arm may be restored. May feeling begin to creep into that arm, then may he be able to minister again to the sick and the afflicted. I ask this blessing for the Glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

18 Everybody... All right, everybody be reverent, the patient's loosening up now... walking up and down the platform here... there's your faith. Amen... [Gap in the audio.]...
Come back to me, wave your hand up and down, all right bow your head now and...
Father, we just ask that You heal her I pray Thee in Christ's Name, and for Your glory...
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Heal our sister in Jesus Christ's Name.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I ask it. God...

19 Poor, little girl with a stiff neck, born that way, paralyzed in the side of her neck, her mother said. Just a moment, let's ask the Lord... that's right Doctor, just keep sitting there like that, just believe with all your heart now. I believe Doctor, as certain as I'm standing on the platform tonight, you're going back... You're going right back to work.
Almighty God, I pray Thee to be merciful Lord, to this poor girl, standing here with this stiff neck, can't turn her head, has to turn her whole body... I pray that You'll be merciful and heal her. May the power of the devil that bound this child, loose her in Jesus Christ's Name. Now turn your head back this way, now turn your head this way. There you are! Now, that's fine, believe it? Now you can raise your head. Look this way honey, look over here to me. Look over here, there you are. Now look back that way... Let's say, "Praise the Lord."

20 All right, bow your head everywhere now, be prayerful. Got to hurry, there's a lot of people to be prayed for. [Gap in the audio.]
Have the ministers to line up here to be praying for these people as they pass down the platform, if you believe, everyone... In the Name of the Lord Jesus. Everyone being prayed for now, as you go through the line.
Remember the other night when I asked that lady to go sit down. The second night she was back here to testify. How many still remembers that say, "Amen." The lady's in the building now with the baby, and about forty-eight hours after she'd been prayed for, the eyes of the baby come straight. So will you, as you pass through here. Just believe. [Gap in the audio.]... []

21 Father, be merciful to this boy, wearing a vest with buttons. I pray God, that You'll heal him. Give him perfect hearing in his... back Lord. I ask Thee to be merciful to this boy. Thou spirit of infirmity, deafness that's going to try to cause this boy to be deaf and walk before a vehicle and be killed. I adjure thee leave the boy, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of him. Just be reverent now, just a little bit now. Vibrations still hitting his hand, that deaf spirit...
Almighty God, have mercy upon my brother. Thou demon, leave him in the Name [Gap in the audio.] Christ the Son of God; come out of him.
Just be reverent, the boy will be healed by and by...

22 Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on our brother. I pray that You heal his body tonight. If it by Thy will, send him out into the field Lord, to work for You. Fought as a soldier, now Lord may the Holy Spirit armor; send him against the wi... [Gap in the audio.] Heal him, in Jesus Christ's Name.

23 Keep your heads bowed, the vibrations left him... you're healed... full time since you've done that. You may raise your heads. The boy's perfectly delivered. You hear me, sir? All right, stoop yourself down like that, show the audience how you... You're delivered my brother. God bless you. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," everybody.
Everybody be in prayer. Everybody passed him now. God deliver our... [Gap in the audio.]

24 That this man coming here with trumpets in his ears, Oh merciful God, show Thy hand of power. Deliver our brother perfectly, Lord. Weak and rundown; Thou art here to make him well. Thou demon, I adjure thee to come out of the man, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the curse of God be upon you, you'll go where you belong. Come out from him... The man has... every vibration... You hear me? Hear me? You're perfectly well! You may raise your head up. Watch this. Can you hear me, sir? Say, "Amen." [The man says, "Amen."] Can You hear me now? You're all right, perfectly. Isn't that wonderful? Amen. Amen. God bless you. How many...
[A brother says that Brother Branham needs to take a rest.]
[Gap in the audio.]

25 Do you believe that He sent me to do this? You'll notify your people of the great power of God. God bless you, everybody bow your heads...
Almighty God, Your commission by the Son of God was "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." And we know that the Gospel is power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. And here's a lady coming from a... where Paul taught so many things. And I believe Father, that You're here tonight. You're among all people just as You were with Paul, back in the days of her forefathers, just the people has come on down this age. Thou knowest how that we're planning by Your grace to go shortly. Now the woman's setting watching the line pass through right here of the sick and afflicted, blind and halt. Seeing that tonight Satan is trying his best to hold, but he's losing ground. You're winning, Lord. Now we know that you're here, then the people might know that You are near with us. I am the servant, Lord. God, I've left home, and all that's dear to me on this earth to follow You. It's such a privilege I have of doing this. [Gap in the audio.]...

26 Just now, through Jesus Christ, by a gift of healing that was ministered to me by an Angel. You come out of the woman, in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Every vibration stopped. Just hold your head... Fear not sister, swallow that swallow of water in the Name of Lord Jesus. There she is, drinking the glass of water. She swallow it all right? Oh, come back on you? Pour that glass of water out, get me another. Lady, if I stand here till day break, the devil's going to turn your throat loose. The rest of you hold your peace... I believe that, I believe you're going to swallow that water... mouth, it comes right back... you about it, is that right? All right, may every person's head be bowed, and every eye closed. And I pray... [Gap in the audio.]

27 Come out from the woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I adjure thee. You might as well go. We're staying right here until you leave. So leave her in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And not one head move. Now... All right, He remains the Son of God. Thou demon, leave the woman. Yes, Lord.
See, when I put my hands on you it opens up. Everyone believe... I'm believing. I know that God is here to deliver... Keep my hands on, that's what works... in the power of faith. See, the laying on of hands. God grant it. That one went down and stayed down. [Gap in the audio.]...
That one went too, didn't it? So you can hear the microphone, that one went too, didn't it sir? Keep your heads bowed. Two drinks of water, keep taking it... time go along now, three years, two years.
[Gap in the audio.] Spirit, God takes His man, but never His Spirit.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” — 1 Corinthians 16:23